Silvermist (A story about lov...

By Raesmile22

36.5K 193 70

5 Tennagers living together. They are not what they appear to be. With no parents and no rules things may get... More

Chapter one- The Vote
Chapter Three- I love Gym Class
Chapter 4- Doesn't everyone hate those awkward, embarrassing moments?
Chapter 5- Not What it Looks Like
Chapter 6- I Hate Surprises
Chapter 7- Things Just Couldn't Get Worse
Chapter 8- Pain Sucks
Chapter 9- Just as Friends? Yeah Right!
Chapter 10- Sander Jealous? Impossible!
Chapter 11-Suspended
Chapter 12- In a Daze
Chapter 13- Unexpected Happy Moments

Chapter Two-High School Sucks

2.6K 16 4
By Raesmile22

Hey here is chapter two for anyone who is reading this. i didn't get any cmments on my last chapter but thats okay. PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS CHAPTER. tell me if it's bad or good. i dedicated this chapter to iluvchocolate because she was my first fan!!! it's only right to give her props


Chapter Two-High school Sucks

It was early September but the air was already crisp, with a warning that fall was near. My window was open and that warning of fall blasted into my room whipping me in the face. Shivering I pulled the sheets over my head.

The five of us were living in an apartment for the first time. Jake had gotten a job at a local restaurant so we could now afford this three bedroom apartment. It had a small living room and a kitchen but it worked well and we were all proud to be living somewhere that didn't consist of us sleeping on the ground.

Jake room had two beds so he and Sander decided they'd share a room. Their bedroom was across the wall from mine. On the other side of the apartment Lexie and Bailey were also sharing a room. I offered to share a room with them but apparently I'm a restless sleeper. I talk too much in my sleep so they gave me a room to myself.

From under the covers I heard Bailey and Lexie out in the kitchen eating breakfast. I heard Sander and Jake get up across the hall both complaining about the cold. My door was closed but the smell of French toast still wafted in to my room and through the covers taunting me. I groaned realizing how hungry I was but reluctant to get up out of my warm bed.

I think I fell asleep again because the next thing I know Lexie and Bailey are both in my room screaming at me. "You have ten minutes to get up and get dressed!" Lexie yelled "You won't have time for food we'll grab something for you on the way out the door!" I groaned flipping off the covers to my bed. "We all thought you were getting ready." Lexie hissed "Bailey and I came in here to see that outfit took you almost an hour to put on!" Bailey gasped when I stood up and Lexie moaned with frustration. "Look at your hair! That's going to take at least ten minutes to look presentable for your first day!" Lexie said frantically "Bailey go tell the guys were going to be late!" Bailey quickly scurried out of the room leaving me wishing I could just run out the door with her.

"I swear Rae." Lexie said pulling me over to my closet "if this is some statement about how you didn't want to go to High School. I get it but now is not the time to make that statement!" I reached for my favourite grey sweater but Lexie slapped my hand out of the way "Don't you dare even think about wearing that today." She said giving me a murderous glare. She began digging to the back of my closet "Aha" She said pulling out a pink shirt she'd gotten me for my last birthday. It was berried at the back of my closet for a reason. There were three problems with this shirt:

1. It was Pink

2. It was Sparkly

3. It was PINK!

But I obeyed Lexie knowing the consequences would be worse, and put on the shirt. "Now your make up" she said guiding me towards the bathroom. I stopped and raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh yeah I forgot you don't wear make up. Well today you are!" Lexie said pushing me now to the bathroom.

I stared at her some more then said my voice still thick from sleep "I don't have any make-up."

"Wow. The girl actually speaks." Lexie said sarcastically "Oh, don't worry I have enough to share." I groaned as my last hope of maybe looking like myself went down the drain. Lexie straightened my hair while I did my best to attempt to put the mascara on. Lexie signed then helped me once she saw the sad result of my make-up when I was done.

Finally I was ready, Lexie grabbed me an apple off the table and we were out the door. Jake, Bailey and Sander's eyes all bulged "What did you do to Rae?" Jake asked.

