My Wife Is A Gangster(Mpreg)C...

By PrinceWayo

126K 7.6K 1.2K

All the pictures belong to rightful owner, I just own the fictional plot In this world, there was three kinds... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's note.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's note.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's note
Chapter 35
Bas Fun fact
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 ( End)

Chapter 29

2K 142 15
By PrinceWayo

Author's POV.

After, the exhausting night for Wayo, Phana finally let him go and let him rest, although they did not do make a baby because he still not that good from giving birth. Phana use his mouth and hands to do work. Making Wayo's mouth and hands numbness.

His facing at the window, while Phana hugging his back, with quilt covering their bodies. Wayo still awake, although he was tired and exhausted, he still can't ease his mind until he didn't know what Phana did this past few days.

He knows that Phana, love's him and will never betray him, he knows that it was related to Yiwha that's why he can't wait to hear about it from him.

Wayo keep sighed deeply, Phana felt that, he hugged him tightly, and rubbed his hammer head to his butt, his other leg tangled up in him, pulled Wayo towards him and locked him to embrace.

Wayo wanted to remove it, but Phana hug was much stronger than him. Wayo opened his mouth. "P'Pha, errr.. can.. I know where have you been this days?" Wayo mumble enough to make Phana heard that.

Phana eyes was close but he was wide awake. "Hmmm. Can we talk about it tomorrow and lets rest first?" He plead.

"Nope, not a chance. Tell me what where have you been!" Wayo voice rise a little.

"I'm really exhaust, can't we talk about it tomorrow?" Phana still pleading.

"P'Pha! You will talk or you will sleep outside." Wayo turned around to face him while Phana still hugging him. "Hey, tell me."

Phana eyes closed said. "I just take care about what happened to your family, and I was really exhausted from making them talk." Phana mumbled.

Wayo eyes widened, and shake Phana's head. "P'Pha! Tell me the whole details!" Wayo keep nagging him. "P'Pha! P'Pha!"

Phana opened his eyes and stared at him. "Seriously? My wife let your husband sleep first I'm really tired."

Wayo squeezed his cheeks and said. "You have to tell me before you go to sleep, I can't sleep without knowing that!"

"Oiiiiiiiiiii.. I'm really tired of what we did earlier." Phana whined.

Wayo was embarrassed remembering what they did earlier. "Who...who.. who said you'll do it! Your the one who force me to do that!" Wayo complained.

Phana face move closer to Wayo's face making Wayo to looked away. "Why? Don't you like it?" He asked.

Wayo face become red as tomato. "Who..who...said I want it! You force me!" Wayo exclaimed.

Phana reached out his hands and hold Wayo's face and force him to face him. "Are you sure?" Wayo can't look at him straight and keep trying to avoid Phana stare. "Then why are you avoiding my eyes and can't looked at me?" Phana smirked.

"Don't change the topic! Just tell me already!" Wayo whined.

"Okay." Phana smirked. "But you have to say 'P'Pha, my love, please tell me na na na!' can you do that?" Phana teasingly said.

Wayo face was red and really embarrassed to say it, but he really curious about Yiwha news. Wayo gulped and force Phana to lay down properly using his hands and sat at his crotch. Phana was startled to his actions and stared at Wayo's eyes, Wayo looked away and low tone said. "P'Pha..errr.. love.. please tell... please tell me na.. na na khup." Wayo still not looking at Phana eyes while saying those words, but for Phana it's enough to make his heart explode. It was really pleasing to his ears and makes his heart pounding hards.

Phana sit straight while Wayo still sitting at his crotch, he hold Wayo's waist and stared at his eyes, Wayo was startled and tried to resist from his hold. Phana smiling said. "Thank you, for making my day complete, I'm really waiting for too long from you to say those words to me. Nong'Yo, I love you so much." Phana looked at him with serious face.

Wayo, was really touched by him, he really appreciate what's Phana doing everything to him and his family. "Hmmm. I love you too. P'Pha." Wayo blushingly said.

"Nong, let's do it again." Phana thick face said.

Wayo suddenly regret what he said he immediately pushed Phana but, it was useless, Phana hold his waist and not let go. "You.. you jerk! You tricked me! You said you're already tired!"

"I am, but after hearing those words and sitting at my crotch making myself boosted and wanted to do it again." Phana smirked.

"Yah! You.." before he can say anything, Phana reached out his hands to hold his face making Wayo startled. " what are you doing." Phana immediately take this opportunity to pressed his lips towards his lips and Wayo was startled by him. Phana force him to open his mouth and Wayo have no choice but to open his mouth and let Phana eat his lips. Wayo hands at Phana shoulder and trying to push him a little. Since he cannot breath anymore, and Phana did let go his lips and bit his jawline, down to his neck. "You! Jerk! You... ahhh.. you.. tricked me!..ahh.. shit.." Wayo uncontrollably moaned.

Phana smirked and continue to his work and his hands let go his head, but it moved towards his back down to his buttocks. Phana licked his neck and adams apple. Wayo hold his mouth and tried to stop moaning. Phana carried him and change their position, he's now on the top of Wayo and pulled him closer, Phana kissed and biting his neck and move to his earlobe, while his body rubbing on Wayo's body.

Phana's hammer head and Wayo's little Nong'Yo, touched together and Phana move his his to make it rubbed together. Wayo's body become weak and don't have a power to resist what's Phana doing. He's hands at Phana back and surprisingly not pushing Phana's body, he don't know why, but he cannot control his own body. It's moving on its own and willingly accept Phana's body.

Phana, move to his nipples and sucked it, playing with his tongue and bites those pinkish nipples. To control his embarrassingly moan, Wayo reached out his had to his mouth and bit it.

With a smirked to his face, Phana touched Wayo's little Nong'Yo, and pulled it towards his hammer head making it touching together, before jacking off at the same time. A minute later, Wayo moaned loudly, and his white semen came out towards his abdomen. Phana smirked and said. "My dear wife, your so fast I'm not enjoying enough, how about lets do it again more time?"

Wayo face reddened more and said. "You jerk! I can't believe you tricked me!"

"Your mouth keep lying to me, but your body saying the truth." Phana fingers touched Wayo's chest, making Wayo uncontrollably moaned again.

"P'Pha, ahh.. please stop... teasing me." Wayo eyes was and moaned are making Phana more and more wanted to tease him.

"Okay.. if you said so.. let's finish this."



After two more rounds of jerking together, finally Wayo fell asleep, Phana watched his beautiful wife face and smile.

A minute later someone is knocked at the door, Phana put a towel to his waist and covered his wife with quilt before heading towards the door.

Dream standing at the door and said. "Young Master, I found him already."

Phana smirked. "Make sure he can't escape, gather the mans and capture him immediately no matter what. We need him to find our main target."

"Affirmative Young Master." Dream immediately leave after receiving an order to Phana.

Phana went back to his wife side and mumble. "Just wait more, I'm almost got them. I'll make sure to get them whatever it takes." Phana rubbed his head. "I love you my wife."

To be continued.

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