~Away From You~ Jookyun

By nikkiyeollie

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Changkyun is a young omega who lost his home, his pack and his mother to another wolf pack. The alpha wolf of... More

Chapter 1 : Away from home
Chapter 2: Enemy's Pack
Chapter 3: Mate
Chapter 4: Jooheon
Chapter 5: Not Safe
Chapter 6: Secrets Hurt
Chapter 7: Decision
Chapter 8: Goodbye Jooheon
Chapter 9: Omegas on the run and Alphas on the hunt.
Chapter 10: Part I. Dead
Chapter 11: Part II. Dead
Chapter 12: Part I. On our way to a better place
Chapter 13: Part II. On our way to a better place
Chapter 14: Precious Moments
Chapter 15: Guilty Conscious
New Jookyun Books!
Chapter 16: A Fresh Start
Chapter 17: 5 months later
Chapter 18: Welcome Home
Chapter 19: Changkyun
Chapter 20: MiMi
Chapter 21: Part. I - The Blue Moon pack
Away From You 19k!
Chapter 23: The Worst for the Better
Chapter 24: Home
Thank You
Chapter 25: Let me fix you
Chapter 26: I'm Sorry
Chapter 27: Please Forgive Me
Chapter 28: Unexpected
Chapter 29: Together Again
Chapter 30: My First Time
Chapter 31: Be Careful
Chapter 32: I Will Protect You
Chapter 33: Felix
Chapter 34: [Filler] Life at the Orphanage
Chapter 35: [Filler] Let's Just Be Together
Chapter 36: [Filler] Gunhee's Troubles
Chapter 37: [Filler] Minhyuk the shipper
Chapter 38: [Filler] Part One: New life at the pack
Chapter 39: [Filler] Part Two: New life at the pack
Away From You 2
Chapter 40: Alone in the forest
Chapter 41: Captured
Chapter 42:The Truth in Lies
Chapter 43: Forever Silent
Chapter 44: Our dirty little secret
Chapter 45: The competition
Chapter 46: Patch things up
Chapter 47: A Post it

Chapter 22: Part II. The Blue Moon Pack

1.7K 137 73
By nikkiyeollie

A/N:  I enjoyed my summer as much as I could, I found the motivation to keep writing by watching my fav anime ^^ and thanks to some friends too. Thanks Guys. Enjoy!

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :. ───

Jooheon's View

"Jooheon?" Wonho asked the head alpha that was standing on top of a giant rock that had a great view of the territories far head, especially the Crescent Moon territory that was on their list to check out thoroughly. Kihyun's old pack could've kidnapped Kihyun because he's the son of the head alpha and Changkyun could've been a witness and they had no choice but to take him too... it could be that or something else...  but he really didn't care, he just wanted to find the two and bring them back home... where they belong.

Small flakes of snow landed on top of the newly black hair of the head alpha that was too lost in thought to listen to those around him. His alphas were growing concerned and kept calling for their leader until they brought him back to reality.

Jooheon raised an eyebrow at his alphas, silently demanding them to speak up and quickly before he loses his temper again as he had throughout the whole week that he has been searching for the omegas. He was tired, exhausted. He hasn't slept a wink ever since Changkyun called him in the middle of the night a few days ago. Poor man. All he could think about was Changkyun telling him he missed him .. his heart wouldn't stop aching since then.

"We searched the packs nearby and none have seen or heard about Kihyun and Changkyun. We also searched every part of those packs and nothing." Gunhee sighed, then sat on a rock nearby.

"Those packs are clean," said Hyungwon with a tired sigh "their scents aren't there."

"Now what?" Wonho asked that time, crossing his arms around his chest with a tired look on his face. The alphas and betas also haven't had a break ever since the expanded territorial search started.

Don't get it wrong!

Jooheon lets them rest and everything, is just that the alpha's and beta's refuse to take a break when their own leader wasn't. They wanted to keep up the pace, the same as their leader. They can't rest when Jooheon is restless and worried.

