Melanie Rosen: Year 5 (A Harr...

By Melanie_Rosen

538 30 48

Melanie is thrilled Morgan will be an official Hogwarts student, but the year does not turn out to be what sh... More

Chapter 1 Demented Reunion
Chapter 2 Called
Chapter 3 The Order
Chapter 4 Another Lane
Chapter 5 Witness Testimony
Chapter 6 The Bogart
Chapter 7 Morgan's Sorting
Chapter 8 House Split
Chapter 9 Series of Detention
Chapter 10 Aunt Becky's Howl
Chapter 11 Getting Word Out
Chapter 12 Lenora's Demand
Chapter 13 Operation Undercover
Chapter 14 Longbottom Vs. Lane
Chapter 16 Death Eaters Outed
Chapter 17 Home Schooled
Chapter 18 Flamed Conversations
Chapter 19 More Lies
Chapter 20 Game of Cards
Chapter 21 Rescue Unfolded
Chapter 22 New Abilities

Chapter 15 A Happy Thought

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By Melanie_Rosen

Chapter 15

A Happy Thought

We initially all planned on staying at Hogwarts for Christmas break. However one morning, I found that Harry and the entire Weasley family had gone. I learned that Ron's dad was attacked during the night. Somehow, Harry had a dream that connected to Voldemort's thoughts and knew right as it was happening.

I had not even been awake for an hour when word came to me my aunt was here to pick me up. I had little time to pack. Once we left, we went straight to St. Mungos.

"How is Mr. Weasley," I asked, once we were in the wizarding hospital.

"He's recovering," Aunt Becky answered. "It was a snake attack."

"Voldemort's snake," I recalled seeing it at the graveyard that night.

"Melanie, don't say his name, especially here," Aunt Becky cautioned. "People will get upset."

I sighed and nodded.

We walked in silence down the hall for a moment, before she asked me quietly, "You're still doing those meetings Mundugus saw you doing that one day, aren't you?"

I let out a breath, knowing there was no point in denying it. "Yes."

Aunt Becky too sighed. "I figured you would, especially if your friends are doing it."

I looked up at her. "Are you mad?"

"The only thing that upsets me is the idea of you getting expelled," she said. "Part of me actually can't help but be proud of you. Its exactly the kind of thing your father would have done if he were in your situation."

I smiled. I always liked being compared to Andre.

"Just be very careful," she cautioned, quietly. "That's all I ask."

I raised my eyebrow. "So you're not going to try and stop me?"

"If I did, it sounds like you won't learn your magical defenses properly," she answered. "I just can't have that. Andre would be utterly ashamed of me."

I beamed at her, now more than ever glad she was my aunt.

"Just maybe try to get in a little less trouble the second half of the year," she suggested. "Your detention record is becoming quite a concern, Melanie. I think this is the worst year you've had by far."

"I know," I grumbled. "It's just hard with Umbridge and Snape. If neither of them were teaching I'd probably never be in detention at all."

"Just follow the rules, and try to keep quiet. That's all you have to do," she informed me.

I grinned at her. "Just follow the rules, but still keep up with my illegal group. Is that what you're telling me?"

Aunt Becky laughed and said, "Well yes, I suppose it is. How about don't do anything Hermione Granger wouldn't do."

"That's pushing it," I said to her but laughed too.

I met up with Harry, Ron and Hermione on the floor for witches and wizards that were attacked by magical creatures.

"Hey Melanie, you're never going to believe what we found out about Neville's parents," Ron said to me. "They were cursed to insanity. They are actually staying here."

"They are permanent residents," Hermione elaborated sadly. "The death eaters kept torturing them with the cruciatus curse so much, they could not recover."

"Oh my god," I said, putting my hand over my mouth. "I can't believe Neville has been living with this the entire time. No one ever knew."

"Well, Harry found out last year through Dumbledore's memories," Ron pointed out.

Now, I completely understood Neville's determination in our D.A. meetings. He has more of a reason than anyone to want to fight. I supposed if Lenora was the person to help him become that fighter, then perhaps we did make the right decision to let her join.

"Hello, my dear, would you care for an autograph."

I turned my head and saw our former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had stepped right beside me.

"Oh, uh... sure," I said, politely.

"Everybody always does," he went on brightly. "I can't remember just why, but I feel like I am famous for something."

"Um huh," I said taking the autograph and stuffing it in my pocket. "Thanks for that."

As he trotted away, Ron commented, "Oh yeah, he's a permanent resident here too."

"I see," I muttered, gazing down where he just walked. "Is it sad, I would still prefer him as a teacher to Umbridge."

Lockhart was not much of an improvement. Most of his lessons were about himself and how he accomplished all his great achievements, which it turned out he did not really even do. Still, we at least got to use magic. That's a step up from Umbridge.


After we returned to school, the time seemed to fly by. I was now on the Quidditch team. Harry and Fred got into it with Malfoy leading to Umbridge to take them off the team. Professor McGonagall then humbly suggested I join the team. She pointed out an extra curricular activity might help me stay out of trouble. Later, she privately informed me I could take my aggression out on the bludger since I will be a Beater. Between Quidditch practice, D.A. meetings and detention, I felt like I had to extra time to spend with Morgan. Detentions, unfortunately, caused me to miss both D.A. meetings and Quidditch practices. Angelina, our team caption, did not bother to hide her frustration with me.

On Valentines Day I went to Hogsmeade with Morgan, so happy I could finally spend a day with him without Lenora anywhere around.

Morgan gave me a hug and then we kissed. We went into Three Broomsticks and saw Hermione there. She frowned and approached me.

