A Beauty In A Geek. (BTS Fanf...

By kouumin

207K 6.4K 2.3K

She is pretty but chosed to hide her beauty behind those fake glasses. Later on she gets a job, being a makeu... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter 3 Friends?
Chapter 4 Friends? No.
Chapter 5 Lies & Sadness
Chapter 6 Strangers.
Chapter 7 Dullness flows around us.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Umm.. No.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12~ OhGod. Why me?
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17 Changes?.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 part 1
Chapter 21 Part 2
Ideas? (Please read and answer or this story MIGHT get discontinued!)
Chapter 22
Notice (Important)
Important Author Note

Chapter 16

5.3K 177 13
By kouumin


Winners for the character casting will be announced on the chapter where its says First Appearance.

Please go check it! It is in my recent post if you want to try out!

I haven't picked any roles yet. Since,I want to let you guys some time~

Two of the characters has no one to choose so please go check it out!~^^


Jae Yoon POV

I got changed into some clothes as I was half awake. It was currently 6AM. Yes, 6 in the morning!!

Jungkook told me to meet him at the park. Not even telling why.

I huffed out as I pulled on a white T-shirt with some black suspenders and some black skinny jeans.

I putted on my black buckle boots and tied my hair into a high messy bun. I took a glance at my phone and then Umma came in my room.

-"What are you doing so early?" Umma yawned.

-"I'm going to go meet some friends.." I mumbled. Mianhae Umma, you will know later.

-"This early?!" Umma widen her eyes.

-"A-Ah.. We have a very important project!" I smiled at her nervously.

-"Jeongmal?" She asked me.

-"M-Mmm.." I nodded.

She raised a brow and just sigh. I just keep smiling as she stopped looking at me suspiciously and nodded before leaving my room.

I tumbled in my bed letting a sigh of relief.

I looked at my ceiling and smiled as I remembered Jungkook.

I stood back up and putted on my nerdy glasses.

I just feel not very comftarble without them since I regained my memories. Suddenly a vibration came to my phone.

I stopped on my tracks and checked it.

From: Luhan Yeobo~<3

Jagiya~ I miss you. Abeoji is asking you how are you? Did you make new friends?

Saranghae Jagiya.

I sat on the ground as I just stared at my phone blankly.

I don't love him.. A-Ah!! I ruffle my hair. What am I going to do?! I should just leave this on the side for now..

Before I do so, I changed his contact name to:Luhan Oppa.

Today is a day with Jungkook..

My love.

I didn't reply to his text. I can't. I sat down on the floor as my body slid down instead. I hugged my knees and checked my messages again.

Another message.

From: Luhan Oppa

Yoon Ah-Yah.. Kintchanna? Are you sick? Did you break something? Are you sad? Please answer.


(A/N Luhan doesn't know that Jae Yoon regained her memories so he calls her the name she had when she DID lost them)

I just close my phone and walked out my house.

I didn't notice the small tears following my cheeks as I bit my lower lip. I just wiped them away before looking up preventing the others to fall.

I walked faster and checked the time. 7 AM. I decided to buy some drinks before going. Well, a drink for me.

I entered the cafe as I was greeted by the cashier who flashed a smile at me. She bowed her head and stared at me as I flashed back a smile with a bow.

-"Annyeong Haseyo! Welcome to Delight Cafe. May I take your order?" She greeted happily.

-"Nae, I would like a watermelon bubble tea please, make it a large" I smiled back talking out my wallet.

-"Yeh~ That will be 5,000won, please." She handed out her hand.

-"Nae~" I gave her the money as she told me to wait.

Few minutes later

She called me back and handed me my yummy BubbleTea as the aroma flew across my face making me smile.

-"Kangsahamnida! Have a good day" The cashier said as I waved goodbye.

I walked out and then bumped onto someone. I rub my nose as I held my BubbleTea.

I could hear some people whisper. I looked a bit up to see eight figures but looked back down as I winced at the pain.

-"A-Ah.. Appayo.." I winced and fixed my glasses.

-"Ah! Jeongmal Mian!" He bowed his head.

-"A-Ah.. Kintchannayo.." I looked down as I rubbed my nose.

-"Does it hurt?" He lifted my head.

When I stared at him, it was TaeTae Oppa with Bts. They just stared at me. I saw Jae Hee and she just widen her eyes. I got a plan and winked at her as she laughed silently.

-"A-Ah.. Are you okay?" He asked again.

*Does he really not recognize me? Not even one of them?" I thought.

-"A-Ah.. Kintchannayo.." I smiled.

-"Are you sure?" Jimin then came up.

-"Mm.. Who are you?" I teased trying to act confused.

-"Han,Dul set. BangTan! Annyeong haseyo~ Bangtan sonyeondan imnida!" They smiled cheekily.

They each introduced themselves stupidly as I tried to hold my laughter. I'm such a good actress.

-"She is still not here.." V mumbled looking at his phone.

