Dark Moon (ManxMan)

By -carmin

518K 31.9K 6K

How do you tell someone who's in love with another person, you are mates? Aetos is a man of many attributes... More

Fan Art 😘


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By -carmin

It's spreading.

The black spots have moved to the crook of his elbow, slowly fanning out little by little, dot by dot. It didn't itch, it wasn't bleeding, it wasn't swelling.

It's not doing anything and it was driving Colson crazy.

He knows he should say something but just like it is when it comes to talking about Michel and the shit he has pulled. He's naked and still as gorgeous as ever, skin looking flawless, ass looking unbelievably good but these damn dots.


Colson grabs the bathrobe and slips it on. He walked into the room and sits on the bed. The strangest thing was the fact that he and Aetos have been naked twice since the dots began to appear and the vampire doesn't notice it.

So it's either he, Colson, is seeing things or Aetos is blind and yeah, that's not it. Neither of them are. Ugh. Colson falls back onto the bed and groaned, his gaze resting on the ceiling. Whenever he was alone the thoughts of the black spots appear but once he has company, the thoughts disappear like vapor.

There has to be a way to fix this.

There has to be a way for him to tell someone about the spots and Michel because he was getting this feeling. Like a dark cloud was slowly making its way over to him and it's starting to piss him off a bit.

Colson rolls over and stretched his hand a bit so he could get his phone. He quickly pulls up google and types in black spots. The results made Colson roll his eyes. So he decides to type black spots + restricted to talk about it.

The results for that was even quite worse than the first. All it showed was dark spots in places where he sun doesn't shine and how to get rid of them. Fuck this. Fuck google.

Just as Colson was about to pull the phone down, it starts buzzing in his hand. It's Cobie.

"Hello oh pregnant one." Colson greets.

"You're just a rude bitch." Cobie said and Colson could literally feel his brother roll his eyes.

"Is there a reason I'm being blessed with your voice this lovely morning?"

"I want to binge watch Two and a Half Men but Erik has a meeting with the elders. Actually we both do but I don't want to move too much today. So are you in? Food, brilliant tv show and gossip?"

Colson doesn't even hesitate to say... "Yes!"

Cobie screams down the phone and so does Colson who quickly got off the bed. He hops over to the door, his phone still pressed to his ear.

"Oops! I forgot to ask if you had plans with Aetos."

"We don't actually have plans today, so we can chill."

"Okay. I'll see you then." Cobie says and then ends the call. He quickly pushed open the door, chuckling at the vampire who was sprawled out in the bed, eyes closed and in his boxers. The curtains were pulled, sunlight washing Aetos' body a beautiful glow.

Colson stands and stared at his...

What even are they?

They haven't defined their relationship and just going with the flow. And calling him friend doesn't even sound right so what even? Colson resists the urge to go on over to his vampire and trail kisses down his back. He had to go over to c-

Oh who is he kidding.

He slowly and quietly made his way over to the bed. He sits on the bed, leaning against his hand a bit as he trails kisses up Aetos' spine, smiling when the vampire moves.

"Morning, beauty." Aetos hums, turning his head a bit to the side so he could see Colson.

"I think you're the sleeping beauty here." Colson replies, pressing one last kiss over the curve of Aetos' shoulder, giggling when the vampire flips their position. Colson on his back naked with his legs spread with Aetos between them.

"We always end up like this."

Colson wraps his legs around Aetos' waist, hands finding their home in Aetos' hair. The smile on his face soft and goofy but to Aetos, it was as bright as the sun and only he could look at it. He really was blessed.

"Maybe you can stop being a gentleman and just..." Colson moves, moving his hips so he could rub beautifully against Aetos who was straining against him.

Aetos closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He moves himself away from Colson, leaving enough room for a family of seven between them. Colson has to say, Aetos' self control was incredible.

"You've got to stop tempting me."

"What?" Colson feigns innocence. Spreading his legs a little before sitting up, the robe slipping down his shoulder a bit. Aetos couldn't look away from Colson. Angelic beautiful Colson.


Colson shakes his head as he gets off the bed, humming as he walked over to Aetos' closet. Today was the first time in weeks since he used his room but like always he always ends up in Aetos' room. He pulls open the vampires' closet and grabbed a white shirt and a dark blue sweater as well as a pack of boxers, pulling out one. He takes off the robe, knowing full well Aetos' eyes were on him as he bends over to slide on the boxers, taking his time as he slides on the shirt and the sweater.

"You're going to be the death of me." Aetos groaned, falling onto the bed with his hand over his eyes. Colson doesn't even bother to wonder when he got to the bed. Aetos was a man of many wonders and Colson knows half of them, the other half he would find out when Aetos finally decides to have sex with him.

