Stars Have Fallen - A Loki Lo...

By MultiFandomAccount0

545K 24.5K 4.6K

' She breathed in deeply, picking up on a faint and fresh scent of mint on him. "Even if it's only me, is tha... More

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12.4K 563 88
By MultiFandomAccount0

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Tony, Bruce, Thor, and Jane watched Loki leave the lab with Estrial. The room was tense after the God of Mischief's insult to the scientist, calling him out for being a beast. But no one spoke of that, silently agreeing that it was better left alone. "I really hate that guy.." Bruce murmured.

Jane pursed her lips, wanting to agree but not wanting to upset Thor. Instead, she brought up something else. "Thor, you said that they share a cosmic bond?" She wondered in confusion, hoping for an explanation.

The demigod sighed. "I did not see it clearly before; I, too, assumed it was only intimate attraction between them," he admitted. Letting his gaze glid over the others in the lab, he went on, "I wondered recently why Estrial woke in the first place." He found himself staring out of the doorway which they'd left through. "My brother always took special interest in her. The one, lone star," he paused for a moment, "I believe that is what woke her....and that they are attatched in ways the universe has never seen before."

"How come it's never happened before?" Jane asked, "I mean, people have always taken interest in the stars."

"Estrial has told me that it is not uncommon for stars to be awoken, but they fall back asleep," Thor answered, giving Jane a crooked smile. "The difference here, is that Estrial took interest in him, as well." He turned his gaze back to the empty doorway. "I don't believe it was a coincidence that she came to Midguard so soon after Loki did. She must've been drawn to him."

• December 18, 2012 •

Loki woke up to find Estrial already awake, just like every other morning. Ever since he moved in, a second bed had been added to her room. After all, being on 24/7 watch included night time, too. Although, Loki was sure she didn't actually just watch him sleep all night. He often woke to find her reading or bustling around, not staring at him.

Sensing his emotions awaken, Estrial looked up from the book she was reading. She was sitting in her bed, leaning back against the headboard, legs under the covers. In the dark room, she glowed enough to be able to read. Before long, Loki was up and flicking the lights on. As this happened, Estrial flipped over her left arm and pressed the button to make her look completely human.

Loki rubbed his eyes in the light. He wore a plain gray T-shirt and black sweatpants. It was definitely odd to be wearing Midguard clothing all of the time now, but he couldn't deny how comfortable it was. His eyebrows raised at the sight of Estrial. "I see Stark got your suit all fixed," he observed, walking over to her bedside.

"Yes," Estrial confirmed with a small smile. It was a smile that made the demigod's heart soar. She never did grin very wide or laugh loudly, but her tiny expressions of joy were just as powerful. If not more so, to Loki.

He smiled sweetly in returned, peering down to see what she was reading. A sudden laugh escaped his lips, unlike his usual mischievous laughter. It was real and pure, and it made Estrial happy. Though she couldn't understand why, he was always able to make her feel such intensely positive emotion.

Loki picked up the thick book and flipped it over to see if it were really true. "A dictionary?" He questioned, still laughing lightly, "why on earth would you read that? There's no story."

"I am learning," Estrial insisted, moving to get out of bed. Loki stepped aside making room for her to stand. Her small hands took the dictionary carefully out of his large ones. Marking her page, she closed it and set it on her nightstand.

Loki shook his head in amusement. "You are strange," he told her with a sigh, though his smile betrayed his admiration. He turned away and began to walk toward the cracked bedroom door. "Well, let me know when you're finished with that bore," he called back as she followed him, "I'll introduce you to what real books are."

Estrial wasn't entirely sure what he meant. Was the dictionary not a real book? It sure looked like one, and she did find it quite interesting. There were so many words in the English language that she had yet to learn.

Once outside of the bedroom, Estrial instinctively took Loki's arm in her hands. Loki peered down curiously. He was going to say something about how she was visible and didn't need to worry about getting lost. But he decided to let it go. After all, her hands were warm and brought about him a sense of comfort.

They walked to the kitchen in silence. There, waiting for them, were Tony and Steve, as well a stranger. They all stood at the island in the large kitchen. "Estrial, I was just about to go get you," Steve greeted with a smile.

"I am here," the star assured, letting go of Loki at last.

There was a look of forced control on Tony's face, and it was obvious that he was trying his best not to make anymore jokes about Loki and Estrial's relationship.

"So you're all the talk that's been going around here lately," the strange woman with long, red hair observed. She eyed Estrial with a cool grin, while Estrial eyed her back. The star found it intriguing that this woman's emotions were so quiet that she could barely see them at all. "Natasha Romanoff," she introduced herself, "I've been an agent of SHIELD longer than any of these guys."

"I am Estrial," the star greeted with a small smile of her own.

Loki rolled his eyes, making Natasha smirk in amusement. She met the star's eyes again and responded with a grin, "I've heard."

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