The 10th Titan Shifter (Attac...

By Knightslayer428

239K 6.8K 2.6K

There will be yuri in this with a female reader so if you don't like don't read. -------------------------- Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
(Y/N)'s training past
Chapter 14
(Y/N)'s training past pt. 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A chapter with the titan shifters
What a goddess!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
So I need some opinions on this...
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 13

6.4K 215 85
By Knightslayer428

Your P.O.V

This can't be happening right?

I stood there watching the horror of everything that happened seven years ago. I stood there watching the Colossal titan kick the hole in Wall Maria, I watched the Armored titan run into Maria's gates and I watched innocent people die and be devoured by titans.

And the worst part I watched my parents die over and over again. Countless times watching them be smashed by that boulder that came flying on them, hearing they souls cry for help begging for mercy and all I could do is stand there and hear they cries for mercy.

And I did nothing about it.


I gasped and jolted myself awake I panted trying to get my breathing rhythm balanced. It was a nightmare the day Wall Maria fell it keeps repeating in my head, I started to tear up my parents deaths changed me as a person and just to see the two loving people who raised you to see them die all over again is torture!

I wanted to cry, I needed to cry. I just wanted to break down into someone's arms, to tell them how I feel and what I'm going through but of course I won't get that because people think I'm a monster!

My breathing started to pick up, I started sweating more than when I woke up. I felt like I was panicking like I was alone like I am alone, until I felt arms wrap around me I slightly started to relax.

The person started to stroke my hair in a comfortable manner. Annie pulled me into a hug not saying anything but continued to stroke my hair, I gave up I broke down my walls and started crying I cried into her shoulder not giving a damn that I'm soaking my hoodie she's wearing.

She held me tighter and I cried harder. For once I felt safe like I'm not alone in this cruel world, Annie stopped stroking my hair and just held me in her arms and I hugged her back wrapping my arms around her waist.

We sat there for who knows how long until I stopped crying. Annie asked what's wrong and I told her about parents death and my dream, Annie sat across from me listening to what I had to say and let out and when I started crying because all the memories that started floating back into my brain.

She pulled me into another hug saying I'm not alone and that I have her and my friends from the Scouts. This was the most point of my life where I felt vulnerable, I just cried and cried until I stopped and tried going to sleep to shake it off but it didn't work.


I sat on the ground staring up at the bright blue sky with bright white clouds. I sighed running my hands though my hair, I heard the Scouts went outside the walls to re-claim some land that we once owned.

But then I was called to Commander Nile's office for an emergency. He told me that the Scouts are under attack by a weird abnormal titan that has intelligence apparently, while he was telling me this I wondered where Annie was she told me she had to leave earlier which I wonder why?

I was told to run outside the walls and save the Scouts with my titan power. It was easy the MP soldiers gave me ODM gear and a cape with the MP symbol and a horse, ha! It's Jean's brother! Anyways I traveled to where the Scouts are I'm the first MP soldier to go beyond the walls since the MP regiment is within the walls to protect the royal family.


I found them in the Titan forest. I asked Scout soldiers what happened, the titan they caught called the Female titan ran away killing Levi's whole squad and is fighting with Eren as we speak.

Annie's P.O.V

Damn! These Ackermans are so annoying! Eren enough is a pain in the ass and now I got to deal with Mikasa I'm killing Reiner after this. I saw lighting flash and I know damn well Jeager saw it too, meaning someone shifted oh god please don't tell me they brought (Y/N) to come and save Eren right?

And I jinxed myself damnit! (Y/N)'s titan covered in grayish almost looks black armored body popped out from some trees. Her titan is large but I'm surprised she can fit her body in this forest, the Shadow titan is what everyone is calling it is what I heard from some MP soldiers walking past me when I was on patrol once.

The Shadow titan's gold piercing eyes stared at my titan's crystal blue eyes. Then out of nowhere the Shadow titan tackles me to the ground running at me with full force, I wasn't expecting this and I tried to punch the titan's face with my crystal hand but I remembered (Y/N)'s armor is different from Reiner's.

The punch was like nothing to (Y/N). She grabbed my face but didn't squeeze and smash my face with her fist, we both continued to wrestle with each other punching and kicking the other one trying to claim victory.

We were both equal when it came to fighting hand to hand combat unlike Eren who was not as strong as (Y/N). (Y/N) brought her fist up and punched my face making it stream off, I returned it back punching her with my harding ability but the punch still did nothing.

Her armor was the same just like when she transformed. I'm trying to find her disadvantages cause it looks like she's got none, then I noticed that her body is slightly pushing up against each body part but still having enough space to fight me.

I could use this as a chance to escape right? I think her disadvantage is closed areas. Like right now the Titan forest is example it's kinda tight and her titan is big so that's a disadvantage she has!

I took this advantage I have and used it. I punched her to distract her then kicked her hard with my crystallized leg, my kicked send (Y/N) off me and landed against a tree resting there.

I took this advantage and got off the ground and started to escape. I left earlier so the Ackermans don't get me, I looked slightly behind me to see (Y/N) coming out of her nape.

She pulled out of her nape streaming off from the fight. (Y/N) opened one eye seeing me run away, but she did nothing and just stared at me weird? Wait? Oh god please don't tell me she's saying I'm a sexy abnormal titan knowing (Y/N) I think she is.

Your P.O.V

Huh. That's really a weird abnormal body figure for a titan interesting. Like cause you know most titans have a male body but yeah no wonder the Scouts call this titan "The Female titan", but this titan really did have intelligence it knew how to block my attacks when fighting this titan isn't abnormal it has to be a shifter right?

Mikasa and Levi came to my aid pulling me out completely. I sighed letting the stream came off my body,"So did you fight the titan?" Mikasa asked I nodded my head at her question "Yeah, that titan was tough no doubt about it. I also saved your boyfriend from getting his ass handed to him." I said pointing to Eren was out of his titan already.

Mikasa glared at me and went over to Eren. Levi looked at me and I kinda got scared on what his doing, Levi kept staring and staring at me I kinda just chuckled since this was really and I mean really! Was weird!


"Huh!?" I asked a little louder since Marlo asked me a question. "You heard me! Teach me how to fight like you, so I can save the MP regiment!" Marlo asked with determination in his eyes, I sat on a box looking at the dude who kinda looks like Mario with a slight glare.

I sighed running a hand though my hair. "No" I said plain and simple, Marlo looked at shocked at me and was about to open his mouth until I beat him to it.

"Because you don't like suitable to fight. Just stick with a gun, it suits you." I said getting off the box and started waking to my dorm leaving the confused male behind, I yawned that fight with the Female titan drained me so much now that I think about it that titan kinda fought like Annie.

I shake my head telling myself Annie is not a titan shifter. I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt someone pull on my hood pulling me back, "Oi! What the hell!?" I yelled trying to grab the person pulling my hood but kinda can't find the person.

I keep swinging my arms around until I tried my lower half and I felt a  body. I grinned when I felt the person's head but then stopped doing everything I was doing, I started sweating when the person's hold on my hood got tighter.

I turned to look over my shoulder and I knew damn well who it was. "Y-Yo Annie.." I chuckled nervously she looked up at me having a deadly glare pressed on her facial features, and I exactly knew I saw my life flash before my eyes.

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