Jooheon bit his lip as his dark eyes set on the territory closer to the human community. It was the last pack on that region that they needed to check ... and to be honest, he hoped not to find the omega's there, after all the rumors he has heard of omega abuse from that pack.

"We are going to the Crescent Moon pack."

Everyone gasped, all eyes on the ravenette that stepped down from the rock to set out to that direction. Everyone exchanged glances, the worry was evident in their eyes for they also heard the nasty rumors of that pack, at least of how it was before when Kihyun was still a part of it. When Jooheon shifted to his black wolf, he boosted his inhuman speed towards that pack. Everyone followed right behind their alpha. Wonho and Gunhee ran side by side with Jooheon, Hyungwon, and Minhyuk that have also dyed their hair black was right behind them with the rest of the alphas and betas chosen to go along.

'What about Hyunwoo? Will we go without him?' Minhyuk linked his leader that was going far ahead.

'I ordered him to watch over the pack while I'm gone... plus, is better if he doesn't come, or else he and his father in law will end up dead.'

Minhyuk didn't say anything else after that. He knew that the person that knows more about Ki's past is his own mate Hyunwoo, and as far as he knew, Hyunwoo always wanted to go to the Crescent to kill his mate's father but Ki stopped him from going. So, yeah... like Jooheon said, it was better for Hyunwoo not to go.


Jooheon ran at full speed towards the crescent moon pack's territory with his unit following behind. His nose caught familiar scents that were certainly fading. They were familiar, but he wasn't sure. Jooheon glanced at the territory that was once one of the most violent ones next to the Blue Moon pack. He could see that the pack has gone through many drastic changes. For example, he saw omega's and betas keep watch at the borders, and none of them were alarmed at their presence. They just let him and his unit pass their territory ... just like that.

The omega's seemed armed as the beta's... they both were keeping watch. They wore bows on their backs and knives on their holsters along with a taser and possibly a gun.

Jooheon slowed his pace, gazed at the werewolves of the pack that were wandering around doing their daily chores, many of them greeted them and the others just shied away with blushing cheeks.

If Jooheon was on his human form he would have one of his thin black eyebrows raised. Even his wolves were starting to notice the same things as him.

'Aren't they supposed to jump us? Threaten us or something?' Gunhee linked the head alpha, obviously confused at everyone's behavior towards them.

'This pack sure as hell looks different from the rumors we heard.' Jooheon admitted.

'I thought this pack was one of the most violent ones.' Wonho was wowing and uwuing at the cute omega and beta girls that were passing by carrying bows.

All those questions were going through the link and they were good questions, but they won't know any of their answers unless they ask someone from the pack, and no wolf has approached them so far. Jooheon was going straight to the packhouse. He wanted to talk to the leader, face to face to ask him about his son and his mate. That's his biggest priority.

Jooheon felt something in the air. A familiar scent, his mate's scent. It was fading but it was there. His heart started to beat hard against his chest, his inner wolf howling in small delight, hoping that his mate was there, just waiting for him.

When the group of the Clan Pack reached the packhouse, they immediately shifted back into their human forms. The whole Crescent Moon wolves knew that Jooheon, leader of the Clan pack will turn up eventually, looking for his lost pack members. The head alpha, Kihyun's dad was already expecting them in front of the packhouse. He was sitting by the porch's steps with his Luna, both were enjoying a cup of hot chocolate when Jooheon approached them wearing his signature scowl that definitely had no effect on a veteran werewolf like Yoo Gong Yoo.

He had already seen it all and wasn't intimidated in the least. He just smiled at the young man that was standing with his unit a few feet away, his wife Hyolin also formed a smile, admiring the young man's handsome appearance.

'Changkyun is a lucky kid' she thought with a small giggle. She wished her son's mate was around, but from what she saw, none of the werewolves accompanying Jooheon matched the description that her son gave her *pouts*

"What can I do for you kid?" the head alpha of the Crescent pack was in a good mood that day and felt like chatting and getting to know the leader of his son's pack.

