I Got You ~ C.B

By Tay_Angel_

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Alaska Rain has changed a bit since last time shes been to the USA. For starters she isn't a little sixteen y... More



3.6K 65 0
By Tay_Angel_

Sam then realises too
"Wait... where's Colby?"
Corey is shocked too
"Wait- Colby isn't with you?"
"I thought he went back to you?"
Corey is mad
"Are you joking?"
I raise a shaking hand to cover my mouth, terrified. We just left Colby alone in the fucking witches forest.
I try to think rationally about what happened
"Colby ran ahead and we saw something, I thought he stopped and was waiting ahead of us on the path. We went to check it out and heard that scream and ran back thinking Colby was either already here or right behind us. Fuck."
I feel tears prick at my eyes, and turn away from the camera to hide them. Corey is disbelieving again
"You left Colby!"
Jake denies
"He ran off by himself."
"What do you mean he ran off by himself?"
Sam states essentially what I said
"He literally ran and said he saw a shadow figure, we saw something another way."
Corey doesn't care, he mainly cares that
"Colby's in the woods!"
Which is good. That's all I care about too right now. Sam is getting defensive
"I don't know!"
"Right the fuck now?"
Sam calls again
I crouch, feeling panic taking over me. That's the last thing we need. Someone needs to be rational right now. Corey exclaims
"This is movie shit Sam!"
Sam tells him
"I don't know what to fucking do!"
I stand with Jake as he states
"We gotta go. We have to try and find him."
Corey then jumps to the worse case scenario again
"Wait- was that yell Colby?!"
I state, attempting to keep my voice even
"Don't fucking go there Corey!"
Sam tries to debunk it
"No no no- it's way to high to be Colby. But he's out there too!"
Sam's voice is wavering. Pure fear. Probably guilt too. I know I'm feeling it.
He tells again- to no avail.
"What the fuck do we do? This is serious- what do we do?
Corey asks again. I give the obvious answer
"We gotta go find him dude. At least get closer to where he may be."
Jake agrees
"Yeah, find him."
Sam suggests
"Let's put out the fire and find him."
"It's the only thing. What else is there to do."
Corey moves to do it
"Okay! Put out the fire."
He pours the whole jug of water over it as we continue to discuss the situation. Jake explaining
"We were running with him and then we saw something ourself and then Colby just kept sprinting Dude. He just kept going, he wouldn't even listen to us."
I can't do anything else right now besides yell for Colby aimlessly, that is until we head back out to start looking.

We come back twenty minutes later, nothing. No Colby. We followed the path for ages, nothing. And as much as we hated it, ended up turning back. Because what good would it be for all of us to get lost in the woods by wandering too far or going off track. As soon as we get back to the fire area, I do what I haven't done since my last crisis, and drop to my knees and pray. Full on pray. I know I'm crying. I can feel it, I have been for ages now. This is not how I saw my night going. We solemnly wait back around the fire, the boys sitting in the chairs, pacing every so often. I haven't gotten off this grass, praying profusely. I glimpse up again to see if my prayers are working, they haven't so far, but this time they do. I jump to my feet, my voice tearing hoarsely out of my throat
I sprint to him, my legs aching from the overuse of muscles as they pull and contract. The cold air whipping at my face. I reach him, engulfing him in my arms, shaking as I hug him. He holds onto me tightly for a moment before I grab his hand and start hauling him closer to the guys who are coming running now. Sam calling
"What the fuck happened to you?! Where were you?"
Colby is breathless as he explains
"I saw the shadow person again, he ran down the path."
"The same thing we saw?"
I ask. He verifies
"The same thing we saw. It ran down the path so I ran after it, I thought you guys were right behind me."
Sam denies
"We literally said to stop there's something else to our left."
"I did not hear you."
Corey suggests again
"Do you want to leave? We'll talk about this."
We head back to the seats, Sam questioning
"Did you hear the giant scream?"
Colby tells us
"I thought I lost you guys but I found the path immediately and just started walking back."
"We've been sitting here for five minutes."
I tell him
"You were still gone for nearly forty minutes though Colby!"
He sits down, pulling me onto his lap and looking over my face
"You been crying?"
I narrow my eyes and him and scrunch my nose
He smiles, kissing my nose. I get up, and get back in the seat beside him. Physically holding his hand so I constantly have a grip on him. Scared to let go after that ordeal. Colby begins
"Sorry if I scared you guys. But I swear to God, I saw something, and I thought you were behind me. That's why I kept going fast."
This is when Sam mentions what we saw. When Jake says his first thought was that it was a baby being hung, Colby squeezes my hand knowing how that would have affected me. They talk about it starting to move and sway. Sam states the obvious
"We cannot split up again guys."
Colby states again
"I thought you guys were right behind me. That's my fault. I- I take the blame for that. I should have waited up."
I deny
"I wouldn't say it's your fault and you should take the blame Colby. We all didn't really communicate. We were too caught up in it all. We just need to remember to stay calm now and think rationally."
He hums, hugging me to him and whispering
"I'm sorry for scaring you."
I gently punch him
"You should be, asshole."
He laughs, bring my legs over his lap again.
Then, as we begin to relax again, Corey claims he saw someone flash a light in the distance and wants to get in the car and leave again. There's definitely people here. I propose the idea
"Okay, let's just start packing up just in case so if something does happen we can make a quick getaway Okay?"
Jake tells us
"You all need to calm down you're freaking me the fuck out."
To which I retort
"Okay- stop eating your gummy bears and let's do something."
And despite the tension of the situation, we all manage a laugh. Either way, we're staying.

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