The Tail of the Sword and Shi...

By Laura-the-bard

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NOW GOING THROUGH HEAVY EDITING!!! When the King of Eldoria dies, leaving the throne unprotected, Alkanos, C... More

Dramatist Persona
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook
Chapter 1:The Arrival
Chapter 2: Because You're Not the Sovereign
Chapter 3: Escape By Night
Chapter 4: The Foretelling
Chapter 5: Obtaining Supplies
Chapter 6: Clash of Lances
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook : Dealing in the Wilds
Chapter 7: What Happened to Alkanos Anyway?
Chapter 8: Flying Lessons
Chapter 9: The Fae Realms
Chapter 10: When The Mice Are Away
Chapter 11: What Purpose Does A Sidequest Serve?
Chapter 13: The Abandoned City
Chapter 14: He Found Jewelry
Chapter 16: Batten Down The Hatches
Chapter 17: The Sword of the Rightful King
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook: The Dragons Are Our Friends
Chapter 18: The Dragon King
Chapter 19: Negotiations Don't Go As Planned
Chapter 20: Go Get Your Own!
Chapter 21: To Bring Down A King
Chapter 22: The Best Laid Plans, of Humans, Sirens, and Dragons
Chapter 23: To The Gates of Death and Back
Chapter 24: Partings
Coming Soon!
Chapter 25: Getting Some Help
Authors Announcement
Chapter 26: If the River Don't Rise
Chapter 27: To Bring Back A Friend
Eldorian Guidebook : The Underwater Realms
Chapter 28 - The Undersea Kingdom
Chapter 29 - If You Know Where To Look
Chapter 30 - Amazing Who You'll Meet In The Crypts
Chapter 31 : The Wizard of Naming Went on Break
Chapter 32: The Sinking City
Chapter 33: "M" is for Minions
Chapter 34: Reptiles In The Dark

Chapter 15: It's Gonna Get Icy

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By Laura-the-bard

Alkanos dropped down into the foothills of the mountains. Snow fell in a late fall snowstorm. The storm had been three days long and counting, the wind howled and snowflakes swirled, in the gale.

The wind pulled and shoved, Alkanos violently.

Alkanos howled in pain, his wings feeling like they were being wrenched from his back, as white-hot searing pain, wound its way up and down his back. Alkanos transformed back into a human, then he dropped face-first into a snowdrift with a muffled thud, blacking out.

When Alkanos came too, the only thing that hurt was his left cheek, which was stinging. He tried to open his eyes, his eyelashes had frosted over.

"Your highness! You've gotta wake up." Came a voice. Everything was still blurry. He must have hit his head when landing. It was cold, why was it cold?

"Come on, wake up! The kingdom needs you, wake up!"

Alkanos was able to slowly open his eyes with a low moan.

"He's coming around." said the other voice.

"I see that. Is he alright?" asked the second voice. "You probably shouldn't have slapped him."

"What was I supposed to do? Let him lie face down in the snow?"

"He could have broken his neck from the fall."

"If you want my wallet, it's in my belt pouch, that's all I carry." Alkanos croaked, his throat felt dry like a dried-up river bed. He felt like he had run ten miles in five minutes, all he wanted to do was sleep, preferably in front of a roaring fire.

"Your highness, you've gotta stay awake." said the first voice. Finally, Alkanos's vision came into view, Cordelia was lent over him, her scarf pulled over her head and pulled tight to block the howling wind.

"Can you move?" she asked.

Alkanos tilted his head and saw Volsair. If he remembered correctly, he was the Captain of the Palace Guard. Why was he here?"Yes." Alkanos managed, taking inventory of his injuries. From what he could tell, the wind had gotten knocked out of him. Nothing was broken but he hurt all over. Thank the stars he landed in a snowdrift.

"We are just two miles from a village. We'll spend the night there." Volsair said, "Do you think you can manage?"

"I think so." Alkanos said, slowly getting to his feet. His head felt like it was swimming, he tried to take a step, and the whole world moved. Even though he was still standing, he felt like he needed a long lie down. Cordelia and Volsair grabbed his arms with exclamations before he could face plant.

"We'll help you to the village." Volsair said, throwing one of Alkanos's arms over his shoulders, as Cordelia did the same with the other. Their arms around the Prince's waist, to steady him.

The snow swirled around them in a dizzying frenzy, the biting winds numbed faces and hands. Night was falling and it was just going to get colder. Keeping that in mind, the companions hurried as fast as they could up the snow-covered path to the village.

