Heiress to Pain

By not_justanothergirl

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Lysandra Beaumont, heiress to Beaumont Enterprises and to the Beaumont fortune. People think she lives the pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

259 9 10
By not_justanothergirl

The teacher blew his whistle and the girls all started to run. I bent down to tie my shoes and stretched. I looked through my iPod and started to make myself a play list. The girls were approaching the starting line again and snickered when they saw that I still hadn't started. "Can't keep up can you, thunder thighs?" The blonde bimbo from class said, while her cronies beside her started to giggle in an annoying high pitched laugh. 

"Oh, I'm just giving you guys a head start. You know, to make it fair." She glared at me as she started to speed up. I bent down and took a deep breath. I looked up and started to run. I smirked as I sprinted past the bimbos who were dressed in mini shorts and crop tops. 

"Should I slow down for you?" I sent them a victorious smirk and continued to run. I managed to finish the 10 laps under 20 minutes while most of the girls were still on their 7th or 8th. I stood at the finish line and watched as bimbo 1 approached for her final lap. 

"Can't keep up can you?"

She glared at me and spat. I nonchalantly moved out of the way and raised my eyebrows. Childish much? 

I decided I had enough of gym and entered the women's changing room. There were golden vanities upon entering with red velvet chairs. When walking further down, there were the lockers and then the general shower cubicles. In the farthest area towards the back, there were the private changing rooms, each equipped with its a biometric thumbprint lock, a shower and toilet. I stared at the door with the gold plate that read Beau  and promptly turned around and hopped into one of the normal shower cubicles and started to undress. I began to shower, lathering the shampoo into my hair when I heard snickering from outside the stall. I quietly approached the door and swung it open, not caring that I was butt naked. The blonde bimbo and everyone in the room stared at me in shock as she held her phone in her hand. I raised an eyebrow, asking her what she was doing.

"S-stay away from my boyfriends or this photo of you naked will be sent to everyone in the school."

I scoffed and leant forward to grab the phone but she managed to pull it back. "My phone's password locked, you won't be able to delete it." I just looked at her before kicking the phone out of her hand, causing it to fly towards the wall. I walked towards it and shattered the phone with my foot causing it to start to bleed. I turned around to look at the fuming blonde. 

"Don't mess with me, bitch," I said trying to hide a grin.

She was getting redder by the second and stormed out. I calmly returned to my cubicle, leaving a trail of blood, and continued my shower. 

"So I heard you had a run in with Karma," said Izaac. 


"Karma, the blonde girl that you had a fight with in the changing room?"

"Oh, the blonde bimbo. What a fitting stripper name."

He burst out in laughter. "I couldn't agree more. Actually, I'm kind of surprised you came out of it unscathed."

I stared at him. "Who do you think I am? She should be thanking the Gods that I didn't hurt her." Hey, I didn't take all those boxing and martial arts classes for nothing.

He gave me a look. "What would you have done to her?" 

"Probably beat her until she begged for mercy." I said deadly serious, before smirking. 

He let out a low whistle. "Remind me never to get on your bad side. When I first met you I thought you be more like the ladylike girls in this school but you're actually kind of scary."

"Well why don't you find one of those skanks to hang out with?" I shot him a glare and sped up. I don't know why I was getting so defensive. It wasn't the first time that I'd been called scary.

"Hey, wait up!"

I ignored him and continued to speed walk to class. I turned into the classroom and sat down at a random desk with both desks on either side taken. Izaac entered the room and approached. When he noticed the seating predicament he simply stood next to the guy on my left, who quickly packed his things and moved to another desk. He sat down next to me and stared at me. I continued to look ahead, watching as the students filed in, ignoring his very distracting face. 

"I'm sorry Ly. I didn't mean that in a bad way. It's actually a good thing that you're not like any of the other girls here." From my peripheral vision, I could see him starting to pout. I was about to give in and forgive him but luckily the teacher came in the nick of time. 

I started to copy down the notes he was giving us, even though I had already taught myself this unit, to distract myself from a certain pair of brown eyes. By the end of the lesson, I was exhausted from having to fight the urge of looking to my right. As soon as the teacher excused us, I jumped from my seat and raced out of the room. "Wait, Ly!" 

I weaved through the mass of students in the corridor, concealing myself from Izaac. I practically sprinted to my next class. Lucky for me, it was an Izaac free one. Unlucky for me, the gang of five was here. 

Milo, Jace, the twins and Colton took up the last row, except for one spare seat in middle where Colton had propped his legs up. When Milo saw me, he shoved Colton's feet of the chair and dusted it with his hand before gesturing for me to seat there. The only other spare seat was right at the front.

