Confessions of a Bad Boy // S...

By RE_BellBooks

618K 26.9K 5.5K

As her senior year approaches, Allyson Craine finds herself unraveling from all aspects of her life. From the... More

Confession Of A Bad Boy
Casting Call
Chapter One- My Best Friend, My Sister, My Louise
Chapter Two- That's Quality Heart Attack Material
Chapter Three- Walking Cliché
Chapter Four- Your Inner Perv Likes The Bad Boy
Chapter Five- Where's Your Sense Of Adventure
Chapter Six- Eat Shit Muskrat
Chapter Eight- This Wardrobe Definitely Wasn't Narnia
Chapter Nine- I Give Their Pathetic Lives Excitement
Chapter Ten- Moves Like Patrick Swayze
Chapter Eleven- Strip It And Tip It
Chapter Twelve - Spilled Beans
Chapter Thirteen- I'd Rather Lick Shreks Foot
Chapter Fourteen- Um What Is This, Motel Roach?
Chapter Fifteen- Beauty And The Bad Boy
Chapter Sixteen- My Life Is A Sick Teen Movie
Chapter Seventeen- How To Kill A Heart
Chapter Eighteen-You Are Mine
Chapter Nineteen- Exercise Freedom
Chapter Twenty- Bad Boy Confessions
Chapter Twenty One- Fallback Or Fall Apart
Chapter Twenty Two- Don't Torture Yourself
Chapter Twenty Three-Time Heals all wounds, I'll be okay until then
Chapter Twenty Four- All Eyes
Chapter Twenty Five- I've Been To Prison
Chapter Twenty Six- Mally Lives
Chapter Twenty Seven- It's Complicated With Mason Reynolds
Chapter Twenty Eight- Our Song
Chapter Twenty Nine- Oh My God You're Pregnant
Chapter Thirty- Love Makes Family
Chapter Thirty One- We're Not Even In The Same Ocean
Chapter Thirty Two- It's You
Chapter Thirty Three- There's No Other Place For Me
Author's Note

Chapter Seven- You Fall For A Guy-He Secretly Falls For You

20.6K 831 481
By RE_BellBooks

Chapter Seven- You Fall For A Guy-He Secretly Falls For You

Do you ever just wake up and feel like everything is unreal. Like everything you saw was fake and that you weren't even awake yet? Because maybe the scene in front of you was too weird to even be true?

Like now.

Mom and dad had their backs turned to me, whispering fiercely at one another in their strange parent lingo, that I never quite understood.

Mason sat beside my bed, his head tucked by my arm, sleeping soundly. I had the sudden urge to smack him off my bed. 

Brie was whispering into her phone while Gaby and Collins hovered her. Brett and Nate were off in some corner snapping pictures of themselves with nurse masks on. The urge to smack something was strong. But I had to be stronger than my will.

"Yes she's still asleep. The nurse said it was a little worse that she had expected. No it's not a concussion, but she had to draw blood. No we don't know, why? Yeah. Mhm. I'll call you later, bye mom." Brie said into her phone before hanging up.

Worse? The nurse thought I was sick or something...was I going to die? Is that why everyone's here? Oh. My. God. I'm dying!

As if sensing my panic Mason sprung awake and knocked his head into mine. Let me tell you it was like knocking into that wooden pillar again.

The boy had a thick skull.

"Ahh!" We both cried out, garnering the attention of the room.

Mom and dad quickly rushed to my side. The girls stayed back as if cautious of what was going to happen next. Nate and Brett dropped the box of latex gloves they were shoving into their backpacks, and smiled sheepishly when I glared at them.

"Sweetie you're awake." Mom cried out hysterically flinging her body onto me. I groaned in pain and patted her back awkwardly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I raised my eyebrow.

Because you're dying, duh!

Right....dying girl here.

"The nurse had a doctor come in and said we should take you to the hospital." Dad chimed in, his face sullen.

