Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 4: Little Witch

506 21 9
By EmmalinaP


At six am my alarm goes off and jolts me from my fitful sleep. I sit up and throw on my black and burgundy form-fitting workout clothes and my worn black leather ankle boots, prepping for my routine sparring match with Master Wong. But by the time I've finish getting dressed I remember that Strange told me I wouldn't have any more lessons. So, I decide to head downstairs to get some breakfast instead. But when I pass the library, I see Wong hovering at the entrance.

"Good morning Wong" I say cautiously, uncertain as to where we stand. He looks at me with sad brown eyes and shakes his head in disapproval when I meet his gaze.

"I can't trust you anymore." He whispers sadly, disappointment etched across his face. "I've overlooked a lot of things, but this? Tampering with time? How could you? You know better Kamilla!"

I glance away, hating the way he's looking at me. This stings more than I expected, a small part of my heart cracks under his disapproving gaze. I hate feeling like a disappointment to him.

"I am sorry I let you down." I reply my voice small and sad. But he turns away and steps into the library shutting the door behind him. I follow him, hoping to make things right and grab the brass door handle, but it won't open. I try again, but it doesn't budge. "They locked me out?" I say caught off guard. I didn't expect them to lock me out of the library. I walk away clenching my fists in irritation. Unbelievable! First Strange took my ring, now he won't let me near any of the magical artifacts or the spell books in the library? It's not like I'm going to steal them! Now I can't even study any of the spells in the Grimoire! I shake my head angrily. This does not bode well. Not at all.

Well, if they refuse to train me, I'll find someone who will! I spin around and march upstairs ready to make a deal with the devil.

Rather than knocking on Loki's door, I decide to just stroll in like I own the place. I swing the door wide open and shout gruffly, "Rise and shine Princess!"

Loki is laying down reading, his large body dwarfing the old cot. And when he sees me, he glares icily.

"I suppose you think I owe you a debt." He snarls, his voice low and threatening.

"Naturally." I reply brazenly.

"Then you would be quite wrong, I owe you nothing." He replies his tone bored.

"Well we can have a rousing debate over the fine print later." I say sarcastically. "But I actually came to offer you something."

"And what could you possibly have to offer me, Little Witch?" He appears unfazed, his eyes sizing me up and down.

I walk towards his bed until I'm towering over him and smile conspiratorially. "Information."

His eyes gleam, giving him away. "In exchange for what precisely?"

"You, training me in magic."

His eyes light up, "Ahh, of course. Strange refuses to train you any further, so you come crawling to me." He lets out a self-satisfied grin, clasping his slender hands in his lap.

I remind myself to appeal to his ego, by widening my eyes and replying sweetly, "Well, ya. Thor told me you were the most powerful sorcerer he's ever known. If anyone can teach me how to be a powerful sorcerer, it's you!"
I do my best to gaze at him with awe and reverence. I may be going overboard, but I need him to train me. For the last two years Wong has refused to teach me more advanced magic. If I want to learn more powerful spells, I need someone who won't treat me like I'm breakable. I plaster a naive smile on my face hoping to disarm him.

He sits up, "So that's why you saved me." He smiles smugly and turns his gaze to his hands as he fiddles with his dagger. "I knew there was another reason." He adds with a with an air of superiority. "I assume you want me to teach you things that the good Dr. refuses to teach you?"

"Exactly!" You don't know just how desperate I am, I think to myself.

"So, will you do it?" I plead giving him big puppy dog eyes, that always seem to work on guys.

He gives me a wide taunting smile, his white teeth flashing before replying firmly, "No."

I drop the act and put my hands on my hips, frustration swelling. "What if I tell y-"

"You may have saved my life." He interjects his voice full of scorn, "But I am not in the habit of wasting my valuable time, training mindless humans."

"Thor went back in time, to see your mother on the day she died!" I blurt out quickly, hoping to change his mind.

He jumps to his feet, and lurches forward grabbing me by my shoulders. "He did what?! What happened? Answer me!" He roars giving me a violent shake.

I slowly punctuate each word, "I will tell you, if you agree to train me."

