// One Night // It Was Always...

By chipfluds

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Cheryl Blossom is empty. One day she wants to end things. At that same moment, a guy sees her attempt and sav... More

Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: Broken pieces
Chapter 3: Love can make you do crazy things
Chapter 4: Different
Chapter 5: The perfect imperfect
Chapter 6: Trip
Chapter 7: The other side
Chapter 8: Happy
Chapter 9: Memories
Chapter 10: Let go
Chapter 11: Time takes a long time
Chapter 13: Party
Chapter 14: Break free
Chapter 15: Fight for freedom
Thank you!
Chapter 16: Accept it
Chapter 17: The Lodge Lodge
Chapter 18: The Lodge Lodge part 2
Chapter 19: The truth
Chapter 20: Madi
Chapter 21: Trust issues
Chapter 22: Serpent King
Chapter 23: Jealousy
Chapter 24: Betrayal
Chapter 25: Life
Chapter 26: Surprise
Chapter 27: Mystery
Chapter 28: Who did it.
Chapter 29: Action.
Chapter 30: Pop-Pop
Chapter 31: Recovery
Chapter 32: B-Day
Chapter 33: Problem
Chapter 34: Escape.
Chapter 35: Jason.
Chapter 36: Claws.
Chapter 37: Beach
Chapter 38: Hit me hard
Chapter 39: 6 years later...
Chapter 40: Hope
Chapter 41: What happens next
Chapter 42: The spark comes alive again
Chapter 43: What happened
Chapter 44: What comes
Chapter 45: Hormones
Chapter 46: The End
// One Night // Ch 1
// One Night // Ch 2
// One Night // Ch 3
// One Night // Ch 4
// One Night // Ch 5
I'm back.

Chapter 12: Old friend

404 5 3
By chipfluds

Toni's POV

I woke up because of my alarm and groaned. Sweet Pea was still sleeping so I decided to wake him up. I found a pillow and threw it at him. He got up and looked at me. ''The hell Tones?'' He says annoyed. ''Don't be so grumpy we have to explore the town and look for a bar or something to replace Pop's and the Whyte Wyrm for now'' I say and he nods. We brush our teeth and get dressed. As always, Fangs and Jug were still sleeping. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it but the door was locked. I pounded on the door. ''Wake up!'' I shout and hear both of them groan. ''Sweet Pea, would you do the honours?'' I say. ''My pleasure'' He says and lines up. He runs and busts through the door. They both jump up and scream. ''First of all, that's what you get. Second, why you screaming like little bitches?'' I say and they glare. ''Now get up, we're leaving in 10 minutes'' I add and they get out of bed. After 10 minutes the 2 guys were done and we went outside. It was a really nice day to go out. Luckily we are free for the whole week. The whole morning we went looking for some place to hang out and we found a bar named The tap. It was so much different than the Whyte Wyrm. The bar was, I don't know..cleaner? It was weird anyway but it was the only place close to the Whyte Wyrm. We wanted to hang out there but I got a call from Cheryl.