The village had only one main dirt road, the snow had been crunched down in places that had hardened into ice. A few torches were lit, but they were guttering from the wind. Fire barrels were unused, candlelight came from windows of thatched-roof houses. The inn was the only building in the village that was two-storied and had a tile roof. The wooden sign, creaked on hinges, written in chipping letters was, The Mountain Pass Inn.

"Looks promising." Volsair muttered, pushing the iron banded door open.

The common room was crowded, half the village must have shown up. The fire in the fireplace was roaring, the food was hot, and the drink was flowing.

"Cordelia, take Alkanos over to the fireside, I'll speak with the innkeeper about room accommodations." Volsair said, in a hurried whisper.

Taking Alkanos again by the arm, Cordelia helped him to an empty chair by the hearth. Alkanos thanked her and began to warm his hands.

Cordelia removed her hood and stayed near the fire. "Feeling any better?" she asked Alkanos, bending over so they would be eye to eye.

"I'm feeling better," Alkanos admitted. He could feel the cold leaving his limbs and face. Alkanos could feel the internal fires in his cast-iron stomach begin to reheat, spreading warmth throughout him. "I could do with some hot food, and a warm bath." he said, exhaling a fully formed smoke ring, that dissipated as it joined the could of pipe smoke near the common room ceiling.

"We all could." Cordelia agreed, hungrily eyeing, the tray that held bowls of stew, a server was carrying to tables.

Alkanos took a deep breath, allowing him to take in the various scents of the room. At the worst, he could smell that some travelers were in serious need of a bath, which made him grimace reflexively. He also didn't like the smell of the smoking pipe herbs that smelled strong and bitter. Both smells made Alkanos feel like it would be a while before he could shake the smell from his nose.

The smells Alakanos loved was the smell of roasting meat, that carried from the inn's kitchens. The spices blended with the natural smell of meat over an open fire, made the Prince's mouth water in anticipation. There was also the smell of hot spiced wine that was carried on trays."Will you be singing tonight?" Alkanos asked, Cordelia.

"I might... It depends on if I can eat before preforming or not." Cordelia replied.

She was about to tack on your 'your highness'. Alkanos thought, noting Cordelia's pause. Honestly, I just want to be called Alkanos, none of this your highness stuff...for the time being of course. Alkanos just about ground his teeth irritably. He was past tired, about your highness this, and your highness that. Alkanos just wanted to be treated like everyone else, not some demi-god who was put up on a pedestal, admired by all and feared by all.

Alkanos let out his breath with a serpentine sounding hiss, a few sparked followed. With a dismissive wave of his hand, the sparks extinguished. Alkanos just wanted to be treated like a normal person. Even though he is a member of Eldoria's royal family, he was still, Alkanos, the guy who rescued people, and fire breathed if made mad enough.

"Alright!" Volsair said, rubbing his hands together as he strode over to the fireplace. Judging by his gait, Volsair was happy about something. "I just got us two rooms here for the night." Volsair explained with a grin. He put a hand on the flagstones of the fireplace, and leaned in, almost nonchalantly. "Hot baths and food included."

Alkanos saw Cordelia's face change like she was lost in thought when she heard what Volsair had done. "Makes me wonder." Alkanos murmured.

That bought Cordelia out of her current train of thought. "Did you say something?" she asked.

"I was wondering if you were going to be singing and storytelling tonight. Who knows? We might be able to get enough money for supplies to go through the mountains." Alkanos said, If they had to depend on the clothes they were wearing, it would be an extremely short trip.

"Actually. I already have that covered." Volsair said, proudly. He was grinning, more than what he had when he first came from the front desk, that doubled as the bar. "I'll explain later, but if Cordelia wants to perform, she's welcome to." Volsair said, getting off the fireplace and gesturing with both palms up.

"Eh...I'll do a show. The extra money wouldn't hurt. And, it'll bring more publicity to a town as small as this. More publicity means trade...but that means more soldiers." Cordelia said, her brows knitting as she began to balance the pros and cons. "No offense." She said to Volsair, as she looked into the flames dancing in the fireplace. Figures danced in the flames, visible one moment, then gone the next. "Does anybody have a Lute I can borrow?"

"Alright, everybody." Cordelia called out, taking the stage/ She sat on a three-legged bar stool, her legs crossed at the ankle, the borrowed lute resting on her lap. The tavern goers turned to watch her, Cordelia turned on the charm, just enough to get tips. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, out of the way with a flirtatious smile.

"One, two, three," she murmured, then she began to play the lute and sing an opening song.

