Enough Love For Me- Sister Wi...


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Mikai has always thought differently. He doesn't think that people should live a certain way just because soc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 & 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapters 11 & 12
Chapters 13 & 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 & 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 & 23
Chapter 24- Conclusion

Chapter 15

1K 32 6

Chapter 15


"Who does that son of a bitch think he is?!" I asked, banging my fist on the island in the kitchen.

"He thinks that he is the father of the girls. Which he is." Aspyn answered. The only one of us that was being level-headed at the time. Thank God for that at least. Because Vicki and I were pissed. Vicki walked over and wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my back.

"I don't know what to do. There is a good chance that he might get them. You guys know that living here in Dephi is like living in a pond. Everyone is watching you. There may be thirty thousand people, but it feels like just thirty. And we know that number includes the surrounding townships. I don't think that they will understand." She said.

I could feel the tears wetting the back of my shirt. I reached around and pulled her in front of me. I then reached out for Aspyn's hand, which she gave without a second thought. Here we were, all together worried about what could happen to break us up. And all on the same page for the first time in months, it seemed.

"I don't know what I'll do if I lose the girls." Vicki whispered.

"Noone is losing anything or anyone." Aspyn assured her. "You have full physical custody. They would have to prove that you were a danger. Which you aren't. Neither are we. You know we love the girls as our own. Po knows that too. Maybe we can talk to him. Explain everything."

'Yeah. Let me invite him out for a beer. Maybe he'll listen to me."

"I don't know about that. We were all friends. Now, you are basically married to his ex-wife." Vicki reminded me.

"Yeah. There is that." I agreed.

"Have you reached out to your divorce attorney?" I asked her.

"Yes. As soon as I got the girls settled."

"Well, what did she say?" Aspyn wanted to know.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not interested in doing what she said would work the best. And I doubt that the two of you are either. There has to be another way." she said, almost in a whisper.

"Don't do that. We aren't keeping secrets. You let us know what she said and we will come to a decision, together." I said. Overruling her choice to keep it to herself. I was the man and the husband and we agreed at the beginning of this that we would all have a say, but my vote was final.

"Fine." She said, standing straight up and stepping away from my hold. "She said that if you and I were legally married, there would be a better chance that I would retain custody. You could even adopt them if he agreed to it. Even though I know that can never happen. You are already legally married." She said, tears streaming.

I pulled her back in for another hug and Aspyn and I looked at each other. We both were having the same thought no doubt. Was she saying that I would have to divorce Aspyn and legally marry her for her to keep the girls? I loved Vicki and the girls. There was no doubt about that. I just didn't know if I was willing to go that far.

What about Asa and our son that we had coming. Was I supposed to allow him to born without being married to Aspyn like I was with his older sister? I know that any children I had with Vicki would have the same thing happen. However, our marriage is a marriage of love and commitment. If we could make it legal at the same as my marriage to Aspyn, I would. That would be illegal though. This was some deep shit and we had choices to make.

We talked about it a little more before she went to shower and go to bed. It was my night with Aspyn and we went in the room and shut the door.

"So, now are you supposed to divorce me? I didn't sign up for that." she said, taking a seat on the bed. I smiled as I saw her stomach poking out.

"None of us did. It won't come to that."

"Damn skippy it won't. With the way she's been acting, I wouldn't be surprised if that was her plan all along." She said, trying to whisper in case Vicki had decided to check on the girls or anything.

"Come on now, Aspyn. I thought you two were doing better."

"We are. It doesn't mean I trust her totally yet. I may be wrong. I hope I am."

"How could she have known that Po would pull something like this?

"Did we think he would be overjoyed that you, someone he considered a close friend, was now married to his wife. Between the three of us, one of us should have seen this coming. And I'm not sure that her lawyer suggested that at all. But I do want to find out."

"Okay, I'll have her set up an appointment with the lawyer. We can all go and hear what she has to say for ourselves. Right now, you need to rest. I don't want little MJ upset." I told her, rubbing her stomach as she laid back on the bed.

Glancing over at the monitor in Asa's room, she noticed that it hadn't clicked on. She pointed it out to me and went to try and fiddle with it to see what was wrong. I even went down into her room to check that feed. We needed to call the repair man out. I sent an email and they sent one right back. They could come tomorrow.

The problem was that Vicki was going on a field trip as a chaperone and it was inventory week at the stores. Meaning I had been super busy.

"I'll stay home. Mya passed her test and can sell the homes herself now. She has been begging for more independence. I'll text her and tell her to take the listing for tomorrow. It will be a good test for her and I can rest until they get here. This baby has been wearing my tail out. Much worse than with Asarae. I can promise you that." she said.

I began to rub her feet and calves. She let out a deep sigh letting me know that what I was doing felt good. I kept going until she was asleep. I pulled the blanket over her and watched her sleep for awhile. I was trying to think about what we could do.

What if the lawyer had said what Vicki told us? Was I willing to divorce Aspyn legally to help keep the kids? I felt bad when I thought that I wouldn't. I was supposed to love them as mine. And I did. But, how far would I be willing to go? And did I want to do that to Aspyn? She allowed me to have this life with her in it. I owed her everything.

I started to feel some guilt and a certain, foreboding. The guilt was for the fact that Vicki and I had basically conspired to get Aspyn to agree to this life. Them Vicki started to show some signs of jealousy. Aspyn handled that with grace. Like she was doing everything. I didn't know what I would do if she ever found out how far back Vicki and I's relationship really went. I didn't want to think about it. But what's done in the dark always comes to light. A lesson we would learn the hard way.

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