And I Had Darkened

By yourchyrie

223 52 79

A story of love, revenge, and wealth. But most importantly, magic. Leyah has a past she can no longer conce... More

Chapter 1 Family of Snakes
Chapter 2 A Silent Promise
Chapter 3 I'll Come Back
Chapter 4 Day Dreaming
Chapter 5 Day Dreaming pt. 2
Chapter 6 Cursed Child
Chapter 8 A Friend
Chapter 9 Take me away
Chapter 10 Day and Night
Chapter 11 The Kayger

Chapter 7 Marelda

6 3 4
By yourchyrie

The street poured with people from different roads, filling up the already busy street I was walking in. People here didn't wear those outrageous outfits back in the mansion or the clothes my village wore, instead they wore silks of every kind, lace carefully handcrafted, cotton made as soft as clouds and other types of fabrics.

It was beautiful, nothing I've ever seen and it made me awfully jealous of their incredible fashion sense. My clothes felt bare and plain compared to their clothes that emitted quiet elegance. I huffed out a breath and the crowd's steps stopped following a couple of gasps in the now quiet streets.

My eyes drifted to the crowd and how they formed around me. I hadn't noticed it, too occupied at their clothes instead of the crowd that was following me. The way their bodies formed a circle around me or how everyone was looking at me. My breath became shallow and uneven, a big gulp coming down my throat. I stopped moving.

I tossed and turned my mind over and over again, scared of the outcome that kept appearing in my head no matter how many scenarios I made up. They found me, they found me, they found me. I'm done for. They have come to lock me up for planning to kill the heir. No, they can't lock me up again. I can't take it. I can't. no No NO!

The crowd noticed the sudden change of mood from me. The murmurs became less distant, louder though their voices are weak and barely audible.

"Is..that really her?"

"Is she okay?.." "Maybe we should call the authorities.."

"Her skin looks like she hasn't seen the light of day."

"...Similar but different. It's not her."

My heartbeat became a violent drum in my chest, wanting to leave and run away. I have to calm down. They can't call the authorities. I have to act normal. Ya. I'm a god damn assassin for as long as I can remember, something as little as this can't affect me. I haven't even done anything yet, they possibly can't have anything against me. Right, I'm okay and I won't let them take me away.

My mind cleared like a cloudy day disappearing and opening towards a sun-filled morning. The murmurs became distant again, my heartbeat became slow and rhythmic. I'm okay, they know nothing. I smiled at the crowd, my steps steady, emitting grace and confidence as I walked towards the store I had eyed.

The sign was purple made of stained glass that shined in the day. Inside it was filled with many people who stopped shopping and looked at me as I stood in front of the store. A loud voice from inside yelled the sound was full of excitement and joy yet the words she uttered were nothing of sorts. "Get out! Come on the move!"

A surge of people left the store but none complained, all of them seemed to be preoccupied with me. I stared at one girl, in particular, she was less than 10 from how she looks but her eyes seemed to hold the world, her mouth gaped open staring at me. I gave the girl a special little smile, just for her, and she bloomed like a flower.

She was soon dragged away as the people poured away from the store. I wasn't sure why I had smiled like that since I hadn't given anyone that smile for a very long time but something about her...I can almost pin it down when a hand grabbed my arm. I shot towards it, reluctant to snatch my arm away.

"Hmm, you're well built. Skin too pale. AH, beautiful hair, and such eyes! How delightful." A red-haired lady stood in front of me, hair that seemed to burn like fire. Eyes that seemed to stare in my soul as she looked at my body than to my face. It felt more like an assessment though, one I needed to pass.

I was about to speak and when the lady continued. "Come come." Even though she said to come, she pulled me in her store anyways, away from the crowd around us, not giving me a choice to say no.

Once we entered the store the lady finally let go of my arm and quickly snapping her fingers. I looked back at the crowd but the glass was milky now, no longer clear and clean a moment ago. "Sorry about that, does it hurt?" A lively voice filled my mind as I turned towards the lady.

"Uh." My hand was placed at the part the lady grabbed and was subconsciously rubbing it. "Oh, no." I quickly stopped and took in the details of the lady. Even without the sunlight her hair still glowed like a real fire, eyes of copper, old yet new looking. There were scars on her hands and up those were more scars. What happened...

