Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 9: God Of Mischief

342 14 2
By EmmalinaP


After Strange strengthened the enchantment, the spell has become even harder to break. I huff, feeling frustrated. Try as I might, it simply doesn't budge. I curse myself and begin to pace the room. I completely lost the element of surprise by saving that damn girl. What was I thinking? Why did I risk my escape just to help her? Now it's going to take me several more days to weaken the enchantment. And I'm certain Strange will keep a closer eye on me, now that he knows what I'm capable of. Why did I save that foul wretched human? She's clearly stark-raving mad!

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. My mind races trying to come up with an angle to turn this to my advantage. I saved her life, so she must trust me, I can use that. She seemed reluctant to release me, and yet she said she wants to help me. But I'm no fool, it's clear that she's just using me to teach her more powerful magic. I'll find out what her endgame is, even if I have to pry the truth from her cold dead lips.

So, she's a rule breaker, who's been hunting criminals down. Wildly unstable and out of control, but interesting nonetheless. As fascinated as I am by her vendetta and her unbridled rage, I've got to focus on using this to my benefit, which shouldn't be too hard. I'm suddenly jolted from my thoughts when I hear her bedroom door creak open. Kamilla appears in the hallway with a mop and bucket and silently begins cleaning the blood from the floor. As the humans say, you'll catch more insects with honey.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I prod politely in my most charming manner.

She ignores me and pulls a sponge from her water bucket and begins scrubbing the floor vigorously, the muscles in her thin arms trembling with exertion.

"You once told me that you didn't judge me for my past crimes." I pause and sit down in my doorway to get eye level with her. "I'd like to return the favor. If you'd like to vent, you'll get no judgement from me."

She huffs, eyeing me warily, but says nothing.

I smile gently, "I think it's rather amazing what you've been doing. Helping children, killing villains. That's quite an impressive resume you've got there."

"Someone had to do it." She mutters. I nod kindly and wait for her to continue.

"It's just the Masters, they have all this power, and they don't do anything to help hurting children. I didn't want to be like them, I just wanted to make a difference. Is that so bad?"

"Not at all." I say solemnly, "Humans can be so arrogant and single minded."

"Ha, you got that right." She sighs, "I just don't want children to suffer, like I-" She falters and goes silent.

"I understand. You wanted to defend the defenseless. There's no shame in that. Strange was wrong to scold you. You are clearly the only one here with enough foresight to do the right thing. They are all impudent fools, too blinded by their own self importance."

She finishes scrubbing the floor and stands up, lost in thought. Then stares past me, her eyes glazed, "I was nineteen during the decimation. I had just finished high school, and with half the population missing, I was desperate for any amount of power. So I searched for the Avengers, planning to beg Black Widow to train me. But none of the Avengers would take the time to meet with me, so I went to New Asgard and snuck in to see Thor. He was the only Avenger who was willing to talk to me and even though he was hardly speaking to anybody, he told me about the Masters of the Mystic Arts and where I could find them. So I made my way overseas to Kamar-Taj and begged Wong to train me and eventually he did. I was an excellent student, I learned magic very quickly and within a year I earned my sling ring. Soon I realized that I could use my magic for good and began hunting down the monsters who kidnaped children, and eventually I used the Scrying Orb of Agomotto to find out where missing children where being kept. Once I discovered their exact location I would hunt them down and kill their captors. Some of the children were kept in such bad conditions and beaten so badly it made me sick." She clenches her fists, her rage barely concealed. I make careful note of everything she tells me, my mind whirling with possibilities.

"I planned to take the kids to various rehab centers or to the police, but most of the time, they were starved and beaten so badly, that I had to take them directly to the hospital. People are such fucking monsters." She pauses to swallow, revulsion clear on her face.

"Anyways, I couldn't stop. Every night I wouldn't sleep; their faces would haunt me, keeping me up all night. So, I'd spend my nights research missing kids and criminals, desperate to find and save as many kids as possible. Over the last four years, I've built up quite a reputation for slaughtering criminals, and eventually they began calling me The Executioner. I was a rumor, a whisper in the night that sparked fear in their hearts. And I gladly hunted criminals down and slaughtered them one by one. Eventually I started missing lessons, because I was so tired during the day. And after my second year of training Wong told me that he wouldn't train me in advanced magic and that my training would stop completely if I didn't agree to see a therapist once a week. I agreed, thinking it was because I was missing too many lessons." She looks down at the ground and shakes her head.

"Of course, now I know why he really brought me to New York. He wanted to keep me close so he could keep an eye on me." She sighs, "Well, that's when things got really depressing, I was bored, I had nothing to distract me. So, I began to sneak into the library to learn more powerful spells, to learn things like astral projection. But that wasn't enough for me, I wanted more power, no matter the cost. I needed to be stronger, faster. Better. I naively hoped that someday I would become a Master or even join the Avengers. It was a dark time for me, but when I got caught looking for information about the Darkhold, Wong insisted that I was only allowed in the library under direct supervision. Out of desperation, I decided to go visit Thor and ask about joining the Avengers. But Thor told me he'd retired, and then he invited me to stay and play video games with him. So I did, whenever my days where free, I spent them with him and his friends playing video games late into the night."