Jooheon sighed, tried his best to be respectful towards the other alpha that was surprisingly being friendly. His friends were also astonished, but he couldn't waste time on that, he went straight to the point.

"Changkyun and Kihyun," he spoke when he gazed at the other leader's dark eyes "are they here?"

Gong Yoo didn't seem surprised at the question, he knew Jooheon came for them ... too bad he let them go ... but he wasn't going to say that lol no way!

"Ah," the man chuckled "not at the moment."

Jooheon's eyes widened "Where are they?" his tone of voice got louder and deeper.

"can't say," he could see that Jooheon was running out of patience "but tell you what, they will be contacting us soon, so stick around until they do."

"Yeah, have a cup of hot chocolate to warm up, it's pretty cold outside." Hyolin offered, she reached out for Jooheon's pale but strong hand so that she could pull him right inside the packhouse. Gong Yoo also said that he would tell him over a cup of hot cocoa about all the changes he did to his pack, changes that were inspired by his son when he first left the pack.

Jooheon's alphas and betas were not sure why Kihyun's parents were being so hospitable, but they went along because of their leader. Jooheon just wanted the omegas back and something deep down inside of him told him to trust the Yoo's.



"This info was recorded before he met you Changkyun." Aerum went through the file, scanning everything with her eyes "oh wow... there's info of all his pack members."

"what does it mean?" JangMi asked

"It means -"


JangMi frowned at Kihyun's unfinished sentence, growing impatient she yanked the folders away and asked Kihyun what it meant. The purple-headed omega bit his upper lip, feeling how the atmosphere was getting heavier and heavier by the second. His heart was racing fast in his chest and his hands were sweating too much when he glanced at Changkyun that was staring blankly at the picture of Jooheon. His eyes were losing their light...

"It means that the Blue Moon pack was spying on other packs, collecting data, gathering info of their strong points and weak ones and all that shit."

"Hey," Aerum interrupted pushing various of other folders forward "the crescent moon, the Bangtan, SHINee and many other packs confidential information."

"What else did they gather?"

"As far as I could read," MiMi started with a sigh, she was feeling very aggravated and the tension that they could get caught was driving her heart to beat too fast "they were monitoring all these packs omegas, they were watching, spying, stalking them thoroughly so they would know how to approach them and lure them away."

"shit! shit! so it's true!" JangMi clenched her teeth whilst Changkyun just stayed quiet but kept a very open ear to what MiMi was saying.

MiMi also found a book that kept track of all the omegas the pack sold around and out of the country. There, MiMi found more sickening information about the pack's secret omega trafficking business.

"They wanted the prettiest omegas in each pack," she glanced at every page and saw all the bios of each omega they took. Everything was there, every bit of information. Name, age, and their wolf pack of origin and more info about the omega's health. In every bio, there were pictures of the omegas, pictures that were taken with and without their consent, and they were all cute, beautiful and some were... inappropriate.

Kihyun saw how MiMi's hands were shaking so he reached out to take the book from her hands. She thanked him for taking it away from her because she couldn't take it.

She felt sick.

When Kihyun took the book he also read through it as fast as he could, he saw the picture of all the omegas that were taken, some he recognized from his birth pack and from his current pack. a wave of sadness hit him when he saw how far they were shipped off to ... too far away from Korea to another continent for a large sum of money. His fingers gripped the book tightly as he kept on passing the pages until he saw a very familiar face stare back at him with incredible doleful eyes, ones that penetrated your very soul.

Kihyun stopped and stared back at the picture, knowing perfectly well who he was.

Poor thing...

He was taken from his pack unnoticed and was roughed up when he arrived at the Blue Moon. Kihyun could see it all on the pictures attached to the pages. It even mentions who was the werewolf that lured him away. Then he was sold to someone from Europe.

Kihyun marked that paged and continued to see the other till the end, then he went back to the page he marked releasing a heavy sigh "he was the most expensive one of all the 287 omegas they sold."

"Huh?" the girls said simultaneously taking a quick peek at the page Kihyun was staring at with a heavy heart.