"Am I dying?" I croaked out not caring if I cried in front of everyone. Dying people had no shame, they can cry if they so please.

Dad looked at mom and chuckled. CHUCKLED! He laughed at his dying daughter! Then Mason and Brie laughed, along with my friends.

Was I missing something? Did dying recently warrant people to laugh instead of cry?

"It's not funny, I'm dying you jerks!" I glared at all of them causing them all to laugh even harder.

"You're not dying princess, you just have a busted appendix that needs to be looked at." Mason chuckled. Dad glared at Mason-maybe because he called me princess, or because he was still too close for comfort.

Seeing his glare, I squirmed away. Mom on the other hand smiled at me then winked. I hope she didn't think anything was going on between Mason and I. He's-him and I'm me and we could never be.

Not because it was forbidden. But because I'd rather step on legos barefoot while waiting for my phone to update.

"My appendix is busted?" I repeated raising my eyebrow.

So I'm not dying?

"No you're not dying, so stop being dramatic." Mason rolled his eyes.

Did I just say that out loud? Man I should really stop talking to myself.

"Yeah you really should." He chuckled.


Mom and dad soon left the room to sign me out of school.  Gaby, Collins, Nate, and Brett all had to head back to class. Brie was leaving the room when she glanced back at me. She smiled and I had to force a miniscule of smile back at her. I didn't think she would be back after how I treated her.

"What are you still doing here?" I glared at Mason who still hadn't left. As a matter of fact, I think he may have been the only who stayed with me with since I came in.

"I didn't want to go to class." He shrugged.

"Big deal, you skip school all the time-you could've just left me here you know." I retorted.

"I didn't have anywhere else to go. Besides you talk in your sleep-I find it kind of amusing."

"Shut up." I growled. Now he was just pressing my buttons.

"Do you always talk about Miller in your sleep, or was it just a 'special' dream." He egged on.

"Listen here dipshit diablo you keep talking and I swear I'll-"

"You'll what? Let me kiss you because I have to say princess you look pretty sexy when you're angry. I don't know, I have to say it's a pretty big turn on." He hummed in a raspy voice, leaning in closer. Instinctively my hand smacked him away.

Okay I slapped him, like really hard....but he had it coming!

I expected him to say something like 'you'll regret that!' or 'you crazy bitch!' but none of that happened.

He glared at me for but quickly covered his irritation with a smirk. Then he got up and walked to the other side of the bed.

Masons lips brushed against my neck, I shuddered at the very motion. He hovered closer until I could feel the tip of his nose just below my ear. His lips lightly brushed my neck and Goosebumps prickled my skin.

"I don't give up that easily." He whispered, into my ear.

"Y-you should stop w-hile you're a-ahead." I stuttered, shamefully intimidated by his close proximity.

"I'm going for the long haul princess." He hissed before pressing his lips against the crook of my neck.

The door swung open before Mason could torture me any further. Brie and Laine walked in but stopped short. Brie's eyes widened as Laine's gaze shifted away.

Umm, could you say awkward?

This definitely wasn't a promising picture. Mason's lips on my neck and me trying to repress an instinct moan. I looked like a distant relative of the tomatoe.

"Should we come later?" Brie asked nervously.

"No!" I  cried out fully embarrassed.

"Yes." Mason replied bluntly, gesturing to me. "We were obviously in the middle of something.

She looked between us both before I sighed.

"Shut up you idiot!" I snapped shoving him away. "You two can stay. Mason was just leaving." I said pointedly to Mason. Said delinquent smirked but took his leave.

Brie wasted no time in interrogating me. She was like a puma on her prey.....I was her prey.

"Are you two a thing? Did he touch you or hurt you? When did this all begin? Are you sure we weren't interrupting anything?"


"What?" she cut me off.

"Breath!" I laughed. She nodded frantically, "Nothing is going on between me and Reynolds. Nothing and I mean nothing, will ever happen between us."

