predestined | jace herondale

By concupiscentz

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he was my escape from all the insanity that surrounded me; things I thought were only legends. More



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By concupiscentz

"I still don't understand." Clary sighs, "How can Shadowhunters be better than what you people call mundanes?"

"Because we protect humans." Isabelle told her, as we stood in the hall after entering the Institute.

I stay silent, not having said a word since the incident, Clary running a hand through her head hair, "You're right. Humans. You protect humans. We left Simon all alone in the van."

Alec looks between Clary and I, "There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense."

"Alec, not now." Isabelle stops him.

Jace looks at me, "Look, they won't do anything to Simon. They just wanted to draw you out. They want the Cup, and they think you have it."

"Why does anyone think that?" Clary spoke up due to my silence, "What, my mom lies to us our entire life except, oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on, like, the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone. What are we supposed to do now?"

"We have to report to the Clave." Alec starts to walk, "They have to know we've learned about Valentine."

"What, that he's my father?" Clary spoke up once more, Alec stopping, "Great. Fine. Tell them. What good does that do Simon?"

"Clary, it's all connected." Jace crosses his arms, "The vamps want the Cup."

"Why? It makes new Shadowhunters." She questions.

"Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself." Alec made it clear.

"Plus, it controls demons." Isabelle adds.

"They'll propose a trade." Jace exclaims, "Simon for the Cup."

"So, vampires will trade Simon for the Cup and Valentine will trade my mother for the Cup." Clary puts it all together, "Either way, we lose someone."

Silence falls upon us, my stare fixed on the ground, completely zoned out after that, my arms crossed, stood across from Alec.

"What about you?" Alec called me out, "Do you have any bright ideas you'd like to contribute?"

My jaw clenched lightly, not being in the mood for him to pick on me, blinking long and hard, looking up at him.

His stare stays connected with mine, as I deeply exhale through my nose, my voice low, "We need a plan, every minute we stand here and discuss the matter that's already been overly expressed, Simon suffers."

"Then, what's your plan?" Alec kept me in the center, his questions prying into me.

"I don't know, you tell me." I shot right back, "I can't turn into what you are overnight."

"It's true." Isabelle sides with me, "She was raised as a mundane."

"What are you, her spokesman now?" Alec questions, starting to get irritated that she kept aiding me.

I huff, walking away and through the Institute, in the center where there was a table and many monitors, the rest following me, "Are you going to tell me not one of these screens can help us find Simon?"

"Where is he, anyway?" Clary questions, standing next to me, as we all surrounded the table, "Some kind of crypt in Transylvania?"

"Actually, no." Jace spoke up in confirmation, "That was Camille's outfit, right? They're locals."

"They're at the Hotel DuMort, down in Gansevoort Street." Isabelle sat on the table.

"And we came back here? Why?" Clary questioned instantly, "We have to go there. Let's go, now- come on-"

Clary starts to turn, as I blinked long and hard once more, grabbing her arm, "No."

Alec spoke up, "We need a Clave resolution for that."

"The four of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves." Isabelle exhales.

"And we can't react without considering our options." Alec continued, "Downworlders are slaves to their impulses. We're not."

"Alec, you can't just jump on all the Downworlders." Isabelle smiles lightly.

The corner of Alec's mouth turned up, "Oh, that's right. Seelies have their charms, apparently."

"Seelies?" Clary questions after I let go of her hand, resting my palms on the table.

"Like faeries. The Fair Folk." Jace explained, "Add pixies, nixies, elves anybody half-angel, half-demon. It's pretty much a catch-all term."

"Izzy can tell you all about them." Alec's eyebrow raises, "She's got a thing."

"We've all got our things, don't we?" Isabelle smiles.

"Okay, I can't listen to this." Clary sighs, "Simon's been kidnapped by vampires. I guess I'll just take care of it myself."

She turns, walking towards the hallway that lead to the entrance.

"Clary," I call out behind her as she continued to walk, standing up straight, "You're gonna get yourself killed."

She keeps walking, causing me to spin around, "Along with Simon."

Clary stops, as I continued, "I mean- think about it. Logically- they think I have the Cup. Once they find out I don't- they'll move on to you. Once they find out neither of us have it, they won't hesitate to kill you both after you storm in there. If anything- these guys are our best shot at making it out there alive."

"Hey- you're catching on." Jace comments from behind me.

I look at him, "Well, I think it's finally engraved itself into my brain- considering how many times you've said it to me."

A smirk falls onto Jace's lips, looking into my eyes.

