baby girl | chanlix

By Chanyeols_Puppy

334K 11.1K 11.8K

where chan starts to call the new kid at school baby girl even though it's a boy. sequel out now... More



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By Chanyeols_Puppy

I left after Chan bought me breakfast. I went home and saw my mom's car parked in the driveway.

I had watched her drive away this morning, why is she back. I opened the door and saw empty bottles of alcohol laying all over the floor. 

 I saw her standing by one of the windows looking outside with a bottle of beer in her hand. She turned around and I saw her face was flushed and she eyes bloodshot. 

She looked at me with hate in her eyes and slowly waddled over to me. She pointed a finger accusingly at me and sneered. 

"I don't even know why you were born, you really useless aren't you, you do nothing to help me, you don't get a job to help pay bills, you waste off of my hard earned money on useless things, why are you even still living,"She said slurring her words together. 

"I hate you, you ruined my life," She said and her face morphed into an evil look. She rose her hand and slapped me harshly across the face. 

"I HATE YOU," She yelled and kept hitting me harder and harder each time."I wish you were never born," she yelled at me.

She yelled curses, and other things at me before she passed out. I put her on the couch and covered her with a blanket. 

I grabbed a garbage bag and started to pick up the empty bottles of alcohol off the floor. I tied to bag when I was done and put it in the garage. I went to the kitchen and cleaned up in there too. 

Once I finished you couldn't even tell what went on that afternoon. I went to my room and finished a book report and then went back downstairs and made dinner. I took a small portion of the soup for myself and went to the dining room and ate in silence. 

I finished my soup and washed the dishes. I walked into the living room and shook my mom awake and left a glass of water and painkillers on the side table. I left a note saying there I would be out for an hour or two to not worry her when she noticed my absence. 

I pulled on a thick coat and stepped outside. The sun was almost done setting when I got outside. I walked past Jeongin's house, I saw him sitting at his desk by his window. 

I walked down the next block and saw Seungmin's house. His bedroom light was the only light on in the house except for the living room which was being lit up by a TV. I walked farther down the road and came to Chanwoo's house and saw no lights on in the house.

I left the area we all live in and walked onto one of the busier streets. I walked to the cafe Chan took me to earlier. 

I walked into the cafe and sat in one of the back booths. Yeri came over and took my order. I ordered a chocolate milkshake and french fries. 

Yeri brought them over a few minutes later and then left again. I told her I would give her a better tip if she left me alone. The shop was quiet except for the sound of typing from the college students on the other side of the cafe. 

I heard the bell from the door open and laughter could be heard walking through the cafe. It stopped after one of the college students shushed them for being too loud. 

I pulled my mask up so it covered my face and stood up. I had finished half of my milkshake and half my fry. 

I went to the counter and waited for Yeri so I could pay my bill. She came over and I handed her more than my bill and told her she could keep the rest as her tip.

I walked out of the cafe and walked over to the park and sat on the playground slide. I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Ten. I didn't check to see what time it was where he was but that's okay, he used to call me at 2 in the morning because of homework he hadn't finished.

"Hello," He said sleepily.

"Ten Hyung, "I yelled into the phone.

"Be quiet you little shit," He said."I'm trying to sleep what do you need," he asked.

"Well, I don't need anything I just wanted to talk to my favorite hyung," I said with a smile that was covered by my mask.

"Well I'm hanging up because I need sleep," and he hung up the call. I slid down the slide and began to walk home. I went to same way going past Chanwoo's house that now had a light on, Seungmin's house only had the TV light flashing in the living room, and when I pasted Jeongin's house all the lights were off except for a slight glow in his room.

I walked up the sidewalk to my house and inside. I slipped my shoes off and hung my jacket up. I heard the TV playing Train to Busan in the living room.

"Felix is that you, come here I just started the movie, and I made popcorn, "I heard my mom yell from the other room. 

I walked into the living room and saw her sitting up on the couch with a blanket wrapped around herself. I sat next to her and watched the movie. I didn't eat any popcorn or even really watch the movie. 

It finished and before she could say anything I went up to my room and locked my door. I took a shower and then fell asleep. 

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