"If you say so." She giggled. I narrowed my eyes, not liking what she was implying.

"So what's gonna happen to you now?" Laine asked popping into our conversation. Suddenly I had the urge to cower away. I know Laine didn't really care; he was only here because of Brie.

I wished it didn't make me sick. But it did.

"I'm going to the hospital and then home..." I shrugged as if not bothered by thr details. But in truth, the thought of having surgery was terrifying. How the hell can one bust their appendix and not notice the pain?

This girl, right here. That's who!

"Ally you're going to have surgery. Do you need me there with you, because I feel like I need to be there? Should I bring magazines or what about your copy of 'Catching Fire'? Ooh maybe I should bring our collection of John Hughes movies. We can watch the Breakfast Club when you wake up." Brie rambled, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Calm down Brianne! You make it sound like I'll be in the hospital for months." I chuckled feeling at ease with her again.

"No. But I would guess a whole weekend. Thus the need for your best friend and really great 80's teen movies." She shrugged. My heart jumped in my throat and felt myself overwhelmed with fear.

"A whole weekend!" I cried out terrified.

I hated hospitals-I hated doctors- and I hated surgeries. I guess it might be because doctors cut people open and sometimes they kill them. And hospitals are where people die. So don't blame me for hating the damn place.

Mom and dad burst through the doors with a wheelchair ready for me. I grimaced upon seeing it. School was about to end, and I needed to be in that wheelchair.

If I thought the rumor mill was bad. Then being wheeled out of school was going to be mortifying as my classmates watched.

"Ally doll mommy and I have to get you to the hospital." Dad said strolling towards the bed.

"Dad!" I whined embarrassed. Of course he used my nickname in front of Laine. Brie was used to my parents, so I really bothered with her....but Laine was a different story.

"Oh hello I'm Derek Craine, Ally's father." Dad introduced himself, to Laine.

Laine looked between my parents and I. It didn't take a genius to know what he was thinking, I had enough of those puzzling looks to last me a lifetime. I didn't look like my parents and he was wondering if they were seriously my parents.

"I get most of my looks from my mom's side of the family." I sighed as recited that line for the millionth time. My mother had told me that most of my physical traits came from my great great grandmother, Alice.

"She looks just like my distant cousins." mom chuckled.


"Well Mr. and Mrs. Craine it seems like the surgery went smoothly. Allyson will be back on her feet by the end of this weekend. She'll need to stay here to be monitored then you're free to take her home." The doctor informed my parents after my surgery.

I was still coming out of the amnesia-induced gas, and everything was still pretty groggy. But I caught a few words here and there.

"And you found a blood donor this quickly?" Dad asked. Why did I need a blood donor? Why couldn't mom and dad give me blood?

"Yes I did. It's seems that we had found one in our old records who was willing to give. Actually eager."

Mom and dad looked to each other, worried.

"Was this person, Raven Porter?" Mom asked. I noticed-even in my loopy state- how she said that woman's name. As if she tasted something disgusting and was itching to vomit.

"I'm sorry ma'am, we can't disclose who the donor is." he said.

"Could we have a moment alone?" Dad asked. The doctor soon left and mom and dad where hovering over me whispering fiercely. I only caught a few things because I wasn't completely all there.

"How did-Derek shehasn't contacted any of us since-" Mom sobbed hysterically as dad took her into his arms.

"I know-I know. She won't do anything. She won't try anything with Ally. She was gone for a reason and she promised us she'd stay away." He soothed her.

Take me away? Who the hell would want to take me away? If they knew me, they'd probably return me.

"I knew she would want Ally back, but why now? Seventeen years and we haven't heard from that woman." Mom cried, angrily.

"Come on lets go to the cafeteria for some orange juice. I bet Ally will be thirsty when she wakes up." Dad coaxed mom into leaving with him. The door clicked closed and knew I was alone.

