The Huntsman Spider // Peter...

By BlazingWillow

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VERY SPERATIC UPDATES! VERY SPREAD OUT UPDATES! The Huntsman spider is a none toxic spider, but its fangs are... More

Classified Information
Chapter 1 - Mission Complete
Chapter 2 - Avengers Assemble
Chapter 3 - Code Spider
Chapter 4 - Stand Off
Chapter 5 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 6 - Sorry
Chapter 7 - Fun and Games
Chapter 8 - New Suit
Chapter 9 - City Lights
Chapter 10 - Silence
Chapter 12 - Sweet Dreams
Chapter 13 - The Truth
Chapter 14 - Plan A?...nah Plan B!
Chapter 15 - Huntsman's Return
Chapter 16 - Broken
Chapter 17 - Childhood
Chapter 18 - Back Home

Chapter 11 - They Get What They Want

4.6K 176 27
By BlazingWillow

Because of the pill, Peter took last night he ended up waking up later than usual. No one tried to wake him up earlier either, they figured after yesterday he needed his sleep.

Peter got down from his hammock and headed to the kitchen. He walked over to the bar and sat down on a stool. Everyone in the kitchen saw Peter walk in and said hello but Peter didn't reply back. He was lost in thought. I can't stop thinking about the mission... I don't want to do it, but if I don't... what if they come for me? Or what if they attack the Avengers? What if when they get me they get bucky too? What if...

"Peter?" Bucky gets Peter's attention. "Everything ok?" Peter looks over at Bucky trying to quickly think of what to say. "I...I don't know." He looks down into his lap. "I...I have never... ever disobeyed an order, let alone a mission. I'm... scared." He looks up at Bucky with tears in his eyes. Bucky quickly walks over to Peter and holds him. "I know how you feel. It's hard at first but it will get better. You have to fight the urge. None of us will let H.Y.D.R.A take you back." Everyone nods their heads agreeing with Bucky.

Steve slides over a plate of waffles with syrup on them towards Peter. Peter lets go of Bucky when he smells the waffles. He gives a small smile and looks at Steve. "Thanks." He begins to eat the waffles. "No problem kid." Steve gives everyone else waffles then starts to clean up the mess he made. Peter finishes his waffles and goes to the living room where Tony is now sitting. "Uh... Tony?" Tony looks over at Peter, "Yeah kid?" Peter looks around. "Uh never mind." He walks away. Tony watches him walk off confused but just brushes it off.

A week has gone by and Peter still has the mission in his mind. He doesn't want to hurt Tony but he's also afraid of what will happen if he doesn't. He has been trying to act as normal as he can be around the avengers but they still seem to walk on the glass around him. It's a bit annoying that he's treated like a baby here at the tower. H.Y.D.R.A never treated him like a baby...... let alone a human.

Peter goes to his room and shuts the door behind him. He looks up at the ceiling and whispers to Friday. She can still hear him. "Friday... please don't tell anyone I'm going out. I'll be back soon." Friday soon replies back. "Of course, Mr. Parker." Peter puts his new suit on and goes over to the window. "Call me Peter, thanks to Friday."

He jumps out of the window and swings through the buildings. I kinda miss being alone... He sits on top of a building over a very busy traffic square. An old lady screams as a man pushes her over and grabs her purse. Peter looks over and sees the man running off. That poor old lady. Peter jumps down and webs the man's foot to the ground. "It's not very nice to take that lady's purse." The man turns to Peter. "Who are you?" Peter stops for a second. What should I say I am? "You don't need to know." He grabs the woman's purse and webs the man to the wall for the cops coming. He swings over to the old lady and helps her up from the ground. "Here is your purse, ma'am." The old lady smiles and holds her purse close. "Thank you so much." Peter smiles and swings out of the area. It feels good to not be useless and be good for once.

