She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



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By True_Legend_

Scorpion's pov flash back 17 1/2 years ago

As me and the gang packed up the rest of the product my phone rang. I thought it was my beautiful queen who gave me my beautiful twins. It was a dream come true watching them be born. My legacy will continue in their blood.

"Hello, I'm almost done here baby I'll be home soon." I said sweetly before the voice answered.

"Aww that's nice. Better hurry if you wanna save their lives. Might put this baby girl into a trafficking gig and the boy into the ring. Oh and your wife, will become my new toy." Then the line went blank.

I screamed orders as my men loaded in cars and we sped off the dirt road. I was to angry to even think straight once I got there I just jumped out and slammed open my front door.

"Calm down big boy you will wake the babies. It took poor Diamond forever to get them to sleep. Now let's talk business shall we." I watch as his men took them back to my bedroom and stood in front of the door.

"What do you want." Was my cold response.

"The baby girl, Hazel is it? She will as soon as she turns eighteen come with me and marry my son Fernando who is two at the moment. And seeing she is only a few months old currently it will line up perfectly. We will have a combined business and Fernando will run it without Hazel or you in the way." I looked at him like he was stupid.

"And why would I do that?" Did he not remember who I was, because he will find out again soon.

"Because she does it or she dies and I know how precious she is to your family legacy and to you. See you in eighteen years...old friend." I watched him and his men walk to the doors, I wasn't letting him leave that easy. As he stepped out I shot his men in the back of the head and watched him run to his car. No one messes with me or my family and threats me openly with no repercussions.

I ran to my bedroom door as I seen my queen on the floor huddling over our kids. She was shaking and looked very scared. I did this to her, I promised she would never be involved.

"Please no! Leave my kids alone!" I touched her as she jumped her face was just stained in tears.

"Baby it's me, how are our kids?" I grabbed Hazel looking at her beautiful sleeping face. There was no doubting her beauty even at such a young age.

"I can't do this...I just can't, you have to leave us. LEAVE US OUT OF THIS...I won't let my kids grow up in this gang nonsense!" My face fell as she snatched Hazel out my arms. Her face still stained with more tears falling.

"You won't take both of my children from me Diamond! They are mine too!" I started yelling as she set the kids in the pack n' play walking out with me on her tail. The men finished cleaning up the mess and left us not wanting to be in the middle of this.

"So then you can take one of them but I won't live like this! I heard his demands...I won't let it happen Scorpion!" I dropped my head because I knew she was right. Her and Hazel need to disappear off the earth.

"Fine, I'll send Titan off to his grandma's and once Hazel is three...I'll leave." She nodded her head and went to deal with my crying kids. I walked out and left.

Gang life means no life, no matter what.

Flashback over Hazel's pov

I wish tears fell but I was all cried out. As he explained why he left I felt numb...dead actually. I was stripped of memories, happiness, innocence because of "gang life", because of the blood in my body that I didn't chose.

"Why never reach out...never try and get me back?" I asked as I seen his eyes glaze over.

"I couldn't let them know you were alive after the fake plane crash. I always had someone close to you, very close. And Angel, he was breed for you it wasn't a mystery that he appeared one day. That was me, me trying to connect to you in the shadows." I listened as I looked down at my baby boy memories of how I got him hitting me. A year old pitbull out in the worst storm as I walked home from Jay's at 15.

"That person you had close to watch me, who is it?" I asked as he signaled his hand. Jay and Malx walked out a dark corner as I was shocked to see them. I jumped in their arms a bit of happiness poking through.

"Jaylen or Jay as you know him as is the son to my left hand man, he will be taking his father's place soon. Malx is my sniper. Jaylen wanted to tell you so I sent in Malx to make sure that didn't happen. I'll give you guys a few minutes to talk then we can discuss the next step. And Hazel, please know this, everything I've done for you and your brother, it was all just to keep you both as safe as I possibly could. I wish it didn't have to be this way but I can't decide God's choices now. I won't be leaving anymore, I am your protector. I love you my beautiful princess." As he walked out Titan on his tail I knew he was hurt. To see me happy in friend's arms and not his, it broke him some more. I wish I could trust him.

"You know Hazel in all my years of knowing your father, I never once heard him even muster a wimpier unless he was looking at a picture of you and even that was rare. This, seeing you grown up in person, it's breaking him. You know it is, yet you don't chase him like you still dream of doing. Not everyone is a monster, some just hide in the dark to protect those they love." I listened to Malx's words knowing he was right but you can't take back the past and you can't heal old wounds without reopening them. And that...won't ever change.

I'm sorry this new chapter took forever. I want to make sure this is the best story for you guys!!

So bad family reunion? Can Hazel let her guard down fully? What is going to happen to her abs her life?

PLEASE send in feedback! It helps me improve the story for you guys! Also make sure to vote!!!

See you later troublemakers
-True Legend

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