The Dauntless (a male reader...

By RedImperium

92.4K 859 1.3K

(Y/N) is a 17 year old military prodigy who managed to reach the rank of lieutenant with flying colours. He i... More

(Old) Prologue
(Old) Chapter 1: I was in a gunfight you see...
(Old) Chapter 2: What the actual fuck!?
(Old) Chapter 3: An opportunity at death... how lovely!
(Old) Chapter 4: A Team of Girls... oh my....
(Old) Chapter 5: -Canada:1 -Bacon:0
(No Longer Relevant) Quick Announcement/Question
(New) Chapter 1: The Lone Gunman
(New) Chapter 2: Taiho
(New) Chapter 3: Remnants of Sanity
(New) Chapter 4: The Phoenix and The Rose
(New) Chapter 6: Through the Fire and the Flames
(New) Chapter 7: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
(New) Chapter 8: Die Übersoldaten: Part One(18+)
(New) Chapter 9: Die Übersoldaten: Part 2 (18+)
20k Reads?!
(New) Chapter 10: Light In The Darkness (18+)
Face Reveal
(New) Chapter 11: Operator
(New) Chapter 12: The Workshop; Part 1
(New) Chapter 13: The Workshop; Part 2
(New) Chapter 14: The Workshop; Part 3
(New) Chapter 15: Festivities
(New) Chapter 16: Dockyard Devastation
(New) Chapter 17: Clearing the Air
(New) Chapter 18: Rest and Relaxation (18+)
(New) Chapter 19: Bad Omens
(New) Chapter 20: Heavy Metal Mayhem
(New) Chapter 21: Trial by Fire
Halloween Special Part 1: Of Monsters and Men
Halloween Special Part 2: Project Gallahad

(New) Chapter 5: The Beacon of New Beginnings, and The First Trial

3.6K 34 134
By RedImperium

          "Run (Y/N)! Run!"


          "Get out of here while you still can!"

          "Leave me... I've run out of track a long time ago..."

          "There's too many!"

          "Arty incoming!"

"They've got James! Oh God! Oh God! (Y/N) do something!"

"Sir! Help us! My son's been bit by those things! Huh? No. No. No. No! No! No! Don't kill him! Please!"

          "Mom! Dad! Anyone! Help me!"

          "Don't let them get me... I don't wanna go... not like this..."

"You're going to Hell for what you did to my family!"

          "(Y/N), big sis will always be with you, got that? No matter what happens... I'll be there.... I'll be there."

          On an airship headed to Beacon Academy, the young soldier had been sleeping in a lonely, though vacant corner. Surprisingly, instead of being violated by an obsessive shadow demon, (Y/N) had one of the many nightmares he frequently had back on his home world.

          Most of the times were when a certain smell or sound triggered a memory. (Y/N) hated it. He hated the nightmares, he hated the constant haunting of the ghosts of his past, he hated the shadow demon that resided in his dreams, but... he hated being alone and having no one to talk to, the most. Five long years of loneliness...

         (Y/N) stood up and stretched before making his way towards the railing to take his mind off of things.

Gazing in the distance, the young soldier saw the life that his world was devoid of so long ago. He smiled as he saw the cleanliness of the environment, he saw exotic birds flying about, their vivid colours sticking out from the surrounding environment.

          (Y/N) felt... happy. Something he hadn't felt for a long, long time. It was refreshing for him.

         The young man went off into his own thoughts, later being joined by a newcomer. (Y/N) nodded in acknowledgment, taking a glance at the stranger.

This picture doesn't belong to me, by the way.

          Surprised, though not wanting to be rude, (Y/N) began looking around, his gaze sometimes returning to study the girl beside him. She was a Faunus, a wolf Faunus to be specific. (Y/N) took a crash-course lesson from Ozpin and Ms. Glynda Goodwitch the night before, briefly learning what the Grimm were, what the meaning of Aura and Semblance was and of course learning about the Faunus as well.

         Being given the necessary information to make sure he didn't stand out like a sore thumb, (Y/N) went to sleep clean, full of food, and more knowledgeable of his current surroundings.

