The Forgotten Sister | Jasper...

By Jaye_Never_Ending

1.1M 23.8K 5.3K

*Book One of the Daniella Swan Series* Daniella Swan is the twin sister of Isabella Swan. When their pare... More

Chapter One: The Prologue
Chapter Two: The Intro
Chapter Three: The Meetings
Chapter Four: The Dirty-Blonde
Chapter Five: The Conversation
Chapter Six: The Portrait
Chapter Seven: The Accident
Chapter Eight: The Greenhouse
Chapter Nine: The Dream
Chapter Ten: The Frat Boys
Chapter Eleven: The Cold Ones
Chapter Twelve: The Lion & The Lamb
Chapter Thirteen: The Meadow
Chapter Fourteen: The Family
Chapter Fifteen: The Major
Chapter Sixteen: The Kiss
Chapter Seventeen: The Tracker
Chapter Nineteen: The Bite
Chapter Twenty: The Hospital
Chapter Twenty-One: The Prom
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Visions
Chapter Twenty-Three: The End
The Sequel

Chapter Eighteen: The First 'I Love You'

28.4K 540 94
By Jaye_Never_Ending

*Please read the A/N at the end please! Thank you my lovelies♡
                           - xoxo Jaye

    Once they arrived at the Cullen's home, Jasper and Daniella parted from each other in the car. Jasper was at her door in a flash as he helped her out and guided her toward the front door with Bella and Edward following behind them. But as they opened the door, they see Laurent at the base of the staircase standing with Carlisle. They immediately take a defensive position in front of the twins, protecting them from any harm that was to come.

"He came to warn us about James." Carlisle was quick to diffuse the situation, causing Jasper and Edward to back down and listen to the red eyed vampire.

"I have grown tired of his games." Laurent started, "But he's got unparalleled senses. He's absolutely lethal. I have never seen anything like him in my three hundred years.. and the woman, Victoria, she will follow his lead. Do not underestimate her." He warned them. He then looked to Jasper and Edward specifically. "I truly apologize for what has been unleashed here."

    After he had left, the family guided Dani and Bella into their garage. The familiar Silver Volvo sat amongst the three other pristine cars. A red BMW, a black Mercedes sadan, and an SUV. Everyone had spung into action, gathering thing they needed for their travel. Everyone but Rosalie, Dani, and Bella. Dani and Bella watched nervously as everyone ran around frantically to leave as soon as possible.

"I've had to fight our kind before." Jasper suddenly spoke, glancing to Dani every once in a while to reassure himself that she was there and okay, "We're hard to kill."

"But not impossible. We will tear him apart and burn the pieces. Whatever it takes." Edward responded, Jasper didn't hesitate to agree.

"I don't support killing another creature. Even a sadistic, monster like James." Carlisle announced.

"If he doesn't get to one of us first." Rosalie commented, sitting on a counter. Daniella suddenly realizes that this was dangerous for all of them. Not just her and Bella.

"Wait a minute. This isn't what I want. What we want. You cannot put yourselves in danger like this. Especially for us." She declared.

"Too little too late, princess." Rosalie growled. Jasper shot Rosalie a look, before throwing keys to Carlisle.

"Me and Jasper will run the girls south. While you guys lead the tracker away." Edward started.

"No. James knows you two wouldn't leave them. He'll follow you as soon as we leave." Carlisle responded.

"I'm not leaving Daniella." Jasper glared at Dr. Cullen. Alice stepped forward and spoke.

"I'll take them. I'll drive them south." She spoke, looking at the conflicted boys in front of her. "I'll keep them safe."

"Can you keep your doubt to yourself?" Jasper asked, his face showed his frustration. Alice nodded, a small yes leaving her lips and looked to Jasper. His face showed how much he wanted to stay with Daniella. However, he knew he had to do this to keep her safe. So he handed the keys over to Alice.

"I can't lose her again, Alice." Jasper's voice was filled with pain. Alice nodded, an unspoken promise to try her hardest.

    Edward opened Bella and Dani's bags pulling out clothes and throwing them to Esme and Rosalie.

"Put those on. He'll pick up their scents from them." Edward announced. Rosalie dropped Bella's jacket to the floor carelessly. 

"Why should I? What are they to me anyway? They're just the reason we're all in danger." Rosalie growled.

"Rosalie, They're with Edward and Jasper now. They're family. And we protect our family." Carlisle finished. Rosalie rolled her eyes not making a move.

"We never intended for this to happen, Rosalie." Daniella started before being interrupted by Rosalie herself.

"Yeah, I bet not, princess." She glared at Dani. Jasper was about to step in, but Daniella beat him to it.