Meanwhile, Volsair and Alkanos were up at the bar getting food. Alkanos requested extra hot peppers be added to his bowl. To drink, Alkanos requested a mug of hot tea. The innkeeper obliged his request, with a smirk. "Good sir, if you get heartburn, don't say I didn't warn you. "Alkanos laughed, dismissing the heat warning. Taking a bite of hot pepper, he chewed thoughtfully, swallowed, and blew steam out of his nostrils. "Believe me when I say this, my stomach is like the strongest iron forged," Alkanos said, feeling the warmth spread throughout him and helping to stoke the fire in his belly.

"I believe you." Volsair commented, taking a long drought of his flagon of hot mulled cider. Taking in the smell of local fruit and assorted spices. Volsair smiled into his flagon, hearing Cordelia woo the crowd. He knew how Cordelia's show would run, like a sword drill routine. First, she would start off with a quick song, a few jokes, then a story of decent length. She would follow with a few jokes that ran the gambit from good to bad, then she would do another song then that was it for the night. Unless of course, the crowd wanted a few more songs. If she turned on the charm, like she had been known to do, she could convince the townsfolk to hand over the town if she cared to.

Volsair's train of thought was interrupted by someone taking the bar stool on his other side. Reflexively gripping his flagon, Volsair studied the newcomer out of the corner of his eye.

From what Volsair could tell, the newcomer was the village baker. She was dressed in thick wool long-sleeved dress, with a neckline that came up to her chin. She ordered a mug of ale and a bowl of the house stew. Clearing his throat, Volsair said, "Excuse me."

"Hm?" She asked, looking up from her bowl and ale. She had dark brown eyes, and hair the color of dark honey.

"Are you the village baker?" Volsair asked, taking a sip of his mulled cider.

"I am." She said, "And the shop's closed."

"I wasn't meaning tonight." Volsair explained, "I was just wondering if I could place an order." The Baker sighed irritably. Volsair could tell she had a long day."Alright. What?" She asked, pulling a pad and steel-tipped nib pen from a pocket of her woolen dress. "Do you want?"

Volsair thought for a moment. Then rattled off a list of food for their trip through the mountains. The food was enough for three people to eat comfortably, but not so much they would need to buy a pack animal.

The Baker finished writing down the order, then asked, "And how will you be paying for all this food?" putting the non-nib end of the pen, thoughtfully to her chin.

"I'll be paying for the food with this." Volsair said, pulling the signet ring he had been given, from his belt pouch.

The Baker's eyes widened and her jaw nearly dropped open, when she saw the ring. Once regaining her composure, she nodded solemnly, "Yes sir."

"Will the order be done tomorrow morning?" Volsair asked.

"I can make it sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?" The Baker asked, tapping her fingers on one hand in turn, probably counting up how much the payment would be.

"Who do I see to buy clothes suitable for traveling through the mountains?" Volsair asked, casting a sideways glance, keeping track of Cordelia, she was still performing, and Alkanos he was putting away his second bowl of stew.

Volsair hoped the Prince didn't get sick from eating too much too quickly. Cordelia was now telling a story. From the bit Volsair heard, the story was about a knight and a mermaid. Volsair took another drink of mulled cider.

"The tailor, he lives just up the road, he has probably gone to bed for the night, I would suggest going to the shop in the morning." The Baker explained.

"Thank you, for your help ma'am. I will pay for your drink." Volsair said, thinking, If it helps cut down on the chance of her alerting the Crown's Assassins, I'll pay double. No, triple if it will cut down on the amount of our problems.

The Baker laughed, "Let me know if you need anything else."

"I will." Volsair said, then turning to Alkanos, he hissed, "When Cordelia finishes her show, we'll head up to the room." Gesturing with his head towards the staircase.

Alkanos nodded in agreement. "Sometimes Dragons will come down from the mountains, and mingle with the villagers." he whispered.

"Oh?" Volsair commented."But then again, since the Pax Draconis was thrown under the horse and cart...I doubt any Dragons will be mingling in villages any time soon." Alkanos said, taking a sip of his mug of hot tea.

Cordelia finished her story with an open-ended ending when she finished up the jokes and the last song. "Well, how does the story end?!" Called out someone in the common room.

Cordelia gave a small laugh, then said, "It's a work in progress. I haven't finished writing the story yet." She slid off the stool and announced, "Thank you for your time. It's been a pleasure. Let's give a round of applause to the Inn's Cook who provided us with good hot food on a freezing night like tonight." Cordelia said, sitting the lute on the stool, and leading the crowd in the applause.