I sat up-or I tried before pain shot up side. I winced but quickly laid down again. Looking around my room, I found the only other irritation I had was the mystery woman.

Who was Raven Porter, and why did my parents hate her? Why did she donate blood for me? If only I could figure out who she is, I could understand my parents dilemma.

Shouldn't they be happy I had new blood and didn't bleed to death? Why didn't they give me their blood if it bothered them so much? I'm bound to have the same blood type as mom or dad. Right? Logically, it should add up.

"Oh sweetie you're awake. How do you feel?" Dad asked entering my room.  He placed a bottle of Orange juice next to me and kissed my forehead gently.

"I'm fine." I croaked my voice hoarse.

"Should we call the doctor or the nurse?" Mom asked dad barging into the room like King Kong on a rampage.

"Yeah sure." He responded before mom rushed out of the room.

"Dad..." I was going to ask about the donor but thought better of it, "umm Brie's gonna have a movie night with me." I lamely avoided the donor question.

"You have to stay here for the weekend." Dad said frowned, he knew I had a fear of hospitals.

"I figured." I sighed, I hated hospitals so much..."That's why we're having it here." I shrugged.

"You and Brie? Together again, the terrible twosome? So you're giving her another chance." Dax raised his eyebrow.

I frowned, I was completely lost as to what I as doing.  Brie and I weren't going to conquer the world together with an iron fist anytime soon. But I did miss my partner in crime. Would it be so bad if I offered an olive branch?

"I have enough problems I can't fix." I frowned, "But with Brie, it's something we can work through together. Movie night is exactly what we need. It always brought out the best in us." I explained.

"So John Hughes movies, I presume." Dad rolled his eyes knowingly.

"Only of course Daddy." I chuckled ignoring the dull pain in my side.

"I hate 80's teen movies, didn't like em' then don't like em' now." He grumbled. "They're so cheesy."

"So is your life, but you don't see the movies judge you." I shot back. No one disses the king of teen flicks. That's uncalled for.

Mom and the doctor burst through the doors with a nurse not far behind them before dad could retort. Mom looked relieved to have the doctor there. He examined me and did a quick follow up.

Dad got a kick out of mom's mini melt down, when I tried to get up and hissed in pain. Mom quickly shot up and pushed me back down only to cause the pain to hurt even more. Then she blabbered off with apologies  about how she was a horrible mother. Dad and I laughed,  which resulted in us receiving mom's infamous glare.

That women could kill a whole league of super villains with that glare.

Mom and dad had to leave around nine o'clock. They still had work in the morning but promised me they'd come check on me.

A half hour later Brie snuck into my room with Nutella, pop corn, and John Hughes movies. We sat in the dark, t.v lit room laughing and crying as we wstched my personal favorite movie, The Breakfast Club.

"Why doesn't Claire see she's only going after Bender because she's only looking for a way to piss off mommy and daddy?" Brie mused, when the ending was near.

"Hold on shh! My favorite part is about to begin." You know the part-at the end of the movie when Brain recites the essay he wrote. Brie and I both mimicked him in unison.

"Dear Mr Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club."

Why can't John Hughes direct my life? Everything would be a hell of lot simpler-or at least I think it would. I would get the guy no matter what, because honestly does John Hughes ever disappoint?

No, he never does.

Who cares if your whole family forgets about my sixteenth birthday? As long as Jake Ryan is waiting for me by his car with a birthday cake and kiss I'm all copacetic.

I want the popular guy to fall for me despite what his rich snobby friends think. I want to skip school and fool everyone in the process while my monotone teacher annoyingly repeats my name for role. I want to walk off the football field and throw my fist in the air because I had won my love interest over despite the social barrier. I want an epic soundtrack to accompany my life because it was awesome.

I want my life to be an 80's teen movie. Nothing ever really goes wrong. You fall for a guy-he secretly falls for you. You throw in a couple house parties, some crazy dancing, cops, bitchy queen bee's, and loyal friends and you have yourself a perfect John Hughes induced life.