"Listen here and listen good." Daniella glared taking a few steps closer to Rosalie. Everyone stopped to watch the encounter closely, but she didn't really care about anything at the moment. She only wanted to keep the people she loved safe. "I am not a princess and I certainly don't want the people I care about to die for me. Understood? That includes you. No matter how many walls you put up and act like you hate us, I can see right through them." Daniella let out a sad, bitter laugh, "Trust me, I did it for years. I would do anything to make your family safe again, alright?" Dani picked up the jacket, "So, do not act like this is something we wanted to happen." She spoke, throwing the jacket back into Rosalie's arms roughly before turning back and walking to the spot she had been standing in prior, crossing her arms in anger.

    Rosalie was shocked. No one had ever stood up to her like that before. She, suddenly, felt an immense amount of respect run through her as she looked at the brunette. She nodded and slid off the counter putting the clothes on silently.

    Carlisle opened the garage door, turned and squeezed his boys shoulders and then hopped into the SUV with Esme. Everyone finished packing up the cars, and then Jasper walked over to Daniella as she stood next to the car Alice was going to be taking with them.

"I swear Jasper. If anyone gets hurt because of me. I-" She was interrupted by Jasper's alluring voice.

"We won't, it's five to two. I promise, when this is all over, I'm going to come get you." He told her, pulling her closer to him. "I love you, Daniella. You're my life now." He told her. Daniella's heart fluttered and she took a breath. She looked into Jasper's eyes and leaned up slowly, nudging her nose against his.

"I love you too, Jasper Whitlock." She whispered before they leaned closer, their lips meeting with a spark, possibly for the last time.


    Daniella was sat in the passenger seat next to Alice. Bella was in the back trying to call Renee, but only getting voice mail. She probably forgot to charge her phone again. Daniella watched as trees flew by the window from the speed that Alice was driving. She was trying to get the twins as far away from Forks as fast as she could. Dani sighed as she felt the distance grow between her and Jasper. It was something she'd like to not happen as much as she's thinking it will.

    It wasn't long before they pulled into a hotel, each of them getting out as Alice talked to the valet and told them to take care of the expensive vehicle. One by one, they walked into the hotel and up to the room Alice had chosen for them to reside in for the time being. They settled in quickly, not even bothering to unpack their things. They weren't going to be staying long enough.

"You two should eat." Alice offers, motioning to a plate of complementary snacks that had been left on the table for them. Daniella was to anxious to even think about being hungry.

"This is to dangerous. They could get hurt." Dani spoke as she paced the floor in front of Alice. Bella was sat in a chair nervously biting her nails. "It's not worth it, Alice."

"Yes. It is." She insisted. Daniella was slightly surprised by the statement. Alice was always nice to them, but she still felt that Alice and her were going to take time to accept one another. However, maybe it was just Daniella because Alice seemed pretty accepting of the Swan sisters already. "Jasper has changed immensely since you've come here, Daniella. And none of us want to see him resort back to his emotionless way of living for the next hundred years if he was to lose you. It's worth it."

    The tears in Daniella's eyes were enough to keep her quiet as she tried to push the lump in her throat down. She had spent so long thinking she was the least needed person in the room, but now she was beginning to feel like an equal, maybe even more to Jasper. She was loved by this family and she couldn't ask for anything better.

    Suddenly, Alice let out a small, but noticeable gasp. The twins knew that she had to have been having a vision. Dani sat next to her quickly, knowing how it must feel for her.

"What is it, Alice? What do you see?" She asked.

"The Tracker. He's changed his course.." She responds, worry clear in her tone. Dani sat a pad of paper in front of her and put a pencil in her hand.

"Can you draw where it'll take him?" Daniella asked. Alice nodded and began her drawing.

"Mirrors..It's a room full of mirrors.." She told them.

"How.. How do the visions work? Edward said they weren't always a certain thing." Bella stated, confusion evident in her voice.

"Well, I'm guessing that Alice here can see the future based soley on the course that it will take a certain person as long as they are on it. If they change their mind, the vision changes as well." Daniella explained. She was a quick learner and she listened to everything she was told, wanting to keep up with as much information she could on the immortal family.

"So, the course James is on now is taking him to a ballet studio?" Bella asked. Daniella sighed as she recognized the room Alice had drawn. It was the same studio Bella and Dani used to attend when they were younger. Alice suddenly looked up at lightning speed.

"You've been here?" She asked, quickly. Dani heard the sound of her phone ringing in the bedroom, she left Bella and Alice to talk as she quickly left to answer it. When she saw the caller ID she ran to pick it up.

"Jazz. You okay?" She questioned.

"We lost the tracker. I'm coming to get you." Jasper announced quickly. The sound of the jeeps engine could be heard through the receiver of the phone.

"This.. this is all our fault. You warned me about this, Jasper. I didn't think-" Jasper cut her off immediately.