         However, a minute of looking around began to make (Y/N) feel as if he were acting suspiciously, so he turned towards the wolf Faunus.

        "Hi there," he said, catching her attention, "the view's something, eh?"

        "It really is," the Faunus said a small smile on her face, "I really hope that I get a dorm room with a good view like this."

        "Heh, same here. You know, where I'm from, views like this are a rarity. Mainly ice and snow as far the eye could see... though there was the occasional forest that held a little bit of green."

        "So you're an Atlas boy, huh?" the girl turned to face the soldier.

        "Yeah, I am. Anything wrong about that?" (Y/N) asked, lying slightly to make his story more believable.

        "No, it's just I've heard about Atlesian kids are usually... how should I put this... uh, 'cold'. They generally don't like Faunus much, and yeah..."

       (Y/N) nodded in understanding.

       "Well, if you think that I'm going to be some sort of racist, then you're wrong. Honestly, I don't really understand why we humans hate you all. You guys are people, just like us. If there's one thing that people should hate fully is the Grimm."

        The girl smiled, her blue and amber eyes sparkling brightly. She giggled lightly, then looked at the upcoming Academy in the distance.

        "Well, seems like you've got yourself a hell of a way of thinking there," she said looking back to the soldier with a smile that made him blush slightly, "I'm Lucia, by the way. Lucia Von Lycan."

         "Nice to meet you, Lucia," (Y/N) said extending his hand, "my name's (Y/N) (L/N). I hope that we become classmates cause we seemed to hit it off quite well."

         "Likewise, (Y/N)," Lucia said with a wide smile while shaking the young man's hand.

As the two laid down the foundations of a new friendship, a hologram of Professor Glynda Goodwitch caught their attention.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon!" Glynda said enthusiastically, "my name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honour to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace. As future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have all demonstrated the courage needed for such a task. Now, it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

After the brief introduction, the hologram disappeared. Subconsciously, (Y/N) grabbed Lucia's hand and both joined a gathering crowd of future students. Both gazed through the windows along with the crowd.

"Huh, you can see Signal from here," Lucia said, pointing in the distance.

(Y/N) turned towards where the Faunus was pointing and nodded.

"I suppose you went there?" (Y/N) asked.

Lucia nodded, a reminiscent smile on her features. Her smile however quickly dissipated when the sounds of sick groaning came from behind. Her vision turned and landed on a hunched student as he ran towards the back of the ship. A mix of sympathy and disgust swept across her face.

(Y/N), who saw the same, felt bad though brushed it off as someone having motion sickness, a trait that he remembered well when his mother stumbled off muttering promises to murder his father after she got off of a rollercoaster in Marineland.

"When we get home (F/N) (Father's Name), I'm going to kill you... you forced me to go on that ride and now look at me..."

"Hah! Don't blame me, blame (Y/N) and (S/N) for wanting you to come along."

"They're kids, (F/N). If I remember correctly, you're the one who encouraged me to go along with them. 'It's mild', you said, 'don't worry,' you said. Huh! 'Mild', my a-"

"Mommy was about to say a bad word!"

"I know (Y/N), mommy's naughty."


"Picking sides, are we? (S/N) join me."


Underneath his mask, (Y/N) smiled warmly, imagining his family watching him from above despite being in a different world.

Bringing a hand to his breast pocket, he pulled out a photo of his family, all standing in front of an old steam locomotive. (Y/N) was 4 at the time, his sister being 5 for less than a day. Their parents stood behind them, smiling at the camera. (F/N), a Japanese businessman moved to Canada in the early 80's as part of his business career. He met (M/N) in Montreal a year after he moved. Eventually, the two got married and had (S/N) in 1987. (Y/N) then popped into existence in 1988.

They were a happy family, however in the late 90's, the family was torn apart by a 'terror' attack. (F/N) was shot mercilessly, including (M/N) who was heavily pregnant with a third child.

