Chapter 22

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My eyes slowly open being met with the sunlight coming through the floor to ceeling windows in Ashers room. I feel his strong arm wraped around my torso and I find myself wanting to snuggle closer to him. With everything that has happened in the last few weeks I would have never expected the man walking into the bakery would change my life for the better. He seamed so grumpy and unhappy at first I never would have known that this man could secretly have a soft spot for anyone let alone me. I slowly lift his arm off my body trying not to wake him. Once I have been sucessful in getting out of his grip I make my way over to the bathroom and take care of my buisness. Once finished I walk out of the bathroom and the bedroom all together. I make my way to the kitchen and look around for something I can use to make breakfast for the two of us. I manage to find enough ingredients to make some french toast so I start putting the eggs in the bowl and add the other remaining ingredients mixing it all together. I put the bread into the egg mixture and put it of a non-stick pan. I let it cook for a few minutes on each side until its ready to be taken off. once off the pan I directly put it on a plate with a cinnamon sugar mixture, coating both sides in the suggary mixture before putting it on plates to serve. I walk back over to the fridge and grab the carton of orang juice and pour a little in each cup. When I turn around to put everything on the little Bar area I see Asher walking over a smile on his face.

"Comething smells good." He commends.

"Its just french toast." I shrug.

"I am sure it tasts amaizing." He chuckles.

I walk around the counter and sit on one of the bar stools as does he and start eating the food. I take my first bite and let out an involentary moan. "Okay this is so much better than I thought it would be." I giggle.

"It is really good Stella." He commends.

"Thank you."

He quickly eats his food and once done puts the fork down on the plate. I look down at mine and see I have ony eatten about half of my food. I put the fork down as my stomach starts to feel full.

"It will take time to build up how much you can eat don't be so hard on yourself." He states when he notices me staring down at the plate.

"Thank you for being so suportive." I thank.

"Of course! How could I not be. You are an amaizing person and I really care about you."

"About that." I start, his face goes serious. "While I was at the safe house one of the big things that was going through my mind was how part of me has in a way taken advantage of your help and your kindness and the more I thought about why the more clear it became that I want to be with you and not just work related but I want to be the person you can come to when you feel stressed about work. I want to be the person you laugh with at a movie, I want to be your girl." I say bracing myself for rejection.

"Stella I told you that I love you and I don't ever see that changing. You are my girl, you have been for a while I think we were both just too stubborn to realise it but you are and that's the truth. Weather my staff knows about it or not is up to you but I want you in my life for a ver, very long time."

A big smile finds its way to my face. "I'm your girl." I repeat.

"Your my girl and I'm your man." He says.

"Yes you are." I smile.

He stands up. "I have a lot of work to get done at the office today so I better get going. Why don't you stop buy around lunch time, I want to run a few things by you." He says standing up and giving me a kiss on the forhead.

"Okay I can do that. I need to go to the venue and make sure everything got cleaned right and then give the final Payment." I say.

"Sounds good to me, I will see you later have a good morning." He says.

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