"Come sit here with me," a certain somebody said in a faux pleasant voice. I looked at Colton who sent me a look, as if challenging me to sit down next to him. Everyone else in the class seemed to be staring at me, curious as to what I would do. News had spread about my so called rivalry with a certain blue eyed "heart throb" but frankly I couldn't see it. 

Two can play that game. I confidently ambled to the seat and sent him the sweetest smile I could muster. "Thank you, Colton." 

I started to take out my books and pencil case. The teacher entered and started to teach. Instead of listening, Colton decided that his time would be better spent annoying me. He started with tapping my table with his foot, causing me to be unable to write. He saw that I wasn't giving him the reaction he was hoping for so he then started to kick my legs. I gritted my teeth and tried taking deep breathes to calm myself down.The other guys seemed oblivious to my discomfort except for Jace. I caught him staring at me with a slightly worried look. 

Suddenly Colton's hand shot out and pulled strands of my hair out. I let out frustrated growl and jumped out of my seat, ready to punch him. Everyone turned around to look at me. 

"Is there a problem, Miss Beau?" 

I took a deep breath. I couldn't get my revenge here. "May I go to the bathroom?" I didn't wait for his answer and started to walk out. 

When I returned, I saw Jace was sitting in my previous spot and that my stuff had been moved to his seat. I sent him a fleeting grateful look before proceeding to it. Maybe he wasn't that bad after all. 


"Come on!"

"Yeah, Ly, hurry up!"

I groaned as Liam and Leo each dragged one of my arms. "But I don't wanna go there." I whined and pouted. They didn't budge so I decided to try a different tactic. 

"I'll punch you." Almost simultaneously, Liam covered his face while Leo covered his private parts. 

"Not my face."

"Not my balls."

I smirked as they looked at me with fear. I tried to suppress my laughs as they death stared me.

"Please, Ly Ly." They said while pouting. I had been here for almost 3 months now and I hated to admit it but these two were growing on me.

I let out a large sigh as I reluctantly agreed as they both shot me a cheeky grin. 

I slowly dawdled behind them as they lead me towards the nightmare they call the cafeteria. When we entered the large room, I followed the 2 boys towards their table. It was only then I noticed how much taller than me they were. 

"Hey Lysa." Milo said with a grin while Jace just sent me a polite nod. 

I smiled back at them and took a seat opposite them. I looked at Colton who continued eating without acknowledging my presence. I saw in peripheral vision that Milo gave him a swift kick on his shins. Colton hissed out pain and sent Milo a glare. 

Milo glared back. "Colton, don't be so rude to a lady." 

He looked around, feigning confusion, "What lady?" 

I rolled my eyes. How freaking childish?

"I'm gonna go get some food," I said suddenly standing up. 

When I returned, Karma was sitting in my original spot. She sent me smirk when she saw I was standing behind her. "Hi, Lyla." I didn't bother to correct her. "What are you doing here? What's with only having coffee? Our food too expensive for you?" She said with fake sympathy while placing her hand over her chest where her "heart" would be. 

"You're in my spot."

"I'm sorry but I think you meant my spot. You don't belong here, now scram."

"Actually we invited Lysa to sit here. You scram." One of the buys piped up while I smiled triumphantly.

She started to fume. "Excuse me? I'm freaking Karma Hasting."

"And we should care because...?"

"Are you gonna let them talk to me like that, Colton?" Her voice getting more shrieky by the second.

"What do you want me to do? For the freaking hundredth time, you're not my girlfriend. Yes we have fun occasionally but we're no serious."

Her eyes started to water but she tried to remain strong. She whipped her head towards me with daggers in her eyes. "I hate you. You should have never come."

I stepped forward menacingly. "Do I need to warn you again, Hastings, because this time I'm not going to be that kind." She glared at me with watery eyes before spinning on her heels and leaving. The guys all snickered and I swear that I even saw Colton trying to hide a grin. 

I sat down and started to drink my delicious machiatto. I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan and I saw the guys visibly stiffen. 

I smirked. I took another sip and let another moan, making it purposefully longer and louder. "Sorry, is me drinking bothering you?" I snickered when I saw them them turning red. From the corner of my eye, I saw a few of them discreetly trying to cover their crotch area

"Sorry, sorry. I'll stop." I let out a real smile and laughed. 



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Hahah, well I hope your answer was yes. 

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Satan's Child 

PS. I didn't proof read so please point out any errors :)

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