Lexie smiled "I just brang out her true beauty." she said innocently. Self consciously I toughed my now straightened brown hair. I usually wore jeans and a sweater, my hair frizzy and no make-up. Lexie had flipped every aspect of my normal appearance making me look older than I appeared.

Jake was the fist one to reply to Lexie comment he looked at me and said gruffly "You look nice."

Bailey gave me a hug faking tears she whispered "Your a girl. An actual girl!" Causing everyone but Sander to laugh.

Sander gaze met my eyes but he didn't say anything. He just looked down and said quietly "Lets go before we're even more late."

It was nearly a half hour walk to get to school and by the time we arrived everyone was inside. We'd already left Bailey at the Jr. High as it was conveniently near the High School. Jake, Sander, Lexie and I found the office near the front of the school. Sander held open the office door letting us pass in front of him.

This year we'd decided wed use our real names, I think we were all tired of trying to remember each others fake names.

The secretary looked over her glasses that were perched on her pointy nose. I swore mentally realizing that we all had different last names but had come into the office all at the same time. I could tell Jake was thinking the same thing because he was shifting uneasily from foot to foot. "Can I help you?" The secretary asked in a bored tone.

Jake nodded "Yeah." he said "I'm Jake Summers. And these are my friend. Uh were late."

I secretary sneered "Clearly. Otherwise you'd be in class." If the staff was this nice I don't think wed be staying for long. "Names?" she snapped.

Looking nervous Lexie stammered "L-Lexie McNeil."

Calmly Sander then said "Sander Bolton.

"Rae Zero."

Hurriedly she shoved papers into our hands "Here are you schedules" she said then turned back to her computer. Curiously I glanced down at my schedule while walking out of the office. Math, English, Gym, French (Blah) and lastly Science. Today looked really boring. Sander and I had 1st and 4th period tighter while Lexie and I had 3rd. After finding my locker only stopping to throw in my coat, Sander and I walked to math. Personally I'd like to know who made my schedule because whoever but math first thing in the morning really must hate teenagers.

The teacher who answered the door introduced himself as Mr. Keller. He smiled at Sander and I then introduced u to the class "now tell us something about yourself." he said. What was I supposed to tell him anything but the truth. I could see the whole thing in my head if I'd told them oh yeah we'll my parents abandoned me when I was little so ran away with some friend. We lived on the streets but now were living in an apartment not far from here. Yeah that would go over real well.

Surprisingly Sander spoke first. "Uh, my father's a doctor and my mother's a publisher." A lie. But a safe lie, one that wouldn't be remembered and one that also wouldn't have many questions.

Sander then looked at me., giving me a look that plainly said, make something up, you can't tell them the truth. I nodded grinning slightly as I thought of something perfect to tell them. "I have four siblings who drive me up the wall." I glanced at Sander only to see his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I looked away from him into the faces of my classmates. Most of the girls seemed to be staring at Sander. One boy I particular was staring at me. He had short light brown hair and twinkling brown eyes.

The seats were assigned boy, girl, boy, girl. Mr. Keller stared at the class his eyes narrowing slightly. Looking down at a list of names he looked at me and said "Rae, you sit next to Jason. Jason if you would please raise your hand so Rae will see you?" The brown haired boy with the twinkling eyes raised his hand from the back of the room. He smirked slightly as I walked to my new seat. Sander sat a few desks over next to some girl named Dana. I couldn't help but notice Dana was watching Sander as intently as Jason was watching me.

"What!" I snapped at Jason feeling uneasy about the way we was staring. "Take a picture it'll last longer!"

Jason laughed" I'm Jason although you probably already know that. Heads up Mr. Keller can't teach math at all! He's good at science though."

"Thanks "I mumbled feeling like a jerk for snapping at him.

"So where'd you come from?" he asked. Great I thought sarcastically an overfriendly guy who lived to ask questions.

"Not important." I relied "So what are we learning in math?" I asked not really caring but desperate for a change of subject. He accepted the change of subject and started talking about fractions. Great just what I needed I hated fractions with a passion. Math would be so much easier if we just dealt with decimals instead of changing them into fractions. Even worse Mr. Keller introduced fractions and exponents. I hated exponents almost as much as I hated fractions.