(Y/N) clenched his fists, exhaling heavily. He turned away then walked to a vacant bench. He sat down heavily and began inspecting his gear. (Y/N) unloaded his magazine, checked if it held ammunition, then slid it back in when he saw there was none. Doing the same with his pistol, he failed to notice a certain red-caped girl nearly drooling at his weapons.

"Heya! Nice gun!" Ruby called over.

"Hmm? Oh, thanks," (Y/N) replied looking at the young girl causing her to stumble back in surprise.

"Oh, it's you! You're the guy from the store, right?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, that's me. You're Ruby, right? I couldn't help but overhear it during the questioning."

"Yes, I am Ruby Rose. What's your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)," the soldier replied simply.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I'm Ruby!"

"Uh, yes... you... told me already..."

"Oh! Um, heheh... oops."

(Y/N) shook his head lightly while laughing internally. Incoming footsteps soon caught his attention.

"Heya Ruby! Who's this?" a blond haired, violet-eyed girl asked as she joined the two.

"Hey, Yang. You got that puke off of your shoe?" Ruby asked.

"Yep," Yang said, "a nice wolf Faunus gave me something to clean 'em off. Anyways sis, you still didn't tell me who this... guy is. Could he be your secret boyfriend?!"

(Y/N) flinched at the thought of being a very young girl's boyfriend. He had been in relationships before, but his partners were usually one to two years older, or one year younger than him. Ruby seemed to be at least four years younger than him... or twenty four years younger if taking his previous 'life' into consideration. He shook his head to expel such thoughts.

Ruby blushed madly and began waving her arms back and forth.

"Yang!" She semi-shouted, "he isn't my 'secret boyfriend' or my 'boyfriend' for that matter. I don't even know him that well!"

"Oh?~" Yang asked teasingly.

"Yes! He was there when I got enrolled in Beacon!"

Not really believing her sister, Yang turned to face the soldier.

"Hey, (Y/N), she telling the truth?" Yang asked.

(Y/N) nodded, most of his focus trained on the gathering group of future students at the ship's exit point. He believed that they were preparing to land.

A few minutes later, as if proving his hunch correctly, the ship lurched slightly as it came to a stop, allowing the students to exit.

Being followed by both Ruby and Yang, (Y/N) walked out the exit. A blur flashed by (Y/N), catching his eye. Where a trash can stood alone, a hunched over blond boy was throwing up whatever he had for lunch... and then some.

Shaking his head sympathetically, (Y/N) walked away, leaving Ruby and Yang to their own devices.

Walking along the path from the ship, (Y/N) observed every student and evaluated their potential threat level. Key word being 'potential'. He didn't know their skills, but he knew their weapons, so therefore; one of their strengths. He knew most of Ruby's capabilities, though he had yet to see her Semblance in its full glory. Lucia was a complete mystery. As for Yang... a mystery as well, but judging from her attire, (Y/N) believed her to be a kind of fist fighter and logically speaking; he believed that she possessed a Semblance to boost her strength. What scared him the most, however, was that he knew none of their limits.

Taking a break from analyzing every future student he came across, (Y/N) finally took a real, hard look at the Academy that he'd be attending for the next four years. Finding it beautiful in its own way, (Y/N) found himself thinking back to when he visited the Château Frontenac in Québec City as well as the Kölner Dom in Germany.

He felt a sudden onrush of sadness as he began thinking back on the memories he had with his family, though not just with them, but with his friends, and his former fiancé.

(Y/N) didn't think much about Elizabeth for many years during the Apocalypse, choosing instead to think back to high school sweethearts instead of her. Elizabeth was perfect in the young man's view. She was beautiful, she was kind, and she was smart. Elizabeth was instead a university sweetheart. She and (Y/N) both were at the top of their school and, at the time, the best of friends.

One day, before leaving for his military job once he completed his education, (Y/N) proposed to her. Saying yes, Elizabeth and (Y/N) became engaged. (Y/N) became engaged to someone he loved and caring. Elizabeth became engaged... in keeping secrets.

Behind his back, Elizabeth had been doing questionable things such as selling herself a few times per week, and sleeping with (Y/N)'s friend, Josh.

