The Forgotten Sister | Jasper...

By Jaye_Never_Ending

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*Book One of the Daniella Swan Series* Daniella Swan is the twin sister of Isabella Swan. When their pare... More

Chapter One: The Prologue
Chapter Two: The Intro
Chapter Three: The Meetings
Chapter Four: The Dirty-Blonde
Chapter Five: The Conversation
Chapter Six: The Portrait
Chapter Seven: The Accident
Chapter Eight: The Greenhouse
Chapter Nine: The Dream
Chapter Ten: The Frat Boys
Chapter Eleven: The Cold Ones
Chapter Twelve: The Lion & The Lamb
Chapter Thirteen: The Meadow
Chapter Fourteen: The Family
Chapter Fifteen: The Major
Chapter Sixteen: The Kiss
Chapter Eighteen: The First 'I Love You'
Chapter Nineteen: The Bite
Chapter Twenty: The Hospital
Chapter Twenty-One: The Prom
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Visions
Chapter Twenty-Three: The End
The Sequel

Chapter Seventeen: The Tracker

36.1K 661 206
By Jaye_Never_Ending

    Bella and Dani entered the house nervously, seeing Charlie cleaning his rifle at the kitchen table. They watched him for a minute, then looked at each other, their nerves shown on their faces. Bella stepped up to the table and blurted out that she was going on a date with Edward. Daniella stepped to the table as well.

"I..I'm going on one with Jasper Hale too, Dad." Charlie looked shocked and confused.

"I thought you girls said you didn't like any boys in town." He responded.

"Well..technically they don't exactly live in town." Daniella said, her sass was playful and light as she tried to extinguish the tension in the room.

"Aren't they a little to old for you two." Charlie tried and he watched the two closely.

"We're all Juniors, Charlie. I-I thought you liked the Cullen's." Bella stuttered.

"That was when I didn't have to worry about you both liking them." He sighed, his worry for his kids growing slowly.

"Well, they're outside." Dani told her father.

"They're here? Now?" Charlie asked.

"They want to meet you..Officially, dad." Daniella responded.

"Good, Good." Charlie said, cocking his gun in mock-seriousness.

"Hey, be nice. Please? They're important to us." Daniella asked as they made their way to the front door. Charlie let out a sigh and a reassuring smile. Bella opened the door, allowing Edward and Jasper to walk into the warmth of the house. Jasper stepped up to Charlie, a respectable smile on his face as he held out a glove covered hand.

"Chief Swan, we wanted to formally introduce ourselves. I'm Jasper Hale." He shook hands with Charlie as Dani and Bella watched nervously. Edward then stepped forward and smiled as he shook hands with Charlie as well.

"I'm Edward Cullen." Charlie let out a hello, resisting the natural instinct to accept the vampires in front of him. "We won't keep the girls long. We're going to be playing baseball with my family."

"The girls. Playing baseball." Charlie raised an eyebrow in question and let out a chuckle. The girls seemed a little shocked at the statement as well. "I think I should be wishing you guys luck instead of them." Everyone laughed softly at the joke.

"They'll be safe with us, sir. I promise." Jasper stated and a few minutes later they were making their way toward the car outside.

"You father believes you two should go to an all girls school." Edward announced.

"Hey! Totally not fair, reading Charlie's mind, Eddie boy." Daniella said, as she buckled into the car.

"He's the only Swan I can read. I had to know." Edward admitted. Bella and Dani looked at each other for a minute then back to each other.

"You can't read Daniella's mind?" Bella noted. Edward shook his head.

"Not all the time. Sometimes, if she's distracted or if she forgets I can do it, I can read her mind. But most of the time I can't." Edward said.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Dani asked. Edward laughed and responded.

"You two are the strangest human beings I think I've ever met." Daniella huffed.

"That's coming from a mind reading vampire." She grumbled. Jasper couldn't help the loving smile that found it's way onto his face. Bella then noticed the bat in the floor board and decided to asked the question they both had been wondering about.

"And since when do vampires like to play baseball?" She asked looking over to Edward from the passenger seat.

"It's an American pastime. Plus, there's a storm coming. It's the only time we can play." Edward smirked and he started to drive away from the twins home.

"Why?" Daniella asked, confusion evident in her tone.