I blink, turning back around towards them, Clary walking back over with a huff.

"While we consider other options, Simon is suffering." I spoke up, rubbing Clary's back for a second in comfort, then placing my palms flat against the table, "Is that something Shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane?"

"Zee's right." Jace presses his palms against the table also, as we huddled together, speaking amongst ourselves, "They made the first move. We're gonna take care of this ourselves, right now."

"This is a bad idea." Alec instantly said.

Jace shot right back, "What, have you got a better one?"

"Look, the vamps broke the Accords, they kidnapped a mundie." Jace persuades, "That's a big no-no. The Clave will give us a lecture and then they'll be glad we did it."

Isabelle was in, "Hard to argue with that."

"Even if we went ahead, I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we're going." Alec said, wanting to glaze through ever difficulty before we made any moves, "We need weapons, and we can't let anyone see us get them."

Jace looks between all of us, "I know where to get what we need."


"Whose grave is it?" Alec questions after we got out of the van.

"Mary Milligan, born January 10th, 1802-" Isabelle reads, "Died, January 10th, 1878."

"All right, Alec, let's go." Jace nods.

"Wait, what are we looking for?" Clary questions as we all walked together.

"Cache of weapons." Isabelle says, walking alongside Alec.

"Stashed here with Mrs. Milligan." Jace follows up, his eyes scanning around the surroundings.

"Why are there Shadowhunter weapons in a churchyard?" I ask, my hands slipping into the pockets of my bomber jacket.

"Because all of the ancient religions recognized demons." Isabelle spoke, "Or at least they used to."

"They forgot about the threat because we've been here to protect them." Alec followed up, "Typical mundane failure of imagination."

"Are you saying we did too good a job?" Isabelle stops, a argument starting to pick up as Alec stops also, "You just can't let up, can you?"

"You know what?" Jace stops them, "Alec, why don't you go check out by the angel?"

Alec doesn't reply, just heading towards the Angel, Isabelle staying put, Clary stood with her.

"We couldn't gear up at the Institute, but we know our ancestors left a cache around here someplace." Jace told me, crossing his arms, "We'll find it."

I look away, "If only Jocelyn told me the truth- if only I could get back all my memories. Maybe- we would have some idea of where the Cup is- and Simon wouldn't be in trouble- and you wouldn't be stuck with me for much longer."

"This isn't your fault." Jace's eyebrows furrow, already knowing what I was implying.

"Isn't it, Jace?" My tone falls, "All of you are breaking- so many rules trying to help Clary and I. If I knew where the Cup was- you wouldn't have to be going through all this trouble just to protect me."

Jace opens his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Isabelle, "Excellent. He's home. I'm outta here."

"Wait, aren't you coming with us?" Clary questions.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I gotta find out how to get into the vampires' lair." Isabelle shrugs.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Jace calls out behind her, Isabelle leaving, Clary looking at different headstones.

Jace turns his attention back to me, "None of this is your fault."

I deeply sigh, looking away from him once more.

"What else did you see?" Jace brought up, "In your memory-?"

I was caught off guard, looking at him, "I told you-"

"Hodge telling us that Valentine supposedly died years ago, has nothing to do with him being your father." Jace had pieced it together, "Plus- you've been really quiet since we got back."

I look down at my feet. I had already told Clary, she was the first one I told. I wanted to tell Jace, but repeating it would only get me crying again.

"Jace- over here." Alec calls for him, unintentionally saving me from this conversation.

"Yeah, coming." Jace huffs, "Are you gonna be all right?"

"I just need a minute, okay?" I exhale, nodding towards him.

"Okay." He nods, walking away from me and towards Alec.


[ jace's pov ]

"We're crossing a line into vamp territory." Alec told me the minute I stopped in front of him.

"That's the point." I took it as no big deal, patting his shoulder, "Come on, Alec, cheer up. It's going to be fun."

"Damn it, Jace, just think this through." Alec stayed serious, "You don't even like this guy."

"This isn't about the mundane, this is about Zee." Alec confronted me about it, reading right through me.

My head turns, my gaze falling onto Zee. She stood alone, running a hand through her straight hair, the medium length strands just falling right back into their places.

Alec looks at her, and then at me, "What, are you so desperate to get laid that you'll risk killing us?"

"Wow, um, there's so much in that- that was wrong, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear it." I scoff in disbelief, starting to walk back towards Zee.

"That's the problem-" Alec stops me, "You're not listening. Not to this or anything else I've said tonight."

"You don't even know this girl." Alec's tone dropped, "Why do you trust her?"