She pauses to look at me, and her voice softens, "That's when he told me all about you, and about how you died. He was devastated without you, but we lifted each other's spirits and quickly became good friends. I spent almost two years hanging out with him and I began to be happier, healthier even. But then the second and third snap happened and Dr. Strange returned and Thor left." She pauses again looking sad and bitter before shaking her head and continuing, "From the beginning I pestered Dr. Strange to teach me more advanced magic, but he quickly realized my aversion to submitting to authority and refused. I've been wanting to escape this hellhole ever since."

"Why not just leave?" I scoff. "A sorceress as powerful as you? Surely Strange can't keep you here."

She sighs, "It's not him I'm trying to escape from. It's this planet. This world is boring, and empty. I hate it here. Humans are monsters, everyone here is either stupid, or cruel. I just want to get the hell off this planet. There's nothing here for me anymore."

I cock an eyebrow, "If you wanted to be with my brother so badly, why didn't you leave with him?" It's not hard to see that what she really wants is Thor.

"I thought if I stayed with Strange, he would be more willing to train me, than Wong was. But I was wrong, he treats me like a liability."

It doesn't slip past me that she hasn't denied how much she clearly wants to be with Thor. How typical. Women always want him. For a moment I feel a sting of jealousy as memories of Sif rejecting me come flooding back. Everyone always picked Thor over me. I feel the familiar rumblings of bitterness, but I push it aside, I won't let myself go there. I'm too busy gathering information, this naive girl is spilling all her secrets. Her mistake. At least now I know what she's really after and understand why she turned me down. She's in love with Thor, that should make her quite easy to manipulate.

"Why didn't you just contact Thor and ask him to come back for you?" I prod softly.

She smirks, "And show up empty handed? Now where's the fun in that? I told you, I need you to help me convince him to take-"

"And what exactly is it that you want from Nidavellir?"

She sighs, "Earlier, I stole some vibranium, so that Eitri can make me armor that's impenetrable."

I tilt my head and regard her curiously. "You'll be unstoppable." I can't help but admire her scheming, even though I have no intention of helping her.

"Yeah, that's why I stole the vibranium and that's why I need you to convince Thor to take me." She gives me a weighty look.

"So, my brother really is on his way here?"

"Yes, I told you he was. I wasn't lying. He should be here any day now."

I feel my chest loosen all at once and I'm overcome with relief. He really is coming for me!
Oh shit.
Realization hits me, he's going to think he's rescuing me. I bristle at the thought. No! I need to get out of here without his help, before he arrives and thinks he's saving my ass. I need to show him that I'm perfectly capable on my own. The God of Mischief does not need saving!

"You said you would help me escape," I give her a pointed look, "was that a lie?"

She hesitates a moment, before replying, "Why do you want to escape so badly? I just told you Thor's on his way, you'll be released the moment he arrives."

"That's none of your concern Little Witch." She really is such a pain in the ass!

"Oh. I get it." She grins slyly, "You don't want Thor to think he's rescuing you!"

I pause, am I that obvious? I smooth my features, then give her a smug smile, knowing she can't resist my charm. "I can handle myself. I'm not going to wait around for that buffoon to show up here and-"

"Poor baby Loki, got himself into trouble and can't find his way out without needing his big brother to save him." She taunts, her hands planted on her narrow hips.

"I warn you to watch your tone, I am a Prince!" I snap. By the Norns, this human is maddening!

She crosses her arms over her chest and strolls closer until she's standing in my doorway. "If you continue to teach me, I will continue to look for an escape. Besides you said you could teach me to use magic that keeps me from depleting my energy."

I cross my arms, and grin wolfishly, "That I did."

She stands in front of me, smiling innocently, "Well I did steal that book of spells for you. And even though Strange took it back, I think I've more than proven myself to be on your side."

"Indeed." I remark still suspicious of her intentions.

"So maybe you should trust me," She adds with a smug smile.

"And yet, I saved your life, so perhaps it is you who should trust me."

"Touche! It seems we are well matched." She puffs out her chest, her tone and posture clearly mocking mine.

I lean forward and give her a taunting grin, "Agree to disagree, Little Witch."

She huffs and relaxes her stance, "Come on, you know you'd be bored without me here to distract you. Just one teensy little magic lesson."

I smirk, I can't argue with that. I do enjoy taunting her, "Beg me for it." I demand, my voice rising in a challenge.

Her eyes widen briefly then she leans forward and puts her hand on my chest, grinning wickedly. She runs one finger slowly across my jaw, taunting me. My skin burns where she touches me and I have to stop myself from shivering.

"There's no one in the cosmos as powerful as you Loki." She says softly before pausing to bite her lip. Then she adds, her voice a sultry purr, "I need you, in your infinite power to train me. Only you are a master of sorcery, and only you can give me what I need." She croons, her eyes sparkling, "Please. I'll do anything, if only you'll impart your wisdom to me." She adds looking at me coyly beneath long dark lashes.

