Summer Camp | C.H

By lynneeheart

233 24 0

"I don't think I will ever be the same person after this summer." - Olivia's school career is coming to an en... More

Chapter one "I don't know how you convinced me."
Chapter two "Soccer Field"
Chapter three "Just wait by the docks."
Chapter Four "Oh my god."
Chapter Six "In the middle of a thunderstorm"
Chapter Seven "This is going to be a good summer"
Chapter Eight "Who the hell is that?"
Chapter Nine "What's your problem?"
Chapter 10 "You fucking Idiots!"
Chapter 11 "I thought that was a dream?"
Chapter eleven "I want my shit back, Olivia"

Chapter Five "Well Would You Look at That..."

15 3 0
By lynneeheart

"How did you- Why did- I can't" Maddie sighs in disbelief as she looks down at her soaked friend. Her once voluminous head of curls is now a soggy mop on her head. Mascara is smeared under her eyes as sad little droplets run down her face from her hair. The once white jumper is now a dirty grey colour mixed with lake mess.

"And you were- How- Oh my gosh." Maddie motions to Calum who stands in the cabin doorway. She tried her hardest to hold back to chuckle threatening to leave her lips. The top of his head is wet along with the shoulders of his tank-top, the part of his body that was underwater to pull Olivia out. His arms are crosses over his chest as he leans against the door frame.

"Maddie, It was huge! Ask Calum, It wanted to kill me!" Olivia exclaims, her arms going over her head and her eyes widening. "I didn't know I was going to fall into the lake, or lose my damn phone!"

Calum nods and stands up straight "It did have its eyes on her as if he were going to murder her."

Olivia's eyes go wide again and a shiver runs down her spine. "I-It did?"

Calum nods, glancing over his shoulder as quiet chatting can be heard from outside the bunk. Olivia and Maddie turn their attention over too.

"No, I don't see her. She probably got the hint."

Olivia recognizes the voice. She can picture the blonde strutting as she talks, the two girls walking beside her. Another giggle is heard and Olivia's blood boils

"I don't understand where Calum is, He was supposed to get me a water. It should not take this long."

Olivia looks to Calum who is still looking out the window. Her cheeks grow red as the girl looks over to her cabin and meets her eyes. A Smirk takes her lips as she takes in her appearance. Then, her eyes move up to the much bigger figure standing next to her and it falls.

"Oh my gosh, Olivia what happened?" She rushes over to the door and pouts her lips. The look in her eyes is what mostly sets Olivia off. The glistening hint something in Annabelle's eyes looking into hers boils her blood.


"We went for a swim actually. No need to worry, Annie" Calum says as if it's not a big deal. Then he motions to Olivia with a soft smile "You know, It was actually quite fun. Maybe you should join us another time? I'd love for you to..." Calum cues. Annabelle's cheeks flush as she nods and smiles. Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, she bats her eyelashes "I'd love too..."

Olivia feels her stomach start to feel sick at the sight of whatever is going on. Not really wanting to see any more of it she rolls her eyes she takes a deep breath and pats Calum on the back.

"Okay, You two go have fun."

Then lightly pushes Calum to the door. He looks over his shoulder quickly and frowns at the dark-haired girl but Olivia doesn't see- her eyes are on Annabella who's smiling all to wide.

"But-" Calum starts, quickly looking at the girl then back at Olivia. Annabella opens the door and takes Calum's hand.

"Good night, Calum." Olivia hums, pushing him the rest of the way out the door. Annabelle immediately links her arm with his and starts pulling him back to the direction of the campfire. Before Olivia closes the door she takes one last look at the two and sighs.

Then, Olivia takes a deep breath and throws herself onto the closest bed to her.

"No don't- Nevermind." Maddie cringes, watching the wet girl transfer the liquid to her once dry sheets. Olivia has a soft smirk on her lips as an idea pricks her mind. Quickly sitting up, she opens her arms wide

"Maddie give me a hug..."

