My Demon Killer (Destiel Fanf...

By beezlepuff

1.3K 87 24

"Your time's up." He mocked, while sitting in the chair. "What?? That wasn't the deal we agreed on!" "Oh, bu... More

Chapter One~
Chapter Two
Chapter Three~
Chapter Five~
Chapter Six~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter Eight~
Chapter Nine~
Chapter Ten~
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve-
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Fifteen-
Chapter Sixteen-

Chapter Four~

80 7 0
By beezlepuff

((Agent P.O.V))

"What the hell happened to you?"
Bobby walked into Castiel's office like he owned the place.

Castiel threw down the paper with Lisa's face on it and it landed on the table, "Nothing important."

Castiel agreed with Bobby though. Considering how he had last seen himself this morning, it wasn't a pretty sight to begin with...
But it was his fault. He was being stupid.

Bobby raised an eyebrow. "Well if its got you looking like that. It's somewhat important."

"Not really, Bobby. I've got to get this case now, so if you haven't got anything on it, you can leave."

Castiel turned away from the older man and turned back to the picture.

"You're staring at her like she's gonna speak. It's only a picture."

"Well tell me. Have you got anything on this man??!"
Castiel grit his teeth in anger and Bobby was obviously taken aback by the sudden snap.

"I'll be damned if you speak to me like that
Again. And yes I do. Kevin traced back where the package came from. It was mailed from a- and this is intresting, a warehouse atleast ten miles from here. Apparently someone by the name... Benny owns it."

Castiel felt sudden regret, but there wasn't time to feel bad.

"Benny? Benny what?"

"Lafitte. I think."

"Benny Lafitte? Find him then. I'd like to speak with the man."

Castiel nodded, more to himself, but he was relieved. Maybe a bit of hope was finally coming into play. Please. He quietly hoped.

"Hello, Mr.Lafitte."

Castiel slid a cup of water over to the guy across the table from him.

"What am I here for?"

Castiel raised an eyebrow. "The better question is, why did you run from the cops when they knocked on your door. I believe the situation was that you tried escaping through the back window,but you got stuck instead?"

Castiel leaned forward. Already knowing this guy wasn't going to speak.

"Why am I here!" Benny repeated almost in panic and Castiel shook his head.

"Benny, if you answered the question this could be over. You could walk, or we could just keep you. Now I suggest you stop resisting."

Castiel took out a picture. Lisa's. The one he'd been staring at all morning.

"Do you know this girl?"

Benny glanced down at the photo and his eyes blew wide before he settled back to an emotionless face..

"I don't know her."

"Really, Benny? Well she's Dead."

Benny looked back up at Castiel.

"Dead? That's-"

"Benny. You're lying. And I suggest you speak. We found a tape of someone cutting her piece by piece. And it was sent from a warehouse you own? What's that about?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Castiel stood up and crossed his arms. He began to pace.

"Why was a tape of her dying anywhere near your property if you don't know who she is?"

"I want my lawyer."

Castiel stopped and looked down at Benny with pure disbelief, "Your lawyer?"

He couldn't help, but chuckle. Anger was boiling deep inside, waiting to burst.

"Forty people are dead, and you want your fucking lawyer?!"
In a good four seconds, Castiel had the man on the floor, his hand tightly balled in the man's shirt.

Castiel didn't have time to process exactly what happened until he felt arms pulling him off. He pushed whoever it was away, Charlie, and turned his back to the man, recovering himself.

"Castiel. I think you've taken it too fa-"

"She was my girlfriend." Benny spoke in the softest way possible and Castiel almost didn't hear him. Charlie was already giving Castiel some sort of look too.

"Your girlfriend? That makes sense as to why you'd ki-"

"I didn't kill nobody, sir." Benny's voice was trembling, almost.

"Benny, when was the last time you saw her?"

"I saw her last week on Tuesday. We had gotten in an argument that night and she said she was leaving. That was the last time, honest."

Charlie turned to Castiel,"You Can't Honestly believe this guy- He's...He's-"

Castiel raised a hand up to Charlie in an attempt to shut her up. She obeyed.
Castiel ran a hand through his hair and spoke again.
"Why was there an argument?"

Benny's eyes darted from side to side in almost a way of pure fear.
"Uhh. I had.. Found her sleeping around with one of my friends. When i confronted her she got mad and left."

"THAT'S A perfect reason to mur-"

"Charlie can you step outside please."
Castiel couldn't begin to think with Charlie trying to yell out random things. With no obvious place for argument she had no choice, but to leave.

Castiel took his seat again.

"Where to? Do you know where she would go?"

"Probably a club or bar. She usually does that."

"She was reported missing on Wednesday of last week. Do you know anyone that would try to harm her?"

Benny was almost shaking. Castiel knew it was fear. This man wasn't being fully honest. Was he?

"I don't want to talk anymore. I just want to go home."

Castiel nodded.

"Alright. That can be arranged. Thank you for your time."
Castiel stood up and walked out the door.

((Benny P.O.V))

  Benny wasn't very good at keeping his life too stable. From being in the wrong crowd to being abused at home. That was... until he met the biggest pot hole in his life.

From the moment there were cops pulling up to his house, to the moment he stopped talking to the Agent. He knew this was his fault.

On his way home he thought of many different ways he could stop this. He knew who the killer was. He knew the killer would also be after him next. After that.. deal he made, but he just thought it was joke. Just a joke, right?

As soon as Benny slid the key into the lock of his front door, he almost had to hold back from running back to his car, because was it really a joke? The increasing feeling of vomiting said no.

All the lights in his home were off, but there was a smell. Rotten eggs? Had something died in his home?

Benny slid his hand on the wall, finding the light switch, and the pounding of his heart made it hard to focus.

A creak of the floor made him stop dead. The beating seemed to increase in ways he couldn't explain.

"Your time's up."
The voice came so calm, and so suddenly it almost made him scream.
The hall light was the first to turn on, then there he was.

His shadow was barely illuminated by the light. He was sitting in a chair facing the door. His posture was relaxed, that's all Benny could really see.

"What? How- how did you get in my house?!"
Benny didn't mean to stutter. It was an accident, but it brought joy to the man sitting on the chair.

"Oh, Benny. I have my ways, but you knew this was bound to happen..." He was on his feet.

Benny found himself moving back a step or two. If he turned would he make it out the door?

"I- I didn't think you were serious! Step out into the light you coward, let me see you."

Benny, yes, he was being very stupid, because he was the one practically trembling. Another light turned on, and it showed more. Much more.

The man was wearing a jacket, leather. And a pair of black tight jeans. His hands were stuffed into his jacket and- his eyes. his eyes weren't eyes. They were dark, evil, black.

"I think you're the scared one, Benny."
The man licked his lips, the black of his eyes shifting form back into human eyes.

"You killed her didn't you? You did it!"

The man grinned.
"You know I did. A stupid answer don't you think? You made the deal, Benny."

"THAT WASN'T THE DEAL!!" Benny practically screamed those words.

"I don't play by the rules."
He kept that grin on his face. Wait was that a tail? It was a tail...
It shook Benny. This man wasn't human. Not at all.

"What are you?!"

In a blink of an eye this- thing was in front of him and Benny was being held by the neck. His feet were off the ground and- oh my god. It was the tail holding him. The man in the leather jacket shrugged as the tail tightened around his throat.

"Buddy, I'm a Demon, and I'm going to do the same thing I did to her. Except..." The man brought Benny closer so he could touch his face. "I'm going to paint your house red."
He let out a deep howling laugh and Benny wasnt able to do a thing.

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