"Is this about her being Valentine's daughter?" I question, crossing my arms, "Haven't we been through this?"

"Alec, look at me." I told him once he looks back at Zee, "You can trust her, or not. I don't care. That's not my business. But if you don't trust me-"

"Zee, Jace, Alec! I think I found it!" Clary's voice fills our ears, cutting out conversation short, "Mary Milligan!"


[ zee's pov ]

"Beloved servant? Who wants that on a headstone?" Clary stood up after Jace, Alec and I walked over.

"Someone who is in service to a cause greater than themselves." Alec answers, stepping on the side of the stone.

"At least she is now." Jace grabbed out his stele, "Abracadabra."

"Wait, you people actually say that?" I look up at him.

Jace small smile forms on his lips, "No, Zee, we don't."

Jace traces the mark with his stele, Alec and Jace opening the top, setting it to the side.

"Where's Mrs. Milligan?" Clary mutters when Jace opens up the first half of the casket inside, only for it to be weapons, "Whoa-"

Alec comes to my side, his eyes scanning what was inside, Jace grabbing a blade, Clary eyeing it, a few inches away from me.

I grab a blade, it instantly lighting up at my touch.

"Don't-" Alec's eyes follow the blade I held, then connect with mine when I face him, "-touch that. You don't know how to use it."

I lick my lips, barely tilting my head to the side, "Wanna be my test dummy?"

"Wanna be mine?" Alec stepped closer to me, directly in front of me now, the only thing separating us being the blade.

If it weren't for the blade, our chest's would be touching.

I stared up at his towering figure, keeping a straight face, his hazel eyes lingering with my brown ones.

Our silence remained, the tension strong between us, even if we were talking about being each other's test dummies.

"Alec-" Jace breaks the tension, "I'm gonna show her the right way to use it."

"Do you see what you need in here?" Jace asks Alec.

Alec looks over, "No- there's no bow here. I need one."

"I have to rune some arrows." Alec turns, "That's back at the Institute. I gotta go."

"Well, how are you gonna get back in the Institute?" Jace questions.

"Go in the back." Alec simply told him, "Won't bother me if I'm alone."

I step away, standing next to Clary.

"You look totally badass holding that blade." Clary told me honestly, holding one in her own hand.

"Right back at ya." I stare at the blade.

Clary stood a few feet away from me, holding the blade tight in her hand, slowly moving with the blade, giving me the impression that she was doing it with ease.

"How the hell-" I stare at her, gaping at astonishment.

"I pay attention-" Clary shrugs, continuing what she was doing.

Alec walks away, Jace coming over to me, "It seems like she's already got it."

"Apparently- she pays attention." I repeat her words, then look at my own blade.

"Okay, let me show you how to use this thing." Jace stands behind me, his voice falling quiet, "Now, it knows you're a Shadowhunter, so it wants to respond."

"But- you have to be firm with it." His hand touches mine, intertwining with my fingers, holding the blade with me, directly behind me now, my back inches away from touching his chest, "Let it know who's boss."

"There." Jace starts to move the blade with me, his breath fanning against my neck, "You make it a part of yourself and it a part of you."

My heart started to beat rapidly, my chest erupting with a feeling I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I took slow breathes, trying not to let out a shaky one, trying to focus on the blade and not on the feeling of his breathing against my neck. The sound of his raspy voice next to my ear, or how close we were.

"Now, the blade never dims." Jace held in front of me, his hand never leaving mine, guiding me throughout, "It's saying you belong together."

I swallow hard, my voice dangerously quiet, "How does it know?"

"'Cause you're part angel, Zee-" Jace's tone fell into a whisper, "-like all Shadowhunters."

Jace's free hand touches my waist, under my jacket, right where my tank top ended and my bare skin began, my back fully pressing against his chest, shifting into a movement where I'd kill a demon, "You understand?"

I turn my head, taking even more notice of how close we were, my face barely inches away from his, "Not at all-"

"You'll get there." Jace told me, guiding me once more, my gaze following the blade, "It's not something you understand in your mind. It's something you know because it's pulsing through your body. It's in your blood."

I mimic the movement, feeling as if Jace was still right with me, guiding me through it all, "Could I even do this without you?"

"You just did." His voice came from behind me, but it wasn't as close as it was seconds ago, and his breath wasn't fanning against my neck.

I snap out of my trance, turning, facing Jace, confusion falling over me, "It felt like you were still with me-"

"I am." Jace stepped closer, "I will be."

Jace stammers, clearing his throat, "We- we will be there for you."

