Enough Love For Me- Sister Wi...


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Mikai has always thought differently. He doesn't think that people should live a certain way just because soc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 & 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapters 11 & 12
Chapters 13 & 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18 & 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 & 23
Chapter 24- Conclusion

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


She was trying to be normal, but something was up. You aren't married to someone for this many years and not know when something is going on. She told us that she wanted us all to just hang out and bond. Explaining that we all needed it after months of tension and now worrying about Po getting the girls.

She ordered from her favorite Italian restaurant and told us she had some old movies for us to watch. After the food got here, Aspyn made plates for both myself and Vicki. She didn't make one for herself.

"You not eating?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I just took my nausea pill from the doctor. I want to give it a few more minutes to work before I dig in." she told me.

"Okay, babe. I just want to make sure you two are eating enough. I know this morning sickness is kicking your ass."

"And taking names after. Even then, I am eating. I promise. Now, go ahead in the living room with Vicki. I'm coming in a minute."

"Alright. What's the name of this movie again?" I asked her.

"It's a surprise. But it's so real. It had love, lust, betrayal. You know, everything I love in a movie. I couldn't believe it when I first watched it. You two are going to have a strong reaction to it too. I promise." She said with a smile. I loved her smile. But, this one. It was different. It was like a smile of gloating that she knew something that we didn't.

A few minutes later, she came in with the remote and went to the camera setting. Which was weird for a movie. We had the camera setting so that we could link and watch footage from Asa's room on the big screen TV's if we needed to. That should have been my cue. It wasn't. But I damn sure got the picture when she hit play.

Right there on the seventy-two inch Television screen in the family room were Vicki and I. We were in Asa's room, kissing. I kiss Aspyn in her room all the time. The difference here is that the date on the recording was before I took Vicki as my wife. And Aspyn is Asa's mom. It's perfectly alright to see us kissing.

The picture kept changing to different days and us fooling around. Vicki sat there watching and not saying a word. By the time she made it to the fifth time, I stood up, grabbed the remote from her and turned it off.

"Baby...." I started.

"Nope." She responded. Putting her hands up. I could tell she didn't want to hear anything I had to say.

"You two snakes had this planned out all along. Didn't you?" she asked. Looking back and forth from myself to Vicki.

"It's not like that. It's not how you are thinking." I tried to explain.

"Really. Well, I'm thinking that you have been screwing her for way longer than she has been my sister-wife" she said that with air-quotes as if it wasn't really the case. "You didn't even come to me about living the life until months after some of this footage was taken. Then, thinking that Vicki was my best friend, I go to her. And she says the exact same things that you did. It almost made me feel like I was crazy for NOT wanting to share you with another woman."

"No. I know.." I tried to get a word in edgewise. She wasn't having it though.

"No. It's my turn to speak. And I can tell by the smug ass look on your face that you have been waiting for all of this to come out. Haven't you?" she turned to Vicki and asked. Pointing her finger in her face.

"There's no reason to hide it. You obviously know now." Vicki responded, knocking Aspyn's finger from in front of her face.

I got to them just in time to pull Aspyn back as she grabbed a fistful of Vicki's hair and punched her once in the face.

"NO! NO! We are not having this!" I yelled as Vicki tried to get loose from Aspyn's grip and retaliate.

"Vicki! Stop it! Stay here! She's pregnant for goodness sake!" I yelled, holding Vicki back with one hand and almost carrying Aspyn with the other.

Vicki threw her hands up and walked to the downstairs bathroom to check on her face and hair. I was able to get Aspyn into to the formal dining room. The kitchen was closer. I just wasn't all that eager to take a steak knife to the heart just yet. I held her in a bear hug as she raged and fought against me. I could see and feel the tears and I knew that I had hurt her beyond anything I could comprehend.

"I am so sorry, baby. I am. Calm down. Please. Think about the baby." I said to her in hushed tones. Trying to calm her. It seemed to be working as she was beginning to fight against me less and less until she was a puddle of tears and hurt in my arms. I rubbed her hair and kissed her forehead. Apologizing over and over with every kiss.

After about twenty minutes, she was able to pull herself together.

"Can we please talk about this?" I asked.