Once (Y/N) found out, the relationship went up in flames.

An explosion in the distance brought (Y/N) out of his memories of the civilian life, and into the memories he got when he was deployed. The scenery changed around him, blood and bodies of his friends were scattered around him, the horde of undead running towards him and the artillery, the blood of a former child splattered all over.

(Y/N) began breathing heavily, each breath getting gradually shakier. Sweat began to form on his face. The soldier held his rifle tightly, then ran towards the source of the explosion. The artillery.

Running through the streets of the city, (Y/N) eventually made his way to the artillery, however he slipped on an empty shell casing, causing him to fall and slam his head against the ground.

"You dolt! Watch where you're going! Do you know what'd happen if this container was to break?!" an angry voice broke through (Y/N)'s haze and jarred him from his nightmare.

"Ugh," he groaned, sitting up while adjusting his helmet, "the hell happened? I heard an explosion... ran to see if anyone was hurt...? and now I'm getting yelled at?"

"Trying to help? Hah, that's preposterous," the voice, originating from a blue-eyed, white haired girl stated, "I'll tell you what happened, you ran here, and without looking, stepped on one of my Dust canisters!"

"Well, let me tell you what Princess," (Y/N) said, standing up slowly, his unchecked anger rising rapidly, "I didn't see your precious Dust on the ground because I was thinking mostly about helping out if people got seriously hurt."

The girl, as (Y/N) later noticed, was covered in soot, as was another girl who seemed strangely familiar. As he was about to call out to her, a voice directed to him came from behind.

"It's Heiress actually," a black haired girl with a bow and golden eyes said, walking towards the group whilst holding a Dust canister, "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

Weiss turned to face the newcomer, then stood straight with pride.

"Finally, some recognition!" she exclaimed.

Ah great, I've got to deal with a rich bitch, (Y/N) thought angrily, as if my problems couldn't get any worse.

"...The same Dust company infamous for its controversial labour forces and questionable business partners."

Nevermind then, (Y/N) thought, mildly amused, his anger slowly fading, seems like the new girl knows where to aim.

Weiss flinched. Clearly, the newcomer's finishing statement caught her off guard.

"Wha- How dare you- The nerve... Ugh!" Weiss stammered before angrily walking up to the new girl, snatching the Dust canister from her hands then walking off towards the Academy's entrance leaving her helpers behind to clean up the mess.

Calling after the heiress, Ruby shouted promises of making things up for the mess. Unsure if she was heard or not, she mumbled to herself and turned to the other girl.

(Y/N) also turned to face the black haired girl, but he quickly found himself looking at her back as she wandered away. Sighing, the soldier turned back to the mess and went to help... only to find that there was no need to.

(Y/N) sighed again and found Ruby lying on the ground.

"Welcome to Beacon..." she said glumly.

Walking up to her, (Y/N) stuck out his hand to pull her up.

"Not exactly a 'warm welcome', eh?" (Y/N) asked as he brought the young girl to her feet.

"Yeah," she replied, "not exactly..."

Footsteps caught their attention. The two turned their sights to where the sound originated and they came face-to-face with the blond boy who evacuated his guts.

"Uh, hey," he said, "do you know where the entrance hall is?"

"You passed it," (Y/N) said jokingly.

"Wait! Really?!"

"Yeah... no. I was just messing with ya. We're actually heading there ourselves. You can join us if you want."

"Uh, okay. Sure."

The now group of three then proceeded to walk to the entrance all the while holding a conversation.

"Hey..." Ruby said as if she was remembering something, "aren't you that guy that threw up on the ship?"

Awkward silence rolled over the group.

"You only noticed that now?" (Y/N) asked, "surely, you would've noticed earlier... and had the sense not to talk about that."

"Oh, um, heheh..."

"Motion sickness is more common than you think..."

"Well, look, I'm sorry. Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind."

"Oh yeah?" the blond said, joining in, "what if I called you 'Crater Face'?"

"Was that necessary?" (Y/N) asked.

"That explosion was an accident!" Ruby retorted.

