the billionaires baker

By sierrarwright

85.6K 2.2K 103

Stella works at a cute little cupcake shop trying to pay rent and keep her stomach fed. With her parents not... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

5K 115 7
By sierrarwright

Stella's point of view

I was able to leave the office around 5:40. I got a ton of work done and am amaised at the amount of work I was able to accomplish. When I got home I took a nice warm shower and then called my best friend Sienna.

"Hey girl whats up?" She answers  on the 3rd ring.

"So I have this meeting with someone tonight and he said it is a professional dinner so I can get to know how he works."

"That is totally code for a date."

"Yeah I know so I need you to come over and help me find an outfit." I say.

"Okay I will be over in 15." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"It's part of my job." She says.

we hang up and I go and blowdry my hair. I hear a knock at the door and run to open it.

"I can't believe you have a date tonight!" She squeels pulling me in for a hug.

"It's crazy and I don't think I am ready for it. I haven't ever been with anyone officially so I have no idea what to expect. He has been so kind and has given me a job he is just perfect." I say.

"Lets get you ready then." She says going to my closet.

She comes back out with a black  Gracefully yours Black Dress given to me as a gift from sienna a year or so back.  She also has a pair of black flats knowing full well I hate high heals. She shoves the cloths on my hand and pushes me into the bathroom. I change into it as well as red lace undies.  When I walk back out the clock reads 6:15. Sienna rushes me into the chair I have at my vanity and she straitens my hair and does some light makeup consisting of  mascara, filling in my eyebrows, and some chapstick. When she is finished it is 6:58. I grab a silver clutch and right as I walk out of my room I hear a knock on the door. I go and answer it and find Asher standing there in his usual suit and tie.

"Do you want to come in for a second? I need to grab one last thing." I say inviting him in.

He steps in and as I turn around Sienna is staring at me with her eyes wide.

"I'm Sienna." She says going and shacking his hand.

"Asher." He says.

"Stella can I talk to you for a second?" she asks walking towards my bedroom.

I follow her and when we finally get there she shuts the door slightly leaving it cracked open.

"Why didn't you tell me that the person who you are helping is the richest person in the country?" She whisper yells.

"What?" I ask.

"You are telling me that you had no idea who he was?" she asks.

"No I mean he is paying me a lot to do this but I didn't..." I trail off when a knock is at the door.

"Are you ready Stella?" Asher asks.

"Yeah I will be right out." I say.

"We will finish this when I get home okay?" I whisper.

She nods her head and I walk out of my room. I see Asher standing there his arms crossed his brows furrowed.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm ready." I say.

We both walk out and make our way to his car. He opens the passenger side door open for me and I slide in. He shuts the door for me and makes his way around the car and hoping into the driver side. 

"What car is this?" I ask genuninly interested.

"2018 Audi R8, black." But you already knew the color." He says turning the key the engin roaring to life.

"Yeah. it's nice." I say.

Silence envelopes us and though it isnt compleately uncomfortable it could deffinatly be less uncomfortable.

"So what do you have planned for tonight?" I ask.

"I kind of want to keep that  secret." He says looking to me for a second before turning his attention back to the road.

"Of course." I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Nothing I was just talking to myself." I say.

"Mhm." He hums

I ignore it and look out the window. As cars pass by I can't help but let my mind drift off to my childhood and the things that took place in these streets. It seems like I have at least one memery per black wether they be good or bad. My childhood was fairly easy. I lived a comfortable life but could never stay in one house for more than a few months. I wasn't a bad kid but nothing just never stuck so when I turned 18 I had enough money to get an apartment and I've kept it for a few years now and I have done pretty well for myself. 

"We are hear." Asher says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry I guess I got lost in my won thoughts." I say.

"It's fine Stella." He says helping me out of the car.

I look up and see that we are at one of new yorks best resturants. I have never personally been here before because it is well out of my price range but I have heard wonderful things about it.

"This is too expencive I can't afford this." I say shaking my head no.

"You don't have to Dinner is on me tonight." He replies putting his hand on the small of my back in an attempt to move me closer to the door.

"That would make this a date." I say.

"Okay then I will let you buy your own." He says.

"I don't have the money. All I can afford right now is a mcdonalds hamburger. and that doesnt include any fries or a drink." I say.

"Stella this is no longer a request. We are going inside this resturant and you are going to order whaterver you want." He says.

I hate letting people pay for me but at this point i could loose my job and I really need this job and the money. 

"Yes Sir." I say walking into the resturant Asher close behind. 

"Table for two under Taylor." He says to the hosetess.

She nods her head grabbing two menus and having us follow her.  She sits us down at a table and leaves us to look over the menu. As I look throughthe menue there is nothing under $25 and I start to feel sick to my stomach. 