Peter felt so good to finally do some good that he decides to swing around and help more people out. It starts to get late and he heads back to the tower. When he jumps back into his room he changes his clothes. There is a small knock on his door then it creaks open. Peter jumps up into his hammock and acts like he was there the whole time. "Hey, Peter..." Tony walks in and looks up. Peter sits up and looks at him. "Yeah." Tony has dinner in his hands and he puts it on the desk for Peter. "You ok? I haven't seen you all day." Peter jumps down and goes to the desk. "Yeah, I'm actually feeling a lot better." Tony smiles a bit. "That's good, well I'll be in my lab if you need me." Peter nods his head and eats the dinner. "Thanks." He sits down and relaxes.

A couple of hours later all the Avengers go to bed. Steve somehow convinces Tony to actually get some sleep for once so he goes to bed. All the lights are off in the building except for the kitchen light and the training room lights. Peter wasn't tired since he slept longer this morning and since he can't take the pill today he doesn't want to take the chance of dreaming.

He is training hard, trying to make up for all the days he's missed not training at H.Y.D.R.A. He always liked training even when he was with them. It was the only time he wasn't bothered, beaten, or tested on. As he was training the lights started to flicker for a second then quit and went back to normal. He stopped training and looked up at the lights. "Friday what was that about?" Friday didn't answer, Friday always answered. Something is wrong. "Friday?" Soon all the lights went out and it was pitch black in the building.
Peter goes quiet and uses his others senses to get around the room.

Peter's spider senses go off and he turns around still facing pitch black. "Who is there?" He looks around straining his eyes to see. He can make out a figure leaning up against the wall but can't make out any features. "I see you... speak!" Peter stares at the figure. His spider senses keep going off soon he gets the feeling that he is surrounded. What is going on!? "You know who we are Huntsman." Peter turns quickly to where the voice is coming from. "No... no, go away!" The voice chuckles. "You have become very confident since you left. That will have to be fixed." Peter backs up a bit but then feels the presence of someone close behind him. "You won't get away with this! They will come for me...." Again another chuckle comes from the voice. "You don't sound too confident in that. I know they will come but by then you'll be brand new again. You will fight them. Nothing we have to worry about."

Peter shakes his head and tries to keep a good distance from them but he can tell they are all moving closer. "Why... I thought I had a week left ...f...for my mission." Peter keeps turning around as he feels the presence of others. "You see we have been keeping an eye on you. You obviously don't plan on completing the mission so we have come to help you.... grab him!" Multiple men run up to Peter. He jumps, dodges, and pushes men out of the way. There is way too many for him to take by himself. He gets pushed down and held down by a couple of men. "Let me go! Let me go!" The man who has been talking the whole time walks up to him with some type of device in his hand. "W...what is that?" Peter can make out that he is grinning from ear to ear. "You will soon find out." He gets close to Peter and hunched over him. He puts the device up to Peter's neck and presses a button. The device punctures Peter's neck and leaves a device right under the skin, barely visible. "There... now I'd like to see you disobey orders." He laughs as he gets back up. The men let go of Peter and he scrambles away from them. "Let's try it out should we." He grins and puts his thumb on what looks like the trigger. "Huntsman Stand!" Peter doesn't listen and stays down. The man smirks and presses the button. A sharp and piercing pain runs through Peter's body. He screams out and tries to claw out the device. He lets go of the button and gets close to Peter's face. "Complete to the mission or you will feel worse than this." All of the HYDRA agents leave the room and a minute after they leave the lights to turn back on.

Peter is on the floor in shock. He has his hand on his neck and is breathing heavily. "Peter, should I contact Tony you seem to be in distress?" Peter shakes his head no. "No..." he says very quietly but Friday heard him. He slowly gets up and starts to head to his room but remembers that he shares a room with Bucky. I don't want to see anyone right now... he heads to the living room and curls up on the couch.

I have two options on how to do this... Kill Tony or kill me..

Hey guys sorry it's been so long I really have no excuse for why I haven't updated. Sorry
Love ya 🖤🖤

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