"Well," the boy said, changing the subject before it got weirder, "the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it!"

His name's... 'yellow'?! 'Yellow Bow'?!, (Y/N) thought to himself.

(For those who don't speak or understand French, that's the literal translation. Here's a mini-lesson: tir-à-l'arc means 'archery', arc either means 'arch as in "archway" or bow (the weapon). Jaune is the French word for yellow. So since (Y/N)'s Canadian and he had been taught both English and French because they are the official languages of Canada, he misunderstands Jaune's name (or he just thinks that it's just a joke name but doesn't act on it). Though, some of the more astute of you may have noticed that Jaune's name is a small reference to Jeanne d'Arc. Anyways, back to the story.)

"Do they?" Ruby asked.

"They will!" Jaune said confidently, only to lose it afterwards, "well, I-I hope they will. My mother always says that... never mind."

An awkward silence fell across the group as Ruby giggled and (Y/N) analyzed Jaune's potential threat level.

"So! I've got this thing," Ruby said figuratively and literally cutting the silence as she swung her scythe, impaling it into the ground.

"Woah! Is that a scythe?"Jaune said as he stumbled back in surprise as (Y/N) stood aside, unfazed.

"It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!"

"A wha-?"

"It's a 'Boomstick'. Though it also goes by the name of 'gun', my friend," (Y/N) said as he went on to analyze Jaune's attire, wondering if he had hidden armour.

"O-oh, that's cool," Jaune said.

"So!" Ruby said, a gleam in her eyes, "what do you fellas have?"

(Y/N) answered first by placing his C8A3 rifle, 'Hellfire', his P226 pistol, 'Old Reliable', his combat knife 'Midnight' and his remaining frag grenades and flashbangs on the ground.

The other two grew wide eyed due to the arsenal (Y/N) possessed and the fact that they've never seen anything like his weapons.

"This is 'Hellfire'," (Y/N) said picking up his assault rifle, "it's a highly modified model of my friends' gun. Thanks to the extended magazine, this thing can hold thirty-two rounds. Uh, as for ammunition, my rounds are armour-piercing-incendiary bullets. These rounds were made solely to kill."

Hearing (Y/N)'s last sentence, Jaune asked what he meant by it only to be ignored.

"Now this," (Y/N) said as he picked up 'Old Reliable' after shouldering 'Hellfire', "this is 'Old Reliable'. This one's served me well. This pistol's nothing special, but that's what makes it special."

Being confused by (Y/N)'s cryptic statement, the other two stayed silent as he holstered his gun and picked up the knife.

"Ahh, 'Midnight'," the soldier said, as smile concealed underneath his mask, "this knife is very good. It's sharp, has a jagged edge for ripping and tearing, and it's rather long compared to other knives that I've seen. Moving on to my grenades, I have two types; frag, which eradicates anything unfortunate to be close to it, and flashbang, whose primary function is to disorientate the enemy by blinding them and by robbing them of their hearing temporarily."

Ruby and Jaune remained silent. Ruby being in awe at (Y/N)'s weapons' capabilities. Jaune being absolutely terrified of the masked form that was (Y/N).

The red themed girl then turned to Jaune.

"So what do you have, Jaune?"

"I uh, got this sword!" he said as he unsheathed it, "and uh, this shield too!"

As he said that, he picked something off of his belt. With the activation of a concealed switch, the object expanded into a shield.

"So what do they do?" Ruby asked.

Didn't he just show you? (Y/N) thought as he put a hand on his face.

Messing around with his shield a few more times, retracting and expanding it, he put it away.

"The shield gets smaller so when I get tired... I can just... put it away," Jaune said.

"Wouldn't it weigh the same?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, it does..."

Jaune looked down dejectedly.

"Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons," Ruby admitted, "sooo... I guess I did go overboard when designing it."

"Wait- you made that?!" Jaune said, as surprised as (Y/N) was when he first learned about it.

"Of course! Didn't you make yours?"

"I-it's a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it in the war."

