Boku No Hero Academia Oneshots

By Xia_The_Writer_

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I have officially caught up with the manga. You may request anyone now! Requests are open but anything that i... More

Bakugou Katsuki X Reader: Hate.
Aizawa Shouta X Reader: Surprise!
Shigaraki Tomura X Reader: I'm Sorry.
Shigaraki Tomura X Reader: I'm Sorry pt.2
Yagi Toshinori X Reader: Secret.
Violent! Midorya Izuku X Reader: Forced.
Villain! Kaminari Denki X Reader: Traitor.
Villain! Kaminari Denki X Reader: Traitor pt.2
Bakugou Katsuki X Reader: Fallen Asleep.
Shigaraki Tomura X Reader: Feed.
Todoroki Shouto X Reader: Letter.
Dabi X Reader: Deception.
Amajiki Tamaki X Reader: That Girl.
Shigaraki Tomura X Reader: Betrayed.
Bakugou Katsuki X Reader: Feelings.
Aizawa Shouta X Reader: Pretend Lovers.
Cheater! Aizawa Shouta X Reader: Infidelity.
Midorya Izuku X Reader: Mistletoe.
Villains X Reader: Chatroom.
Villains X Reader: Chatroom pt.2
Kurono Hari X Reader: Moron.
Kurono Hari X Reader: Hard Day.
Chisaki Kai X Reader: Never Liked It.
Villains X Reader: Chatroom pt.3

Shigaraki Tomura X Reader: Like You.

3.5K 79 7
By Xia_The_Writer_

Requested by: The_robro

By the way, this is how I interpret your request. If this is not what you imagined, then I'm so sorry!



"Daddy, Daddy!" The little boy squealed in delight as he ran up to his father, trapping him in his little arms. Well, perhaps, 'trapping' is not the best word to describe it, seeing as he barely even encage his own father's legs. For sure, if the older one were to move even a single step forward, the child would have loosened his grip, as well as his balance. "You're home, you're home!"

Nonetheless, he could not think of a better way to greet his father than to cling to him like an adorable baby monkey.

It was Shigaraki's first warm welcome after a long time here in this league. The mission was upsetting, for it did not go in the way Shigaraki wanted it to go. With his throat hoarse from the constant shouting he had done to lecture his subordinates along with sore legs and arms (that will surely be agonizing to live with for the next few days), he wanted nothing more than a rest, glass of water, and a good look at his lovely son.

The said child (who had held Shigaraki's broken world together ever since the day he was born) was able to wash all his stress away. This little miracle was the only reason why Shigaraki has not completely lost his mind.

Despite his bitter personality and his infamous tantrums, Shigaraki's heart melted at the sight of his son. His charming, innocent son— the only one who can truly understand his problems and hardships (though ironically, he cannot fully understand the situation his father was in).

"Welcome home, Daddy!!" The little one greeted with a wide grin. His eyes sparkled in admiration and joy, as if he looks up to his father a lot. It pains Shigaraki to say this, but he is not someone worth looking up to.

The older male let out an inaudible sigh, but the little corners of his mouth quirked up, breaking his wrathful glare into a soft expression.

"Heya, kid," Shigaraki greeted the smaller one, patting his head (he remembered to lift one finger up to prevent activating his quirk, of course) a few times. His son rubbed his cheek against his father's leg, longing for attention after his absence.

Like father like son, he thought. Shigaraki was just like him before— touch-craving and clingy. Funny, he used to despise physical contact.

To think that he actually has an heir...

"You didn't cause too much trouble today now, did you?" Shigaraki asked, tapping his son's arm to ask him to let go (to which he did) and sat down on the bar stool. The kid went to climb on the unoccupied one next to it, sitting on it, before looking at his father.

"No, Miss Toga is super super duper cool! She gave me candy for being good!" He beamed in delight at the thought of the sugary goodness. Shigaraki was sure he ate it as soon as he received it. He knows his son quite well.

Of course, he did not enjoy the fact that his subordinate gave his young son something that isn't entirely healthy. He was far too young, and he might have problems with his teeth should he keep eating those addicting treats!

Shigaraki, though, internally sighed at the thought. No, it wasn't out of annoyance or a sigh of a father (which usually signals his children that they have done something wrong), but it was out of...something else.

Surprisingly, it was out of desolation.

His son has a sweet tooth, and he knew where his son got it from.

"And what did you do to earn it?" Shigaraki asked, dismissing the candy problem and the quick appearance of the sudden emotion. Past is in the past, he reminded himself. He can't go back. Besides, Having candies once or twice isn't harmful to him. So long as it is not given to him everyday, Shigaraki would have no problems with the sugary treats.

