Queen of the Underworld | Boo...

By _lovepenny

1.3M 98.6K 18.4K

With Robyn finally defeated and Damien saved, Emylin is finally taking a much-earned break. At the insistence... More

Queen of the Underworld Video
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• sixty-six •
• sixty-seven •
• sixty-eight •
• sixty-nine •
• seventy • FINAL CHAPTER

• thirty-nine •

14.7K 1.1K 135
By _lovepenny

//song: Siren - Kiley Morgue
Dedicated to feels_and_more_feels I asked for a song and you delivered! Love it!

I had to hide the ring of my finger before we even made it out the door.

Asmo placed his arm out and rested his hand on the opposite wall of the narrow hallway, cutting off my path and blocking the door to the outside.

I knew his game instantly, I'd seen it countless times in high school. A boy cutting off a girl's path.

I just thought he would be more original.

He was close enough that I could smell his cologne. It was something exotic, no doubt expensive.

His proximity made me freeze uncomfortably but only for a moment. As soon as I realized his move, I knew how I could react.

"Alteaza." His voice was low.

I didn't turn towards him when he said my title.

"You're wearing a stone only meant to be worn by royalty. It will be a dead give away to any dark fae."

I looked up at him through my lashes. "What do you propose I do? I won't take it off."

His eyes seemed to darken even more and I watched his Adam's apple bob. "You should glamour it so that no one can see it," he whispered. "Only you can since you're our queen."

I nodded once and for a moment, took advantage of the fact we were in the small hallway together. We were barely two steps apart which made my next move easy for him to see.

I looked at his lips, then away as if shy.

He moved immediately outside to the fresh air and I wondered if he even saw the gesture at all.

Gods, I totally failed at flirting. I let out a long breath through my lips, uncaring of the unflattering way it sounded.

He held the door open for me, slightly bowing at the hip. His open hand extended towards the empty street. I couldn't help but see the sarcasm in his actions. They didn't seem sincere at all, I felt like he was mocking me again. "After you, Alteaza."

I wanted to roll my eyes and the sarcastic tone of my voice couldn't be helped. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

The night air was dewy. Moisture clung to the air, filling my lungs as I breathed the night air deeply. It was long after sunset, and the lamps were lit for the night. I couldn't help but notice how they were lit. Instead of the flames I saw in the lamps downtown back home, these were lit with a small glow much in the same way the Keep and Julian's home was illuminated. Small lights moved within the sconces back and forth like they were living, and breathing creatures.

Kingstown was like Skryen but grungier. Open shops lined the streets selling fruits and spices despite the time of day. I always imaged the markets were open in the mornings rather than evenings but Kingstown proved me wrong. The streets were quiet but bustling with life. Couples mostly waltzed the streets and in my black hair, I hardly attracted attention.

Asmo despite being 'powerful' and part of the royal family drew no attention at all. He seemed to be no one at all, just one of them though I knew for a fact he delighted in the attention that being a prince brought him. At least that's how it seemed in all the parties we attended.

"Hmm." I said loud enough so that he could hear me as he walked next to me. "Interesting how this place is called Kingstown, shouldn't it be called Queenstown now?" I looked at him. "Since there's a queen now, instead of a king?"

A small smile curved his lips but he kept his eyes forward. "Traditionally, yes, it was called Queenstown. But the Underworld royal line has only produced true king heirs for centuries. So the name was changed many many years ago."

"Hmm." I only said. "Interesting."

"So, what will it be?" He interrupted my thoughts. "German? American? Italian?"

I looked at him in confusion. "Italian?"

"Great." He clapped his hands once and went towards a small shop. "I'm starving."


I rubbed my eyes as Asmo explained the Council's weekly meeting.

I summarized what he reported. "So the Duke-"


"Count," I corrected through clenched teeth. "Cheated on his wife and it's a matter of the Council." I continued to rub my eyes in frustration.



"The Countess is is indirectly related to the royal family."

"Oh, my gods," I sighed. "I really don't care." My hands slammed on the table as I dropped them.

I winced at the sudden clatter and apologized to the couple seated several tables away as they looked at me. We were sitting in an inconspicuous table in the furthest corner of the restaurant. Anyone could overhear if they wanted but Asmo assured me no one would. We'd attract more attention if we put up shields to keep our conversation secret and he felt it wasn't necessary.

If the conversation was only petty gossip then I could see why he felt that way.

Asmo shrugged. "You asked."

I sighed.

"You asked to know everything. That's what happened."

I looked at him over my untouched glass of ice water as he finished the last of his meal. It was a delicate dish of spaghetti and seafood, a dish that I wouldn't ever dream of seeing in the Underworld.

