OneShots: The Pack and Sidemen

By WolfPlayz17

863 18 5

It's just a Oneshot book :D Request Open Just saying this is mainly Pack unless you give a request ^¬^ More

Wazup Amigos?
Camping: The Pack
Rivals: The Pack
Shadows 1: SidePack
Shadows 2: SidePack
Rivals: The Pack
Shadows 3: SidePack
Rivals: The Pack
Becoming: The Pack
Rivals: The Pack
Secrets: The Pack
Rivels: The Pack
Stuck Together: Minifrags
Secrets: The Pack
Pranks: The Pack
Secrets: The Pack
Kidnapped: The Pack

Rivals: The Pack

37 1 0
By WolfPlayz17

~Mitch POV~

"You okay?" I asked squating next to Preston who was looking at the opposite direction with a frown "Y-yeah..." I knew he was lying but I didn't push it. Rob must have came and said something to him. Seeing that there was only Jerome and Lachlan at the stairs.

Vikk had a guilty look on his face, he always seems to feel bad altho we know it might not end well most of the time, I frowned "Vikk try find a way to fix... That." I pointed up, "And I will help Preston get to the infirmary." I said knowing Vikk was going to go on about how he is sorry. Vikk nodded and left going back upstairs. I held out a hand for Preston to take, which he did, and helped him up. Preston and I were walking down to the infirmary, Preston limping all the way there.

When we entered the nurse lady looked at us not suprised we are here, "What happened this time?" she asked standing up and taking Preston from me so she could put him on a bed. I sorta cheakly grinned "Well, uhh, rocket boots went wrong." she looked shocked at me "Rocket boots?" I nodded and sat down on one of the chairs "Okay, where dose it hurt?" the nuse asked Preston "Everywhere." he groaned looking at the ceiling I could see a small cheaky grin, "Hey, you remember when you made fun of me for falling through a floor?" I grinned earing an annoyed groan from him "Shut up..." "Two for me one for you." I leaned back on the chair looking at the ceiling "Was their an explosion?" The kind lady asked Preston "Uhh, dunno-" "Don't know?!" I instantly shot up looking at him, the lady gave me a look to calm down.

"Sorry... But one of the rockets went out from too much power, and you fell through the ground. When I went to check what the damage was, you were unconscious." she nodded and grabbed a bandage. She then started wrapping the bandage around his feet "No broken bones. Fortunately, but your hand and feet needs healing. One of you have to tell The Boss that you won't be able to do anything for about one, two, weeks." "I am not saying anything-" "You don't have to." Preston and I screamed, I almost fell out of the chair, we were not expecting him right now. The Boss raised an eyebrow "How long were you standing there?" I asked calming down, the nurse shook her head chuckling moving on to Preston's hand.

The Boss looked at me "You are not alloud to ask any questions." I instantly stayed quiet not daring to speak back "Anyways, later we are having a meeting. Something important came up and I need you two at the meeting room, in about ten minutes." The Boss then left the room, the nurse finished wrapping his hand, and she gave Preston something so he can clean up his small cuts. She gives it to us every time.

"Again, no going out." The nuse then put the roll of bandgae in one of her covered and closed it "Wait can I, uhh, walk by my self? Without suport?" she shook her head "Nope." Preston groaned but didn't say anything else "Mitch, would you be a darling and help me out?" Preston grinned "Only for the elderlys." he glared at me "You are older than me!" "Ahh, yes, but who needs help right now?" I smirked standing up walking over to him to give him a hand.

~Time Skip!~

"Now you may all be wondering why I called you here today." "Our attude against each other?" Lachlan asked "No-" "Oh thank goodness!" Jerome and Lachlan both said at the same time, The Boss looked at them both, both shutting up instanly "Continue." Rob said, saving them from what The Boss was going to say next "As I was about to say. We have a mission." why are we all here then, we normally wouldn't be a team together... Wait... I swear if he says what I think he is about to...

"Our arch nemasess is going to the football stadium, and during half-time they are going to lock everyone inside and plant bombs around the perimeter. I need you guys to work together-" "WHAT!?!" all of us yelled at the same time "We can't work with each other!!" "Have you seen us together!?" "We even fight over for the last slice of pizza!!" all of us were basically arguing about this it was obvious the nither of us wanted to work together "QUIET!!!" The Boss slammed his hand on the table causing all of us to be quiet. The Boss looked at each one if us "You will learn to work together!! If this mission fails then their is going to be a problem!! Now I have some business to take care of. You guys will choose who plays what role, two for the limit. And you will be ready at three." he slammed the door leaving us alone in the quiet.

"Soo... What's the plan?" Lachlan spoke up "Who wants to say the plan." I said knowing whoever says the plan the other half won't listen "Why does it matter who says the plan or not?" I gave an 'are you serious' face to Jerome "Never mind." "Maybe the nerd should say it." Lachlan smirked making Vikk glare at him "Not like you are going to listen anyways." "Come on. We need a plan, you are the only one with a big head to come up with one." Vikk crossed his arms "Fine if you won't say anything, Rob your call." Rob looked at Lachlan then around the room, then back at the blonde, "I don't have any ideas." Rob said rubbing his head "Back to you." Vikk smirked and shook his head, I already knew what he was trying to say "Come on! Jerome?" Jerome shook his head "We need a plan!" I looked at Vikk "I know." "You already have one don't you?" he shrugged "Dunno." Preston was holding back his laugher a grin on his face, Vikk was also close to laughing but somehow kept it in.

"You obviously want something." Lachlan started catching up now, Vikk looked at him, faking his confusion "You do." he glared at the smaller boy, Lachlan knew what Vikk wanted "We will listen..." Lachlan said sighing leaving Vikk with his big grin "Alright here is the plan..."

Oh things getting started....

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