My Demon Killer (Destiel Fanf...

By beezlepuff

1.3K 87 24

"Your time's up." He mocked, while sitting in the chair. "What?? That wasn't the deal we agreed on!" "Oh, bu... More

Chapter One~
Chapter Two
Chapter Three~
Chapter Four~
Chapter Five~
Chapter Six~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter Nine~
Chapter Ten~
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve-
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Fifteen-
Chapter Sixteen-

Chapter Eight~

62 6 0
By beezlepuff

(Murder P.O.V)

It's much more simple than most people think... Or maybe its because he wasn't like everyone else..

Of course it wasn't always like this. At some point he was.... What you call a human. He had feelings and a good personality. He was all about the Free will.

Then it was dropped. All of his goals were left for the person he cared the most. You see, he had one purpose. His purpose was to take care of the boy who became more important than anything else he'd ever been through. His purpose was to keep the boy breathing longer than him.

Then... Then he lost the boy. It was a man who had come in the dark, with a single blade he had taken away the life of this boy, the purpose was gone.

And he was angry.

"Come on you Sonuvabitches! I'M HERE TO MAKE A TRADE!"
He bellowed those words out of his mouth without hesitation and a black mist appeared, followed by a woman who seemed to appear from nothing. Her eyes were a bright red and a smirk was carved into her features.

"Oh is this interesting... A Winchester.."
Her voice almost shook with laughter and he held back the urge to stab this Demon with the demon blade tucked nicely between his jeans.

"You know why I'm here, bitch. I want Sam. Now give him back."

She let the laugh rip through the empty air.

"Oh you know that's not how this works, sugar. Make us an offer."

He tightened his jaw and silently wished his purpose a goodbye.

"Trade me for him."

Her eyes seemed to light up with a burning fire.

"I'll give you a year."


Sealed with a kiss. Sam was back. Healed and in shape.

He did what he did and paid a year later as promised.

Now he suffered with the fact he wasn't human. Those feelings he had were gone. The boy was gone. His purpose was nothing. Revenge. Is what it turned into.

Life is a game.

You play and wait for the outcome.
So he played. He gambled with the lives of the innocent and fed on their fear.

It's a simple game.
Make a deal
grant the wish
Take their soul and add a twist.

Benny was.. A human in love, so those detectives who say they're so smart.. They really aren't. He infact really did have his own pattern to the sick game.
Benny dealed with the twisted demon. He gambled love and it was granted, for pretty little Lisa to fall in love and promised a good ten years of happiness.
Yet he lied, the demon lied. It was in fact only meer days. A week at most before he took Lisa for some fun. He was smart about it and sent the tape from Benny's property. Something he knew the pretty blue-eyed agent would fall for.

Yet when he heard Benny was put into Interrogation and the man actually answered all the questions. He knew blue eyes was smarter than he assumed.

He became angry.. yet aroused.
Nobody plays with his toys, not even the agent with the good looks, but he did look quite good when attempting to lead the crowd.
Yet.. Something the demon never understood was timing. Humans seemed to have horrible timing if he was honest.
There was an incident In the process of dragging Benny's soul to hell. The cleaning lady decided to walk in and she was held to the spot. Fear and disgust coursed her system. This was about to become fun wasn't it? She didn't get to see the demon, he had used his dark magic to become an invisible entity to the human eyes. He watched her from the dark, but became enraged when she had the audacity to try and call for help.

This girl, this innocent lady was in the wrong place at the wrong time... But he was fast.
He made himself known before she could get the police and took her by the throat. Her human sent filled him and he almost moaned by the way she smelled so alive.

She couldn't speak. His magic working what it does best and brought her close to his face. Grinning at the fresh meat.

"Don't cry sweetheart, it's only a game."
He turned his head away from her and whistled for his pets.

Growling following the noise. Benny's soul was taken.

She fought and kicked, but he needed her alive.

"I need you alive, so don't worry."

That's how the agents found Benny two days after the incident.

A second example of mere bad timing was Sunday afternoon.
Meg, oh he couldn't just let her live and allow her to tell anyone about him. He had to get rid of her too!

Breaking into her home was easy, knocking her out was easy, but the footsteps he heard coming up the steps weren't expected at all.

He cursed under his breath and set her up neatly before displaying an empty bottle of pills. He became an entity.

To his great interest he witnessed the gorgeous blue eyed man come in and panic over this woman.
That was adorable.

The demon took a big sniff of the Agent's sent and groaned inwardly.
This is why he was attracted to him. There was something about sweet Castiel's smell that made him go specifically insane. He wanted to be as near as possible to inhale this smell. It was like a drug to him. Nothing has ever been-

"Fuck." He muttered from the corner. The demon watched as the agent took the girl in his arms and left the house.

