Forgive me...

By DramaKelly

104K 4.3K 2.9K

*SEQUEL TO PROMISE ME!* It's been five years since graduation. Five years since the incident took place... It... More

Chapter 1 - Rejected
Chapter 2 - Fight Me
Chapter 3 - Innocence
Chapter 4 - Aftermath
Chapter 5 - Gifts
Chapter 6 - Bullies
Chapter 7 - Kirishima
Chapter 8 - Picknick
Chapter 9 - Internship
Chapter 11 - Broken Spine
Chapter 12 - Mental Battle
Chapter 13 - Wonder Duo
Chapter 14 - Adoption
Chapter 15 - Happy End

Chapter 10 - Majutsu

5.6K 245 193
By DramaKelly


"I am here..! To pick up the phone!"

Katsuki groaned, slapping Izuku as he turned around in the bed.
"Yeah, yeah" the green head muttered, tiredly taking his phone. 'Which fuck decides to fucking call at 1am?!' the blond thought, covering his head with his pillow as Deku answered.
"Sorry to call at this time, young Midoriya, but you have to come to the station right away"

"All Might?" Izuku asked confused, rolling onto his back.
"To the police station..? Now?"
Kacchan frowned, laying on his side, looking at his boyfriend.
"It concerns a certain mind control villain you'll be interested in"
Deku's eyes widened and he sat up instantly, making Bakugou look at him with a surprised gaze.

"I'll be right there" Midoriya stated and disconnected almost immediately.
"What was it about? Why do you have to go so sudden?" Kacchan asked as the broccoli started to get dressed.
"An update on the mental bastard that violated me. Get ready, we leave in 5. And I'm driving"
With that Katsuki shot out of bed, following Deku's lead.

They hurried towards town, driving in a tense silence. Together they entered the station with a seriousness the officers never saw in person. The Wonder Duo was known to be always smiling, they didn't have any other public emotions. Well, it was known Bakugou could be quite angry but that wasn't the case right now.

"Where is All Might?" the explosive hero asked on a neutral voice. Izuku remained quiet, avoiding eye contact with everyone around him.
"Right this way" the man responded, guiding the two heroes to a glass room in the middle of the office. There was a wall full of pictures and names.

"Good, you're here" All Might stated.
"The police have investigated everyone who could possibly hold a connection to the attacks and has a quirk suitable to pull it off. Please, take a look"
Deku glanced up, letting his eyes travel along the faces of people he'd never seen before. All except for one. That woman...

"It's her" he whispered, shocking everyone in the room.
"Who?" Kacchan asked, his hand intertwined with that of Izuku.
"Her" Midoriya repeated, lifting his arm and pointing at one of the pictures on the wall.
"A-are you absolutely-"
"I never forget a face" Deku said, interrupting All Might himself.
"It's something I'm trained to do. Something I'm specialized in. That woman was in the park that day. She was watching"

"Why haven't you said anything before?" Bakugou asked confused.
"A suspicious person should always be reported, you know that"
"I wasn't aware that I saw her up until now" Deku whispered.
"But that face... I recognize her. She was definitely there that day. Besides, would anyone have believed me if I said anything back then? Everyone just thought I'd gone rogue"

"Hmm, her quirk is Voodoo" All Might's friend stated.
"With just a string of hair and a doll, she can control everyone she looks at"
"What's her name?" Katsuki asked, getting ready to punch someone.
"Majutsu, that's all we know at least"
"I want to know the instant you have a location on her, understand?" Midoriya stated.
"We're taking that bitch down"

"Young Midoriya, language!" All Might gasped.
"Oh please, do you know who my fucking boyfriend is? I can curse whenever the hell I feel like it! Come on Kacchan, we're going home. There is nothing more we can do here"
"You desperatly want to catch her, don't you?" Bakugou asked quietly as they walked back outside.
"She ruined me Kacchan! M-my reputation, my name... My life! Because of that woman, people are scared of me..."

Deku started crying, breaking down in the middle of the police station. Katsuki quickly wrapped his arms around the small broccoli and glared at everyone who dared to look in their direction.
"You want to stop at the 24/7 shop around the corner to buy some icecream?" the blond asked in a whisper, making Izuku nod.
"Alright, let's go" Bakugou sighed, keeping his arm wrapped around Midoriya as they walked out of the building. Izuku leaned into his touch, keeping as close to Katsuki as possible while walking.

"I love you" Kacchan spoke, breaking the silence.
"Don't let some good for nothing scum beat you down like that, okay? I was told Deku never gives up and always gets back up? Do you call me a lair?"
"N-no..." Deku choked out, trying to supress his tears.
"Good" he stated, pushing the door towards the small shop open.
"Same as always?"
Izuku simply nodded as Kacchan left his side to go to the freezer and get his ice cream.

"Rough night?" the cashier asked. Since he opened shop so close to the police station, he was used to heroes coming to shop at random moments through the night.
"Yeah... You could say that" Deku yawned, walking over to him and grabbing his wallet. Meanwhile Bakugou had closed the fridge and put a big container of icecream and a box of chocolate on the counter. Before Midoriya could ask about the chocolate, he noticed it were chilli pepper chocolates, Kacchan's favorite. Guess this was all taking a toll on him too huh?

"That'll be all" the blond said on a neutral voice as Deku paid up the right amount.
"Have a nice night" the cashier smiled as the couple left the store with their bag of comfort food.
"You too" Izuku said with a forced smile, waving him off. Katsuki grabbed the car keys from Deku and drove them home. Once there, they changed back into their nightwear and cuddled together on their bed while eating their food.