-"Maybe she just slept in." Jae Hee said silently with her hands.

-"Hmm.. Yeah." J-Hope sigh.

-"Who?" I acted confused.

-"A-Ah.. A friend." Jimin turned and smiled at me.

-"Ah~ Okay!" I smiled back.

-"What is your name?" Jungkook then came up and asked.

-"A-Ah.. Lee Ji Yeon." I smiled at him.

-"Geurae~" He smiled.

My heart beat fast because he was close to my face. I just smirked and pecked his lips and he backed away. I just chuckle.

He looked down blushing as the members stared at me in shock. Jin then came up to me.

-"Umm.. He has a girlfriend.." He mumbled.

-"So? I don't care" I acted cool.

-"A-Ah.. " I hugged Kookie's waist from behind and rested my head on his back.

He stood frozen trying to remove my grip but I just tighten it.

-"I have a girlfriend." He said trying to act stern.

-"And I have a BoyFriend." I simply replied back snuggling in his back.

-"I'm sorry. I have one and her name is Im Jae Yoon." He said nervously.

-"And I have a boyfriend called Jeon Jungkook." I said bluntly.

He frozed and then quickly removed my hands before staring at me as the rest did same except Jae Hee who was smiling.

I took of my glasses and pouted at them.

-"You really didn't know me." I pouted.

-"JAE YOON!!" V yelled and hugged me.

-"Nuh Nuh! Do not touchie~" I whined and pushed him back.

-"Jagiya~" Kookie pouted.

-"You. You didn't even know." I faked crying.

-"Jagiya~ You know you can't resist me." Jungkook pouted but smirked.

I just stared at him. He is right. I gulp and turned away. Biting my lower lip, I could feel myself being eaten alive by his enormous shadow.

I looked back up and he smirked as I gave a sigh of defeat. He smile brightly before hugging me tightly.

-"I hate you.." I mumbled biting his finger.

-"A-Ah!! Appa!! Appayo!!" He shouted in pain.

-"Serves you right. Why did you wake me up so early?" I smirked at him but pouted.

-"Because were all going to see-- BUBBLETEA!" Jungkook stole my bubble tea quickly.

I blinked several times before realizing what happen. I pouted and tried to take it back. Why is he such a giant?!

I jumped on my tippy toes as I reached out my hand. I just smirked and got a plan.

I crouched down on my knees and stared down at the floor. TaeTae Oppa was coming closer until I winked at him as he giggled. I make some fake sobs though I was laughing.

I felt a touch on my back but I shooked it off. I could hear Jungkook sigh. I giggled. Suddenly I was flying.

-"O-OPPA!!" I yelled as he swung me around.

-"You think you can trick me? Jagiya~ I know you enough" He chuckle.

-"Keuromnae~ I--" He kissed me.

-"A-Ahm.." Coughs were heard from the back as I blushed.

-"Pabo.." I mumbled with a chuckle.

-"Let's go to the ice cream store." V said breaking the silence.

We all nodded and walked to the ice cream shop. We then sat down. I played with my ice cream and ate it silently. Then, we decided to go shopping.

-"Waah~Jagiya~ Let's go there!" Jimin smiled as Jae Hee nodded happily.

-"I will join you guys later." Said Jungkook waving at them.

-"What do we do now?" V hugged me.

-"Hyung!!!!!!" Jungkook whined pushing me to his side.

I chuckled and we entered a shop. There was some fangirls. They glared at me as I realized Jungkook was holding my hand. I looked down at my feet.

Jungkook glanced at me as I felt a grip on my arm. I looked up and saw Kookie smiled reassuringly.

-"O-Oppa.. I will go to the bathroom." I mumbled as he nodded.

-"Be careful, I will wait for you." He hugged me as I heard some hisses.

I walked to the bathroom and the fangirls mobbed over Jungkook who looked down at his feet pissed. I just looked away & Umma texted me.

To:Yoonnie~ From:Umma<3

Where are you?

I texted her back I was at the mall since we finished our "project" and she just saw but no reply. I stuff my phone back in my bag and went out the bathroom.

I looked and Jungkook looked exhausted. I rushed dover to him worried.

-"What happened?" I touched his cheek.

-"Fangirls.." He panted and rested his head on my hand.

-"Yah~ Your head is heavy" I teased and he pouted.

-"Its not that--" He got cut off as I heard a voice.

I widen my eyes as I heard them. It was my imagination right?Silence was present to us. Until..

-"Jagiya! Who are these people?" No.. Not now.. Please.

-"Yoon Ah!-- Why are you guys here?" I covered my mouth.

-"L-Luhan.. A-Appa.."


Annyeong! So,, Seo Min Ah will be annouced soon in the next chapter!~^^

I'm sorry for the boring and short update.. I don't have much ideas for this chapter>< Next one will be better!!

Vote,Like & Comment!~ I'd love to read them~ See You!

Lots Of Luv,


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