My Demon Killer (Destiel Fanf...

By beezlepuff

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"Your time's up." He mocked, while sitting in the chair. "What?? That wasn't the deal we agreed on!" "Oh, bu... More

Chapter One~
Chapter Two
Chapter Four~
Chapter Five~
Chapter Six~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter Eight~
Chapter Nine~
Chapter Ten~
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve-
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Fifteen-
Chapter Sixteen-

Chapter Three~

82 5 0
By beezlepuff

((Agent P.O.V))

"Agent Novak what a suprise ?" A blonde man came up to the small table Castiel had himself in.
Castiel couldn't help but roll his eyes in a playful way, "Oh, Ash. If I had a dollar for every time someone said it was a suprise to see me I'd never have to work again, and you know you can call me Castiel."

The man chuckled and threw the rag he held in his hands over his shoulder. His name was Ash, a worker at the bar Ellen Harvelle owned. He'd been working here for years and even lived here as well.

"Can't I just act professional?" Now this made Castiel laugh,"Oh my bad. You're very professional."

Ash smiled and asked,"What you in here for? Who's gonna catch all those bad guys you're in here?"

"Actually I came to see Ellen. Is she workijf here tonight? I'd appreciate it if I could see her. I need to sort some stuff out with her."

"Interesting... But no she ain't in here right now. You actually missed her by thirty minutes. She went home in rush."

Castiel pursed his lips feeling a bit confused and now overwhelmed. "Why'd she leave in a rush?"

"She wanted to plan something out for Saturday apparently. Something about a dinner?"

This made Castiel groan. So Bobby was serrious about it? Ellen really wanted to play cupid then?

"Something wrong?" Ash asked.

Castiel shook his head,"Not at all, but I would love a beer right now."

Ash again smiled and left to retreive that beer.

Castiel's eyes settled on the window beside him. It was pitch black outside, accept for a few dim areas here and there. The bar was quiet today, buzzing with little to no people.

Castiel almost thought of this as a bad idea, his stomach coiling in regret.
Then his eyes caught on something, or someone.
The person neared the entrance of the bar and seemed to hesitate about comining in. Castiel was sure it was a man.
This man did decide to come in eventually and Castiel was surprised to see how good looking he was... Especially in that flannel shirt.

From a far, Castiel couldn't get all the details, but he got the fact his hair was a nice almond brown and his ass fit perfectly in the jeans he was wearing.

Apparently the man felt Castiel's eyes because his head turned to meet his eyes and Castiel's breath caught in his throat.

The man smiled and if Castiel's eyes weren't lying he'd say the man winked at him.

"Here you go." Ash placed the beer down infront of Castiel and like everyone else in his life, Ash scared the shit out of him.

"Jesus fuck. Where did you come from?!" Castiel's voice came out shakier than usual and when he glanced at the man he seemed to be holding back a laugh.

"I was.. Here? Ooo who are you looking at??" ash followed Castiel's eyes to the flannel guy and his smile was off faster than anything Castiel had seen before.

"What? What is it?" Castiel asked almost worried.

"Dean? Are you looking at Dean?"

A feeling grew in Castiel's stomach, "Dean? Is that his name? You know him??"

Ash gave him a doubt full look, "Everyone knows Dean. He's a good person, but drama follows him everywhere."

"What? Ash stop acting like it's highschool. What do you mean Drama?"

Before Ash coulf find the words to answer there was a sudden sound of glass breaking and 'Dean' was no longer just standing there. He was being held by the shirt by some guy with a bunch of tattoos..

Castiel stood, because he could stop it, but Ash held him back, "Watch."

Why in the fucking name of jesus christ would Castiel want to watch?!!

"Are you blind or something??" The tattoo guy yelled loud enough to catch everyone's attention.

"No, I don't think so." Dean grinned and even if it did look great there on hims face, why would he do that? The tattoo guy was easily bigger than him and this might not end well.

"Well you owe me a new fucking drink then."
Dean frowned.
"You're the one who bumped into be first, Bud. I don't owe you shit. Now can you let go of my shirt, I'd say it was pretty expensive."

The man only growled and seemed to tighten his hold. "It ain't gonna be worth shit after I'm actually done with you."

Dean put his hands up, "Look. I don't want any trouble. Why don't you just let me go and we'll be fine."

"Not until you get me my new-"

"They literally cost like three dollars im sure you can buy you're own fucking drink."

"I don't give a fuck about how much it costs! You're going to get me a new drink or else I'll beat it out of-"

Castiel had never heard anyone who looked as big as the tattoo guy yell so high pitched in the history of everything, but it surpised everyone.
Dean had just brought his knee in contact with the guy's jewels. And oh did it seem like it really hurt.

The guy went down with a loud groan, but it didn't stop there. It really only seemed to make him angrier because in a few seconds the man was back on his feet, anger heating his face.

"Come on Snake, Let's Rattle." Dean Motioned for the guy and yes, the guy did run fully at Dean.

Castiel took out his cell and opened up his messages. He tapped on Charlie's contact and began to type,

"Come to Harvelle's bar. I'll have a package waiting for you."