"Oh god I love that movie." Brie sighed as the credits rolled in.

"Totally." I nodded. "How did you get into my room anyway? I thought visiting hours were over." I mused.

"I have my ways." She smiled full mischief. Knowing Brie it  probably  involved some kind of bribery.

"What did you do?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Nothing. Geez Al, sometimes your faith in me is hurtful." She pouted like a sad puppy.

"I've known you most of my life, you bribed-killed-or did something horrible along those lines to get in. So which is it?" I narrowed my eyes playfully.

"I may or may not have given away your cookie dough Ben&Jerry's to the male nurse." She chuckled nervously.

"There was cookie dough ice cream!" I cried out. I seriously had an addiction to that stuff. It's like my crack- and I am a Ben&Jerry's whore. "Traitor!"

"I had to give it to him to get in!" She defended, "Besides I let you eat all of my Nutella. Doesn't that count for something?"

"Fine, but only because I love Nutella." I grumbled, Brie tried to get another spoonful but I  snatched it away, "MINE!" I screeched like a five year old.

"Immature smurf." She mumbled to herself.

"I'm taller than you!" I retorted.  I wasn't much taller than her, but facts were facts.

"Still makes you short!" She stuck her tongue out.

We watched a total of three other movies and were laughing and having a good time. Brie was the only person I could watch movies with, because we both quoted them and commented on scenes. So basically we were those girls, the one's you don't like going out to the movies with.

That's why Collins and Gaby never invite us to the movies anymore. I don't blame them- I would be annoyed too. I was just kind of relieved to have some kind of normalcy back in my life.

The past month has been a downward spiral for me. I was shame walking through life as my best friend sucked face with my  childhood crush. But having her here, despite the obvious unspoken tension, was nice. Comforting even.

"Ally?" Brie said cutting through silence during our latest movie pick. We were watching sixteen candles and we were at the part where Long Duk Dong jumps out of the tree and onto Jake Ryan. I laughed really hard before replying to Brie.

"Yeah?" I glanced at her, she looked nervous, scared even. "Brie what's wrong? Are you sick or something." I asked concerned.

"Do you hate me?" She asked, her voice quivering with an underlying fear.

"I..." I paused to collect my thoughts. But instead, I was a deer in headlights "I don't think so." I answered honestly. She frowned and I knew that wasn't the answer she was waiting for.

"I really messed up, didn't I?" She asked, seemingly to herself.

"We all make messes." I reassured her patting her arm awkwardly.

"Don't do that!" She cried out, "Don't sit here and try to comfort me. I went after Laine, after I knew how much you liked him."

" can't help who you fall for. You fell for him and he fell for you. The way Laine looks at you...he'll never look at me like that." There. I said what I had probably known all along. Something I should have realized long ago. Laine and I were never meant to be, and Brie was obviously falling in love with him.

She was torn between us two. I had only thought about my pain, and my anger, that I never took into account, Brie's feelings. I was selfish and that's not what best friends are. We're not selfish people. I took Brie into my life, we made a commitment when we were kids to love and guide each other through thick and thin.

But we finally found ourselves in the thick of things and I ran. I left because I wasn't willing to fight the way you should when you love someone. Brie wanted to fight for us, and she did.

Now it was my turn.

"I'm sorry I dumped you like a prom night dumpster baby." I quipped to lighten the mood. I fought for our friendship the only way I knew how to. With humor and Brie knew this.

"I'm sorry I pulled a Marilyn." She smiled, catching my drift..

"He was never my Kennedy." I laughed.

"Forgiven?" She asked hesitantly.

"Is Kim Kardashian's butt fake?" I raised my eyebrow.

"YES!" We both giggled.

It was good having the Louise to my Thelma back. I no longer had that nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. For the first time in a long time, something finally went right

"I love you Brie Doll."

"I love you Ally Cat."

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