His eyes blaze with fury and his grip squeezes tighter, his fingers digging into my shoulders. Then he leans forward, his face inches from mine as his voice grows cold and dangerous, "You will tell me now, or I will rip you limb from limb."

"Okay, since you asked so nicely." I mutter sarcastically, refusing to be intimidated. "Thor used the time machine to take the Aether from Jane Fosters body and then he found Frigga and told her she was about to die. He said he would help her escape." I pause to catch my breath, as he stares at me; his eager eyes brimming with hope.

"And..." he prods.

I swallow, not wanting to crush his hope. "Well, she told him no. That she wouldn't fight fate, because her death was meant to be."

At this, he lets go of me and stumbles backwards, his face a mixture of horror and guilt. I decide to offer him a small mercy and add, "She also told Thor she still loves you and that she doesn't blame you for her death." He lets out a gasp as his face drops miserably and his shoulders slump into ruin.

"Thor tried to save her, but she let it happen." I pause, then add gently, "That means it wasn't your fault."

He swallows loudly and his eyes almost look watery, as his face fills with dismay. Then he drops down to the bed and shakes his head sadly. And I feel a familiar pang of sorrow for him.

"Don't blame yourself. She chose to die." I add.

In a flash he's on his feet both daggers drawn.

"How you dare you speak of her!" He roars, his eyes burning with fury. He strides to me, his voice raising, "You know nothing! You are nothing! You're nothing but a foolish, useless, disgusting, worthless waste of flesh! I am a Golden God! And I will destroy you like the pathetic and revolting insect you are! My power can never be contained! And I will kill you and everyone you love!"

His eyes are wild and his veins bulge, as he points his knives to my throat. I simply glare at him unfazed and with my arms crossed over my chest reply calmly, "Are you quite finished with your tantrum?"

He clenches his fists and narrows his eyes for a moment. Then, just as quickly as it came, the fight leaves him and he sags, lowering his knives. I step back and say authoritatively, "Take a moment to collect yourself. And if you're ready to be reasonable." I pause, giving him a pointed look. But he doesn't notice; he's breathing heavily, staring dejectedly at a tiny crack in the floor. "Then I'll tell you the real reason I saved you."

This seems to rouse him from his sadness. He raises his eyebrow and looks back up at me, head quirked and eyes glowing with curiosity.

"I need your help acquiring something. And I'll tell you everything, including my plan, if you agree to train me. But... I'll give you some time to think it over." Then I turn and head to the door. As soon as I step into the hall he calls out, "You haven't told me your name."

I pause without turning. "It's Kamilla."

"Fitting name for a witch." He sneers.

I roll my eyes, "You're too kind, your majesty." Then I shut the door behind me. Not bad, I think to myself. This might actually work. I know he's reluctant to train me right now, but I'll get him to come around eventually. I smile smugly, everything is falling into place. Finally, after two boring years I'm going to learn some real magic!

I head back to my tiny room, a small smile on my face and lock the door behind me, like always. I decide to get some exercise since I won't be sparring with Wong and grab the boxing gloves that I keep in a brown basket next to my nightstand and put them on. My floor is a bit of a mess; my purse, clothing and luggage are strewn out across the floor. So, I kick them aside with my feet, pushing them under my bed so that the hardwood floor is clear. I let out a relieved breath happy to be back in my own room. There are no windows here, just four solid walls keeping the world out. This is the only place I feel safe these days. I step up to the punching bag that's hanging from the ceiling in the middle of my room and begin punching as hard as I can. After I've let out all my rage, and am panting for breath, I put my gloves away and take a shower. Then I decide to read for a little bit. A while later I notice my stomach growling, "I guess I should feed the beast." I say, putting my book down to stand up. "And myself."

This time I give Loki the curtesy of knocking. "You hungry?" I ask through the door, trying to be polite.

He doesn't answer. So I reach towards the door, but he opens it before I can.

"Come in, Little Witch." he says with a wicked grin.