"Dani, we were already in to deep when I told you those things and you know it. We can't change how we feel.." He told her, his tone was loving and soft. Something the Cullen clan wasn't used to hearing from him, but Dani was beginning to see that Jasper is always that way with her.

"I know.." Daniella whispered, "When will you get here?" She asked wiping a fallen tear from her cheek.

"A couple hours, and then, I promise, you and I are gonna go somewhere. Away from this while the others continue to look for James." Then his voice was stern, but determined. "I promise you, Daniella Swan, I will do whatever it takes to have you safe again."

"I love you, Jasper Whitlock." She told him, causing a content smile to fall on his face.

"I love you too, Daniella Swan." He responded.


    It was a few hours later, Alice was in the lobby checking them out as the car was being loaded with their things. Dani and Bella were in the room gathering the last of their belongings, when Daniella's phone began to ring. She saw it was her mother and her brows creased in confusion.

"Mom?" Daniella asked, Bella turned to Dani tilting her head in question causing Daniella to shrug at her, equally as confused.

"Dani? Daniella, where are you?" She could hear from the other end of the call. Dani sighed, feeling guilty for causing stress on her mother. She could hear the worry in her voice, knowing she was expecting the worst. Daniella was slightly surprised by the sudden worry that her mother held for her.

"Mom. Calm down, please. Everything's fine, okay? We're okay, we'll explain every-" She was cut off by a voice that was far from her mother's.

"Nice house you have here. Not the best I've seen, but definitely comfortable." Daniella could hear the cold smirk that was bound to be present on his face. His voice sent a chill down her spin and pissed her off to the extreme, but the fear that was within her overpowered it quickly. Her mother was in danger. No matter how much she despised her mother for everything that happened in her childhood, she was sill her mother. "I was going to wait for you. But then mommy came home after receiving a very panicked phone call from your Father. She arrived as fast as she could. Seems to have worked out quite well."

    Daniella was livid, but scared for the safty of her mother. If something happened to her...

"Leave her out of this." Daniella sneered into the cell phone. Bella was on high alert now, moving to stand next to her sister, so she could hear better.

"I must say Forks High School doesn't protect their student's information very well. It was just to easy to find your previous address." He admitted smugly.

"I said leave my mother out of this James." Daniella's voice was filled to the brim with anger. At this state, to a human, she was absolutely lethal, but to the recently discovered vampire it wasn't even close.

"You are protective of her. That's good. You can save her, if you'd like. But you will have to leave your little friend, Alice, behind. Bring your sister though, she smells about as good as you." He laughed lowly through the phone. "Can you do that, human?" The Tracker spit venomously.

"No. No, Bella stays here." Dani spoke, Isabella gave her and incredulous look at the words. She mouthed 'No, if you go then I go' and then, 'or I tell Alice'. Daniella sighed and shook her head.

"Even if your mother's life depends on it? Daniella, how cruel can you be?" His smirk was unmistakable, his voice playful, even through the receiver of the cell phone. Dani was terrified and she knew she had no choice.

"Fine...Where should we meet you?" Daniella's eyes fell shut as she heard his response. She knew that Alice's vision was going to come true.

"How about the old Ballet Studio? I see you two have spent plenty of time there." He said, caressing a photo of the twins, only one wearing the ballet attire. "I will know if you bring anyone along and mommy will pay the price if you chose to defy my conditions." A large intake of breath could be heard from James. "She smells just like you. Mouthwatering." Daniella hung up and went straight for her purse, dumping the contents of it quickly, as she picked the pepper spray her Dad had given her.

"Bella. Please. Get what you need and we'll go, but if anything, and I mean anything, happens you get out. Don't worry about me. Just get out. Get mom and leave." Daniella's voice was stern, unwavering. Bella didn't bother to argue, but she knew that when it came down to it she would risk her life for her sister. Because Daniella was willing to do the same thing for her.

    Dani and Bella took a taxi to the studio. Sneaking past Alice wasn't easy, but she was distracted by the lady at the desk who was trying to get Alice to do a survey of her time at the hotel. Trying to figure out why they were leaving so soon. The two girls looked to each other momentarily, coming to a silent agreement that they knew this could be the last time they would see the Cullen's and possibly each other.

    When the taxi stopped, Dani paid the driver and they both got out watching as it left them. They looked at each other, suddenly jumping at each other hugging the other tightly. They knew that when they let go, they will have to walk into the building and that it could end it all for them.

A/N: I am so sorry for the delay of updates. I am trying to get back into my writting, but I'm getting distracted by YouTube and TV. I apologize immensely for it. However, the next chapter is the big one. The show down between James and the Cullen Clan.

Are you guys excited?

What do you think will happen?

Anyway, I hope you can forgive me? ily all!♡♡ Comment? :D
               - xoxo Jaye

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