Freefall (Kakashi HatakeXOC P...

By Okuri_San

336K 8.9K 1.3K

"Why me? Why am I always the one that's different? It isn't fair! This pain of being all alone is suffocating... More

A New Team
Screwing Up
Getting To Know You
The First Mission And New Friends
Once And Always A Friend
Healing Hearts
Life Lessons
Night Of Tragedy
Team Seven
Drinking Helps
Hangovers Suck
What The Heart Wants
Returned Feelings
Don't Panic
Guilty Pleasures
For The First Time
That's Just Embarrassing
Off To The Land Of Waves
The Assassin Of The Mist
A Decision Sworn On Pain
Not Again
A Struggle
Inner Anger
Just A Stomach Problem
Too Many Decisions
A Mutual Feeling
Once More
A Horrible Realization
No More
Back To Normal
Painful Bliss
A New Mission
Just Relax
A New Friend
Three Years
A Big Step
It's Settled
Good News
Authors Note
Authors Note (2)
First Comes Love
Then Comes Marriage
The Honeymoon
Trouble In Paradise
Back Home
The Name
The Silver King
Authors Note (3)
Without You
The Mask
A Mother's Love
Only A Rumor
Author's Note (Last)


2.7K 63 12
By Okuri_San

"Of course it's going going to take more than once," Amaya states with annoyance,

"It's not magic, these things take time. Most couples trying to conceive a child have to try for almost a year or more, only about fifty percent of couples actually conceive within four to five months of trying."

I sighed and looked down at my hands, she did have a point. I've just been getting so worked up over this whole baby thing, I want to be a mother as soon as I can, but like Amaya said, it could take a year or longer. Which is really bumming me out, I'm hoping Kakashi and I will be in the fifty percent that can conceive within four to five months. I know it's a slim chance, the best I can do is hope.

"Look," Amaya says quietly,

"I know how much you want this, but you can't rush into it. You and Kakashi both have to be prepared, and actually know what you're doing. You're going to have better chances at conceiving if you know when you're most fertile. I can help you with that, but the rest is between you and him. Do you understand?"

I nodded and looked up at her, she was right. I just need to chill out and take my time, rushing into things is never good. I don't know how to change a diaper, or even hold a baby the right way for that matter. I suppose I'll have to learn these things as Kakashi and I keep trying. I'm probably going to have to force his lazy butt to learn as well, I don't see Kakashi as the type of guy to sit and actually be the one learning, instead of the one teaching.

"You're right, I'm sorry," I reply,

"I want to have a baby so bad, it's going to drive me crazy knowing that it could take that long. I guess I just want to do something good with my life. I only know what the feeling is like to take a life, and not help create one."


"Hey, hey! Since you and Kakashi-Sensei are together, that means you get to see his face, right?" Naruto questions excitedly,

"Come on, I know you have! You have to tell me, what does he really look like?"

I shake my head and can't help the smile that spreads across my face, I reply,

"I have seen his face, yes. But I can't exactly tell you, Naruto. There is a reason he always wears a mask, you know that."

Naruto groans loudly and pouts,

"Why won't you tell me? I have a right to know, ya know?"

This was a question Naruto had constantly been pestering me with, he waits a few days, then asks again; it's kind of like he assumes I'll just forget after a while, but I don't. I actually don't see what the big deal is, and why he wants to know.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. I can't tell you," I say with a sigh,

"It would be a violation of Kakashi's privacy, I've told you this multiple times before."

Naruto hunches over and grumbles to himself, I couldn't exactly make out what he was saying, but I did make out him saying,

"Never let me know anything."


I placed my hands over my stomach as I lay on my back on our bed, it had been a long day; I was ready to eat dinner and go to bed. I had been talking with Amaya more and more lately, she was helping me figure out when the best times would be to try and conceive, but I was having trouble understanding all the things she talked about. I didn't realize how much planning and organization went into preparing to have a baby, it's all confusing to me.

"Keira, come eat," I heard Kakashi call from the kitchen, I got up with a yawn.

Kakashi's been making our meals for us lately, well, he tries to anyway. He's not really the best cook, the most he can manage is just ramen, or rice. But I won't complain, I think it's nice of him to at least try.

As I exited the bedroom, the scent of vegetables hung in the air. Walking in to the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile. Kakashi had set up the small table with a white tablecloth, and a lit candle was in the middle. He closes the small space between us and holds out his hand to me while saying,

"I hope you like this. I'm not much of a cook, this was the best I could do."

I put my hand in his and he leads me over to the table as I reply,

"It might not be much, but I love it already."

He pulls out a chair with his other hand and motions for me to sit down, I do and he moves behind me to push the chair in some. I turn my head to shoot him a skeptical look as I ask,

"What's all this for, anyway?"

Kakashi shrugs and replies,

"You'll find out."

I groaned in fake annoyance and looked at the table again, who could have thought Kakashi would actually be able pull anything like this off? I heard him messing around with something that was glass, I'm hoping he doesn't break stuff and hurt himself.

He comes back over to me after a few more anticipation filled moments, and he sets a plate in front of me and one at the opposite side of the table. On both was rice, vegetables, and a small roll of bread. He goes to grab something else, and then sets two glasses on the table; one by his plate and one by mine. I raised an eyebrow to him in question, he finally takes his place opposite of me and says,

"I wanted to do something special for you, to help you relax from all the planning and the stress you've been under lately. I've seen how distracted you look, and how much time you spend at the hospital talking to Amaya."

"Well, that's awfully nice of you," I reply as my smile grows more, I felt my cheeks get warm from blushing,

"I never knew you could be this romantic, it's actually really...amazing, to say the least. Thank you."


Kakashi and I have been trying for almost three months now, and there's still no luck between us. I know it'll take longer, so I shouldn't be sitting around complaining and whining about it. Amayas' been helping me figure out when the best times would be to try and conceive, I'm starting to understand more about what she's been telling me. Kakashi and I have also been learning about how to properly care for a baby, she said I was a natural at it, but Kakashi wasn't very good at it so far. Amaya gave us dolls to practice with, and Kakashi ended up dropping his. He didn't do it on purpose, he just didn't quite understand how to hold it the right way.

Other than that, Amaya showed us how to change diapers, prepare a bottle, and dress a baby. The more I think about it, the more nervous I get. This is something I've wanted for a long time in my life, yet I'm not sure I'll actually be good at it. But I'm not going to just lie down and give up, not while I have such a big ambition to accomplish.

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