Chapter 3

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Stella's Point of view

My eyes slowly open to the light shining through my window and I groan before flipping over and placing my head in my pillow. Today I have work and then tonight I plan to try and get some more things all set and ready to purchase a property for my bakery. Even though I don't want to get out of bed I roll over non the less and slide out of the warmth my sheets are providing me and stumble over to my bathroom. I strip from my cloths and hop in the shower washing my body off. I wash my face and when I finally feel awake I hop out and dry myself off. I walk back over to my room and grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a burgundy long-sleeved knit sweater. I pull my hair into a side braid and finally grab my glasses throwing them on. I grab my bag and make my way down the street and head for the cupcake shop.

"Good morning Stella how are you doing today?" Eliza asks once I walk into the shop.

"I'm good what about you?" I ask.

"I'm great. Today I am going to have you managing the front again. Why dont you go ahead and start opening and then maybe you can come and help me in the back for a little bit. I have a new recipe I want you to try." She says.

I nod my head and start the opening process. I finish about 15 minutes later and walk intothe back where Eliza is putting the finishing touches on the cupcakes. 

"Those look amazing Eliza!" I commend.

"Thanks love why don't you try one for me." She says.

I nod my head and make my way over to where they are.

"Care to tell me about them?" I question.

"So these are a regular chocolate cake with red vanilla frosting and a chocolate dipped strawberry." 

I take a bite out of it and instantly fall in love. The cupcake is moist, and the frosting perfectly fluffy.

"Oh my gosh Eliza these ar amaizing how on earth did you find these?" I ask.

"You know me I am really good at finding these things." She says.

 I finish eating the rest of the cupcake

"So do you remember that guy who came in with the suit on yesterday right before you left?" She asks.

"U'm yeah what about him?" I quiz.

"What do you think about him?" She asks again.

"He's okay I guess he seemed rude at first but he seems different. I just cant quite put my finger on it." I say .

"Would you ever date anyone like that?" She asks.

"I don't know Eliza I guess if there was enough chemistry." I say my face starting to heat up in embarrassment. "What is with all these questions anyways?" I ask.

"I was just curious you two seemed to look at each other differently than most people do that's all." She says.

"Can I help you at all?" I ask after humming in response.

"No dear just stay in the front and why don't we open a little earlier today." She suggests.

I nod my head and unlock the doors the the already anticipating customers.

"How are all of you doing today?" I ask as they come in.

"Great." Is the unanimous reply and I go to the back pulling out boxes and filling them with what people ask for.

I do this for about and hour or so until Eliza comes into the front. "Dear can you keep an ear out for the timer I have to use the bathroom." Eliza asks.

"Of course." I say.

Eliza takes off her apron and then makes her way to the bathroom. I hear the door ding and I look up finding the same guy from yesterday and the same reason for Eliza's persisting questions. My face heats up at the thought.

"Good morning how may I help you?" I ask as he enters the shop.

"I'm good, but are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine why would you ask?"

"Your face is just a little flushed." He points out.

"What can I help you with sir." I say trying t defer the topic he has chosen to take.

"Asher, You can call me Asher." He says somewhat nervous?

"Okay Asher what can I help you with?" I ask for the hundredth time.

"I actually came her to talk to you about something I am going to be throwing a party in a few months and I was wondering if you could help me plan and coordinate the party for me, Eliza told me that you are really talented and a good leader." He says.

I stay silent for a few minutes taken back by what has just been said.

"um, I um, I, uh. Yeah." I choke out.

"May I have your number so that I may call you to coordinate everything with you?" He asks.

I nod my head okay, writing my number on a sheet of paper and handing it to him. He places it inside of his suit coat and looks me in the eyes.

"I will be in touch, thanks Stella." He says before walking out of the shop leaving me in complete and utter shock.

"What just happened?" I mumble to myself.

"I just helped land you another job." Eliza says causing me to jump and hold my hand over my heart.

"Good havens Eliza you know you can't sneak up on me like that." I scold.

"Oh calm down. Hannah should be here soon why don't you just go home and get some rest I have a feeling that by tomorrow you are going to suddenly get very busy." She says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I am positive and don't plan on coming in the rest of the week, I will coordinate with Asher and we will go from there." She says.

"Okay." I say hesitantly.

I take my apron off and clock off walking out of the shop and making my way to a near by café. I walk in and sit down in one of the booths. I open my laptop and get working on some homework. Someone walks p to me and asks if I want anything. I ask for a water so the person leaves and after a few minutes they come back with a glass of water.

An Hour passes by and someone walks up to me.

"Ma'am are you going to purchase anything?" What I assume is the manager asks.

"I don't have any money, I just needed somewhere to get some work done." I reply.

"If you are not going to buy anything I am going to have to ask you to leave." The person says.

"Sorry I will get out of your hair." I say starting to pack my things but someone speaks up.

"Stella get whatever you would like and stay for as long as you want." The voice says I look up and see Asher now standing at my booth next to the owner.

"Sir if she can not pay for something herself she must leave." The owner says.

"Asher its fine really I can go back to my apartment." I say not liking the attention we are attracting.

"You should be able to stay here if you want It shouldn't matter where the money comes from and I'm sure you are hungry." Asher replies.

"I'm actually not hungry." I say finishing packing everything up. "Once again I am sorry for the inconvenience." I say to the owner and I walk out of the café.

I feel someone grip my hand and I stop turning around to look at Asher. "Why don't I take you home?" He asks.

"I am fine with walking." I say taking off again down the street.

He doesn't follow and for that I am grateful. I get into my apartment and like many times before I don't even go to my fridge as I know it will be empty. I sigh as I lay down on the couch. Maybe if I sleep I can distract myself from the fact that I am hungry. So as my stomach growels I ignore it letting sleep envelope me in darkness.

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