"Uh, Melanie, what are you doing here?" she asked, quietly.

"It's Valentine's Day," I said, confused. "Isn't that the day couples spend together?"

"Yeah but Ron's at Quidditch practice now," Hermione pointed out. "Apparently it's supposed to go the whole day."

My jaw dropped. "What? I didn't know that! No one told me!"

I remembered I missed the last practice so I would not have known when the next would be.

"Angelina's going to kill me," I grumbled, kissing Morgan goodbye. "I'm so sorry, but I have to go."

"It's okay," Morgan muttered as I darted off.

"Hi Melanie," Lenora said as she passed by, heading towards Morgan.

I groaned, planning on pretending that bludger was her head for the rest of practice.

I rushed over to the Quidditch field and saw everyone from the Gryffindor team already up in the air on their brooms. I mounted mine. Perhaps if I fly up to the side and join, it would appear as though I had been there. Unfortunately, Angelina spotted me and swarmed down.

"Where have you been, Melanie?" She demanded, swinging her broom to the side.

I threw my arms out. "Detention. I just got let out or I would've been here. Also, no one told me about this practice."

She huffed. "You're always in detention it seems. You need to get it together. We need you. You know Sloper struggles against the bludger. He's still flying away from it."

"If he's that scared of it than maybe he shouldn't be a beater," I pointed out in a mutter.

"We have to work with what we got," Angelina said with a huff, mounting her broom. "If we put our heads together we can win this."

I swung my leg over on my broom and followed her up. For a moment my eyes met Ron's, who merely offered an apologetic shrug.


Our next D.A. meeting was after hours so detention did not get in the way. Harry stayed out using his Marauders Map to help everyone find their way without getting caught. The majority of the first ones to arrive were Gryffindors, followed by Huffelpuffs and Ravenclaws. Morgan and Lenora had the furthest walk so they were the last two to be led in by Harry.

Harry explained to us what a Patronus was and exactly how to conjure one. I sighed. In the past, I made several attempts at a Patronus. None have been successful.

"Think of a happy memory or thought even," Harry went on. "Just something that makes you feel truly happy. That will make your Patronus and that is how I was able to fight off the dementors all those times."

I was there for both of his attacks yet I was no help.

Harry had us all practice the Patronus charm. At first no one seemed to have any luck, but soon that began to change. Hermione was the first to get it. Soon more and more followed, including Neville, Ron, and Morgan. I walked away from everyone, hoping I could concentrate better. I tried multiple thoughts, including flying on a broom, the first time Aunt Becky brought me to Diagon Alley, and the first time I performed a magical charm, but no luck. Even Morgan's and my first kiss only brought smoke. I sighed and sunk down against the wall.

"No luck, either, huh?"

I turned my head as Lenora slumped down beside me. It appeared I was not the only one who struggled with this charm.

"The most I managed to conjure of was smoke," I admitted with a huff.

Lenora sat with her legs straight out and fumbled her fingers in front of her. "Same. I seriously thought the memory of creating that wart on Pansy's face would do the trick."

I laughed as I peered at the blue lights coming around the corner. "So everyone else seemed to get the hang of it?"

"Literally everyone now," she confirmed. "I guess we just suck at happiness."

"Maybe we're broken," I suggested with a hollow chuckle. "You would think reliving the first kiss with my boyfriend would do it, but no, still nothing."

I had a feeling that statement was a mistake. Lenora would probably make fun of me and say that was because she and Morgan should be together.

She, however, did not say anything, at least not for a moment. Instead, she turned her head and looked at me deeply.

"Why do you think that is?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Think about it," Lenora pressed on. "What were you really feeling?"

"Happy, I guess..." My thoughts drifted for a moment, as I did just what she said, "just incomplete. For some reason, I always feel like there's something missing... I can't explain really..."

"Well, I guess you're right," she said, leaning back on the wall. "Definitely broken..."

"That goes for you too then," I said, feeling a tickle on my hand.

I looked down and saw it was a bluish silver fox, led by Morgan's wand.

"What are you two doing over here?" Morgan asked. "Why aren't you practicing your Patronus?"

"We can't do it," I answered simply, while Lenora merely huffed in agreement.

"Really?" he appeared taken aback. "So that's it? You're just going to sit here and sulk?"

Neither of us responded.

"Is this what you were like when you were best friends?" he went on. "If something didn't work out for you, then you'd just give up?" Morgan paused, lowering his wand. His fox vanished. "Because that doesn't sound like either of you, so somehow I doubt that was the case back then. If anything, you were probably more determined, I'd imagine. You still have that now."

I gazed at him intently and then to Lenora. An idea hit me. I was not exactly sure what it was, but I thought of something to try.

"I've got it," I said with a gasp, standing up, with a firm grip on my wand. "I know what to do."

I uttered the spell twice. On the second attempt, my wand produced a silvery sea snake.

"You did it!" Morgan put his arm around me proudly. "What did you think of?"

"I can't explain really," I admitted. "Just a happy thought..."

Lenora stood up. "Well congrats, Mel."

As she started off, I grabbed her arm. "Wait. You can do it, too." As she raised her eyebrow, I urged on, "Just don't over think it. Focus more on the feeling."

"I don't know," she said, starting to pull away.

I kept a firm grip. "Trust me. You can do it."

She took in a breath and nodded, holding up her wand. It took a few attempts but on the final one, a hyena burst from her wand. She giggled as it ran around the room.

"See, I knew you both could do it," Morgan commented, his arm still around me.

I could not help but grin. "A hyena and a snake. That sounds about right for us."

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