Their hearts fell.

The omega was truly beautiful. 

His beauty could rival Kihyun and Changkyun's, or maybe surpass them.

Kihyun knew him, he was kind and very mischievous, but a great friend.

Kihyun sighed once again for the hundredth time that day and scooted closer to Changkyun to show him the omega that was once his closest friend. He knew Changkyun will recognize the omega if he heard his name.

Once Kihyun was next to Kyun, he gently placed the best pictures on the dark wood in front of Changkyun. The blonde laid eyes on the different photos and thought the guy was incredibly beautiful with the sweetest smile. A pity that he was taken away by the people he knew and loved.

He felt sick.


Kihyun's small slender finger touched the worn-out pictures of the omega, showing him each one :

"His name is Lee Taemin," said Ki licking his dry lips "Minho's mate."

Changkyun eyes watered.

'so that's who he lost?' the omega thought 'he's very beautiful.'

'"Kyunie," Kihyun started "now you know the truth about the pack. It is clear as day. They were monsters. The proof is all here."

Everyone stayed silent, all eyes fixated on the blonde omega that had his head low and his tender small hands gripping Jooheon's picture. Changkyun gently lowered the picture onto the wooden ground. He set the picture there and with a deep breath, he moved his body towards the archives, determined to find the truth about himself.

He didn't want to listen anymore about his pack's evil deeds... he just wanted to know if he is truly a part of the pack or not.

Without a single word, Kihyun understood Changkyun perfectly. Yeah, the older omega could understand the younger, even without words, he always knew what was on his mind. He took a deep breath before he dived into the archives to find anything related to Changkyun and his family.

They searched every section there was but they couldn't find anything. The girls searched on the bookshelves that also had folders here and there poking out like they are constantly being picked. Everyone was so focused that they forgot about Chanyeol and the others. Changkyun was trying hard to suppress all his feelings. It was like an overflowed water damn threatening to explode any second with the uncontrollable pressure of his hurt feelings.

Just when Changkyun kept digging on the archives, he was finishing up before he noticed a small box sitting alone at the back of the archive box. The blonde quietly reached out for it but stopped when a loud noise broke everyone's concentration. They heard a heavy thud along with the sound of broken windows near their location.

'GUYS, LET'S GO NOW' Chanyeol linked them all. Everyone got on their feet, but Changkyun went back into reaching the small box to have a quick peek inside. The girls were already running out of the room but Kihyun running to get Changkyun.

"Let's go!"


Changkyun got the box and yanked the top off and saw there were lots of envelopes with his name written in black thick ink and the words CLASSIFIED in bigger, thicker red letters. That was it. Everything that Changkyun was searching for was right there at his fingertips.

Changkyun couldn't wait, not anymore. He picked the envelopes and opened them, read through them and the information he learned wasn't much but was definitely shocking.

Changkyun is indeed born and bred from the Blue Moon pack, but what was more shocking was that he had two older siblings, a female alpha wolf and an omega twin brother named Daniel. A twin brother that was eaten alive by a very hungry omega rogue that was lingering close to their pack. Changkyun was hurt badly but was saved by his packs alphas. He ended up having permanent amnesia. Then he lost his parents to an invasion attack, his sister then raised him as her son ... his sister was the person he grew up calling mom and was the one that was the best at luring and capturing other pack's omegas.

She did the dirty work to keep Changkyun safe...

Changkyun couldn't retain all that information all at once.

Kihyun noticed and quickly put the top back and carried the box pushing Changkyun to run before him so that he could cover him.

Protective instincts.

They all ran out of the abandoned packhouse and met up with Kai that was the only one waiting for them with a few blood gushed wounds showing on his sides. The group instantly felt bad for making the Crescent Moon wolves wait too long for them... they quickly shifted into their wolf forms and ran away from the territory.

