New Hope Club Imagines | Book...

By BabyFaceBradley

51.4K 1.1K 161

- I do any kind of imagines and preferences - I do NOT take requests sorry More

The Heart Wants What It Wants(Part 1) - Blake
You - Short Imagine - Blake
Old Friend - Short Imagine - Blake
Forever And Always - Blake
You're Not Going To Lose Me - Blake
Lost In Love - Blake
School Bully Pt.1 - Blake
What Happens In Summer Camp - Blake
School Bully Pt.2 - Blake
In Love With My Ex-Boyfriend Pt.1 - Blake
In Love With My Ex-Boyfriend Pt.2 - Blake
Breakup - Short Imagine - Blake
2 Year Anniversary - Blake
Sad Imagine - I Miss You Daddy
Happy Birthday Cameron Dallas
Short Imagine - Cute Blake Imagine
Lazy Day - Blake
"Are you guys a couple?" - George
Clingy - Reece
Interviewer Mentions You In An Interview After You've Broken Up - All
I'd be coming back for you - Blake(SMUT)
Essay - Reece
Panic Attack - George
Cute Butt - Blake
"Kiss Me" - Blake
Big Shirts - Reece
"And you're naked, okay" - George
Falling For You - Blake
He Tells Your Little Sister He Likes You - Reece
"Well, Fuck. I Do Like You" - Blake
Ms. Sunshine - Reece
Any Other Way - Blake
Memory - George
Friendship Or Love? - Reece
An Unanswered letter - Blake
Bad Boy - Blake
Lonely Christmas - Reece
A Snowy Afternoon - George
"You have no idea how good you make me feel" - Blake
Imagine - Reece
Imagine - George
You hate each other but then fall in love - Blake
More often - Reece
Birthday Cake He Gets You - All
Your Favorite Show To Watch - All
Movie You Watch Together - All
Couple Necklace He Gets You - All
Short Imagine - Blake
Restless - Reece
Short Imagine - George
George(Idk what this is)
He Finds Out You're Pregnant - Blake(Preference)
Missing You - Blake
Short Imagine - Reece
What Even Is This?!
Five Years - Reece
"What happened to your face?" - Blake
Late Nights - George
Short Imagine - Blake
Finding Out That You Don't Want Kids - All(Preference)
First "I Love You" - All(Preference)
Short Imagine - Reece
The Heart Wants What It Wants(Pt.2) - Blake
What He Gets You For Your Birthday - All(Preference)
Nervous - Reece
He Sees You Cry For The First Time - All(Preference)
A/N Update

Nervous(Pt.2) - Reece

314 15 0
By BabyFaceBradley

"Reece won't shut up about you." That's how George decided to greet you when he opened the door to his apartment. You rolled your eyes and pushed him aside, walking towards the island in the kitchen. You dropped the bag of groceries on the countertop and spun on your heels as you crossed your arms across your chest. "What's he been saying?" You couldn't hide the excitement in your voice and George rolled his eyes in disgust.

You and Reece made the decision to ditch the party exactly a week ago. George didn't even try to stop you. Instead, he shot you each a wink while pouring himself another shot. You knew he was going to nag you about this but most importantly you knew he was going to take the credit for this newfound romance, but you were willing to deal with his annoying bragging. You were willing to deal with anything as long as it gave you a chance to be around Reece more often.

Once you and Reece left the party you made your way towards your apartment building. The walk was filled with comfortable silence. Reece's fingers intertwined with yours as you both made your way down the surprisingly empty London streets. Your heart was racing, this wasn't like you to act that way with a stranger. It must have been new for Reece too, you caught him peeking out of the corner of his eye, checking to make sure this was still what you wanted. You squeezed his hand lightly to reassure him that this was the move you both needed and wanted to take.

"He's like obsessed with you for some odd reason." You rolled your eyes at George's comment before turning to unpack the bag of groceries. "No, I'm serious, Y/N. He doesn't stop asking about you. It's like he wants to know everything but won't ask you himself." A slight smile spread across your face when you heard George say those words. "He's nervous." You replied softly. George was now on the other side of the island resting his head in his hand and giving you a confused look. You pushed the bag out of the way and hopped on the barstool. You slowly traced shapes along the marble countertop as you tried to figure out the perfect description to give George.

"It's like...he knows what he wants but he's afraid to take it. Almost like he's never done this before. Never just met someone so quick and felt a connection. That's what it is G, it's a connection, one like no other. I think he's nervous to make the wrong move. That's how it was at my place. It felt natural but forced at the same time." Your smile was still placed on your face and George raised his eyebrow with concern. "Why are you smiling if you think it felt forced? Isn't that a bad thing?" "No, because he was forcing himself out of his comfort zone. The boy was scared as hell G. Let me take a wild guess, he meets girls all the time out here. Girls that throw themselves at him. He gets to know the surface of their personality, sleeps with them and then boom, they're gone. Am I right?" You watched as George scanned your face, his lip caught between his teeth. He didn't know whether he should answer truthfully or make some bullshit up. He opted for the truth when he realized that you knew him too well for him to lie to you.

"Yea, that's pretty much all it is with him. I don't think I've ever seen him actually open up to a girl he's brought around." George paused for a second and leaned further over the island. He was closer to you now and a small smile was on his face. "Are you trying to tell me that Reece actually has real adult feelings for you? No fuck and chuck type deal?" You rolled your eyes at how blunt George was as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth before you answered. "All I'm saying is last weekend at my apartment he was in no rush to strip me of my clothes. In fact, that's not what happened that night. We sat and talked. He actually told me things about himself, he was apprehensive but he opened up a bit." You slid off the barstool and walked over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water just as the door to the apartment opened and closed.
"George do you think it would be too much if I asked Y/N to..." Reece froze in his tracks when he looked up from his phone to be met with your gaze. You were trying to hide the smirk behind your water bottle as the pink tint on Reece's cheeks deepened. "Ask Y/N what?" George asked as he shot Reece a smirk. Reece clenched his jaw and turned on his heels, heading straight for the door. "Nothing, forget it. Call you later." You felt bad for him, you felt the nerves radiating off his body from across the kitchen. You quickly made your way across the room to the door. You stepped into the hallway and saw Reece standing by the elevator. He was tapping his foot on the floor and from the moment you began walking towards him you counted the number of times he ran his fingers through his hair. 4 times.

