Serendipity | Colby Brock Fan...

By sunniecoucou

3.6K 77 8

Serendipity: (n) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way Popular youtuber Isabella Hart, known as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 10

115 4 0
By sunniecoucou

"Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! Today I'm going to be pranking my boyfriend, Mr. Colby Brock. For those of you who are subscribed to him, which you really should be, you might have seen a video where he pranked me a few weeks ago. It was basically him annoying me all day, but I decided to get payback. I'm going to tell him that I want to be cute and paint a sunset on his back, but then I'm going to paint something else!" I turn off the camera and begin taking everything inside.

A few weeks ago Colby thought it would be hilarious to prank me over the span of a week. Just little pranks every day when I was least expecting it. On Monday, when I was getting ready for a meeting, Colby decided to fill my hair dryer with flour. I had just gotten out of the shower so I was a tad bit annoyed. On Tuesday I was taking a nap at the trap house and Colby decided to put hot sauce in my mouth. But he accidentally put too much. Wednesday was the worst. That day Colby was at my apartment to "grab something he forgot" while I was at a photo shoot. Little did I know that he was actually setting up clocks around my room that would wake me up every 30 minutes. He wasn't even there and I don't know how he set up a camera that didn't die or run out of memory. Needless to say that I was pissed and not in the mood for Thursday's prank where he hid the raw footage for the video I needed to edit for Friday.

That day I was so tired and stressed that I actually cried. Friday he turned off the brightness on my laptop so it looked like it was dead and pretended to break it. Needless to say that he had to make up for that one because I was even more stressed than the day before. Saturday, because I thought he was done and the pranks couldn't get worse, I let Colby spend the night at my apartment the night before. I woke up the next morning to a lot of my things in jello. My phone, cameras, glasses, keys, and even my toothbrush. Luckily, he had enough sense to cover my electronics in plastic or else we would have had a real problem. On Sunday he texted me my usual good morning text and then followed with a message saying that he had a secret to tell me later. We weren't planning on seeing each other that day and I sure as hell tasing going to drive all the way to his house o find out what it was. But it was annoying so I kept texting and calling him everyone once in a while to see if he would tell me. Right before bed, he texted me saying that the secret was that he was done pranking me for a while.

At least my prank is a lot nicer than some of the pranks he pulled on me. I honestly didn't know how I was going to get him back and if I didn't see the trend of people doing the same thing online I don't think I would have had the idea to do so. I still need to think of something better but for now, this will have to do. My mentions have been flooded by fans asking me to get revenge so I know I can't, not post something. I have to also please my fans.

I managed to make it upstairs into Colby's room carrying all of my supplies without dropping a single thing. I dump everything onto the couch and look at Colby who is just staring at me. I asked him about doing this earlier so he isn't surprised to see me with a lot of my art supplies.

"Why do you have so much paint with you? Are you painting the fucking Mona Lisa on my back?" He sits up and looks at my box of paints.

"I brought extra just in case anyone else wanted to get painted. Help me set up the cameras?" I take my backpack off my back and take out my camera equipment. Colby takes one of my cameras and sets it up on the floor facing the door. Where it can get a time-lapse overview. I set one up where Colby's head is going to go and make sure we will be in the frame. I borrow Colby's camera so we can vlog while getting ready. I set out the tarp on the floor and turn all three cameras one. I take the shirt I packed to paint in go into Colby's closet to change. When I step out, Colby has the camera pointed at me.

"Is that my shirt?" I look down to see that I'm wearing one of Colby's old shirts.

"...No?" I take the camera from him face it towards him.

"Pretty sure it is, but okay."

"Okay babe, take off your shirt and lay on your stomach."

"Oh, kinky." Colby jokes while taking his shirt off.

"Excuse me, sir, this is a family-friendly channel."

I turn off Colby's camera and sit on his back with my paint next to me. Colby has his laptop open on Netflix so we can have something on in the background. I would have music but I don't want to risk getting demonetized. To be extra safe we are both wearing one of my AirPods. I look up a picture of Pinhead Larry on my laptop and have it open out of view from Colby. I have another window opened with a picture of a sunset just in case he peeks over.

I'm about halfway done with the painting when I hear Colby's door creak open. I look over to see Corey opening the door. He has a confused look on his face for a second. He looks at me, then Colby's back, and then at my laptop before bursting out laughing.

"What are you laughing at, brother?" Colby asks after pausing the show we were watching.

"Yeah, what's so funny about me painting a sunset on Colby's back." I glare at Corey. If he ruins my prank I actually will cut off his man-bun.

"I just thought I walked in on you two doing some weird kinky shit. She's on your back while you're shirtless and there is paint. It looks a little sus, brother." I silently thank him for not ruining it.

"Corey, this is a family-friendly channel! Everyone here is trying to get me demonetized."