They were racing, their paws digging deeper into the soft mud they were running on top of. Chanyeol and Sehun were leading the Bangtan pack away from Kai's group until they can shake them off, but when the group reached the forest, a hidden unit of wolves ambushed them. They were beta wolves, easy fry for Kai whose wolf was bigger and stronger, he tried to get the betas to back down but more betas kept coming, even the omegas had to fight to push them back until they find an escape route.

Changkyun had no desire to fight, not even to protect his own life. His movements got slow and sloppy, he ended up getting hurt, but he didn't care. He unconsciously shifted back to his human form in the middle of the battle making himself vulnerable.

His mind was elsewhere. He allowed the enemy to hurt him and almost slit his throat if it wasn't for Aerum tackling the beta in front of him ... he would have been dead, and he wouldn't have cared the least.

Changkyun felt that all the Gods were shitting on him and have been since the beginning of his life! He was born in the Blue Moon pack, he had siblings, one died, he lost his memories, then his parents died and then his older sister became his mother! It was all too much for him! He couldn't let the new information sink in, even tho it was all on those papers. Everything was there. The birth certificates of his siblings, his parent's signature, the adoption papers, the death certificates and other shit he didn't have the chance to go through but didn't seem as important.

Changkyun wanted to scream.

Claw his face out while he screams at the top of his lungs.

He wanted to smash his skull so hard against the concrete and hope he dies.

His family were all from that damned pack that were nothing but cruel, all his family members are dead and his older sister/mom was one of the wolves that kidnapped innocent wolves ... to protect him from suffering the same fate... how disgusting was everything in his life, and to boost, his misery of losing his first child came back ... the pain took its chance to resurface and join the rest of the pain he was feeling.

Changkyun went blank for a while, his whole body shut down and didn't move when a beta moved to attack him. Kihyun slipped from the wolf he was fighting to protect Changkyun. Kai and Aerum handled the wolves while Kihyun and MiMi worked on Changkyun who wasn't responding.

"W-whats wrong with him?!" MiMi held Changkyun while Ki shifted to his human form, he took Kyun's motionless face into his hands to inspect it quickly.

"Shit, CHANGKYUN. WAKE UP!" Kihyun slapped Kyun's face hoping the pain would snap him from whatever trance he was in, but the blond Omega didn't respond at all. His eyes remained to look drained out, look lifeless. Kihyun started to worry and urged Kai to break through the betas so they could get away.

Kai did as he asked while Ki shifted back to his wolf and had MiMi get on his back with Kyun. They managed to outrun the betas and find a way out of the territory's land. They reached a river and there they stopped to rest for a while. Kihyun took that time to deal with Changkyun who wasn't responding to anyone. Kihyun wanted to understand why he was being like that, so he grabbed the box he put in his bag and went through everything.

His reaction was no better.

Kihyun let out a frustrated sigh.

He didn't know what to do or what to say.

He just squatted in front of Changkyun and talked to him, tried to comfort him and to tell him he could be happy if he wants. What else could he say? He's just saying whatever comes to mind.

Changkyun averted his eyes to all the papers Kihyun was grasping in his hands and faster than a heartbeat, he yanked those damn papers and destroyed them. He ripped them apart while he screamed all sorts of profanities. He tossed them to the muddy ground to step on them and even bit them and ripped some parts too. His screams were scaring everyone that was witnessing the crazy scene... they even questioned his sanity...

Kai stared and the girls also furrowed their brows at the blonde omega that was acting crazy. Kihyun remained frozen of course, his eyes were almost bulging out of his skull and his mouth almost dropped to the ground. Changkyun didn't stop acting crazy. He kept destroying every last piece of those papers until there weren't recognizable anymore.

"What the hell Changkyun!?" MiMi decided to stop him, she went and caught his arms and tried to restrain him but the omega reacted violently, he pushed her away from him and screamed not to touch him.

Kihyun snapped out of his frozen state and went to Kyun too, but like MiMi, Kyun didn't let him.

"Just get away! Leave me alone!"

"We can't leave you alone you dumbass!" was the first time Kihyun called him that, and after he did he immediately felt bad but went along "we need you to get on your feet and run for your life! you are endangering us."

"Then GO!"