I swallow. That wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it did the trick. Pride surges, of course she's right. I am the best sorcerer in the galaxy, no one is my equal. I grin feeling gratified, "I will continue to be your master, and you will continue to search for a means of escape."

"Of course, your wish is my command." She coos, her pink lips parted in a reckless grin.

"But betray me, and I will ensure that you never see my brother again."

She nods grimly. "Message received. Shall we begin?"

I spend the next hour teaching her how to use her magic to boost her strength and speed. Fortunately, she remains a fast learner and a decent student. After she gets the hang of it, I drill her in everything I've taught her over the last few days. Goading her whenever she slows down. A few hours later, she stops me. "I'm hungry, should we break for dinner?"

Pesky humans, always thinking about food. "If you can't keep up with me, all you need to do is say so, my dear."

She puts her hands on her hips, "No really, I'm starving. How are you not hungry? You didn't eat lunch."

"I've conditioned myself to be able to go without food." It's not completely true, but I'm not about to admit the real reason I've learned to thrive on an empty stomach.

She looks at me quizzically, her tone light, "Look at that, something about you that I didn't know."

I roll my eyes, "don't fool yourself into thinking you know me girl."

She laughs, "Ooh so mysterious and brooding! You're a regular Mr. Darcy!"


"Nevermind dude." She says shaking her head. Then she waves her hands and a brown paper bag appears before us. The moment it appears, the mouthwatering scent of fried potatoes and meat fills the room.

"Want a burger? It's from the Shake Shack." Her hand reaches into the bag and she pulls out a burger and hands it to me, "They're super yummy," She adds, as I take the burger from her hands. Kamilla pulls out a second burger and bites into it hungrily. I stare at the steaming burger in my hands, I remember seeing humans eat these when I first came to Earth. I take a bite and am pleasantly surprised by how good it is. The tender beef and melted cheese are so good, my taste buds seem to burst in an explosion of flavor. I hate to admit it, but she's right, this is incredible.

I eat the burger slowly savoring each bite, and when I'm finished, I notice she's watching me carefully. I narrow my eyes, trying to guess what she's thinking when she offers me the grease-stained paper bag.

"Here, have some fries," She says grinning. I take the bag and grab some potato slices. Of course, we already have these on Asgard, potatoes are a staple in our diet. I eat the familiar fried potatoes happily, the grease burning the roof of my mouth. When there's nothing left, I lick the salt off my lips languidly and hand the empty bag back to her without breaking eye contact. She continues to stare at me, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Am I amusing you?" I ask sharply, feeling slightly unnerved.

"A little bit." She says with a laugh. "For a short moment, you just seemed really happy."

"Well don't get used to it." I snap. "Don't you have better ways to fill your time?"

She lets out a small laugh, "Yes I suppose I should be going. After all, you're not the only one who's buttons I enjoy pushing."

"Yes it's quite obvious that you're trying to drive Strange away. You must think you're quite the actress."

She shrugs, "Yeah well, when Thor arrives I want him to jump at the opportunity to get rid of me."

I roll my eyes, such a smart ass. "Do what you must little girl."

"Don't worry, I'll come up with another way to get you out of here."

I smile, "That is a wise course of action. Just make sure that you do not fail me a second time." I add with a touch of menace.

She nods, "You got it Princess."

Ugh, she's such a child! Irritation burns through me, but I don't show it. I blink at her, regarding her passively, "Run along now, Little Witch." 

Kamilla shakes her head and leaves my room, closing the door behind her wordlessly.

I huff, feeling frustrated. If I don't get out of here soon, this girl is going to drive me insane! 
Why does she insist on vexing me so? And yet, I can't blame her. I've been pushing her buttons as much as she's been trying to push mine. Suddenly I'm hit with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness. Now what? Thor may be on his way, but I still feel lost without direction. I don't know who I am without a throne, without a goal, without something to fight against. I feel like I'm lost at sea, being tossed back and forth among unforgiving waves. I was raised to rule, to lead, I always thought that was my destiny. But I don't know anymore. I no longer have a purpose, and I certainly don't believe in destiny anymore. If I don't have a plan, then I don't have anything. Will I just become my brother's keeper and follow him wherever he goes? Is that who I am? No, not in a thousand years! I am my own master! A fierce voice in my mind calls out, I will not be smothered by his shadow like I once was!

I rub my temples, trying to calm my swirling thoughts. How can I get Thor to see me as an equal? Is it even possible? For a moment back when we fought for Asgard side by side, it felt like we had learned to be brothers once again. But will he ever stop seeing me as an untrustworthy villain? I shake my head and push my doubts aside. Either way, I will prove myself to him, no matter what it takes. Still, I will never let myself be hidden in his shadow again. I call my magic forth and begin working on weakening the enchantment once more. It will be harder this time, but I don't care if I have to stay up all night, I will wear down Strange's enchantment.

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