Dark Mood Rising

By xoxsammy2t9xox

127 11 10

"The prophecy says that the twin would be born at the height of a lunar eclipse and both would be gifted. You... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1 & 2

70 5 10
By xoxsammy2t9xox

*So I'm working on writing again i would love feedback from you guys :) This is chapters 1&2 and a preview of chapter 3. Let me know what you think


I saw him before he saw me, it was as if time slowed down. He was laughing with some of his buddies in the corner of then coffee house. Something about the way he laughed so full of life attracted me to him immediately. I didn't realize I had been openly gawking at him until he was standing in front of me waving in my face.

"Hay sweetheart are you alright?' I came back to myself shocked and embarrassed my hands coming to cover my face in embarrassment. "I am so sorry, I just zoned out and didn't realize I was staring at someone.' He laughed but not how he was laughing with his friends only moments ago, this was more of a low chuckle. His hand raised and for a small second, I thought he was going to touch me, but he was only reaching up to run his fingers through the back of his chestnut brown hair.

"If you let me buy you a coffee maybe I'll considering letting it slide." He said. His chocolate brown eyes were staring into my crystal blues with such wonder. I laughed a little to obnoxiously covering my mouth to hide my horror of the sound that just escaped me.

"You just caught me staring at you and now you want to buy me coffee?" I laughed nervously out of fear my horrible laugh would return. At this his smile spread wide across his face and I had to take a deep breath this man was to handsome to even be talking to me.

"so, your saying you were staring at me and not spacing out?" I felt the heat rush to my face, and I groaned internally. Great going Kat now he's really going to think you're a weirdo.

"I'm not saying that." I stuttered out trying to recover from this horrible encounter" I'm just saying it's a little crazy you want to buy coffee for someone you just met." That smile was making my stomach do flips. Who was this man and why is his lopsided smile making me smile? "Again, his hand went to the back of his head, maybe a nervous tick. Am I making him nervous?

"Well actually I see you here pretty often and my friends keep picking on me for talking about the girl that sits in the coffee cafe that's always reading a new book" Losing my smile I wet is to full gawking, mouth hanging up in shock. He laughed nervously "is that creepy, did I freak you out? I'm sorry I was just amazed at how fast you read books" He rushed out. I pulled my face back together and smiled. 'No, it's a horrible habit of mine wants a pickup a new one I get so involved in it I can't stop reading until I finished. I usually end up staying up all night just to finish the book," I spit out just to help put him at ease.

"Good cause it did come out a little stalkerish and I really just wanted to know if maybe I could buy you a coffee and we would talk about some of those books you read."

'WOW that sounds like a cheesy pick up line." I said laughing whole heartily turning toward the counter to get my coffee.

"Maybe a little." He said laughing back at me.

'Excuse me Kat, your coffee." My best friend and sister Sarah said sliding my coffee across the table at me.

I never had to pay for a cup of coffee before since Sarah owed the place. I laughed picked up my coffee and turned back to this man I never met before laughed and said" Sorry someone's already buying my coffee for me." He looked between me and Sarah a little surprised. I hadn't realized what I said until it was already out Now, he thought Sarah and I were a thing I groaned inwardly sometimes my brain just does not function right. "Well it was nice meeting you urm..." He looked at me for a moment kind of trying to read me with his eyes. "Brent" he said. "nice to meet you Brent." I said and extended my hand to him. He laughed sheepishly and took my hand in his. The small shock that passed between us startled me and caused me to forcibly pull my hand back. "See you later Brent." I said. I nodded at Sarah and made a B line for the door. The cool summer air hit my face as soon as the door opened, and I rushed out into it. I tried my best to hall ass down the street and not look back. I saw his face in my mind the realization flickering who I was to him and I'm sure he was already quizzing Sarah about who I really am. Sarah was like me a wolf. We generally stay in packs, but Sarah and I preferred to be alone. Its only been us for years and we were completely content with that. Rogues were a thing of the past if we stayed to yourself no other wolves would come to euthanize us.

I turned again to make sure no one was following me when I got on the train, but it was just me. I pulled my cell phone from my ag checking to see if Sarah had called. Sure, enough I had two missed calls and a few texts messaged. I breathed deeply I really hope this will go away. I could already feel my wolf staring she want to go back and find him I could feel it. My phone started ringing again I waited for the ringer to stop and switched my phone off Sarah would have to wait until I got home tonight.

Asthe trained moved along the streets of Philadelphia my mind lingered to the manif the coffee shop with his beautiful chocolate eyes stuck on the realizationthat I was more than just the girl in the coffee shop that read books thatinterested him. What really made methink was that today was the first day I noticed him. He said he had seen memultiple times in the shop. Why was it just now that I saw him? I tried toshake the thoughts from my head as I got off the train and hurried to my job. Ididn't want to think of the man, Brent, from the coffee shop anymore I justwanted to go back to my normal boring life, alone

Chapter 2

I was dreading walking into the house that night. I could feel Sarah passing back and forth in the kitchen waiting for me to arrive. My head already hurt from work I was not mental capable of dealing with her yelling at me right now. I trudged up the steps knowing that she was aware I was just outside the door. Just as I was about to turn the handle to let myself in, she ripped the door open and started shouting like a crazy person.