He wordlessly told Kurogiri to give him a drink (Of course, it was just simply water. He didn't like drinking alcohol in front of his son— actually, no, scratch that. Ever since he became a father, he rarely touched a single drink, much less taking a sip of it), for he needed it for his dry throat. He kept his eyes on his son, who was (as he said for himself) being good for the duration of his father's absence.

"I did a lot of things, actually! Like cleaning up my own room! It was messy, so I fixed it! Oh and I was able to read the whole book of my bedtime story to Miss Toga! I learn how to read properly now! Miss Toga was amazed!"

All of his adventures throughout the day never once fell on deaf ears. Shigaraki simply smile and nodded, drinking few sips from his glass and ask for any minor details whenever needed.

(S/n) is an intelligent kid. With Kurogiri as his teacher (and the fact that he has no electronics or other things that may occupy his time), he spends most of his days reading. Someday, (S/n) would definitely surpass Shigaraki and be on a higher level of intelligence than him. After all, Shigaraki did not finish his years at school before accepting the role of an antagonist.

Each scene (that has occurred throughout the whole day) explained by (S/n) ended with a short, simple compliment coming from Shigaraki; which motivates (S/n) even further to do good. Shigaraki admits that his son is definitely brighter than him than when Shigaraki was at his age. (S/n) can speak properly with no speech impairment at all. Around his age, it was common for children to speak with lisp, or have influency disorders. His vernacular has improved throughout his life. In fact, he seems to know slightly deeper words now, courtesy of Kurogiri. Shigaraki is proud, of course. Who would not be in his place?

Well, irony has never been more ludicrous.

You see, Shigaraki loves his son more than anything else in this world, but not even a single word that may lead to a certain topic stayed in Shigaraki's mind for more than a millisecond, less even.

A certain topic... about his future.

Shigaraki wouldn't even dream of letting his precious little treasure to stand out in the battlefield, fighting those so called heroes. What if they realized that he has an heir and decided to use his son against him? What if they manipulated his son into thinking Shigaraki is in the wrong? What if his son hated him for what he is doing?

Shigaraki already accepted the misanthropic life the day All For One took him in. Even before that, he already realized the inequality, the imperfections of the world he is currently living in as of now. He would love to hear the screams of those heroes who claim to help people, but really aim to get showered by the love of the public everyday (and disregarding their promises altogether as well). He would love to see their charming, charismatic facade slowly melting away as they realize the fact that their dreams and plans for the future are now fleeing away from their grasp. They would have nothing. They would be nothing.

But his son... oh his son. His son is like a sunshine in his dark, empty world. A sunshine that seem to bring not only light, but life as well. It was like every place that its ray touch, it will come back alive from its dust. Those dreadful, desert-like places will bloom and shine to become a haven-like garden. It would be nice, he thought, if that really does happen.

His son, though intelligent and bright, never knew the meaning of heroes. Sure, he overheard it during the meeting between Shigaraki and the rest of the members, but the meaning of it never seemed to emerge from the discussion, thus (S/n) would never have even the slightest clue of what is really means. When he ask Shigaraki about it, of course, the latter would wave it off.

(S/n), you could say, is living under a rock, figuratively and (arguably) literally. After all, this hideout is quite (I said, and I quote from Toga herself) ugly. Such places like this definitely made (S/n) sick on several occasions due to the insanitary environment, but that is beside the point. What I'm trying to say is, well, (S/n) is oblivious to the society outside.

Shigaraki intended to keep it that way, at least up until when (S/n) is old enough to accept and understand reality.

He loves being with his son, believe it or not. (Yes, yes. The leader of the League of Villains is domestic. So what?) He loves everything about him. He loves his quirky attitude. He loves his optimism (it counters Shigaraki's pessimistic side, so it was nice). He loves his innocence as well, something that Shigaraki had lost the day he lost his family, feeling alone and unwanted...

He loves, as well as despise, the fact that his son was able to have everything that he had lost. Bubbliness, reason to live, the feeling of being wanted...

Shigaraki frowned at the thought.

No, his son doesn't have everything.

He is still motherless.

Shigaraki's heart clenched at the thought of his long lost flame. He despised the day he lost her, and yet it is the very same day his son was born.

His love had died due to the poor condition of the environment. Of course, he should have known that she would not be able to deliver the baby safely in this condition.

"So technically, your son is a killer? Hah! Like father like son! What, did you kill your mother too? Is that where he get it from?" He remembered those words vividly, for they were seared into his memory. Whoever is not worth mentioning in Shigaraki's eyes (besides, the said person is no longer available..). The thought that someone tried to pin the mother's death on his son... just infuriates him.

His eyes fixated on his son's still lips, that was once moving so rapidly. Had he finally stopped talking? Why is that? He looked up to his son's eyes. They were filled with worry and dolefulness.