The lady noticed and quickly pulled down her sleeves. I might have made her uncomfortable for a second. "My name is Marelda by the way. Owner of this store." I smiled at her, trying to remove the awkward atmosphere I planted for myself. "I'm Leyah, nice to meet you Marelda."

Marelda smiled back too and marched towards me with happy steps. I didn't realize she was at least a foot shorter than I am. Taller than a child but a good amount below average height. "Well, why don't you have magic?" Her voice became playfully deadly, making the question sound like she was pointing a knife to my heart.

Her eyes darkened to a deep, dark, rusty copper from here, filled with a look that sent shivers to my spine. Marelda looked like the sweetest little thing a while ago but right now she emits a shadow of a monster, fangs meant to cut deep into the skin, tearing it apart bit by bit, long sharp nails to carve out your heart and a hunger for death that will never be satisfied.

Sweat began to roll down my back, the taste of fear filling my mouth, my body betraying me as I shook her arm off, not wanting to get any contact with that shadow.

But even without her touch, her magic surged through me, a crushing force around my body, no longer light and inviting. I don't think she will believe any lie I tell her, instead I tell her the truth even if my mouth soured as I said it. "I'm cursed. A forest dealer stole my magic." Half-truth, enough to get her off my back.

The deadly aura from her was gone and with it returned the lively attitude she had a while ago. Even though Marelda was just basically swearing to kill when she asked me a question, I felt oddly drawn to her even a little fascinated. Definitely not normal.

"Hmm.. anyways sorry about that, everyone has been talking about and I find it very odd that I didn't feel you walk through my words." A question formed in my mind, why is everyone talking about me but I didn't end up asking it. "Ah, I get that a lot. It's a hassle sometimes."

Marelda stretched her arms, left then the right, bones cracking. "Rena, a famous seer in the capital, predicted a black-haired girl, skin a golden tan and violet eyes like come with the power capable to go beyond the gods."

Is such a person even possible? That much power has to have some kind of cost right? I shook my head and Marelda gave a questioning look. "That's not me but how? Isn't that much power too much."

Marelda huffed out a laugh, grabbing a shirt near her and folding it neatly. "Nothing is too much in this world apparently. Anyways why are you here?" I smiled at her a little bit compelled to tell her the truth but years of training against magic helped keep it in. She still doesn't trust me, huh?

"Vacation, looking for a place to stay for a few months." The lie slid off my mouth like the truth she wanted to come out of my mouth. Her face softened and her body relaxed. Good, she doesn't see me as a threat anymore, at least I think so.

"Your welcome to stay here if you want, I have a spare room available, though I already have another roommate." Marelda smiled, it was contagious and made me forget how she acted only a moment ago. Something about her puts me at ease but I don't know what it is.

I contemplated for a little and said my answer. "I wouldn't mind, I'll pay for rent." Marelda grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the doors to her store and up the stairs that opened to her house. I think she has a thing for grabbing people, this is the second time.

"Make me food instead! I barely know how to cook." Something in my mind clicked, making her hand on my armless bothersome. Wais, she reminded me of Wais, how Wais was so lovely and warm, how she became a monster whenever Lilac bullied me. How she often grabbed my arm and took me places to make me happy.

That's why she had felt so warm, so drawn to her. I gulped as tears threatened to fall down, I know she isn't Wais but her touch reminded me so much of her, I couldn't help but stare helplessly at Marelda. She seemed to see my pain in my eyes, how tears began to form there.

Marelda suddenly hugged me, tucking me close to her body that emitted warmth and safety. "It's okay. Sometimes letting the tears out helps better than keeping it in." I pulled her tightly, my knees falling to the ground as tears and emotion poured out of my body.

Marelda stayed there, telling me it's alright, stroking my hair gently, and began to sing. The song was beautiful and calmed my nerves. My voice was broken and filled with sobs as I asked what the song was about. Marelda rubbed my head and said the words softly.

"It's about a little girl who was lost but found herself in the end."

Hey, how is everyone? I'm doing fine and I'm halfway through summer school!! Anyways I hope you enjoy this weeks chapter.

I realized I'm really bad at explaining a character's emotion and haven't been incorporating it in the story so I really tried to do it here! Give me some feedback if I did alright!

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