Jace walks over to the headstone, grabbing a blade from inside of it.

"I can't even begin to process what I just witnessed-" Clary whispered to me after rushing over to me, "He completely has a thing for you-"

"Clary-" I lightly hit her arm, whispering back a lie straight through my teeth, "Not my type."

"Oh yeah? Do you wanna tell that to the way-" Clary began to whisper, but I cut her off.

I point at her, "I am not having this conversation with you-"

Before she could say anything else about the matter, I jog over to Jace.

Clary follows, speaking about something different, "How do you know they'll come back?"

"Who? Alec and Izzy?" Jace questions.

"Yeah." Clary nods.

"We were raised together." Jace told her, "They're basically my brother and sister."

"You know Alec doesn't like me, right?" I mention, holding my blade.

"Alec doesn't like anybody." Jace closes the casket.

"Why would he help?" I question.

"Did you hear what he called me just then?" Jace asked, closing up the headstone, "We're parabatai."

I stare at him, waiting for him to explain.

He steps in front of me, going more in depth, "There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have. We're bound together for life. Bound to fight together, to protect each other. In battle, our hearts beat as one. If one of us were to die a part of the other would die inside as well."

"He'll be here, Zee." He assures me, "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready." I nod, letting out a breath.

He smiles, "You look ready."

"All right- let's go." Clary nods towards us, as we all headed down the churchyard.


"I don't like that we just left Clary-" I began, running a hand through my hair.

"She's in the van-" Jace shrugs, "She's going to meet up with Alec and Isabelle when they get there. Everyone thinks you have the Cup. They're not going to go after her until they find out you don't."

"Jace-" I sigh deeply, shooting him a look.

Jace shoots me a look of assurance, "She'll be fine. By the way she was moving with that sword, I'm sure she can kill a few demons on her own."

"Are you kidding?" I walked with him, "She could get hurt."

"She's got the hang of everything." Jace shrugs once more, "Plus- she was practically pushing us to go alone."

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. Of course she would push us to go together alone, she thought I liked Jace.

"You wanna kill time at a biker bar?" I look around at where we were heading.

"We can't move on the vamps until sunrise." Jace tells me, walking inside, "Plus, there's something I need in here."

"What, a drink?" I question, staying close behind him.

"I don't drink." Jace tells me, walking through the bar.

"Is it bad that I find that shocking?" I question, looking at him, as he shot me another look.

"All right- I'm kidding." I put my hands up in surrender, "Shouldn't you be teaching me to fight or something? I'm a fast learner- but not with Shadowhunter stuff."

"Do me a favor, look over there." Jace stops us in the middle of the bar and points, "What do you see?"

"A lot of people." My eyes scan the room, "Let me rephrase- a lot of people making out."

"Focus on the couple." Jace gestures, "Now, concentrate on seeing through."

My eyebrows furrow, as I looked at him, "What?"

"There are layers to reality. You can peel them away. See the Shadow World." Jace explains, "Now concentrate."

"Jace- I can't." I shook my head after trying to focus, only to feel like an idiot.

"Hey- yes you can." Jace's voice soothes me, "Don't just use your mind. Use your whole self. Relax into it."

I take a deep breath, giving it another shot, my eyes focused on the couple. The couple that was once making out, now had fangs and were sucking each other's blood, a whisper of shock leaving my mouth due to just doing that, "Vampires-"

"I told you that you could do it." Jace lightly smiles proudly, then steps to the side with me, pointing at a man walking through the bar, "Check out that guy. He's got something."

"What? Lacking everything that would scream anyone's type?" I remark, looking at him.

"Now, now." Jace chuckles, "Here you go. Bet you can't handle his charm."

"Charm- him? Are you joking?" I question, a scoff in amusement leaving my lips.

"You really wanna help find Simon? Go on, go compliment him on his motorcycle." Jace looks at me and smirks, "They like that."

I roll my eyes, Jace taking a seat, eyeing me, awaiting for me to go on.

I shot him a look, doing him one better. My hands grab the end of my tank top, pulling it down slightly, exposing a little cleavage, messing up my hair lightly.

Jace's eyes widen slightly, his lips slightly puckered, fighting back a laugh, only getting amusement out of it.

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to hold back a laugh at the look on his face, spinning around, heading over to the man.

"Hi-" I barely smile, placing my hands on my hips. "I've been wondering who owned this bike."

"Well, hey, baby." He sickly said, smirking at me, "You like to ride?"

I mentally roll my eyes at the name he called me, almost feeling sick to my stomach.

