Fake Love KTH ✔️

By Secretive_Trasheu

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The most handsome man in the world, Kim Taehyung from BTS is in love with you. You are confused, Do you like... More

Behind The Scene
Epilogue : Interview
BTS as girls


62 4 0
By Secretive_Trasheu

Your POV

It's been a week after the incident, my friendship and taehyung been doing great since then. He may be annoyying when i first met him. But soon after, i know that he's actually a soft hearted person and easily get hurt by others. I know why jimin actually asked me to take care more of him.

I caught him crying alone in the bathroom of his room 2 times. Namjoon always in his studio composing songs. So taehyung always left alone in their shared room.

The reason he's crying is because he always remembered of his late grandma and because of some anti fans left a bad comments for him eventhough he always give his all through the performance.

He's just too precious to cry like this. I don't know what jimin did to console him. But when he cried, i will cry with him before humming a few songs while softly caressing his hair and wipe his tears away.

Today is his birthday. Eventhough our schedule is busy with comeback. I made some time to bake a cake for him as my present. A simple white cake with strawberry toppings.

He look like he really like my cake. After finish our performance. We wish him a happy birthday and he ate my cake deliciously. It makes me happy unknowingly.


"Hyung, where is Dahyun noona? I didn't see her since we came back from malta. I thought she only take two week off?" i ask our manager about my cousin.

"Ah.. the makeup artist? If I'm not wrong, she took a year break because of her health problem"

"What Health problem?" I asked again. But manager sejin just shrugged his shoulder signaling that he didn't know any further.

I took out my phone and decide to call her. But she didn't pick up any of my call or messages.

Did anything bad happens to her?


I secretly sneak out from the dorm after everyone fell asleep. I know it's wrong for us to went out late at night and without any manager. But i must, I need to check for my cousin. I book a taxi to go to the rooftop house.

When i arrive infront of our house. The front door is not locked. I almost run inside to check on her. But a voices talking inside stop me on my track.

"I've been rejecting y/n calls from evening. do you think she will know about us lying to her?"

'lying to me? About her health? She lied??! That bitch'

"I don't think so. You did a good job for my bruise last time."


"What if she want to stop being you?"

"Then we ask eun woo hyung to persuade her. Since she seems to have a huge crush on him"

't-they know I'm having a crush on... Wait, persuade me?'

"But sooner or later she will know that eun woo oppa actually already married"

"He what??!!" I scream with the last fact, bursting inside the front door. My cousin and jimin was surprised. They don't even have the time to move away from one another laps on the sofa.

They look pale after knowing that i was there.

"Unnie, jimin-ssi. You have a lot of explaining to do"


Half an hour later (SpongeBob style)

"We're sorry y/n-ssi" jimin hang his head low. But i didn't even look at him and just stared at my cousin.

"Unnie... So you're telling me that all of this is fake?"


"Answer me!"

"Yes.. we planned all of it since the very b-beginning. Jimin leg is not injured. It just make up. But y/n, Look at the bright side"

"What bright side?! The fact that the two of you is dating each other? The fact that all of this is a lie. It's fake?"

"Y-you met with the boys. You could sing and dance on the stage like you ever dreamed for. I know you love to do it. that's why i agreed to this"

"My feelings. What about my feelings?"


"I really thought that eun woo oppa really think of me as a girl. But All of it was scripted. Why? To make me like him? To make me believe that actually someone might like me back? What a joke. You got me"

"Y/n... It's n-.. i-i'm sorry..."

" I really believe him unnie. I really do. I like him a lot. But he turns out to be someone else husband that you paid to make me stay." i couldn't hold my tears any longer that i cried. Sobbings.

"Y/n.. I'm sorry..." She tried to hug me but i push her away.

"I don't want to do this anymore. I quit!" I say before rushing to the front door. But jimin stop me by the wrist.

"Y/n-ssi you can't. please, at least not now"

I turn around glaring at him. Shook my hand from his hold. Almost lost myself to punch his precious jaw. But taehyung face suddenly pop out of nowhere, remind me that jimin is his dearest friend.

"Tell me why I can't. You can always text her when you miss her. You didn't have stay with her 24/7 and drag me in your business to be your shadow!" I scream out of anger at him. Shaking his collar. My cousin tried to stop me but no avail.

"The thing is I'm pregnant y/n!"

"W-w-what?" My cousin confession shock me. I let go of jimin's collar and he run to take shelter behind my cousin back. Might be scared of really getting punch from me.


" Y/n I'm.. pregnant, almost 4 month"


Jimin popped his head from my cousin shoulder.

"Your cousin is p-pregnant. I-im the father"

"What?!!" I chase him, pulling his back of the shirt amd straggling him on the floor. Almost punch him in the face but my cousin push me over.

"Y/n stop! Don't hurt my precious mochi!"

"Say what?"

"He's... Haish!"

"I-i promise her that i would take a good care of her until she gave birth y/n-ssi.. T-that's why i need you to be me much l-longer. P-pretty please?" Jimin kneel infront of me as if he ask for a permission

I still froze in my position. Mind is completely blank.

"Y/n? Y/n?? A-are you still with me?" My cousin snap her fingers.

"Jimin-ssi... So you're saying that my cousin is pregnant?" I said in a completely straight vocal and blank face.


"And you're saying that she's pregnant with your child?" I say it again.


"And you said that you will take care of her until she gave birth?"

"Yes!" He answer confidently. I started to look at him, smiling. And he's smiling at me too. His cresendence eyes is lost behind his meaty eyelids.

"Then what happen after she give birth? You will take her child and leave her then?!"

"Yes! Eh? N-"

"Yah!!!!" My face reaction change 360%. Neck cracked. limbs cracked. Survival mode activated.

"Y/n don't! Y/n!!!" My cousin try to stop me from chasing jimin all over the house again. She knows if my survival mode is activated. The prey have no chance of living.

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