The two men were now on the ground, rolling like children and Castiel definitely has seen better. At one point he noticed Dean end up on top, but before he could knock any sense of blow into that other guy, someone yelled,"COME ON, DON'T LET THAT WORM BEAT YOU. OWEN."

Dean lookes up, first mistake, because it gave the guy under his a chance to move fast and have Dead pinned under him.

One punch, two, and even three. That grin was stuck to this man's face.
Dean fisted 'Owen's' shit and bashed his head against the man's face, causing him to roll back.

Castiel had enough.

"Alright. That's enough."
He glanced between the two bloody men, but his eyes moved to Owen.
Owen was not happy with the bloody nose and apparently that gave him a right to let his anger out on poor Castiel.

"Who the fuck are you?" Owen spat, some blood entering his mouth.

Castiel reached for the cuffs, "I'm Special Agent Novak with the FBI and I'm gonna ask you to put ur hands behind your back."

There was some muttering around them and Dean was forgotten momentarily.

Owen groaned outloud, "Are you fucking serious?!"

Like as if on cue, Charlie walked in, she was In her casual clothes and Castiel almost felt bad, now knowing she was probably at home.

"What's up with these boys?"

Castiel motioned for Owen to put his hands behind his back and he did.
"These two dumbasses started to fight. I need you to handle this one, maybe hand it over to Donna since it isn't our problem."

Castiel handed Owen over to Charlie and she took him with a smile, "Jeez what the hell happened to you, big guy?" It was a tease.

"Its Owen and that guy started it."

Charlie laughed,"You're a pussy."

She looked over at Dean who was now standing, his lip was busted and maybe a forming bruise on his cheek. "What about him? He looks like an asshole too."

Dean pursed his lips, "No ma'am."

Charlie rolled his eyes and looked back at Castiel to see if there was any order to take Dean aswell, but Dean or whatever seemed interesting and Castiel wanted time..
"I'll handle it..take care of him."

Charlie nodded and took Owen with her, now everyone was back to whatever they were doing and Castiel's attention was back on Dean.

He began to leave out the door, hopefully Dean would follow and not be a dumbass, thankfully Dean seemed to have a few braincells left and followed Castiel out to the lot.

It was cold and quiet, the window rushing by with a low whistle.
"I'm Dean." Dean said.

"I know."


"Ash told me. You seem popular around here."

Castiel's car was a small walk, but it felt like miles with someone beside him.

"Oh, yeah I know Ash."

Dean waited for the guy infront of him to answer in some way, but nope. The guy kept walking. It sparked interest. He couldn't help it either, when his eyes raked down the guy's ass over his jeans. There was enough light to know that at least this guy has an ass.

"Where are we going?"

"My car."


Again with the no answer, but Castiel didn't feel the need to answer this guy. In reality he was just going to his car for the extra cuffs. Which is dumb. He could of asked Charlie, but who knows if she has them or not. Again. It seemed like she was at home.

When Castiel locates his car he quickly unlocked it and looked for the extra pair. Once found he brought himself back up only to feel and overwhelming weight of another person behind him- Wait what the fuck.

Yes... Dean had done that, but he couldn't help it.

Dean's hands rested on Castiel's hips, and pulled him in as close as possible.

Castiel could say something, ok? He could knock this guy into next year, but he has to admit how good it felt. His hands gripped the hood of the car, he found his voice, "What are you doing?" He let out a breath and shuddered when a warm breath tickles his ear.

"You know your ass looks great in those jeans, Agent?" Dean hummed and let his hips roll a bit, letting Castiel know what he could get out of this.

"You do understand I could have you arrested for thi-"
Like a Sack of potatoes Castiel was turned to face Dean and the man's lips clashed with his and it let Castiel taste a bit of blood from Dean's lip.
You know it was weird knowing this was happening in a parking lot, but forget the parking lot right now.
Dean parted until only their forheads touched, "I understand officer." His eyes were black, lust filled, and the open lip just added to the bad boy image. Castiel almost let out a small whimper at the view.

He took Dean by the shirt and pulled him back down, letting out a small noise when Dean's tounge passed the barrier of his teeth. Castiel's hands found Dean's hair when he pulled on the soft hair Dean Let out a heavenly noise.

Dean moved them until the back door to Cas's car was open and Dean pushed him in.

Dean let his hands roam. Undoing button by button on Castiel's shirt.

Both men knew though, that this wasn't some romantic thing, it was just heat of the moment and they'd probably never see each other again. (Or they thought at least)

"Agent." Dean moaned as he let himself grind down into the man.
He'd been sucking on Castiel's neck and when the shirt was removed, he let his tounge glide down Castiel's torso.
Castiel let out a small noise as his head leaned back onto the handle of the door.

When Dean got to the jeans, he didn't hesitate to undo them and soon enough he was sucking on Castiel, his dilated eyes watching the man under him wither away into literally a pile of nothing.
With only short gasps and a few," fucks" here and there.

Dean moved his tounge in just the right way that made Castiel go nuts.
And what surprised Castiel the most was when he said,"I'm close."
Dean didn't stop, didn't move away. In fact. He worked faster.

Yeah. In the heat of moment it felt like seconds and when Castiel got home it felt like someone dropped stacks of books on him. So much regret was now there, because he didn't know who this guy fucking was and he let the guy blow him.

Oh my god.

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