Huh, seems this place has its fair share of shit as well, (Y/N) thought, but using a sword that's over a century old? Wouldn't the steel's quality be terrible? Well of course... unless they took real care about it. The damn thing seems like a family heirloom to me.

"Sounds like a family heirloom to me!" Ruby said, voicing (Y/N)'s thoughts while laughing, "well, I like it! Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days."

"Yeah, the classics..." Jaune said as he sheathed his sword.

Changing topics, Ruby turned to (Y/N).

"So, hey, (Y/N). Why'd you come to help me back in the courtyard?"

"Instinct," (Y/N) replied simply.

The group of three then continued walking towards the entrance of the academy for the ceremony.

Entering the building and seeing the masses of people, (Y/N) was struck with an image of an undead horde. Starting to sweat and hyperventilate, (Y/N) looked around frantically for an exit until Ruby's voice broke (Y/N)'s vision.

"I-I gotta go! See you guys after the ceremony!" Ruby finished before joining her sister somewhere in the crowd.

Jaune and (Y/N) thus were left alone.

"So... what now?" Jaune asked as he looked towards (Y/N).

"Find someone you know, then join them?" (Y/N) replied, unsure.

Spotting Lucia in the crowd looking out of place as some people were giving her a wide berth due to her Faunus nature, (Y/N) went to join her, leaving Jaune to his lonesome.

Having made his way through the crowd, he stood beside Lucia, the Faunus giving the soldier a small smile.

"How are you doing?" (Y/N) asked.

"I'm doing fine, though things could be better," Lucia said subtly pointing out the people who were glaring at her and the guy beside her.

"Hmm. Any of them say anything to you directly?"

"Yes. A few of them told me to go back to that 'filthy little island paradise' of mine. Some of them even threatened me."

As the wolf Faunus answered (Y/N)'s question, her tone gradually became sadder. This didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey, don't worry about them alright," (Y/N) reassured her, "if they bother you or hurt you in any way, I'll be there if you need me. I don't tolerate that kind of thing, okay?"

"Ha ha, okay," Lucia said, giggling lightly while also having a faint blush on her face, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, Mr. 'White Knight'. Anyways, look, the ceremony's starting. I bet you'd like to hear what Ozpin's got to say."

(Y/N) nodded at that, then following Lucia's example, focused on the headmaster.

"I'll... keep this brief..." Ozpin began, "you have traveled here in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

As Ozpin finished his speech, professor Glynda Goodwitch stepped up and took his place.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You're dismissed."

She soon walked off, joining the headmaster.

"So... what now?" (Y/N) asked, looking at Lucia.

"We get ready to sleep, silly!" Lucia replied as she spread out her sleeping bag.

"Uh, yeah... about that... I don't actually have a sleeping bag... or a pillow... or pyjamas..."

"Huh? What? Why?"

"It's a very long story... but all you need to know was that fire played a big role in it..."

"Oh, well... if you get cold, I got some spare blankets..."

"I'll keep your offer in mind. Thank you."

"Don't sweat it."

As the day slowly came to an end, the future students had set up a small encampment composed of several colourful sleeping bags. Many of the guys among the students had taken it upon themselves to take off their shirts and show off their muscles whereas the girls mostly had a set of much more tame clothing.

(Y/N) was sitting cross legged beside Lucia, the Faunus heading off to sleep while the young soldier worked on his weapons.

He had heard that the initiation was a test of sorts. A test where one's abilities are demonstrated. To be sure he succeeds in completing the initiation perfectly, (Y/N) wanted to be sure that his weapons were in top condition. Despite having disassembled his rifle a few hours earlier, (Y/N) checked it a few more times. Doing the same with his pistol, (Y/N) decided that he had prepared enough and slipped into slumber, keeping his weapons at his side instead of the locker provided to him.

It wasn't meant to be.

A group of particularly annoying girls were wandering about, chatting rather loudly and essentially keeping everyone awake.

Shifting and turning on the floor, (Y/N) growled in rage as he desperately tried going to sleep. Giving up, (Y/N) picked himself off of the ground and made his way to the group of girls.