He made himself known once more, pacing alone in the bedroom.

He couldn't waste time. He was back in his office, getting some paperwork done. This was also silly. Humans doing work to earn green paper and then proceed to live off of it?

An hour in and he received message from.. Oh just who he was waiting for.

(CASTIEL): I'm available now.

He smirked before answering.

(DEAN): Perfect timing, Novak. I'll send you the address of a small café and we can have a chat.


Castiel could at this point recognize that voice anywhere and his head turned to see Dean grinning at him with a cup of coffee infront of him.

The man was seated in the corner of the small café with his suit jacket placed behind the chair he was seated in. His white button up visible with the black tie around his neck.
He looked like a literal sex god as if he hasn't thought of that before. His golden hair rested perfectly on his hair.

"Hello, Dean." Castiel sat across from his, their knees touching slightly.

Dean's grin was in place. Hiding the content behind his reasons. Castiel's human smell filled his nostrils like they did earlier. He wanted to feel the agent. His mouth on the other's neck. A bliss he couldn't wait for.
Dean could tell how good the agent looked.

His navy blue button up suiting well with his eyes. It's something Dean had noticed the first time they met. They were pure, and full of something Dean once had...
Free will. And his lips, they looked so plush and pink. Soft, he remembered.
From their sloppy kiss at the bar. Definitely soft.

"Waiter." Dean flagged down the small woman walking by them.
She turned her attention to them with a smile,"yes, how can I help you handsome men?"
Her eyes were focused on the soft features of Castiel and Dean couldn't help but frown. In another world, he had already marked blue eyes.
Castiel avoided the girl's eyes and focused on the much more interesting green ones that lit up a fire in his gut.

"Order what you want." Dean nodded, leaning back in his chair.

"Um..No its alright."

"Come on, Novak. I insist."

The waiter waited patiently with her notepad and Castiel thought.

"A water please."

"Sure, hun." The woman wrote it down and was off.

"Really? A water?"

"Its good for you."

"Everyone says that." Dean grinned, sipping on his coffee.

"Because it's true." Castiel defended himself and Dean rolled his eyes.

"You know what else is true?"
Dean suddenly leaned into Castiel and the sudden close attention made Castiel nervous.

"What else?"

"How Beautiful your eyes are. One of your best features, but I don't think it's healthy for me to be staring."

Dean licked his lips, his eyes moving down to the other man's mouth. As a demon he could give two fucks about anyone staring. He'd pull Castiel by the shirt until their lips were met even if it was a public place.
But he didn't want to drive away the pretty boy, so he took it slow.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Castiel smirked, the little fuck.

The waiter came back shortly after and placed the cup down. It was an empty Café with its light dimly lit.

"So are you two a thing? Power couple?"

"Power couple?" Dean asked not taking his eyes off of the man in front of him.

"I mean you're both very goodlooking. I can imagine how others might be jealous."

Castiel chuckled.
"That's a very genuine thing to say, but we aren't together."

The woman looked shocked, so Dean rephrased.

"Not yet anyway."

Those words caught Castiel by surprise and he earned a wink from the green-eyed man.

"Well you both look like very important men."

"We are." Castiel nodded.

"What are you?" The woman asked Dean and he shrugged, "I'm a CEO"

Her eyes raised before she looked over st Castiel."

"I work with the FBI.."

"That's cool. Both of you must make a lot of money."

"I guess you could say that." Dean sighed.

"And you, mister. You must help a lot of people working with the FBI."

That seemed like a small blow to the gut on Castiel's end. His eyes moved away from the girl's face and focused on anything else.

"Yeah." He tried to muster it, but his attention was back on Meg.He had forgotten about the woman and now the thought was back.

Dean noticed the change in his mood. It was just the new odor he let off. His human smell let off a sign of distress and disappointment.

"Could we get the check please?" Dean asked and the woman didn't seem to notice the sudden mood change, she left.

Castiel checked his watch to notice the time had passed by way too past for his liking.

It's been at least an hour and he shouldn't be focused on this at all.

"I have to go, thank you for this lovely chat, Dean."
Castiel pulled a ten dollar bill from his pocket and quickly stood, making his way to the door.

"Wait, Cas!" Dean called, but stopped himself after.

Since when did he use Cas? A pet name? How gullible.

Dean groaned, and took the ten Castiel had dropped and replaced it with a twenty.

He passed the server on the way out,"Keep the change."

And then he found himself doing something he'd never done for anyone. Not even in his human years.

He was going after Castiel.
It didn't take long to find him either.

Oh- oh no.

Castiel was standing in front of a car which Dean assumed was his, and he wasn't moving.

Dean could feel the tense in the air.
He moved closer, trying not to come off sudden.
But he realized what it was soon after.

And holy hell was this bad.

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