Cordelia then slipped through the crowd up to the bar, grabbing a seat and had a bowl of stew and hot mulled wine. The stew had chunks of lamb and slices of assorted vegetables. Cordelia hadn't finished off half the bowl when a villager approached her.

"Excuse me, Ms. Cordelia." Cordelia turned, ready to draw a knife at a moment's notice. The voice belonged to a woman, she wore a long-sleeved, green wool dress. She had brown hair pulled back into a bun. She was stout but spoke like she was used to people doing what she wanted.

"Yes?" Cordelia asked.

"Just offering a suggestion for your story." The woman said. Even though they were close in height, Cordelia felt like the woman was looking down her beak of a nose at her. Before Cordelia could say anything, the woman launched into an explanation of her suggestion.

Cordelia chewed on her tongue so she wouldn't say anything back she might regret."A love triangle would work well with this story." The woman said.

Volsair was sitting a seat down the bar, from Cordelia, taking a drink of cider when the woman said 'A love triangle'. The next thing Volsair knew, the Cider came spraying out his nose, redecorating the shined wood of the bar, followed by a hacking cough. When he was able to speak, his voice came out an octave above his normal voice. "What?!" he managed.

Alkanos smacked Volsair on the back twice."I'm fine." Volsair said, waving him away with a hand. Alkanos went back to drinking his tea.

"No can do." Cordelia said looking at Volsair, then back to the woman.

"And why not?" The woman asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Because," Cordelia said in a matter of fact voice. "I've based the characters on a real relationship. I doubt the real people would like it if I added another person to the mix, 'Just to make it better'." Cordelia used air quotes to emphasize her point.

"I didn't say it like that." The woman said crossly.

"But that was what you were meaning." Cordelia said with a smile.

"What does love triangles have to do with the story?" Volsair asked, his voice still higher pitched, but beginning to return to normal. "What's wrong with a two-way love story?"

"You know what? If it bothers him so much, then forget I said it." the woman said, sounding like it was Cordelia's fault, and walked off.

"Oh," Cordelia blew a raspberry in the woman's general direction. "Critics, don't know good art when they see it." she muttered, taking a drink of her hot herbal tea.

The barkeep was wiping up the cider that had come out Volsair's nose, Volsair apologized and offered to clean up the mess, but the barkeep insisted on doing it their selves.

After having their fill of hot food and drink, the trio headed up to their adjoining rooms. The rooms were on the second floor, both rooms had a lit fireplace. Both rooms had a bed large enough to accommodate two people, a washstand with a mirror, a narrow window with curtains, and a wooden ladder backed chair by the fireplace.

As soon as Cordelia got to her room, she put a wash towel over the room's mirror and put the chair under her room's doorknob.

Alkanos walked into her room using the adjoining room door. "Nice place Volsair got us," he commented, he turned and saw the towel over the mirror. "Did I miss a note about mirrors?"

"No, you didn't. I just do this to cut down on the chances of us being watched." Cordelia explained.

"How can someone watch you using a mirror?" Alkanos asked.

"Magic, and since...hang on," Cordelia said, pulling her ocarina out of her belt pouch. She then closed her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Then she said in a voice almost like a song, but in a whisper.

"Spread like a rumor, be the truth, hide like a fox, but quiet as a cat." She then put her ocarina to her lips and played ten notes on it. A hush like a thick blanket of snow fell on the two rooms.

When Cordelia put her ocarina away, she was panting.

Volsiar popped his head in through the separating doorway, "Is it just me, or did the air just shift?" he asked, "And I'm not meaning the temperature."

"Yeah," she said raising a hand. "I did a Song of Concealment. It covers both rooms, we won't be overheard by eavesdroppers." She wiped her face with a shirt sleeve.

"Oh." Volsair said, seeing the washstand mirror had been covered by a wash towel. "May I ask why there's a wash towel over the mirror?"

"If someone uses magic and looks in on us through the mirror, they'll only see the towel." Cordelia explained.

"Sounds like a good idea," Alkanos said, "How can someone look in on you, using a mirror?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Cordelia said, "I've never tried it, I won't try it because I'm worried what I might see."

"Makes sense." Volsair said, "Well, it's late and we all could use a bath and much-needed sleep. Besides, Cordelia and I have been up for two days straight. And I still smell of stagnating water."

"Before we leave everyone needs to know, that as soon as a door leading to the hall is opened, the Song of Concealment will dissipate. So be careful what you say when we come back in." Cordelia explained.

"Alright." Alkanos said, "And be sure to take your stuff with you. Don't want to get into trouble down the road, just to find out our weapons had been stolen and sold."