"Open your textbook found I your desk, to page 715 and go questions 1 and 2." that didn't seem too bad until I open to the page and discovered that question 1 went all the way from 1A to 1R and question two from 2A to 2V!

I sighed a few minutes later when I still had a blank page. Jason looked over and seeing I still had nothing written down he explained how to do it. After his second example everything clicked and I was able to work on the questions by myself.

The bell rang just as I finished the last question. Sighing with relief I looked over at Jason and said with a smile "Thanks." he grinned back. Jason and I walked out of class together. Sander who was waiting for me outside the classroom folded his arms and scowled at me when he saw Jason and I together. "What?" I asked a little confused at why he was angry with me. Rolling his eyes at me he left me with Jason heading down the hall to his next class.

I walked to English lone knowing I'd have to face this period alone because no one shared English with me from Silvermist. As I walked into the classroom I saw to my surprise Jason was in my English class. "Rae!" he called "I saved you a seat." I little wearied out I went and sat in the seat he'd saved for me.

"How did you know I'd be in this class?" I asked him suspiciously.

He grinned sheepishly "Well last periods I took the liberty of coping you schedule down when you weren't looking. Quickly I grabbed my binder and found my schedule was in a different place then where I'd left it. Outraged my fist shot across the small space between our seats and collided with his nose. He gave a cry of pain. Without seeing if he was okay I got up to change seat only to have the teacher walk into the class and wave me back into my seat.

I sat back down and looked at Jason his nose was pink I already knew I hadn't punched hard enough to break it. A bit of blood was coming from his nose. "You're bleeding" I said coldly.

"Sweet." he said "I didn't think a girl could punch hard enough to actually draw blood."

"Let's see if I can disarrange your face." I hissed though clenched teeth.

"No thanks." Jason said his cocky grin slowly making his way back onto his face "I rather like the way my face looks."

"You saw my schedule so let me see yours." I said glaring. H handed me his schedule. He had almost the same schedule as me! "No!" I said a little too loudly.

The teacher looked at me "What is your name?" I told her and she glared further "Although you and Jason seem to be getting along, I'd like you to direct your attention to the board. After Class!" I swore under my breath I was going to miss my chance to find out what was wrong with Sander. Then he'd think I was just avoiding him when I don't have any reason to avoid him because I didn't do anything wrong.

I ignored Jason for a while and luckily he respected that. A balled up piece of paper landed on my notes I'd been taking. I unfolded it, Jason had written.

Still Mad

A little

I wrote back

I'm sorry I got you in trouble to make it up to you. I'll take you out for lunch sometime?

Before I could write back and tell him there is no way I'd go out with him, Mrs. Corley came over and snatched the not from my fingers. "This doesn't look like notes to me." she said then she began reading the note out loud to all the curious students in the class.

The class howled in laughter and Jason turned beat red making the whole situation that much worse. Stood up grabbing my thing quickly and started heading towards the door. "If you walk out of this room-" Mrs. Corley started but I quickly cut her off "I know, I'm going to the principles office. See yeah later." I said sarcastically. I continued out the door until I was jerked back when someone pulled on my arm.

"Don't go." Jason whispered. In front of the entire class he said that.

"Jason" the teacher snapped "You seemed, uh, involved in this situation you may accompany Rae down to the office."

"Okay!" he said cheerfully. Grabbing he books from his desk, I tried to leave him at the classroom so I wouldn't have to walk with him. But he yelled after me "Wait for me Sweet-Thing! " I stopped dead in my tracks, not because I wanted to wait for him but because I was to stunned and humiliated to move. Of course the entire class interpreted it as me waiting for him and the laughter started again. One boy in the back row wolf whistled.

Before I could turn around and tell Jason off he had linked his arm though mine, kissed me on the cheek and dragged me out of the classroom.

My shock wore off and before he could protest my fist collided wit his face for the second time that day. Staggering back into the classroom clutching at his now heavily bleeding nose. He said to the class while grabbing a handful of Kleenex "Sorry but she's feisty."

I took off towards the direction of the girls washroom somewhere I knew he couldn't follow me.


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