T. ''Hello?''

C. ''Hi baby''

T. ''Hey babe, what's up?''

C. ''I asked Weatherbee if you guys could come/visit school the whole week since you are free. He agreed so...''

T. ''Of course, we'll be there. We're coming right now''

C. ''Okay, bye love you''

T. ''Love you too''


The guys were listening to our conversation so we immediately left the bar and got onto our bikes. We drove back to Riverdale and pulled up to Riverdale High. We got off of our bikes and I pushed the doors open. I immediately got greeted by some sophomores and other people. We walked further and walked into the lounge room. I saw all of my friends talking normally. They didn't notice us so I cleared my throat. They all looked up and lighted up as they saw us. I looked around for Cheryl and spotted her. We locked eyes and I smiled at her. She runs up to me and presses a kiss on my lips. ''Hey babe'' I say. ''Hi'' She says and pecks my lips. ''AHEM'' I heard and we turn around. Kevin and the rest were standing there. ''Oh my god, I am living for the Choni reunion'' He says and claps excitedly. I grin and put my arm around Cheryl. ''Well, it's good to be back''. ''Good to have you back Tones'' Veronica says and I smile. We all sat down. ''So what did I miss?'' I ask and they all look a bit nervous. ''I hope those faces are good'' I say. I looked at Cheryl and she looked pissed off. ''Okay, is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?'' I say. ''Well-'' Josie begins but Cheryl cut her off. ''Don't'' She says with a glare and everyone gulps. ''What did you do?'' I ask Cheryl. ''Nothing'' She says. ''I know you did something. Kevin, come on tell me'' I tell Kevin but he stays silent. ''Cheryl won't do anything and neither will I'' I say and look over at Cheryl. He finally speaks up. ''Yesterday, there was this new girl. I don't remember her name but she told us she knew you. Cheryl got pissed and told her to fuck off''. ''Is she a brunette? Average height, always wears a jacket and jeans?'' Sweet Pea asks and they all nod. The guys and I look at each other and smile. ''Maya is back'' We all say in sync. ''Maya! That's her name'' Kevin says and we nod. ''Uhm sorry, I heard my name?'' I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and let go of Cheryl's hand. I see Maya, my old childhood friend. One thing you should probably know, is that we had a romantic history but I never told Cheryl. ''Maya!'' I say and she smiles. I give her a hug and she hugs back. ''So good to see you Toni'' She says and smiles. The guys greet Maya too and we talk. I hear someone clear their throat. We all turn around and I see Cheryl raging. ''Hey, what is this bitch doing here?'' Maya asks angrily. ''Come at me, I dare you'' Cheryl says and they both step closer, both raging. ''Ladies! That's enough'' I say and step between them. ''Wait, you know this bitch?'' Maya asks and looks at me. ''Alright, that's it!'' Cheryl shouts and jumps towards Maya but I stop her. ''Okayyyy!'' I say and take her away from Maya. ''Okay, what the hell was that?'' I say. ''She called me a bitch!'' She says angrily. ''Maya is my childhood best friend, we've known each other since we were babies, so you have to deal with the fact that we will be hanging out. Can you do that?'' I say and she slowly nods. ''I want you guys to get along'' I say and hug her. ''I'm sorry'' She mumbles. ''It's fine babe'' I say and we walk towards the rest. They were listening to something Maya said and they were shocked. ''What's up guys?'' I say with my arm wrapped around Cheryl. ''You and Maya dated?!'' Kevin asks. ''What?!'' Cheryl says and shoves my arm off of her. I glare at Maya. ''I cannot believe you didn't tell me!'' Cheryl shouts. ''Well, I didn't think it was necessary'' I defend myself. Cheryl glares at me and storms off. I groaned. ''Fuck sakes Maya!'' I say and she backs off. ''Oh shit, sorry Tones'' She says. ''It's fine, I have to talk to Cheryl'' I say and walk to Cheryl who was standing in the hallway. She looks at me and looks pissed. ''Cheryl, please let me explain'' I say. ''Fine'' She says and I grab her hand. I close the door behind me and begin talking. ''The reason I never told you about Maya is that I didn't want you to react like you are now'' I say. ''Well, it's better than me not knowing!'' She says. ''I know, I know I'm sorry for not telling you and if you want to know I can tell you about what happened'' I say. ''I forgive you but you have to tell me about you 2 and why you broke up'' She says and I nod. ''Our parents were good friends, so we went along really well. Maya was my first love, my first kiss. We were careful with each other. But one day we both thought it would be best to stay friends and we still are. No hard feelings at all'' I say. ''So you two had the most healthiest break up ever?'' She asks and I grin. ''Basically yeah'' I say. ''I'm sorry for overreacting. I just get angry around her knowing you two dated'' She says. ''Just try to be civil'' I say and she nods. She pecks my lip and holds my hand. The bell rings so we walk to our class.


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So, will Cheryl actually be nice to Maya?

I don't know if I should continue cuz it's really bad. What do you think?

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