Before I could reply, his hand raised up, moving in some type of motion that suddenly had me completely mesmerized.

My eyes trail up from his hand to his face, and it was like I was looking at a entirely different person, not the man I was looking at seconds ago.

He smiles at me, revealing his fangs, "You know you smell like a friggin' angel, right?"

"Oh yeah?" I whisper, a smile forming on my lips quickly, falling completely into his game without intention.

"But- without all that Shadowhunter rune crap all over you." He smiled wickedly, "Much better look, right?"

I agreed, "Right-"

"I don't know what the hell you are, angel doll, but you're one tasty treat." He smirks wider, rounding the motorcycle and coming right behind me, "Do you wanna jump on the bike, baby?"

"Yeah-" I whisper, giggling right after.

He scoops me up, placing me onto his bike, his hand resting on my bare skin, moving my hair away from my neck.

As I was aware of what was happening, I couldn't control it, completely hypnotized by him.

"Hey-" Jace finally stepped up, adjusting his glove, "You having fun with my girl?"

A feeling erupts in my chest when he says that, as I mentally took it and shoved it deep down.

I had now learned his name, Brad stepping closer to Jace, "Piss off, Shadowhunter."

"Brad's gonna take me for a ride." I giggle, looking at Jace.

"That's right." Brad says right after me.

Jace stares at Brad for a second, then spoke confidently, "That's not gonna happen."

"You heard the lady." Brad looks at him, "Step aside."

Jace smirks, stepping closer, only for Brad to push back him forcefully.

Jace chuckles, once again only getting amusement out of it, his hair becoming messy and falling out of place, looking up, pointing at me, "Don't move, Zee."

Brad hisses, throwing a punch at Jace, Jace being quick and ducking, disappearing from his sight.

Suddenly, Jace was behind him, "Yoo-hoo, Romeo."

Brad turns, Jace landing a hard punch under Brad's jaw, sending him flying back, letting go of his keys.

Jace catches them, scoffing in satisfaction, then looking up at the vampires that he caught the attention of, clearing his throat, "As you were."

Jace quickly gets onto the bike with me, starting it, driving off quick, my eyes widening as I snapped back into reality, my hair whipping in my face, the vampires beginning to chase us out, "Jace, what the hell-"

Jace lets out a soft laugh, the sound of the motorcycle intensifying.

"I need to tie my hair up-" I told him, finally moving my hair out of my face, "But- I could literally fall off the bike-"

"Do it quick-" Jace's right hand grabs my thigh tight, making sure I didn't fall, "I got you-"

"I don't trust that-" I admit, staring at how he steered with one hand, my hands remaining on his shoulders.

"Well- then you better tie it up quick-" Jace told me, keeping his attention ahead.

"Okay- okay-" I quickly threw my hair up into a messy high ponytail with the hair tie on my wrist, then wrapping my arms around him.

He lets go of my thigh, steadying the bike, the motorcycle going faster and faster by the moment, "So, how was being Brad's puppet?"

"Hey- why the hell did you let him do that to me?" I question, "He was so not my type-"

"I couldn't exactly dig around in his pockets for the keys." Jace glances at me, his hair whipping in the wind.

"What, you were gonna let him turn me into a vampire just to get his keys?" I asked him, laughing quietly.

"Don't you trust me?" Jace asks, laughing lightly also.

"More than I'd care to admit." I confirm, throwing my head back and closing my eyes for a second, feeling happy and at peace, a wide smile on my lips.

"For more interesting matters, what is your type?" Jace playfully asks, a smile lingering on his lips.

"I'm going to keep that information to myself." I open my eyes, looking ahead, "It's quite frankly, none of your business."

Jace chuckles, "Better hold tight, this bike runs on demon energy- It's pretty mean."

"Don't their bikes run on that, too?" I inquired, referring to the many other bikes at the bar.

"Why do you think I picked this one?" Jace spoke, "It's been modified."

"Jace, we still have to find Simon-" I began, changing the subject.

"Yes, we'll find your mundie." Jace cuts me off, "You got a good grip?"

"Yes I do-" My eyebrows furrow, "Why do you keep asking me that-"

Jace smirks, and suddenly, we were in the air; no longer on the ground. Jace was steering the motorcycle through the wind, the ground many feet beneath us.

"Jace-" I let out a squeal in surprise the minute we were off the ground, my grip instantly getting tighter on him.

Jace lets out a laugh, enjoying the lighthearted pleasure, my chin resting on his shoulder, many laughs leaving my lips, along with him.