"Good point," Volsair said, "Um. When we get back here what will the sleeping arrangements be?"

"Bother," Cordelia muttered, "Two beds, three people." Then she said in a normal voice. "If we had stayed at inns in the past, one would have gotten the bed, the other would have slept in front of the door."

"But there's two beds and two people." Alkanos pointed, "Also there are two doors leading to the hall."

"We could put a chair under the doorknob of the other door that leads to the hall. You know, I could sleep in front of the door." Volsair offered.

"Why would you want to take the floor?" Alkanos asked.

"I already put a chair to the door in the other room. Also, I can sleep on the floor, you can take my bed." Cordelia said before Volsair could explain.

"That won't be necessary," Volsair said, "Alkanos gets the bed because well, he is the future ruler and he carried us to the village. Also, Cordelia, you get a bed because,'re a lady, and, you exhausted your magic stores today. So I'll sleep on the floor."

"Thank you for your concern, but I can handle the floor." Cordelia said, "It's not a problem. Besides, your shoulders and upper arms are probably hurting you from the weather."

"It's fine." Volsair said, not sounding to convincingly.

"Alright, If you insist, " Cordelia said, brushing her hair back over her shoulder, "I'll take the bed."

"Well, now that's settled, let's go take those baths." Alkanos said.

The baths were on the first floor, one room for men, the other for women. In both rooms was copper tubs that was at shoulder height, if someone sat in one. The tubs were oblong so they could stretch your legs out underwater, and still be comfortable. There was wide benches pushed up against the wall to hold the bather's clothes and possessions. The floor was flagstones, with a grate in the center of the room that allowed for drainage. A fire was roaring in the stone fireplace, to heat the water for the baths.

"Ahhh." Cordeila sighed, happily sinking into the warm sudsy water, the bubbles rising to her chin, as she sunk contentedly down into the water. A perk of being a Siren, if she fell asleep in the water, she wouldn't drown, even if she was in human form. The water felt divine, the aches of the quest fading and the layers of grime leaving her skin.

In the men's bathing room, Alkanos and Volsair were soaking in separate copper tubs. The steam was thick, besides the normal amount, Alkanos blew thin pale white smoke rings happily. Alkanos's bath was hotter than most human bathers would have preferred, thick soap bubbles up to his chest. The Prince practically lounged with an arched back, his hands contently behind his head. He still hadn't gotten used to the transformation, it took a lot out of him, but it helped when he ate more food.

Volsair stretched out his back and shoulders, feeling the pain and fatigue from the swamp and ruins fade away. Volsair smiled thinking of the look on King Martain's face when he got the bill. Volsair breathed deeply, taking in the medicinal smell of the oils he requested, be added to his bath. Volsair sunk down into the water and suds, the bubbles up to his chin. I am loving this bath! Volsair thought closing his eyes and leaning his head back on the rim of the tub.

"I have a question." Alkanos said.

"What?" Volsair asked, barely opening his eyes.

"Can you do a form of magic?" Alkanos asked.

"Why do you ask?" Volsair asked, opening his eyes and lifting his head off the rim of the tub.

"Well, Cordelia has her singing, and I can breathe fire. Do you have a magical skill?"

"I can make a sword become engulfed in water, and I have a knowledge of herbs Faeries use. I can also to a certain degree heal. If that's what your meaning."

"That's interesting," Alkanos said, sounding surprised.

"I'm a Fae Champion. Both skills come with the territory." Volsair said.

"I can change into a Dragon and breath fire, even if I'm in my human form." Alkanos said.

"Does that hurt?' Volsair asked.

"You get use to it. It's just that afterward, I feel ravenous."

"I think I know what your problem is. It's your metabolism."

"My what?" Alkanos asked.

"You need to eat more food to keep you going. Since your transformation takes a lot out of you." Volsair explained.

"Why didn't I think of that? " Alkanos said.

"The order for food I placed for the provisions. It should carry you over if we get separated." Volsair said.

"Thank you for going ahead and doing that." Alkanos said.

"Any time sir. Any time." Volsair replied.

"One more thing. Please don't call me sir or what have you."

"Sorry, Force of habit. What would you prefer I called you?"

"Alkanos. Just Alkanos."

"I can do that. Alkanos."

When everyone had finished with their baths and dressed in clean clothes, they headed back to their rooms. As soon as the door was closed, Cordelia once again warded the rooms against eavesdroppers. Then everyone went to bed.

That night was uneventful, everyone was able to sleep peacefully, even with Cordelia snoring. The next morning, everyone got ready to leave for the mountains.


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and fav!

Thanks for reading, until next time!


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