"Do you have any idea what I have been through today? Is your phone broken? Why were you not answering me? Kat this guy means business do you have any idea how bad this is?"

"Alright Sarah calm down my head is already pounding can I come in the door first and then we can talk?" I said with my hands holding my head. She huffed and stepped to the side to let me into the house. As soon as I stepped in, she slammed the door and turned to me arms folded over her chest. "Start talking now Kat"

I sighed "I don't know what you want me to say Sarah." I sat down on the couch completely exhausted this day was to much.

"You don't know what to say, um let me think." She said dramatically placing ha hand under her chin as if she was thinking. "How about Sarah this is my mate."

"I don't want a mate Sarah, you know this. I live here with you because this is the life, we both want. Just because I met some guy that the 'fates' say is my soul mate doesn't mean he has to be. When I left today, I thought that would be enough of a rejection for him to get the hint."

"Well it wasn't he stayed there all day waiting for you to come back and nearly ripped my head off because he thought you were my girlfriend. Kat you need to talk to this guy I don't think he's going to go away now. Not everyone is like us wolves like this guy stay in packs if you don't handle this now its only going to get worse." And as if on cue a loud banging at the door startled me making me jump from the couch and push Sarah behind me.

"Kat its Brent I need to talk to you." Brent yelled from the other side of the door.

My panicked eyes turned to Sarah." Did you tell him where I lived? "I demanded from her. She looked equally as shocked as I did "No Kat I swear I never said a word about where we live. The banging started again on the door, I breathed in heavily. "Sarah go in the basement lock the door and listen. I don't know this guy he could be crazy for all we know if anything happens go okay. Don't come back up." She looked at me eyes wide; Sarah wasn't he fighter her I was. Whenever we ran into trouble, I was the one to handle it and she always hide, and I was hoping she would do the same today. She nodded her head and went for the basement. When I heard the door lock, I went to the front door and pulled it open. There stood Brent and about five of his friends from the cafe lingered around the perimeter of my home.

"Can I help you Brent?" I said trying to sound more confident than I felt

"You just took off and my wolf wouldn't stop until I found you. Why did you leave?' He said his large body took up most of the door frame and I felt this insane overwhelming need to lean into his body. I just wanted to feel the heat of his skin on the desire was almost too much to control. Taking a deep breath, I took a step back from the door and the man in it.

"Look Brent I appreciate you going through all the trouble trying to find me, but I'm not interested okay. So, could you please leave me alone and let me get back to my life." He stepped back as if I punched him.

"Your denying me?"

"Look I live alone for a reason I prefer to keep it that way." I said now tapping my foot in frustration.

"I also really don't like the fact that you and your lackies are in raiding my space could you please leave." I said reaching for the door to push it shut. His hand shot up to block the door.

"You don't understand you can't." He said his eyes pleading with mine begging for me to understand something.

"Katherine please." The sorrow in his voice made my heart harden even more. I already knew what my fate was, and I planned to avoid it the best I could. With a firm hand I pressed on the door, "I'm sorry Brent but I am rejecting you and your buddies can be the witness's. I will now have a mate." And with that I applied all my force and shoved the door closed. I could hear his head knock on the door on the other side and the slight curse leave his lips. I stayed leaning against the other side of the door letting my wolf get all she ever could from her other half until he finally left the porch. Once the presence of the wolves was gone, I went for the basement. Sarah was in the far corner crawled in a ball asleep her face still wet with tears. I sat and watched her sleep noticing she had not followed her daily routine after work. Her blonde her was falling out of her clip around her face. I also didn't notice she didn't change her clothes from work and still smelled strongly of coffee. I smiled looking down at her, I spent so much of my time trying to protect her from the world around us, always so scared it would come crashing in.

Gently, I lifted her off the floor and carried her up the stairs and laid her down on the couch. Tonight, was a good night the crying had put her in a deep sleep, and she seemed to be free of the nightmares I only wished I would be too. I climbed the stair up to my room the exhaustion from the day so too much to bare. My wolf begged inside my mind to be let loose to roam the city and find her mate but even she knew what would happen. If wasn't just my fate at stake here it was Sarah's and now Brent's.

Stripping my clothes off I pulled the coverers over my head hoping once more for a dreamless night.

Chapter 3

The magic that swirled around the girl sucked the life from the earth. Every piece of grass, every flower started to wilt and die, the life force being sucked away as her strength grew. I could feel myself enjoying the power the very essence of life being taken away. Flowing through my veins, slipping in and out. Magic was everywhere the air thick with its moisture. I seen the wolves coming trying the stop the girl to stop the magic she cast out, but the closer they came the more her power grew. The wolves pushed closer trying to circle her to attack and bring her down. I wanted to scream I wanted to tell them to stop to get away, but it was too late. The wolves started falling one by one the girl was pulling the magic from the wolves draining their life away. I watched as every wolf fell to the ground forceable shifting back into human form. They all lay on the ground life leaving their faces, the last wolf to fall looked up at me his chocolate brown eyes burning into my soul.

"Why are you doing this Katherine?"

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