He knows he's being a little tease but he cannot be blamed. Aetos was a beautiful beautiful, jaw dropping, talk, sexy as hell, grey eyed vampire with great hair that Colson liked to tangle his fingers in.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Colson shrugged. The sweater was so big it falls to his thigh and covers his hands. "I'm spending the day with Cobie."

"Really?" Aetos says, pulling his hand off his face and turning to face Colson. "I'm going to miss you."

"Aww, you sap. I'll miss you too." Colson makes his way over to the vampire, crawling up his body and settling on his lap, hand resting on Aetos' abs, his fingers lightly scratching.

Aetos' hand move underneath the sweater and the shirt and rests on Colson's waist, lightly squeezing.

"I want to leave but I keep ending up in your lap. I think this is a sign." Colson teased, bending down so every part of him touches Aetos, including his lips. They kiss lazily, tongue dancing, Colson letting out sweet little sounds that made Aetos strain even more.

Colson grinds down once, twice and just when Aetos thinks he's going to do it again, Colson rolls away, giggling mischievously. He starts thinking, spoilt banana, onions, that mole he saw on one of the elders that made him laugh. Colson thinks of the weirdest things sometimes.

Aetos covers his face with his hands and lets out a sigh. Colson takes one look at Aetos, smirking when he sees Aetos straining against his brief, looking big and Colson just wants. But no! He told Cobie was going to be there ... yeah, five minutes have passed several times.

Colson's phone starts buzzing where he dropped it on the table. He quickly picks the call.

"Were you having sex? Did you forget you were meant to be here twenty five minutes ago? Why? Whyyy? Whyyyyyyyy?!"

"Oh my Lordy, I am on my way, I swear it to you. I just need pants and a coat and I'm out." Colson replies. He blows Aetos a kiss and walked out of the room.

"You didn't say no when I asked if you were having sex. Now that you two are dating, you must be doing it all over the place."

Colson huffs. "I wish. We've only done a - wait, how do you know we are dating now?"

He could feel his brother roll his eyes again. "You come to me with your pre relationship problem, the movie double date we had and then you two were all over yourselves during Halloween, so I guessed you two were already together! You two are boyfriends now."

Colson hums in agreement but he knew better. "Erik told you, didn't he?"

"I am offended! You think I'm not smart enough to figure you two out?! What do you take me for?"


Cobie sighs and there was a ruffle on the other end of the call. "Fine. He did tell me but I figured it out before he did."

Colson shakes his head. "You two." He says and then adds. "Okay. I've got to go. I'll be there soon and then we can talk."

"Wonderful!" Cobie cheers and then the line goes dead.

It took a couple seconds for Colson to find the right jeans to wear and then slid on his boots and grabbed his jacket on his way out the door. Immediately he steps out, he sees Aetos waiting for him, dressed in sweatpants and a jumper. This was the first time Colson was seeing his vampire dressed like this and he had to say, Aetos looked good.

"You should dress like this more often."

"What? You don't like my usual style?"

"I love your usual style but you look so casual." Colson says honestly, hand reaching out. "I'd love to stay and talk but I've got to go. If I'm not with Cobie in a few minutes, he's going to come here and scream at the both of us."

"I know. I already called you and can and I'm going with you. Since I'm not spending the day with you, I want to walk you up to the door at the pack house." Aetos replied, moving closer, his hand going around Colson's shoulder as he pulls him closer.

"You're too sweet." Colson whispers. If Aetos himself takes Colson to the pack house, they would arrive in a couple seconds but if they take a cab, they'd have seven to ten more minutes to spend together.

With Aetos, everything felt comfortable, everything felt easy, it felt like they were moving in sync. It felt warm and so so lovely and Colson just wanted to bask in it. Every time Aetos looks at him like he was the most wonderful thing and person he has ever seen, Colson gets this fluttering feeling in his tummy, he feels something thrum underneath his skin and oh, he could see himself falling in love with this lovely creature who holds him like he was the most precious China and kisses him with so much passion and touches him with confident hands.

"Let's go. I want to make out with you in the cab." Colson says as he drags Aetos out of the house. True to his words there was a cab waiting for them outside. Ever the gentleman, Aetos pulls open the door for Colson before he gets in himself.

Aetos tells the driver where to and once he was done, Colson was on him, hands going underneath the jumper, lips moving against Aetos who was pulling him even closer. Colson didn't care who sees them, at least everyone would know Aetos was taken.

The kiss goes from hard and heavy to soft once they part for air for a bit. Aetos doesn't let go, he trails kisses down Colson's neck, sucking, nipping and licking, leaving love bites in their wake. Colson moans softly and Aetos covers his lips with his, sucking in the sound.

They pull apart, panting, lips swollen.

"No one gets to hear how pretty your moans are besides me. You are mine. Everything about you, from the way you smile so wide the little crinkles by your eyes come out to the way you moan when I'm with you."

