Death Day in Panda City [COMP...

By thehumanglowstick

246 32 18

A girl, moved to a small town which is the opposite of her old home. She soon learns to love her new home tho... More

Death Day in Panda City
Chapter ~2~
Chapter ~3~
Chapter ~4~
Chapter ~5~
Chapter ~6~
Chapter ~7~
Chapter ~8~
Chapter ~9~
Chapter ~10~
Chapter ~11~

Chapter ~1~

36 3 0
By thehumanglowstick

It was a bright day, quite ordinary for a day on the farm, and the quiet breeze was ruffling my long black hair. I looked around the yard with my forest green eyes, in search of my fluffy white cat, Murder. I know, it's a strange name for a cat, but trust me. It suits her. She is a major killing machine, which is why, every morning and evening, before I head off to school and before supper, I let her loose on the poor mice that dwell in our barn. And, every afternoon and night, after I get home from school and after supper, I wrestle her back inside. She seems to be good at her job, although I'm not quite sure if she actually catches the mice and eats them, or if she just scares them to near-death and makes them her slaves.

Of course, I don't mind that she makes them groom her, because trust me, that is almost the worst part of caring for her, but it seems a little mean to us that she lets them live. And, of course, to her, for every two mice there will be 10 after, and I need to get her to just kill them already, but she would kill me instead! Spoiled rotten by mice, that's what she is. I just hope she won't start sending them into our house to fetch her some milk in a saucer, or some tuna fish on a plate...or from the can...again, spoiled rotten by mice.

I shuddered at the thought of mice in my house.

With my bag over my shoulder I set out on my journey, down that mystical place, the driveway. 'I will await my yellow limousine that will drive me to school, and when the driver opens its doors, I will happily enter it, saying, "School, James." Of course, that is not necessarily his name, but I think he'll get it. Maybe...'

I saw a dust cloud heading down the road from the highway and jumped. I never will get used to that. The headlights lit the way, though it was bright out, and the limousine followed like a dog behind its owner. I stepped onto the grass, giving my limo room to enter my driveway. The doors opened with a whoosh and I stepped up the stairs, greeting the driver politely before searching the roof for my name. Sitting down in the seat that had my name over it, and another name of a girl, Jen, I looked at the driver and said, "School, James!"

He laughed and the doors closed with another whoosh, and then the beeping started, signalling that he was backing up. I settled into my seat, pulling my legs up and resting my knees against the seat in front of me and letting my calves dangle. I unzipped my bag and took out my book, Twilight; book one of the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer, to read on my way to the school. I was already on chapter 18, and I was eager as a beaver to continue. I could wait to meet my seat partner, sure.

I looked out the window and saw that we were almost to the next stop. It was on the highway, and highway stops are very dangerous. The driver waved out the window and opened the doors with yet another whoosh. A girl walked up the stairs, her blonde hair in a braid over her right shoulder and her book bag over her left. She looked really tired; she had dark bruise-like shadows under her eyes. She looked at me and yawned. Her eyes were half closed, so I couldn't tell what colour they were. She walked right up beside me, took one look at me, and turned around.

'Well then,' I thought. She sat down in the seat across from me, and I raised my eyes to the roof. Her name was either Samantha, or Casey. I paid no more attention to her and opened Twilight to where my page marker was.

Time passes quickly when I read, and in what seemed like no time at all I heard some rustling beside me and someone said, "Hi."

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