Don't let him rile you, be amicable. I remind myself as I walk into the room. He needs to think I'm defenseless; to see me as inferior so he underestimates me. I decide the best way to befriend him is to appeal to his ego and his stomach.
I cast a quick spell to conjure a platter of freshly baked pastries that hovers between us. The white platter is piled high with golden croissants, blueberry muffins and Danish pastries stuffed with golden cream. The scent wafts off them and fills the room with the smell of freshly baked dough and buttery goodness. My stomach growls in response, they look absolutely divine. "I brought brunch." I say with a grin. "Curtesy of the bakery next door. Those idiots never seem to notice when food goes missing."

He lets out a small chuckle and eyes the food warily.

"It's not poisoned if that's what you think." I grab a warm croissant and bite into it. Its' so buttery and flaky, it melts in my mouth as I sigh with satisfaction.

"We'll see." He watches me intently, his eyes smirking.

"Silly Princess," I tease. "I wouldn't have saved your life if I wanted you dead."

"There are worse things than death. For example, being inconvenienced by an obnoxious and pesky girl." He purses his lips, eyeing me with disdain.

"Suit yourself, more for me." I say ignoring the insult as I eagerly gobble up the rest of a pastry.

He finally seems to be satisfied that I'm not here to poison him, because when I'm done eating, he picks a croissant off the plate, and takes a small bite.

"Exquisite." he says before taking a second bite.

I stand there watching him carefully eat two pastries in quick succession, without spilling a single crumb. He certainly is graceful. I think, as I debate how to best make him help me. I settle on letting him think he's my savior. I resist the impulse to laugh at the absurdity, before breaking the silence.

"I need you." I say pleadingly, swallowing the wave nausea I feel. I hate feeling like I'm at the mercy of someone else.
"Only you can teach me how to be a powerful sorcerer. You are my only hope," I hesitate. "I don't want to be weak anymore." I add, at least this part is true. "So, do we have a deal?" I make myself look sad and desperate, even though I detest feeling like a victim.

"We do." He grins slyly. "If, you tell me how to break the good Dr's enchantment."

"Sorry, but no can do. I haven't the faintest idea of how he does it." I lie.

He grins wickedly, "I'm sure a smart, brave Little Witch like you, has ways of finding out." His warm voice drips with honey.

Suddenly, my mind swirls and I'm hit with an intense desire to help him by using any means necessary. I reply unable to stop myself, "I suppose I can look for the Darkhold; it's a book of powerful spells and dark magic." I offer my words thick and heavy, as if the information is being pulled from me by a string.

He nods curtly. "See that you do. Whatever you find, you are to bring directly to me." He commands his lush voice melodic and dripping with compulsion.

His voice seems to echo through my body scrambling all my thoughts. I feel like I'm drowning underwater, struggling to rise to the surface. What was I doing here? What was I trying to accomplish? Why am I-

Snap out of it! A small part of me screams from within. I shake my head forcefully trying to shake myself free. I stumble backwards and call on my magic. Within seconds it surges through me, returning my thoughts order. Suddenly I can breathe again, and everything snaps back into place. My thoughts come rushing back, calm and clear as I remember why I wanted him to train me in the first place. I take a cleansing breath and snap, "Really? You're trying to hypnotize me?" I accuse incredulously. "You could have simply asked for my help. I'm not your enemy you know."

His face is wide with shock for a brief moment, then smooths as his eyes become hooded. "Simmer down Little Witch, I was just testing your magical abilities. Now, find me that spell book and in the meantime, I will agree to train you."

I nod. "Okay, but I was actually hoping you could teach me how to hypnotize people."

"But first, you will tell me what it is you expect me to acquire." His smooth voice interrupts my request, as he regards me smugly.

"Well we won't exactly need to steal anything. We just need to convince your brother to take us to Nidavellir, so that his friend Eitri the dwarf, can forge a powerful weapon for me."

He sighs, "How uninspiring. Is that all?" His voice is flat.

"Yup, we just need to wait until Thor comes to retrieve you and then I'll announce that I'm leaving Earth with him, because Thor has promised to watch out for me. I'm going to make sure Strange wants me gone, so that he readily agrees. So, yeah. Your job is to help me convince Thor it's a good idea to take me there."

"Weapons of immense power are not meant for filthy human hands. You are foolish, child."