Colson stared at the vampire with dazed eyes and nods. Just as he is Aetos', the vampire was also his. No one gets to see his skin, no one gets to kiss him, no one gets to hold him. He was Colson's. Simple.

The cabbie doesn't look them in the eye when he tells them they have arrived, not even when he being handed his money. It makes Colson giggle. Once they got to the door, Colson pressed a kiss to Aetos' cheek and gets the same before walking into the house.

He jogs up the stairs, heading right for Cobie's room. He doesn't knock and just pushed open the door. He lets out a groan when he sees a naked Cobie lying on the bed with Erik behind him. He quickly shuts the door.

"What the fuck, Cobie!" Colson yelled through the locked door.

"You were taking your time!" Cobie yelled back.

"Fuck you!"

"I've been fucked already, Colly!"

Colson huffs and walked away. He headed right for the kitchen where he finds Se Ju nursing a beer. Colson grabs the pack of cranberry juice from the fridge and sits.

"Hard day?" Colson asks the doctor.

"Hard year."

"That's why you're nursing a beer this morning? Where's the little one?" Colson asked before taking a sip of his juice. Drinking it right out of the carton.

"Kai is with Randall, something about a card game." Se Ju replies, running a hand through his hair. "Can I ask you some thing?"

Oh boy. It's coming.


Se Ju falls silent for a bit, like he was trying to get his thoughts together. "How do you get someone to forgive you?"

And there it is.

Colson takes a sip of his juice. "Look, I'm not a pro at relationships but even I know you fucked up big time with Randall. What was wrong with him? Was him being too adorable too much for you? Was his gorgeous brown eyes too much for you? Even his ass is-"

"Colson..." Se Ju says with a sigh.

"Ugh. Fine. You've got to show him how serious you are. You have to show him you are here to stay. You have to show him you want a future with him. That you love him. I'm guessing you love him, correct me if I'm wrong."

"I do love him."

"Then toss the freaking beer away and go and play cards with the people you love the most."


Colson raised a finger. He makes his way over to Se Ju and smacked the doctor upside the head and then pointed at the door. Se Ju looked like was about to talk but Colson glared at him.

Once the doctor was gone, Colson went back to drinking his cranberry juice in peace. He pulls out his phone when it buzzes, smiling when he sees a text from Aetos.

What teenage mutant ninja turtles do you think Pytor reminds you of?

Colson's reply was immediate. Mickey.

They chat for a bit before Erik walks into the kitchen. Colson takes one look at the Alpha and hands him the carton of juice. He was almost done with it anyway.

"You look like you need it, Alphie."


"So... pregnant Cobie."

"He's amazing really. It's just... last night he made me run around town twice because he wanted to smell my sweat."

Colson cackles, Head thrown back, shoulder shaking as he laughs. He could imagine how confused Erik must have been last night.

"There's no meeting with the elders is there?"

"Just for thirty minutes. I'll go over to Aetos and nap for a bit."

"I'll keep him distracted for you." Colson says, giving the Alpha a two finger salute before walking out of the kitchen. He runs up the stairs and into Cobie's room. Thankfully his brother was dressed. In a large shirt that must have been Erik's because it was big and falls to his thighs and socks too.

"Aren't you hot?"

"Why, thank you broher. I know I'm hot. Even Aetos knows too." Colson teased as he steps into the room. He takes off the coat and draws up the sleeve of his jumper till it sits at the elbow.

Cobie grabs his hand and tugged it forward, hisbgrip hard as he stared st Colson's elbow.

"What the fuck are these?" Cobie asks as he turns Colson's arm a bit.


"Colson are you blind? Can't you see these spots?"

Colson stared st his brother with wide eyes. "You can see them too?" He asks. He hen grabbed the hem of his jumper and shirt and pulled it off, turning around so Cobie could see his back. Now that Cobie had prompted him about the black spots, he remembered them. Shit. How does he keep forgetting?

"What the fuck Colson?!" Cobie says. Colson feels the soft prod of his brother's finger against his skin.

"Don't touch it, I don't know what it is."

"How could you not tell me about this. I thought we tell each other everything."

Colson tugs back in his shirt and jumper, hands wrapped around himself as he stared at his brother. "I want to tell you but I keep forgetting."

Cobie's eyes flashed red, anger so visible on his face. "How can you forget to tell me something like this? If not me then tell Aetos or Erik!"

"Listen, Cobie. I keep forgetting. It leaves my mind." Colson said softly, placing emphasis on his words. "I don't even know what happened or when it started. It's been freaking me out."

"You don't know what it is and you keep forgetting." Cobie repeats. "Do you think you're cursed? Or someone's playing with you or your dying? Do you think it has something to do with the shadows we saw?"

"I don't know. I really don't know what to think."

"Do you suspect someone?"

Colson nods.

"Do I know who it is?" Cobie asks.

Colson nods again.

I love Colson 😂😂

So what did you learn?


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