Corey stays in the room a little longer while I continue to paint. He leaves before I finish. I add the finishing details before leaving Colby to dry. I threaten him so he doesn't look at his back while I leave the room with his camera. I go into each other the guys' rooms and tell them to go wait for me in the backyard. I quickly go get Colby and tell him that I'm going to surprise everyone downstairs before I show him the final product. I lead him downstairs and make the big reveal to everyone. They all start laughing which confuses Colby.

"Isabella, what did you do?" He tries to see his own back like a dog chasing its tail. Eventually, he gives up and runs inside to the 24 pee-pee room. I follow him in to get his reaction.

"Honestly, I don't even know why you would trust me with paint on your back." I giggle so much at his face.

"You know what? I'm not even mad. This is if fucking hilarious. I should have known, this has been all over social media for the past few weeks." He kisses the top of my head and I quickly end the video.

After we hosed Colby down so the paint wouldn't mess up the pool or the shower, I head out to lunch with Kat and Devyn. We hang out at least once a week to get away from the boys and have a bit of girl time. We use this time to talk about our boyfriends and just catch up in general. The past few weeks have been centered around Gabby. After she went back to Kansas she kind of dropped off the face of the earth. She would barely talk in our group chat and completely ignore me. She ended up taking herself out of the group chat and barely talks to any of us. Jake told us they broke up so we just took it as a sign to leave her alone for now.

"You've been silent about you and Colby. How's that going?" Devyn asks as she sips her drink.

"Oh you know, it's going well." I don't make eye contact, which makes things look bad.

"Girl, if you don't spill after Devyn and I just spilled tea about our boyfriends I'll kick you."

"Okay, okay. No need to get aggressive. Last week when I was sleeping over with Colby. We were trying to fall asleep but not asleep yet. Colby said, 'I love you' and I panicked. I pretended to be asleep and he hasn't brought it up again since." Both of them stare at me for a second before freaking out.

"Why didn't you say anything back?"

"I— Look, it's going to sound bad but I don't even know if I love him. I've never been in love so I have no idea what that even means."

"You guys have been dating for half a year, what do you mean you don't know? Colby clearly knows." Kat looks like she's about to hit me. Maybe I need some sense slapped into me.

"I know what I like about him and being with him. I like the way he scrunches his eye when he laughs. I like how prominent his dimple gets when he smiles. I mean when he really smiles, not that fake smile he does for some photos. God, I would do anything just to see him laugh and smile all day. I like the idea of being around him. Even if we're not doing anything I'm happy just to be near him. We're together so often that I'm starting to have trouble sleeping by myself. I like that no matter how we fall asleep when we wake up I'm somehow protectively tangled in him. I still get butterflies in my stomach when we hold hands. When I hear his voice my day immediately gets ten times better. I like my name and every variation of it just because of how he says it, even though it's not any different from how everyone else says it. I like falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat and breathing because he exists. I miss him on days we're not together. We could spend the whole day together but the second one of us has to leave I miss him— I just described being in love didn't I?"

"You, my friend, are so in love it's giving me a toothache."

"She's like a baby, so confused and pure. Kat, can we adopt her?" Both Kat and Devyn clutch their hearts like I'm the most adorable thing in the area. Their reaction, and my realization, only cause me to blush.

We keep talking while we eat our food. The more we talk the more I feel bad about not telling Colby that I love him back. Maybe he knows that I was awake the whole time and I discouraged him from saying it again. Nothing has changed between us. The only person who is acting weird is me. Every moment of silence since that night causes me to sit anxiously. I keep thinking that every moment that we are doing something is the moment when Colby is going to come out and say it.

We get back to the house about an hour later. I go straight into Colby's room and jump onto his bed. After a few minutes of laying down, I sit up, look at Colby, and repeatedly smack the empty space next to me until he sits next to me.

"I have to confess something." I take Colby's hand and play with his fingers.

"What did you do now?" I know he's joking but there is a hint of concern in his voice.

"Do you remember when I spent the night here a few weeks ago?" I look up and stare into his eyes.

"You sleep here once a week. You're going to have to be more specific, Iz."

"It was the day we went to the mall."

"Yeah, I remember that day."

"Well, when we were falling asleep that night I heard you say that you love me. I panicked and pretended that I was sleeping because I didn't know how to respond." I can't read Colby's face. He looks hurt and that breaks my heart.

"So what? Do you not love me or something?"

"Are you insane? This is going to should super cliche but I didn't know how to love until I met you. I didn't realize that until Kat and Devyn pointed it out to me because I'm just that emotionally dense. Cole Robert Brock, I love you so much that it scares me." It takes Colby a few seconds to process what I said.

He's quiet and then he whispers, "I love you with every fiber in my being."

My heart skips a beat just like it did the first time he said it. We both stare at each other smiling like two goofballs for a few minutes. We decide to celebrate to moment, our little milestone, with a date later tonight.

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