And in that moment; It was almost like I had escaped reality.


"What that vamp did to you back at the bar it's called encanto." Jace explained, as we stood on the roof of the hotel, my jacket resting on the seat on the motorcycle, Jace using his stele to draw a rune right under my collarbone, my jaw clenched at the burning, "That was just the first step. It's kind of like what a cobra does to a mouse right before it strikes."

"This will keep you safe just in case you run into Mr. Fascinating again." Jace remarks, patting my shoulder, "Give me your arm."

"I'm never gonna live that down, am I?" I mutter, letting out a breath, holding my arm out.

"Probably not, no." Jace shook his head, drawing another rune onto it.

"What's that one for?" I questioned, watching him as he drew.

"This is for silence." Jace began to explain, focusing on the rune, "The vamps won't hear us coming, but we can't disguise the scent of our blood from them."

I fixed my tank top, walking over to the motorcycle, grabbing my jacket as Jace continued to explain, "Once we enter the building through there, they'll know something's up. But if our plan works, we'll have time to find Simon."

I simply nod, facing him, slipping on the jacket, pulling my hair out of it's pony tail with ease, bending over, straightening out my hair, flipping it back up, fixing it, noticing Jace watching the whole thing, "What?"

"Uh- nothing." Jace clears his throat, starting to walk, "The mundane world is all into vampires. I don't get it. They see everyone else as an animated sack of meat."

"Yeah, I don't see the romance anymore." I caught up to him, walking by his side.

"That's 'cause now you know it's all real." Jace shrugs, "Still, you gotta hand it to them, though. They know how to frame a narrative."

"The Vampire Diaries was actually really good-" I point out, then change the subject, "How will we find Simon?"

"He'll be in the most secure room in the building." Jace slowed down his steps to keep up with mine, "Trust me, we'll know it when we see it."

"What if they do an encanto on him?" I question, "Will he turn into a vampire?"

"No, you have to-" Jace began, only for me to cut him off.

"Wait- let me test my knowledge-" I stop him from speaking, pointing at him, "He has to drink vampire blood- and actually die in order to become a vampire, am I right?"

The corner of his mouth turns up lightly, "Even then, there's more to it. It's an overly involved process, if you ask me."

"What if a vampire bites him?" I question as we walked down the steps, still on the roof, "Will they suck him dry?"

"They won't drain him right away, they like to take their time." Jace told me, "Vampires are real gourmets."

I sigh, "He could be terrified."

"Actually, he'll feel kind of high, kind of like he's in love." He corrects me, stopping, facing me.

"So- he wouldn't be screaming for his life as he would if he was in the Vampire Diaries-" I point at him, squinting my eyes, Jace shaking his head, a smile lingering on his lips at my words, my hands moving into a thumbs up, my bottom lip pouting out, "Got it-"

"You're questioning me based on that show?" Jace questions, chuckling lightly.

"Where else would I get all these questions?" I cross my arms, "Would he feel like he's in love with the one who bit him?"

"Yeah." Jace nods.

"That's awful." I mutter, glancing away for a second.

"It's awful?" Jace repeats, "Guess I wouldn't know."

"You've never been bitten?" I ask, looking at him, Jace turning his head away for a second to look out.

Jace looks at me, staring into my eyes, staying silent, showing me that what I said wasn't correct.

"You've never been in love." My tone drops, realization flooding me.

"The point is it wears off." Jace clears his throat, "Just like love."

"Love doesn't wear off, Jace." I say quietly, my eyes not leaving his.

Jace changes the subject, "What's the deal with you and that guy, anyway? He seems kinda-"

"Be careful." I warned.

"Unworthy of you?" Jace tries, "How's that?"

"What deal?" I question, "Simon's my best friend."

"It hasn't really seemed like it-" Jace shrugs.

I immediately question, "Well what does it seem like?"

"Like you guys have a thing going on or something-" Jace shrugs once more but barely.

I step closer to him, "If Simon and I were a thing, I wouldn't have let you-"

"Let me what?" Jace stared down at me, directly in front of me due to my sudden movement, his tone falling quiet.

I purse my lips, exhaling through my nose, "You really think you have it all figured out?"

"I do." Jace simply said.

"You don't even understand friendship." I exclaim.

Jace gapes at me, "Really?"

"You have a parabatai." I brought up, "You out of all people should be able to understand friendship."

Jace steps even closer to me, "Alec would die for me."

"Well-" I held my ground, "Now you understand Simon and I."