"I wish I could eat this stuff forever" Midoriya muttered as he put another big spoon of chocolate chip cookie dough brownie mix in his mouth.
"You'd get fat and ugly" Kacchan stated sleepily while munching on his chocolates. This earned a playful slap from Izuku and a 'glare', which was ruined by the fact he couldn't keep a straight face.
"I'd still love you though" the blond added, kissing the green head's cheek.

"Besides, I won't have any competition if no one is attracted to you-"
"Kacchan, stop~!" Deku whined, slowly hitting his boyfriend.
"I'm not fat or ugly"
"Nope, you're simply adorable" Katsuki smiled, kissing the smaller one once more.
"And you're mine"
"Well, you'll have to share me once we get the baby" Deku stated, his eyes instantly getting bigger.

"Oh my God! I didn't tell you! I was so excited but than I got all messed up because of those stupid bad guys on my way home and you scolded me a-and-!"
"Hey, hey, hey! Take a deep fucking breath and dial it down a notch or two" Bakugou hissed.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"The adoption center called! We're accepted!" Izuku squealed, hugging his boyfriend.

"That's amazing news!" Kacchan exclaimed, squeezing all air out of the smaller boy. Soon they were crying and hugging and telling each other how much they loved them while occasionally stuffing themselves with food.

"I should let Michelle know we're probably gonna be later today" Katsuki groaned, seeing it was almost 4am.
"Yeah... Good night" Deku smiled, kissing him on the cheek before wrapping himself up in the blond's arms.
"Sweet dreams..." he whispered, kissing the top of his head as they both drifted off into a peaceful slumber. Well, peaceful...

Deku soon fell into a nightmare. He was surrounded by the bodies of his friends, his hands covered in blood. His body was shaking, trembling. Before him laid Yaoyorozu, staring at him with anger and fear.
"This is all your fault! Monster!" she yelled.
"Villain!" he heard someone else shout.

That last one hit him hard. No. No! He wasn't a killer! He would never..! Through his tears, he could see Kacchan stare at him with that very same look in his eyes. Pure fear. No! This is not who Izuku Midoriya is!
"But that's where you're wrong" he heard his own voice say.

Suddenly there was a mirror in front of him. Everything around him had vanished. A dark black room with one white spotlight on him and the mirror. Only, it wasn't his image. I mean, yes, it was him, but it wasn't. He was wearing a black mask, a white button up shirt with a dark sleeveless vest on top of it. A small green bowtie and black skinny pants.

A wicked grin covered his face as he continued.
"Don't you see? It's in our blood..."
Thin strings appeared at his arms and head and the mirror vanished. There was wicked laughing as his body turned into that of a string puppet. A doll to be played with. Living a life that was out of his control. He saw her face, her hands holding all the strings.

"You're mine" she whispered on a sinister tone, making Izuku tremble in fear. He cried out, trying to break the strings, trying to cut the rope. No... No. No!
"No!" he screamed as he shot up from his bed, panting heavily. Katsuki was staring at him worriedly, already hugging his boyfriend as tears streamed down his face.

"Hey, ssh, it's okay..." the blond whispered, rubbing his back.
"I'm here, you're safe, it was just a nightmare"
"I-I'm a monster!" he cried out, falling onto Bakugou's chest.
"No, you're a hero" Kacchan whispered.
"I hurt all of you! I-I almost killed her!"

"Yaoyorozu is still alive, Deku. And on top of that, you were used. None of that is your fault"
"S-she's watching me Kacchan! She's keeping her grip on me, I-I can feel it"
"Majutsu?" Katsuki asked, making Izuku nod.
"She's here, in town, I'm sure of it"
"We can't say that just because you had a nightmare Deku" Bakugou stated, rationally thinking.
"No, this wasn't just a nightmare... I could feel her presence very clearly... I-it was petrifying..."

Shivers ran down his spine and Katsuki could see how serious his boyfriend was about this.
"We will find her and we will stop her, I promise you that" the blond whispered.
"Now, close your eyes, go back to sleep, try to relax, okay? I'm here with you, you're safe. She can't hurt you here"
Midoriya nodded along with what he said, trying to calm down. It was easier said than done though...

"You'll protect me, right? Promise me" Izuku whispered.
"Of course, always" Kacchan whispered.
"I'll do anything for you, you know that"
"I-I don't deserve someone like you..." Deku whispered, looking up at those orange red eyes he loved so much.
"I could say the same, nerd" Kacchan smiled, ruffling the green hair of his lover.

"We'll take it easy tomorrow and the day after we'll go to that stupid reunion to see those extra's again. If that's all done, we will solemly focus on that bitch that manipulated you, okay? We will catch her and we will bring her to justice but you can't let her control your life and live in fear Deku"
"I won't" the green head said and forced a smile.
"Now, sweet dreams my little angel" he groaned, kissing Izuku on the cheek before falling back in bed.

He instantly fell back asleep, making Midoriya roll his eyes. How typical... Deku laid down next to the blond, snuggling close to his body. As if on reflex, Bakugou got a hold of Midoriya's smaller frame and hugged him in his sleep. It made Izuku feel safe and cared for. A feeling he absolutely loved. He let out a small sigh before closing his eyes again. Majutsu won't get to him, not again. His mind was stronger than it was back then.

She wouldn't be able to lay a finger on him even if she tried.

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