"You'll see why." Jasper laughed ironically.


    The storm clouds in the sky gathered together slowly as their car pulled into the clearing. Daniella could roughly see the baseball diamond, set into the field in front of her. They each got out of the car and Esme and Emmett greeted them as they neared.

"Good! You're hear. We need an umpire." Esme stated. Daniella quickly put her finger onto her nose and looked to Bella, as if to say not it. Bella rolled her eyes and shoved Dani playfully making them both laugh.

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett's grin gave away that he knows they cheat, making Daniella laugh.

"I know you cheat. Call them as you see it Bella." Esme smiled as she turned away and they both walked towards their position on the makeshift field. As a deep rumble of thunder shook through the forest, Alice turned to the rest of the family.

"It's time." Daniella heard her yell. Bella stayed by Esme as the game began, she was the catcher. As Alice pitched with her lightning-fast speed Emmett and Edward took their positions in the outfield. Rosalie stepped up to the plate and hit the ball with the aluminum bat, causing a loud boom that sounded a lot like the thunder from the storm. Daniella felt arms wrap around her waist from behind, as Jasper laid his chin onto her shoulder, she smiled as she held his sleeve covered arms around her.

"I see why you need the storm to play." Dani muttered to Jasper. He let out a chuckle that sent a spark of happiness through her, making her smile. The ball shot like a meteor through the trees and into the forest as Edward ran after it.

"That has to be a home run." Daniella heard Bella say to Esme. Dani watched as Esme wore a proud smile on her face.

"Edward is very fast." She replied. Dani watched as Rosalie hit each base, looking like a blur as she ran. She watched as Edward raced out of the forest and threw the ball to home plate, only a second before Rosalie slid to it.

"You're out." Bella announced. Emmett was gloating as Rosalie stood an growled at Bella lowly.

"Babe, come on. It's just a game!" Emmett called and then the game proceeded.

    Daniella watched as Carlisle stepped up to the plate and hit the ball. It zoomed from home plate and Edward and Emmett raced after the ball, jumping to catch it and colliding together sounding like boulders falling from cliff. Both missing the ball allowing Dr. Cullen to get to home. Daniella felt Jasper let go of her, causing her to stand straight and watch him walk up to bat.

"Hit me a homerun, babe." Dani smirked as she flirted aimlessly with her boyfriend. She watched as he did a little trick with the bat and smirked over to her giving her a wink as he stepped up to bat. But when Alice pitched the next ball for Jasper and he whacked it into the forest, she gasped.

"Stop!" Alice yelled, she looked panicked. A sudden fear forced it's way through Daniella. "I didn't see them." Jasper was immediately at Daniella's side, an arm wrapped around her waist protectively as the family all made their way to meet in the center of the open field. "They're traveling so fast." Alice spoke, her brows creased in thought.

"You said they had left." Rosalie stated.

"They were leaving, but they heard us..and they decided to stay." Alice responded, looking at Edward then at Jasper.

"We're leaving." Jasper started to say.

"It's too late." Carlisle said.

"Put down your hair." Edward commands Bella, she immediately let down her hair.

"You too Dani, please." Jasper's voice was desperate, the fright inside of her increased as she let her hair fall down past her shoulders. Rosalie scoffed as she passed by them.

"You think that's gonna help? I can smell them from across the field." She said. Jasper growled at her, telling her she is pushing her boundaries. Jasper turned, looking into Daniella's eyes with regret and genuine fear.

"I shouldn't have brought you here, Daniella. I'm sorry." He spoke, pressing a gentle kiss onto her forehead. She was going to ask why, but before the words could even register in her brain the family turned toward the wood line of the field. Jasper gently pushed Dani behind him, she knew it was to try and mask her scent.

    Daniella glanced to see Bella in the same position as her right beside them. She reached out and held Bella's hand tightly. Bella looked over to her and they shared an knowing look before nodding to each other in a moment of agreement. They understood each other completely at that time. They knew that what they had gotten themselves into was impossible to back out of now, but they also knew that whatever happens they don't regret their choices. At all.

    They both turned to see three beautiful people emerging from the trees. One was a dark skinned man with hair that fell down past his shoulders. The next was a pale skinned girl with bright, strawberry blonde hair that had to have reatched her lower back. The last was a pale, blond haired man. His blond locks had been pulled back into a pony tail on his head.