"Sun's gonna come up soon." Jace changes the subject, stepping away, "Remember how to use the blade? Keep your arms steady and don't overestimate what you know. They can be tricky. We'll try and keep them off you as much as we can."

"No need-" I shrug, "I'm pretty sure I saved you from a demon when we first encountered each other."

"Oh yeah?" Jace recalls, rolling his eyes playfully, "You think you can hold em off on your own?"

"Okay- you might wanna keep them off as much as you can." I confess, smiling lightly, "Where are Alec and Isabelle?"

"With Clary-" Jace answers, "Being distracting."


Jace and I walk into a room in the hotel after sneaking around, trying to look for Simon, my eyes widening at the sight of Brad from earlier, pointing and walking straight to me, "You!"

"Zee-" Jace began to grab my arm and pull me back, only to be pushed away from me and tackled by two other vampires.

Brad grabs me, pulling me into him and holding me tight as I tried to fight out of his grip, "Just ran 30 blocks to get here before I freaking burned to death in the sun!"

Jace tries to fight the two vampires off to get to me, but struggles, Brad whispering in my ear, "You missed your ride, angel doll."

"Sorry-" I kicked his shin as hard as I could, his grip loosening on me, my elbow ramming hard into him, a groan leaving his lips, "I wasn't interested in being your next meal."

"Why'd you go with him, huh?" He grabs my wrists tightly, "You really know how to hurt a guy."

"Well, you heard him." I raise an eyebrow, smirking lightly, playing along with what Jace had said earlier, "I'm his girl."

He growls, his hand moving in the same gesture it was earlier when he hypnotized me. I purposely change my facial expression, pretending to fall right into his little game.

He starts to smirk, only for me to roll my eyes, kneeling him, a grunt in pain leaving his lips, pulling my wrist away from his hold, grabbing his head and ramming his face into my knee.

Unexpectedly, he grabs me by my neck, pushing me into the wall, "Bitch, you're finished!"

"Zee-" Jace calls out from under the two guys, "The blade!"

Brad hisses, ready to sink his fangs into me. I grab the blade from my pocket, the entire thing lighting up, my first instinct being to hold it up to his neck.

"You're a feisty one." Brad stares at the blade, slowly letting go of my neck, backing away as I walked with him, holding it close to his neck, "I knew you'd be a tasty treat-"

Alec, Isabelle and Clary walk in, catching me off guard, Brad grabbing the blade, letting out a loud grunt in pain, tossing it somewhere, grabbing me, holding me to his chest, Alec aiming an arrow right at us, Brad using me as leverage.

Alec almost laughs, "Okay."

Instead of aiming towards us, he shot it at the wall, breaking a hole into it, sunlight piercing in and through Brad, as I quickly move away from him, my eyes wide.

Jace had finally gotten up, fighting off two vampires.

I grabbed the blade off the ground, walking over, tapping one on the shoulder.

He turns, facing me, and despite my height, I land a solid punch in his face, causing him to fall.

Before he could get up or I could process anything, I fell onto one knee, piercing the blade through him, the vampire's scream fading as he burned away.

In unison with my kill, Jace kills the one he was fighting, his eyes glued to me, breathing heavy at what he had just witnessed.

"Zee-" Clary ran over to me, my eyes snapping up towards her, slowly getting up, her hugging me tight, my arm wrapping around her, holding onto her as I stared at the lit up blade.

She pulls away, Jace still staring at me.

I finally spoke, clearing my throat, "I killed him."

"He was already dead." Jace reasons, not wanting me to feel guilty about it.

"Plus, he wanted to kill you. Remember that." Isabelle stepped up, "She did great, right?"

"Yeah, you did." Jace tells me, nodding slightly, "You should be proud."

"Not gonna lie, I felt pretty badass doing it." I held the blade, "But- we have to find Simon."

Jace nods, as we all looked further through the hotel, walking right into the room Simon was being held, the man who helped kidnapped him stood there, a knife to his neck.

"Simon-" I let out a gasp of his name, starting to make my way over.

"Stop-" Alec began, his hand not leaving the arrow he was ready to pull, holding tight on his bow, his eyes stuck on the man and Simon.

"Zee- no-" Jace comes to my left, stopping me, "That's not gonna do any good."

"Listen to them, Zee Young." The man demands, my eyes shifting from Alec, Jace, then back to the man and Simon, "Put it away."

"I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd love to cut his throat- don't give me a reason." He taunted me, "Put it away!"

Jace and I put our blades away, Clary instantly questioning, "Simon, are you all right?"

