Remember me?

By bluebearwriter

23.3K 1.1K 158

This book is about a 18year old Girl Briland, who is in a relationship with her 20 year old boyfriend Jaylen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author Note

Chapter 27

451 28 3
By bluebearwriter

                    Briland pov.

I just woke up and I hear a bunch of men laughing in the upper living room. One of the voices sounded like Jaylen and I got scared because I know he has been on the hunt for me. "Aye Ima grab a drink from the mini fridge in the lower living room." I heard Jaylen say I seen him come walking in looking at his phone and I hurried up and took Leon and hid in the closet. I seen him he looked exactly like he did before when I left him and my heart was just filled with hurt and I started crying. "Mowwy whats wong?" Leon said to me loudly then I seen Jaylens head snap our way "Who the fuck in here!?" He said and I just stayed quiet. He started walking over to the closet......KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK..  "IT'S THE POLICE OPEN THE DOOR. " ... Jaylen went to  open the living room door and I listened to the conversation "We're here to arrest Jaylen...." Jaylen cut them off and took off running into house. I stayed in the closet sobbing and keeping Leon quiet.....

                      Chris pov.

I haven't talked to Briland since she left and I'm hella worried. I have been talking to her like shit and it makes me feel like shit when I talk to her like that. I really got to apologize I've just had so much on my mind plus it feels like she hiding something from me and I don't like that shit. So I'm gonna text her and try to work things out.

Me:  Aye baby

Briland: Hi

Me: I just need to let you know I'm sorry about the way I've been acting and talking to you that was wrong of me.

Briland: Yeah it was.

Me: Can you just please come home?

Briland: YES! Come pick me up.

Me: Wya?

Briland: At a friends I don't know the address just come pick me up cause I know you put a tracker on my phone!-_-

Me: Uh huh haha love ya be there in a few.

                     Briland pov.

I am so happy Chris texted me I really need to get out this house. Seeing Jaylens face again really made me sick to my stomach.....When Chris got here I hurried up, got in the car and didn't say a word. "Are you okay ma? , it looks like you been crying." He said to me "Yea I'm fine." I said back "No ma tell me what's wrong everything ain't fine I can see it in her face." He said back "I'm fine Chris. " I said back "Alright ma" he said back....From there we just drove back home in silence.....When we arrived at home I went and cleaned up the house then took a shower. I just put my hair up in a bun and put a tank top and a pair of booty shorts on. Then I made lunch and laid Leon down for a nap when he was done eating....."Can I join you?" I said to Chris while walking up to him cause he was sitting on the sofa. "Of course ma. " he said back smiling. I sat next to him and put a pillow on his legs and layed down. He stroked my hair and it made me feel better. "I love when you do that." I said to him "And I love you." He said back "I love you too Chris." I said to him smiling "Hows my little ones doing in there. " Chris said to me while rubbing my belly ."Good, I think they trying to make me fat though." I said to him laughing, he just laughed and layed back and closed his eyes.....Chris and I must have fell asleep because I just woke up and it's 8pm already. Leon is sitting on the other couch watching sponge Bob. I got up and sat on Chris facing him and put my face in his neck. He slowly woke up and I kissed his neck softly. "Mmm Briland don't start something you can't finish right now." He said "Oh boy you know I can finish other wise these babies wouldn't be inside me. " I said back and we both just laughed. "Mowwy I hungwy. " Leon said to me while pulling on my shirt. " "Okay baby." I said back to him then got up to make something to eat......

                     Briland Pov.

Well I am now two months pregnant and to be honest it's been hell on earth. I love these babies from the bottom of my heart but they is killing me already. So far Chris still don't know about Zailand and Zailand don't know about Chris. Im really getting tired of hiding this it's getting tiring. I love them both but I just don't know what to do. I have been doing good in school plus I graduate in a few months since I have enough of credits. I am planning to have the babies then go off to Kent State University to study for a Lawyer. Though I don't wanna leave my babies home alone with they daddy so I'll still go but I'll stay at home.

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