    As they near the Cullen family, Daniella couldn't help but notice that they were all bare foot. However, the one thing that stuck out the most about the trio, was the deep, blood red eyes that were staring at the them. The dark skinned man suddenly spoke as he held up a baseball.

"I believe this is yours?" He asked, tossing (which was pretty much a fast ball to the human eye) the ball to Carlisle, who caught it with ease. A polite smile on his face.

"Thank you." Carlisle responded.

"I am Laurent. This is Victoria and James." He told the Cullen's.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family." He told Laurent. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have cause a bit of trouble for us."

"Our apologies. We hadn't known the territory had been taken." Laurent said.

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence here in Forks." Carlisle admitted to them. The trio looked to each other, like they were suprised by Dr. Cullen's statement.

"Really? Well, we won't be of a problem much longer." Laurent said.

"The humans had been tracking us, but we led them East. You should be safe." Victoria's smirk sent a chill down Daniella's spine. She could also see the stare down happning between James, Edward and Jasper. But she could also see that James was keeping a close eyes on her and Bella. The thought making Dani move closer to Jasper for safty.

"So, could you use three more players?" Laurent questioned, hopefully. "Come on. One game." He offered.

"Sure," Carlisle hesitated, "a few of us were just leaving. You can take their place." He responded. "We'll bat first." Carlisle threw the ball toward the three Vampires. Victoria caught it with no problem.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball." She told them smugly, a prideful smile on her face.

"I think we can handle that." Emmett jokes as they began to disperse, but James stayed as he glared Jasper and Edward down. He then began to turn away to walk with his two friends.

    Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up the twins hair as it blew by them. Straight over to James as he breathed in both of their scents. Dani's heart began to race and James sighed and turned back toward them.

"You brought us a snack." James smirked, crouching down into a hunting stance. Daniella and Bella were pushed back as each of the Cullen's took their own crouching stance in front of them growling and ready to fend off the threat to the twins.

"You brought humans?" Laurent asked.

"The girls are with us. I think it would be best if you'd leave." Carlisle announced, his tone unwavering.

"I can see the game is over. We'll go." Laurent said, slowly backing away from the Cullen family. "James." He spoke. James stood straight, still glaring at Edward and Jasper, before leaving with an arm wrapped around Victoria's shoulders.

"Get them out of here. Go." Carlisle's calm voice was out of place in the chaos that had just played out in front of them.

    Edward and Jasper turned and guided them to the jeep they had arrived in. When they were settled in the car, Bella asked the question Dani was to shaken up to ask.

"So, what? Are they coming after us?" Edward whipped the car around and began driving wildly through the forest.

"James is a tracker. I read his mind. The hunt, it's his obsession." Edward seethed as he drove.

"And our reaction pissed him off." Jasper concluded, barely able to keep himself from jumping out of the car and finding James to rip him to peices.

"We just made this his most exciting game ever." Edward's tone was filled with disgust. Either at himself or at James, Dani wasn't too sure. "The first place he'll go is your house. That's where your scent is most defined." He stated. A realization dawned on Daniella in that moment.

"What?! Dad's there. He's in danger because of us! All of us." Dani's voice was horrified at what she had figured out. Bella wasn't too happy about the fact either.

"We have to get you guys out of here first. You're the main priority right now." Jasper responded. Daniella turned to Jasper an incredulous look plastered onto her face.

"I am not going to get my father murdered by a vampire because of me. Now, we either go back and make sure he won't be in danger or I swear to God I will jump out of this damn car and do it myself." Daniella challenged Jasper, the glare that was set on him was enough to convince him that she wasn't joking about jumping out.

"Alright." Edward caved driving toward the girls home. "How will we lead James away?" Daniella thought for a moment and sighed as she thought of an idea.

"I have an idea.." She spoke.


    Daniella bursted into the little, white home seeing a glimpse of a baseball game playing on the TV as Charlie was sat in front of it.

"I said, leave me alone, Jasper! What don't you understand about that!?" She yelled, tears falling from her bloodshot eyes. The mere sight of it was enough to upset Jasper enough to seem convincing.