Getting closer, (Y/N) saw the four girls he had met earlier; Ruby, Weiss, the black haired girl with a bow, and Yang. (Y/N) slapped his masked face, pushing the contraption deep enough to leave a temporary mark.

Seeing some candelabras still lit around the ballroom, (Y/N) got an idea. He willed the flames to hop into his open hand, taking all of the light with him. This caught the attention of some of the irritated teens whom were desperate to sleep, as well as the four annoyances. Snuffing the flames in his hands, (Y/N) spoke firmly, saying two words that were heard despite the heavy silence.

"Good. Night."

A collective sigh was heard throughout the ballroom, a few muttered words of thanks sneaking in.

(Y/N) went back to his claimed spot, lay beside his weapons, and with Lucia's calm breathing nearby, he fell asleep quickly and... with no incident.

When the early hours of the morning came around, (Y/N) woke up, and silently began a quick jog to warm himself up. After a short half-hour jog, the teen noticed that the light was becoming more and more intense, signifying that the day would soon begin.

He sighed, then returned to the ballroom where he proceeded to do a few sets of both push-ups and sit-ups. Since he didn't have a horizontal bar to use, (Y/N) skipped on the pull-ups. When he returned to the common area where many of the future students still slept. Among those awake or starting to awaken, (Y/N) was fully aware of things and his surroundings. However, a shifty looking girl with ginger hair and blue eyes was also aware of the calm that blanketed the ballroom.

A mischievous grin came across her features. (Y/N) saw this and raised his guard.

The girl opened up her mouth and let loose a holler that rivalled a landslide.

"Wake up lazy-butts!"

Many of the teens groaned in either mild or major annoyance, (Y/N) included. The girl then proceeded to wake up an unfortunate bastard with black hair and a purple streak.

Hearing light moans along with groans at his side, (Y/N) turned to face a stretching Lucia, her wolf ears twitching slightly. Her strikingly beautiful amber and blue eyes revealed soon themselves. At the moment, (Y/N) had removed his helmet-gas mask contraption, revealing his scarred face, silver eyes, and his (H/C) coloured hair.

Lucia, not recognizing who the person sitting beside her was, shifted back in surprise.

"Who're you?!" Lucia asked with a glare.

"The same guy I was yesterday, you know, with the exception of my head gear," (Y/N) said lifting his helmet, the painted skull pattern showing itself to the wolf faunus.

Upon realizing that it was her new companion, Lucia relaxed.

"So... this is what you look like," she said, her eyes scanning over (Y/N)'s features, "pretty handsome, I must say."

(Y/N) blushed slightly and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Thanks," he said, "you look beautiful yourself."

"Thank you," Lucia replied, a smile gracing her friendly face, "I don't really work hard to make myself look like this. It's just genetics, I guess."

The two shared a laugh as Lucia got up fully and pulled out a small bag containing two sandwiches.

"Brought these yesterday," the girl said holding one of the sandwiches out to (Y/N), "I took one too many, so you can have the other."

"Gee, thanks. That's real swell of you," (Y/N) remarked, "most people I meet or have met would've gladly let me or anyone else go hungry."

"Well, I'm not like that. My parents taught me to be kind to others, despite them treating me harshly at first. In the end those that I've met usually ended up treating me nicer the next time our paths crossed."

"Ah yes, the 'Golden Rule'..."

Laughing, Lucia and (Y/N) bonded some more before eventually splitting apart so Lucia could get changed and get her weapons for the upcoming initiation.

The first trial was approaching.

Ahhh! Done! I made you guys an extra long chapter, so I hope it goes appreciated. I would've put it out earlier, but work and such... I won't go too much into my life, but yeah. I hope you'll enjoy 'my' new OC and eventually come to enjoy the future plans I have for her. Again, my whole summer has been thrown into disarray (cause job and summer school for physics...), so yeah.

On another note, Canada gets real fucking hot in the summer, holy shit. It sometimes gets to the point where I don't need the heater on for my pool. It's great barbecue weather, though.

Well, that's all from me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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