"Reece?" Your voice was soft and full of comfort. Reece closed his eyes and pressed his lips together, hoping that he would just disappear at that moment. "What did you want to ask me?" You reached out for his arm, lightly brushing your fingertips along his forearm. He threw his head back as the elevator dinged and he stared at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling. "Nothing, don't worry about it." The doors to the elevator opened and he quickly stepped inside and slammed his thumb on the number 9. He prayed the elevator doors would shut quicker than usual but they didn't. You slipped your body against his in the spacious elevator cart and looked up at him. You brought your fingers up to his jaw and lightly ran your fingertips over it.

He tried his hardest not to make eye contact with you but you were his weakness. He looked down at you, his eyes scanning your face before he let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. Your fingertips trailed from his jawline to his neck. You stretched your hand across the side of his neck and lightly squeezed before reaching behind to twirl a piece of his hair around your finger. You don't remember how it happened but soon you found his hand on your hip and his forehead leaning against yours. It was hard for you to breath with him this close to you. It's almost as if all of the air in the elevator had been sucked out leaving you with the small breaths you were trying to take.

"I wanted to ask you out...on an actual date. To dinner or something." He was beginning to ramble as you felt his hand shaking on your hip. Before you had a chance to answer the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. You were about to speak when he stepped around you and out of the elevator. You turned and followed him as he quickly made his way towards his front door, fidgeting with his keys in his hands. His long strides made you fall quite a few steps behind him but when you finally caught up with him and noticed how bad his hands were shaking as he tried to unlock his front door, your heart broke. You reached out and took his hand in yours, pulling it away from the knob and slipping his keys from his hand to yours. "Let me." You softly said as you quickly stepped in front of him to unlock the door.

You pushed open the door and stepped aside so Reece could walk through, but instead, he just stood there staring at his feet as his cheeks grew a deeper shade of red by the second. "Ladies first." He mumbled and you tried desperately to keep your cool. You just wanted to wrap your arms around him and tell him to relax. That you were just a normal girl. That he shouldn't feel nervous around you.

You stepped foot into his apartment and looked around at the decor. "My sister and mom decorated the place. They knew I wouldn't have been able to do it myself." It's like he was reading your mind. He shut the door behind you both and made his way towards the kitchen. You followed him closely and froze as you watched him chug a water bottle in 3 gulps. He threw the bottle in the recycle can and leaned over the island, staring down at the countertop. Avoiding eye contact with you completely.

"I don't know why I'm so fucking nervous around you." He finally broke the silence and you were thankful because you still didn't know just what to say yet. "This isn't like me. It's almost as if I've never done this before." You took a step closer to him as he leaned over. "I don't do this often. There's no girl that catches my eye like you did. I never wanted something serious until I met you. Hell, we had barely even met and I already knew I wanted to take you out and show you off to everyone in this city." His hands were clenching the edge of the countertop, you watched his knuckles turn white as his grip tightened. "Reece." You said as you took a step closer to him. He didn't reply though, instead, he stared straight ahead thinking of what he was going to say next.

"Reece." You repeated as you gently placed your hands on his arm. His grip on the counter lightened up and you sighed a sigh of relief as you leaned your forehead against his arm. "Reece, I'd love to go on a date with you." Your voice was soft and gentle and filled the quiet apartment as Reece took in a steady breath for the first time since you've seen him today. You rest your chin against Reece's arm as you looked up at him. He was still staring straight ahead, you realized you wanted to help him get over his nerves. You grabbed his arm and lifted it from the counter before slipping under it. Your back was pressed against the island as his arms locked around you. You reached up and cupped his face in your hands before slowly moving his head down. You met his gaze and smiled as his cheeks turned bright pink again. "You are such a nervous boy. What am I gonna do with you?" Your tone was light and he appreciated it as he leaned his forehead against yours.

"Can we start by getting my hands to stop shaking?" He questioned with a gentle smile on his face. The pure innocence in his voice made your heart swell. You reached down for his hands that were resting on your hips. You slowly pulled them off of you before placing them on each side of your face. Reece cupped your cheeks in his hands and pressed himself into you as your hands fell to his waist. His hands were as steady as his breathing was and you smiled as his eyes locked on yours. You couldn't wait any longer. You leaned forward catching his lips with yours and his hand brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear before falling back into position again. The kiss was passionate and you got so caught up in it that you didn't realize Reece's hands fall from your face to your hips again. He was pulling you closer to him before lifting you to sit on the island. He stood between your legs, his lips never leaving yours as your fingers tangled up in his hair.

Reece broke from the kiss first, he leaned his forehead against yours as he tried to catch his breath. His hands were steady and placed on your thighs as your fingers still ran through his hair. "Still nervous?" You asked him as his eyes caught yours. He was silent as he rest his head on your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair as his breathing began to steady again. You both embraced each other in silence before he replied, "More than ever before."
- Sorry for any mistakes

- Also sorry Blake wasn't in this imagine just George and obviously Reece🖤

- I wanted to get Part 2 up so I wouldn't have to keep worrying about it..

- Don't forget to Vote and Comment for more<3

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