"Dani, please don't do this. We can talk about this." He pleaded.

"No! Leave, it's over!" She yelled slamming the screen door in his face and turning to run up the stairs. Charlie hot on her heels.

"Dani? What's wrong? What happened?" His concern was foreign to Dani and only made her feel worse.

"I have to get out of here. I have to leave Forks, now." She stated slamming her bedroom door closed seeing Jasper already there and packing her things for her.

"I can't hurt him." Dani's broken whisper caught Jasper's attention. He kissed her forehead quickly giving her a look saying she knew she had too.

"I'll see you in a bit." He told her disappearing from her sight as a knock sounded through her bedroom.

"Dani, did he hurt you?" Charlie asked through the door.

"No, Dad." Dani stated gathering her duffel bag and opened the door, walking to the bathroom to pack her toiletries.

"Then what? Did he break up with you?" He tried.

"No, I-I broke up with him. That's why I have to go. I can't stand being here anymore. I wanna go home." Daniella said walking down the stairs.

"But..But your mother's not in Phoenix." Charlie tried once again.

"I'll call her on the road." Dani said making her way to the front door.

"You can't drive home tonight. It's dark. If you still want to leave in the morning, I'll-I'll take you to the airport." He said. Daniella was breaking down, knowing what she was doing to him.

"I want to drive. I need the time to think. If I get tired I'll pull over. I promise." Dani said as she reached the door.

"Daniella, please. I know I'm not much fun to be around, but I-I can change. We can do more things together." Charlie's voice was desperate and broken as he pleaded for his daughter not to leave him. Daniella hated herself for the words she was about to say, but she knew he wouldn't let her leave any other way.

"Like what? Watch baseball on the flat screen? Go to the dinner every night? See the same people, eat the same food? That's you, Charlie. Not me." Daniella's voice was filled with venom as she spoke, but her heart was feeling heavier by the second. She knew it hit Charlie hard and she could barely stand it.

"I just got you guys back, Dani." Charlie's voice was quiet. It broke Daniella's heart and forced her to say the final words to cut the ties.

"Yeah, and if I don't get out now, I'll be stuck here just like mom." This stunned Charlie and gave her just enough time to get out the door and into the truck to leave. Tears continued to fall freely down her cheeks as she drove away from the home she had come to love. Unknown to the deadliest, burgundy eyes watching from a distance as she left.


    He soon followed the fading truck, leaving Charlie alone with his pain. Only for Bella to barge in saying she would go after Daniella and try to talk to her, promising to get her back.


    Daniella let out a sob as she was driving, wiping the, still falling, tears from her cheeks. A loud bang was heard next to her causing a scream to leave her, thinking the worst. She looked only to see Jasper opening the door and nudge her over so he could drive.

    Dani sniffled and she slid over enough for him to get in and close the door. She felt his eyes linger on her face.

"He'll forgive you, Dani." Jasper said. Daniella shook her head in dispare as more tears fell.

"No, he won't.. I-I said the same thing my mother did when she left him." Dani sniffed.

"It was the only way to keep him safe. He wouldn't have let you leave if you didn't." Jasper reassured her. "You did what you intended. He's safe. The tracker's following us, now."

    A loud boom filled Daniella's ears and the truck bounced from the force. Daniella gasped, thinking the worst once again, as she looked back. She felt a hand on her thigh, reassuring her as he sent a wave of calmness to her.

"Hey, it's alright. It's just Emmett. Bella and Edward are in the car behind us and Alice is behind them." Jasper rubbed small circles into her clothed thigh with his thumb and she tried to lower her pounding heart rate. She laid her head onto his shoulder and held his arm. She was trying to keep the safe feeling she always felt around him, present.

    It was killing Jasper to see her so scared. She was always so brave and strong before he pulled her into his lifestyle. Now, she could die and it would be his fault entirely.

    Dani watched as the town flew by the window of her truck. She could see Angela, Jessica, Mike, and Eric laughing, flirting. They looked innocent and hopeful. They had no idea what was lurking around in the night. Their lives polar opposite from the one Daniella had chosen for herself. But as she looked to her left and saw Jasper by her side, holding her, trying everything and risking his life to keep her safe. She realized...she wouldn't trade what she had for the world.

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