"I wouldn't say all right-" Simon started, fear threaded in his voice due to the blade pressed against his skin.

"Stop talking!" The man shouts, "Now if you would all just follow me."

"Let's go!" He yells, leading us out, keeping the sharp blade to Simon's neck, "Come on, let's go! Up here now!"

He continues to shout until all five of us were backing down the path towards the door, "That's right, get down there now! Get down there or I'll kill him right now!"

"Look, we're not gonna hurt you, we just want Simon." Clary said from behind Jace and I, backing up.

"I'm glad you do, we don't." He said, walking closer as we backed away due to his demands, "We wanted your sister."

He looks at me, "We wanted you."

My jaw clenches as I try to push past Jace, "Well, here I am."

"Stop!" Jace forcefully pulls me back to his side, continuing until we were at the end.

"I said "wanted". Not my idea." He said, "Now, get out! Go!"

"Not without Simon-" I shook my head, Jace pushing me up the steps.

"Shut up!" He shouts at me, "Open that door right now or I'll kill him right here."

"Listen to him!" Jace demands, looking back at us.

"But- Simon will die-" Clary began, only to be rushed out by Isabelle.

"Jace-" I shook my head, "No- we can't leave without him, not after everything we did to get to him-"

Before I could say anything else, a hand was on my wrist, pulling me out and into the sunlight, my head snapping towards Alec, him being the one to pull me out.

I couldn't muster out any words, my eyes lingering with his. He blinked, as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight.

In that moment I felt like he didn't hate me too much.

"Take him!" The sound of the man's voice follows out, shoving Simon towards Jace, and seconds later, Jace pushed Simon out by all of us.

I blink, snapping out of whatever trance I was in, my head snapping towards Simon, as I quickly made my way over to him, hugging him tight, "Simon, oh my god-"

Jace finally joins us, his eyes falling onto Simon and I.

I pull away, smiling at Simon, Clary going in to hug him next.

"Shouldn't we get the hell out of here?" Simon questions after pulling away from Clary.

"Why, Simon?" Jace questions.

"They're right downstairs." Simon points out.

"Let them come after us." Jace shrugs, "They'll just turn into a bunch of fried eggs out here. I thought you said you watch movies."

I step aside, crossing my arms, Alec and Isabelle walking up to the higher platform.

"Oh, my God. It's actually over." Clary hugs Simon once more, "I was so afraid I would lose you. But it's true, you're actually here."

"You know I'd do anything for you." Simon says to her.

"You don't have to die!" Clary smiled.

"I'd rather not do that." Simon holds her.

Clary exhales, "I couldn't live without you."

"Say that again." Simon pulled away from the hug, staring at her.

"I couldn't live without you, Simon." Clary repeats herself.

I turn away from them, rocking back and forth on my feet.

Jace slowly comes to my side, his arms crossed as well, "I told you we'd get your mundie back."

"Still think Simon and I have a thing going on?" I question, looking up at him.

Jace shook his head, "I actually think it's him and Clary."

"They've been best friends for years, what do you expect?" I shrug, "It was bound to happen one day."

"You okay?" Jace looks at me.

"Yeah-" I barely nod, looking at my feet, "Can you just- give me a minute, please?"

"Yeah." He nods, patting my back, before heading over to Isabelle and Alec.


[ jace's pov ]

"Look, can I just say one thing?" Alec looks at me the minute I step onto the higher platform.

"You will, whatever I say, so shoot." I looked at him, my arms crossed.

"You think you know Zee, right?" Alec questions, "But you may not. Think about who her father is."

"You know what, Alec?" Frustration builds within me, "Do not start this again with me, Alec."

"She just came out of nowhere, Jace." Alec began, as if he was trying to knock some sense into me.

"She has no one besides her sister." I spat right back, "You haven't said anything about Clary since she's gotten here, all you've done is have it out for Zee."

"Just listen to me for one second-" Alec started once more.

I lash out, "Alec, stop!"

This caught almost everyone's attention, but most importantly to me, it caught Zee's attention.

Her head turned at the sound of my shout, her eyes filled with curiosity as she stared at Alec and I, confusion falling over her facial expression.

"Just stop." My voice falls, looking at Alec once more.

Alec's voice is low, "I'm older than you, Jace. I'm not in your shadow."

I sigh, "If you really feel that way about her why did you help us tonight?"

authors note:

why do i feel like writing something between zee and alec

cause like bro their tension is insane

but like then he realizes that he wants magnus

cause malec all the way, ofc

but like i'm getting this vibe to do it

so I'm gonna do it, stay tuned

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