Kihyun scoffed, hearing the beta's howls in the distance. He didn't have time to deal with Kyun. He went to check on how far the betas were so that he could have an idea of how much time they have to get away.

"Shift into your wolf Changkyun, now!" he said shifting into his own red-haired wolf.

The betas were getting closer, Kihyun could smell them. He alerted the group and saw that everyone shifted, including Changkyun who was being difficult. MiMi got on Kihyun's back and they all moved further down from the river. Kai wanted to find the perfect spot for them to cross the body of water to get to the other side.

'We have to cross here where it's not as deep. Cross quickly!'

Kai was the first to cross to make sure it was safe, then it was Kihyun with MiMi. They were crossing while Aerum stepped into the water, JangMi and Changkyun were still walking. Changkyun was last, he was dragging his paws on purpose and it was irritating Kihyun that was already on the other side.

'Don't do anything stupid Kyun.' Kihyun warned through the link. Eventually, JangMi stepped into the water and struggled to cross the river.

The water reached to her neck, so she constantly had to raise her head up. JangMi was halfway crossing the river all by herself because Kyun stayed on the shore. He was debating if he should go back to Kihyun's pack or Jooheon's ... he felt like returning to neither. Not in the condition he was in.

Changkyun was feeling blue, he couldn't help it. The truth about him was the least he expected to find out and his pack was indeed disgusting and cruel as everyone told him. He whimpered quietly when he remembered all those times he tenaciously defended them... got into heated arguments with Jooheon because he had a different perception of his people.


Changkyun took a good look at himself in the water mirror. His sadness was evident in his eyes. He couldn't shake the thought that he was indeed born into that pack and that he lost his twin brother, his memories and his parents ... Changkyun couldn't accept that.

It was hard to believe, but it was truly in those papers he destroyed. Changkyun wondered if he could get back those lost memories ... he wanted to remember.

But when he tried he was left blank.

His heart ached.

What a shitty life he had and he continued on having.

He slowly crossed the river when Kihyun began to angrily growl at him. He moved his body unwillingly and got to the other side. When he got there Kihyun received a link from Chanyeol that they would scare away the betas, that they should stay where they are. Kihyun obeyed. Everyone shifted to their human forms and went their separate ways to rest. Kyun wanted privacy, so he went a bit far away to sit on top on a rock to think more deeply about everything.

The girls had no idea what was going on with him, Kihyun explained what was on those papers and everyone quickly understood why Changkyun was being emo.

"Well shit." Aerum sighed dropping her butt on top of a rock "no happy beginning?"

"That's sad," Kai bit his lip. He knows what it was like to lose people that you never met but still are related to them "and hard to accept."

"I don't know what to do," Kihyun mumbled. He had no idea how to make Kyun feel better. Yep, absolutely no idea.

"Maybe it's time for him to get back to his mate?" Aerum asked hesitantly, "we finished the mission. He got his answers, and yes it sucks that it wasn't the ones he wanted, but still, mission accomplished."

"I can't just hand him over to Jooheon."

"Why not?" JangMi joined the convo "he's his mate, let him deal with him."

Kihyun pouted.

"Maybe that's what he needs Kihyun. You can't protect him forever. He needs to come clean and let his mate help him through his funk."

"It's too soon."

"Ki," Kai interrupted, "the Clan pack wolves are waiting back at the pack."

Kihyun wanted to curse right there.

Stupid Jooheon.


Kihyun bit his lips "So what?"

"What will you guys do?"

"I don't know." he wiped his face with his hands and thought about what to do. Should they come clean? Should they run away? ... shit ... coming clean sounds terrifying...

"Jooheon is getting very anxious Ki, he wants to know our location. Your dad can no longer stall him." Kai told him.


"Stop saying shit!"


"Time ran out bub," JangMi only said the truth when she placed her hand on his left shoulder "it's time to clean up the mess you two left behind."

Everyone agreed with the female beta.

It was time for them to fix everything.

To be continued:

A/N: Remember to vote, comment and follow.

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