"Olivia, do not! I swear!" It comes out more of a giggle and Maddie quickly climbs up the ladder of the opposite bed- which is Benji's bed. Olivia takes another step forward and Maddie quickly takes Benji's neatly placed pillow into her hand and lifts it up.

"Awe, You think I'm scared of a pillow."

Maddie scoffs and throws it at her.

"Okay, Okay, That's enough. I need to use your phone to call my mom and tell her what happened."


"Okay, now that our first day is over with- time to put some order in the place" Katie clears her throat and stands on an old wooden table in the middle of the cafeteria with her same clipboard.

Olivia's head rests in her hand as she attempts to keep her eyes open. With every blink, her eyes get heavier and heavier and almost impossible to keep open. The sun isn't even up yet- which is ridiculous in Olivia's opinion. As she looks around the table- each of her friends has the same expression as hers- lifeless.

Benji's hair is a mess- well seeing as he didn't make any attempt to fix it this morning that would be the result. His brown eyes stay on his hands as his head slowly bobs up and down in attempted to stay awake.

Parker has somehow managed to pulls his long legs to his chest and his head rests on his knees as his tired eyes follow the small figure as it moves back and forth on the table. His blinks are tired and slow- and it's taking everything in him to keep his eyes open.

Her eyes then move to Maddie. Her hairs a frizzy mess thrown into a bun the sits lopsided on her head. Mascara is wiped under her eyes from the previous day and her eyes are just as tired and slow as the other two. But they aren't on the director- they're on something else. Olivia follows her gaze to the table where Calum, Luke, Ashton, Michael and Annabelle sit. At first- she thinks the girl is looking at Ashton, who's shirt is on backwards and inside out but then upon further inspection- they're on the blonde boy.

Moving her own gaze to Calum, he's actually taken the time to make himself look presentable. His hair is just as it was yesterday and his shirt is on curectly...unlike his friend. His eyes move between the director and Annabelle. She's in the same black spandex and camp shirt. Her hair tied into a look ponytail on top of her head.

"Okay, listen up. We've sorted each camper into an age group- so we can decide what activities are appropriate for what ages and what not. So, Meeting with the seven to nine-year-olds in the crafting hall this week will be..." Katie pauses for a moment, looking down at her clipboard and scanning each name carefully.

She clears her throat and starts listing off the names "Ashton I, Annabelle W, Courtney S, and Oliver M."

The four get up and Maddie lets out a breath she probably didn't know she was holding.

"After breakfast for the rest of the week, You'll report there first thing and set up with we've assigned. Some days, the 'crafts' will be outside and include the lake and what not- so just have patience with the kids."

"Okay, Zipline canopy tour, Giant swing and a leap of faith with the ten to twelve-year-olds will be Michael C, Samantha J, Benji M, Parker W, Zoe A, Cameron D, and Ethan D. Same thing as the other but you'll be meeting in the courtyard by the director call. When there either myself of Kathy will be there today to direct you and help you figure out how each thing works. So please take your leave now."

Parker groans and Benji ever so slowly climbs out of the bench and lazily walks over to the door.

"Okay with the canoeing, Tree climbing, Rock wall, group sports, Team building and Cascades Hike with the thirteen-year-olds and higher will be..." She clears her throat again and scans the clipboard.

At first, Olivia thinks she's definitely with this group- but then she remembers the kitchen staff and groans to herself.

"Uh... Oh okay. So, Maddie J, Grayson D, Nash G, Andrea R, Calum H, Luke H, and Olivia J. Okay seven will do the same as the others- but meet but the dock and wait for either Kathy or myself to assist you today."

Maddie immediately turns to Olivia with a grin. "We're together!"

Olivia smiles at her now alive friend and slowly slides out of her booth and waits for Maddie.

As they walk towards the door, Olivia feels something brush against her shoulder and she looks over to see Calum. He's got a lazy grin on his lips and he looks over to the girl

"Well would you look at that, We meet again."


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