"There isn't anything to say. I don't know you. I damn sure don't know her. You had an affair. Then you and your mistress plotted to bring her into this house and into our marriage. Allowing you to have her right in my face. You two conspired, lied, deceived and manipulated me. And I'm a fool for falling for it. You know what's worse. What's worse is that, I actually fell in love with living this lifestyle that you two introduced me two. But I don't know if I love either of you anymore." she said calmly. Too calmly.

It hit me in my heart like a damn bullet to hear her say those words.

"Don't say that. You're just upset. You still love me. You still have love for her." I tried to persuade her.

"No. I love the people I thought you were. But you aren't those people. And I don't want to be with people that I don't know and can't trust."

"I understand where you are upset and hurt. I know sorry won't fix it. But please, think about it before you tear the family apart. We love you. I love you. Please, just think about it."

"Stop trying to manipulate me and tell me how I feel!" She yelled.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry." I pleaded. Still trying to hold her close to me. As if having her near my heart would change anything. The truth was, I was afraid that if I let her go, or eased my grip up just a little bit, she would leave and never come back. I couldn't take that. "Just tell me what you want us to do. We'll do it." I promised her.

"Well. I damn sure don't want to see her face right now."


"And if you go to her before I decide what I want to do, I will walk away from this whole situation and never look back." She told me with the same serious look on her face that she had when she said her wedding vows to me. It was how I knew she would always keep them. It was me that had messed up. I knew that she was as serious as a massive coronary.

"Fine. I understand. I'll get her into a rental. What about the girls? They haven't done anything in this." I asked.

She thought for a moment. I knew she loved those girls and what they meant to our daughter. She would play with them, sing and read to them and was teaching them how to play UNO.

"They can stay if she wants them to. They are always welcome. It's her that isn't. You barely are." she told me.

"That's fair. I'll talk to Vicki. Please. Go lie down and rest. I don't want anything to happen to you and the baby because of us." She didn't argue. She just backed away from me, turned and headed up the stairs to do just that. I went to find Vicki.

She had a mark on her face from where she was struck by Aspyn. She was touching and examining it. I went over and turned her to face me so that I could see how bad it was. It was turning purple.

"Come with me." I told her.

We went into the kitchen and I got an ice pack out of the deep freezer, wrapped it in a hand towel and pressed it against the bruise. As I held it there, I began to talk to her.

"You seem like you don't care that she knows and is hurt." I said.

"Of course, I care. It's just that I knew she would find out eventually. And I knew it would hurt her. What was I supposed to say? She has it on video. Am I supposed to deny it? And I know sorry isn't going to mean a thing right now. She needs time." Vicki said, explaining her actions. Or lack of.

"Okay. I get that. But you can't be trying to fight her. Even if she goes after you. She's pregnant. I know she was wrong for putting her hands on you. You have to be the bigger person though. Like you said, she's hurt. And you sitting there as if you didn't care would piss anyone off. Especially since she loved and trusted you. Us, and now she doesn't trust us. Hell, she said she doesn't even know if she loves us." I told Vicki. Feeling pressure build up in my chest just thinking that could be the case.

"What? No. She's just upset. She doesn't mean it."

"That's what I said. But, the look in her eyes..." my voice trailed off. Vicki took my face in hers.

"Hey. She's just upset. It will take time, but she does love you. She loves us. And we love her. We just messed up."


"Oh, big time. It will be okay though." She tried to convince me.

"Well, listen. Go up and pack some of your things. I'm going to put you up in a hotel for the next couple of weeks. She doesn't want to see or talk to you." I informed her.

"Okay. I can understand that." she answered, nodding her head.

"The girls can stay. We'll get them to school in the morning. You pick them up. Then we'll meet so that I can take them back home in the evening. Everything else we can work out later."

She nodded her head in agreement before heading upstairs to pack. While she did that, I peeked in on Aspyn. She was lying on the bed, eyes closed but not sleeping. She looked like a broken angel. And I had done it. I just watched her. What could I say? Everything she said was true.

I had an affair. I had lied and manipulated her into living this lifestyle that I wanted. I had also done the same to get her to choose my mistress as the one that we did this with. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. Especially since she had taken to the lifestyle even better than Vicki had, it would seem. Now, it's probably just all blown up in my face. I didn't want her to leave us. To leave me. I needed her. She was my better half. I had to fix this. I just had no idea how.

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