"Stella can you try not to look like you are going to hurl?" He questions.

"I'm sorry I'm just not use to looking at a menu with the prices being this high." I say.

"Don't worry about the price okay?" He asks.

"Okay." I finally say after a few minutes of silence.

He nods his head and goes over the menu. After a few minutes the lady comes back and takes our order. I decided on a steak with a baked potato and some veggies on the side. He gets the same thing as me but does mashed potatoes instead of he baked potato. 

"Thank you for agreeing to this dinner. I feel it is very important for the employees I work closely with to know exactly how i work. Like I mentioned earlier today i am very busy and may not always have time to answer phone calls or emails. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible and I trust that you will respect that." He says.

"Of couse. I just want to say thank you again for this opertunity. I look forward to working on this project and to see how it developes." I reply.

"Did everything work okay today?" He asks me.

"Yeah everything worked amaizing. I got a lot done. I sent everything to you for review. I am confidant that I can have the basis of everything down by the end of this week." I say.

"That is great news." He states.

"Yes." I say just as the food comes out.

We make small conversation as we eat our food and I only get about half way through my meal before I feel full. I move my food around the plate with my fork and Asher notices.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just I cant finish the meal." I say loking down.

"So I am assuming that you don't want desert." He says.

"Yeah I'm good. Can I have a box to take this home?" I ask.

"Of course." He says. 

Ashe waves down our waitress and she quickly comes back with a take home box as well as the check. He takes care of the bill and we make our way back to his car. He once again opens my door for me and then goes back to his side. 

"Thank you for the meal." I say as he starts driving back to my apartment. 

"Your welcome. Tonight was really productive and I appreciate your cooperation." He says.

"Of course." I say. I once again let my thoughts take over but that doesnt last long as his phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" He asks.

He is quite for a moment before replying.

"I am busy right now can this wait till tomorrow?" He asks.

It is silent again.

"Okay I will be there in a few minutes." He says.

He hangs up not letting them reply. "I am assuming we are making a quick detuor." I say.

"If you don't mind. Unfortunatly it can not wait." He says.

"Its all good I understand let's go." I say.

He turns the car around and makes his way to wherever he has been called to. I look at him and his hands are gripping onto the stearing wheel and his jaw is clenched. 

"Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"I'm fine just a little issue that I need to solve." He says his tone of voice changing to that of a more frustrated tone.

I nod my head and sit back trying to relax but it is no use. My leg bounces up and down and my nerves beging to skyrocket. When we get to where Asher needed to get to and he hops out of the car. I hop out too.

"Stay in the car Stella." He says his voice leaving no room for argument. Unfrotunatly for him I never let anyone tell me what to do. 

"I am not staying in the car." I say.

"I'm not going to ask again Stella get back in the car." He replies.

"So help me if you tell me to get back in the car again I will walk home and there will be no way I will even come close to your car." I state.

He is quiet contemplating my statement and after a few seconds of quiet he finally complies.

Fine but you are not to say anything understood?" He says.

"Understood." I reply.

He nods his head and I follow him into the building. "Weston what is so important that I couldnt finish my night before I had to come here?" Ashe questions his tone the same it was with me.

"There has been a breach of privacy with one of our apps." Weston I think, says running around frantically trying to fix this.

"What do you mean a breach in privacy?!" He yells causing me to flinch.

"I mean someone hacked the app and they are leaking peoples personal information." Weston replies.

"What are we doing about it!?" He yells again and all I want to do is to walk away and get some sspace. I walk out of the room and pull out my phone using the number Asher gave me to call for a ride. 

"Hello mis Stella whaat can I do for you?" Who I am assuming Hudson is.

"Hudson?" I ask.

"Yes mis Stella?" He asks.

"I am at Ashers office can you come pick me up?" I ask. 

"Of course I am already here come on out and I will take you home." He says.

I hang up and walk out the door and into towards the car. 

"Miss Stella." Hudson says holding the back door open for me. 

If I had to guess I would say Hudson is in his 50's he has brown hair, and a few grey hairs peeking through. He has blue eyes and his skin is tan and has a few wrinkles in it. He is about 5'8. 

"Are you all set?" He asks.

"Yeah I am all set." I say. 

He takes off down the street and akes the way to my appartment. When we get there I hopout thanking hi for the ride and make my way back into my appartment where an awaiting sienna sits on the couch watchin some random show. 

"How did it go?" SHe asks when I walk through the door. 

"I guess it was okay." I say. 

"Just okay?" She questions. 

I think for a second but know that if I dont tell her how I am feeling I wont get anywhere so here goes nothing.

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