"Did I space out? Sorry, continue." Shigaraki said, taking one last sip from his glass before looking at his son, who had his attention after all of the troubles he went through to explain his day. Shigaraki didn't mean to sound and look uninterested. His past just seemed to pull him away from the present. The two phases of time seemed to have a tug of war, as if Shigaraki is a prize for the winner. It seemed like the present won for now, but who knows when will his memories come back to torment him to no end?

"You're not well, Daddy." His son turned the corners of his mouth down to form a little pout. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No! Stay." Shigaraki's eyes moved rapidly at the thought of upsetting his son. Did he offend him...? He hoped not.

"No, seriously. You always make that face whenever you're sad, Daddy." His son said, showing no signs of an upset child who wanted full attention of his parents. Perhaps (S/n) isn't upset over this... but over what exactly? Over Shigaraki's own misery?

"What face?" His father asked in a curious manner. Did he express the loneliness within him without knowing so much that even a little kid could detect his mood?

"This face!" The child had tried to replicate the expression that his father had apparently plastered on his own face when he was drowned in his thoughts. Though, it appears that it was far to hard to mimic. And so, he gave up with a huff and leaned towards his father.

Shigaraki was confused. What is he trying to do?

(S/n) reached out to grab his father's face. The hand (I supposed it would be (S/n)'s grandfather now...), that was supposed to be on Shigaraki's face, was removed earlier during the conversation. It didn't became a hindrance, which is fine to (S/n). Even if it was on his father's face, he can simply just remove it. His father didn't mind it, seeing that he had the habit to grab the artificial hand ever since he was a baby (at least, that is what Shigaraki said, anyways).

He went to push Shigaraki's eyebrows together, wordlessly telling Shigaraki to not relax, or else his eyebrows will move from their place. He then moved to his nose, pushing it upward to represent a nose scrunching up in disgust. However, (S/n) pushed it far too high, and it ended up looking quite.. well, unique to say the least. He dragged his small fingers down to the corner of his mouth, pushing it down to try and form a frown. "Like this!"

It took Shigaraki a while to process the expression that (S/n) had forced him to make. With only his son to guide his facial muscles to form an expression, he couldn't exactly tell or imagine exactly how it would look like. When he did get a similar image in his head... he turned his head away from the touch of (S/n) and rubbed his face.

"I'm fine." Said he, but he is not. He is far from being fine. For nearly all his life he had to suffer in the pool of loneliness. Sure, All For One was there, but the feeling of emptiness was just not solvable in his eyes. Of course, that was until he met his loving player two.

She was the only one who was able to comfort him, aside from games. Well, she invited him to play some video games to ease his stress whenever he was upset, so it was double the comfort. He loves her, no doubt. She is the one who truly, really understands his emptiness. In fact, she was the one who patched the hole back up.

Now, he has been living for four years without her. It was unbearable, of course. The hole she filled long time ago was slowly coming back. He felt lonely. He felt empty.

It is inevitable that he would die alone.

"You're not." His son pointed out his poorly-made lie. It wasn't surprising. Really, it wasn't. Even a child younger than him would notice the lie as well.

Shigaraki was about to open his mouth to wave the tense atmosphere off when he suddenly lost all his words.

What exactly is the point of lying to (S/n)?

He is young, he is naive, but he is also a natural-born genius. Surely, if he was able to point out on lie, he would be able to see through the rest of his lies. It is useless. He represents Shigaraki's lover way too much.

Aside from his eyes, (S/n) got most of his looks and personalities from her. His (h/c) hair, his enthusiasm...

The way your optimism counters Shigaraki's pessimism is the same way as how (S/n) would act towards his melancholic nature.

I mentioned that only (S/n) understood his sorrow, but it looked like I did not describe in a way that would be clear.

(S/n) is the light of Shigaraki, as I had said before, and he is the ray of joy when the world inside of Shigaraki is gloomy. To see his father in distress means he has to save him from the grasp of depression. For this reason, he drives those thoughts away with the stories of his days.

It seems like today, however, not even this technique could work. His father is too far from reality now, yet he is somehow getting attacked by it simultaneously as well. Solution? Confront.

He may be a child, but even the mentality of his father he could understand. Shigaraki is his father. Of course he would be concerned with this.

Smart, I would say. This kid is truly intellectual.

Shigaraki smiled.

He knew where his son got it from.

"Yeah. I'm not, I admit. So why don't we play some games in my console?"

Just like how you would do so in the past.


I apologize for the late update! Also, I had to delay the update for the request of otakusenpie due to the fact that I had to rewrite it quite a lot. Please be patient with me, as I am not only studying for this year, but as well as my entrance exam for another school.

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