Italian in the Underworld? Who knew?

"The Council was entertained at least."

I groaned, my face falling into my hands.

"There is a Duchess that did cheat on her husband--"

"All right," I groaned. "I give up. Stop."

He chuckled. "Isn't this what you asked for? That's what happened in the Council this week."

I looked at him with a deadpan expression. "And that's why you want to meet."

He set his used utensils aside. "No. Of course not." He inched closer and I noticed his hand moved close to my elbow on the table.

I didn't move.

"There's still more to teach you. What else are you doing these days? Working on brawn over your mind? That Julian, he probably isn't working on your best assets."

I could feel my left eye twitch but didn't avert my gaze. "Actually, working on my stamina and strength since I was in a coma and my magic is still weak." I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms. "I wonder whose fault that was." I resisted the urge to toss a garlic roll that sat on a plate between us at his face. "Dick."

He sighed, exasperated. "I've explained to you-"

I scoffed and looked away to the corner of the room. "Yeah. I know."

"There is something else you should practice. It's just as important as regaining your stamina."

I sighed deeply. "Everyone always seems to know what's best for me," I mumbled to myself. I looked at him. "What is it this time? What do I need to know?"

He set his glass of wine down in front of him after he took a healthy drink. I looked as annoyed as I felt but I could feel a hint of disappointment. Surprising. Since I couldn't read others as much as I could before.

He looked at his watch and looked up to look at someone behind me. "Right on time."

I turned to where he looked and frowned when I saw a man leave from an unassuming door. He was older, with slightly graying hair. He was well kept and dressed almost like he was part of the higher class of the Underworld. He looked at his watch and picked up his pace like he was late for something.

"It's time to pick up where we left off in Skryen," Asmo said quietly.

When I looked at him, he had moved closer dropping his voice as he settled in the empty chair next to me.

Suddenly, I remembered exactly where we left off in Skryen.

The canary chirped for its life in the cage as Asmo used his magic to terrorize it. I remembered the dark magic I'd felt around me as he almost killed the canary.

Did he expect me to do it too?

I looked at him disgusted. "That's a person." I shook my head. "I should have known--" I moved to stand.

His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist quickly making me stop. "Listen."

I froze, looking at his hand around my wrist.

"Listen, for once in your life," he whispered harshly. I looked at him and I saw his eyes bore into mine. "Stop jumping to conclusions. I only want to help you. I want you to get your revenge on this girl. This is the way." He nodded at the man. "He's the way to do it."

Quietly, I sat back down, watching the man as he walked down the street.

"The man is a Human Hunter. Yes, a Human Hunter," he clarified when I looked at him. "On occasion, Human Hunters are called but it's not what you think. Not like that, not in centuries. We used to have to breed with Humans to keep our lines alive-"

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

He tsked. "It's complicated."

"He is the most despicable of all. He hunts children. The children Robyn would supply to the Magister? Yes, that's him."

My fingers tingled as he spoke. My heart pounded so hard I could hear it.

"Azazeal," he whispered lower still. My heart twinged slightly as he finally said his name. "This man caught him when he was nearly seven. He sold him for profit to the Magister."

Something inside me began to uncoil as I watched the man's back shrink in the distance. Anger couldn't begin to explain what I was feeling. I imagined a small frightened boy being taken to the Underworld.

"You can take his power from him," Asmo continued. "You can stop him from doing this again to anyone else. If anyone deserves this, it's him."

I looked at Asmo.

He smiled softly. "I will be with you the entire time. You will not do it alone."

I looked at his hand again as it sat on my wrist. His fingers didn't curl against my skin, instead, they laid on the hair tie I always kept on my wrist. He had been able to grab me but not touch me.

He kept his part of the bargain. He didn't touch me, not really.

All I had to do was ask, he'd said.

He noticed I was staring and slowly, his grip loosened.

I wanted to resist his offer but couldn't. I couldn't pass the opportunity to right some wrong Robyn and the Magister did, especially a wrong towards Azazeal. Azazeal had been an innocent victim of circumstance, not able to fight the commands he had been given no more than I could help breathing.

Azazeal was loyal...even to the end.

This would get me closer to my happy ending.

And I could feel my magic begging for something more than just strength training. There was something brimming under the surface and I couldn't help but give in.

I looked up at his dark eyes and nodded my assent.


A/N: whoa, that took forever. Life happened, guys. Just when I feel like I have my head above water something knocks me back down. Like, down. These last two weeks really haven't been easy. That being said, I really do update as fast as I can even though it's not an ideal schedule or situation. And for those that know what's happened, and know what you mean to me after all this time even though I've never met you--you are the absolute best.

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