"I don't give a rat's ass." I retort, my voice hardening. Then I raise an eyebrow tauntingly, "Maybe, while we're there, he'll make you something too." I'm certain he'll take the bait.

He crosses his arms and with a malicious grin that suggests I've won, he replies, "Let's begin your training."

I smirk feeling satisfied. When suddenly he hurtles a knife in my direction; I barely have enough time to conjure my magical shield to block it.

"How big can you make your shield?" He asks, this time throwing two daggers in two different directions. In response, I stretch my shield long enough to completely cover the front of my body.

"Can you create a shield that covers your entire body so that you can levitate while in combat?"

"I've never tried that." I say, hating to admit it.

"Of course you haven't. This will be your lesson for today." He instructs his tone bored.

We spend the next few hours practicing. He gives me specific instructions, while challenging me to move faster and faster. Sometimes he taunts me and insults my fighting abilities, while other times he simply gives direct orders. It's been two years since I've gotten to spar with anyone other than Wong using magic so I ignore his impatience and try to learn as much as possible.

By the time we finish I'm exhausted, but feeling pretty damn confident in my new skills. I've mastered the ability to shield my whole body and have learned how to use that skill to levitate almost a foot off the floor. I think about how much this will give me an advantage the next time I sneak out at night.

"Not bad," He says begrudgingly. "You are at least a fast learner, for a measly human."

I decide not to rise to the bait and instead say meekly, batting my eyelashes, "Thank you for doing this." Guys can't resist a girl in need.

"I doubt you'll get much farther. Your frail mind couldn't possibly dream of wielding the type of magic I can." He gloats, his eyes sparkling in a challenge.

"Well, I guess we'll find out." I reply refusing to let him rile me.

He sneers, "You are a pathetic excuse for a magician. When I get out of this room, I'll show you what a real sorcerer can do! There's no way you can ever compare to someone as powerful as I. You are simply not capable."

"Yeah, sure whatever you say, Princess. You're so powerful that you can't break out of this room." I taunt. I turn my back on him to look out the window; not giving him the time of day.

I hear him creeping towards me, as he growls, "You can't stand it, that you will never be as powerful as me. You are a prisoner here just like I am. You're weak! You went and did something stupid and now you think everyone will accept you, but no one will ever accept you! No one will forgive you! No one will see you as anything other than a monster! You will always be alone!"

I shake my head. "Full of yourself much..." I mumble under my breath before turning to face him. When I see his face contorted with rage, I'm suddenly hit a vivid memory that fills me with so much compassion, that my heart breaks for him. Before I can stop myself with common sense, I'm reaching forward to embrace him. He freezes and goes ridged as I wrap my arms around him.

"We both know that's not true, Thor told me he's already forgiven you." I say in a gentle whisper, leaning against him.

He recoils and shoves me away instantly, snapping contemptuously, "How dare you touch me? You are beneath me!"

I swallow my irritation -really, he's such a child!
An envious and lonely child too frightened to accept love... I soften, as my heart aches for him, I know that feeling all too well. I raise my chin to look directly into his eyes and nod solemnly.

"Yes. I am beneath you. You are my superior in every way. You are a powerful sorcerer, a Prince, and I'm just a small girl, with a couple of magic tricks. I don't pretend to be otherwise." He stares at me caught off guard, so I continue. "I saw exactly what you did in New York and I don't judge you in any way. I accept you for who you are; You are the God of Mischief. And yet you're still a good man and a devoted brother." I pause to cross my arms over my chest then add gently, "We all have flaws. And perhaps a bit of madness, but we coexist."

"Even you?" he fires back his voice a challenge.

I soften my tone and look away, trying to tamper my rising shame. "Especially me."

When my eyes flick back to meet his, we simply stare at each other silently. For a split moment he seems to be at war with his thoughts, then his face goes blank. That's interesting, is he trying to decide if he should trust me? I wonder quietly. When he does nothing to fill the empty silence I say sarcastically, "Well, I've got some snooping to do. So, unless you're no longer interested in escaping this room, I'll be going now."

"By all means," he drawls. "Go bother Strange. You are dismissed for the day." Then he casually pulls a book from the bookshelf and promptly sits down to read.

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