My Angel

By NevenkaS18

121K 3.5K 1.5K

Alec is in a toxic relationship with a mundane who treats him like shit. Izzy tries to make him realise the d... More

3- Sweet
Thank You!
The End


3.4K 88 30
By NevenkaS18

Alec's POV

I wake up next to Magnus, curled up to his side with my head on his shoulder. We're laying on his bed, which I don't know how we got to. I must've fallen asleep last night while we were cuddling by the fire, and he must've brought me here. I don't even remember falling asleep, maybe because I was so happy to finally be his boyfriend that I couldn't think about anything else.

M: Good morning biscuit, how'd you sleep?- he looks down at me.

A: Better than ever, actually- I say smiling.

M: That's good, you were pretty tired last night- he says with a small laugh.

A: Yeah, about that. Did you bring me back here? Cuz I don't even remember falling asleep- I turn so that I'm on my side looking at him.

M: Of course I brought you here, I couldn't wake you up so I just carried you- he looks down at me.

A: Oh, well, thanks- I say while blushing.

M: Anytime biscuit- he kisses my cheek.

A: Okay, as much I'd like to stay here cuddling with you all day, I really have to pee. So could you please let go of me, I have to go to the bathroom- I say trying to wiggle out of his strong arms.

M: Mm, no. You're staying here with me- he hugs me tighter.

A: Magnus! I'm going to pee myself if you don't let go, I really have to go- I say with a laugh.

M: Well, I guess I'll just have to change the sheets, because I'm not letting you go- he laughs.

A: No! Just let me go pee! I'll be right back, I swear it'll just take a minute. Please Magnus, let me go- I say trying to push his arms away.

M: Ugh, fine! But you better get your ass back here before I magically chain you to my side- he lets go of me.

A: Haha, okay. Although I wouldn't really mind that- I wink at him before getting up.

I hear him laugh before I enter the bathroom, doing my business. I wash my hands and dry them, looking at myself in the mirror for a second. This is the first time in a long time that I've looked in the mirror and didn't see a zombie like face, this time it actually looks normal. Anyway, I get out of the bathroom and head back to the bed.

M: Yay, you're back. Come lay down with me again- he pats the space next to him.

A: It would be my pleasure- I say approaching the bed.

Before I can though, I'm suddenly feeling extremely dizzy. I feel my head spinning and my breath becoming heavy. I don't know what's happening, but I know that it's definitely not good.

M: Alexander? Are you okay?- I hear Magnus's voice, but it's distant.

A: I...I don't know, I can't...- I feel the whole room spinning.

M: Alexander? Alec!- that's the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

I think I just passed out.


Ugh, my head. It hurts, everything hurts. What happened? Why is it so cold? I'm laying in bed, with a fluffy blanket covering me. I can feel my body sweating, but I'm still freezing. Ugh, I feel nauseous.

M: Alec? Can you hear me?- Magnus, he's here.

I reach my hand out, trying to find Magnus's. I don't open my eyes yet, but I feel him grabbing my hand. It's so warm, and soft. I pull it closer, trying to feel the warmth in my face as well.

M: Alec, please. Wake up, I need to know that you're okay- He puts his other hand on my cheek, it feels so warm.

A: It h-hurts, s-so m-much- my voice is shaky.

M: What does? What hurts?- he sounds desperate.

A: E-everything- I wince in pain.

M: Oh God, no. My poor baby, just hold on okay? I'm gonna make you feel better, I promise- I hear some movement.

A: M-Magnus, p-please. It h-hurts M-Magnus, it- he cuts me of.

M: I know, I Know. It's okay, it's gonna be okay- I start to open my eyes slowly.

Everything is so blurry, but I can kinda see Magnus taking his phone out.

A: W-what are you d-doing? Who are you c-calling?- I say with fear in my voice.

M: I'm calling the Institute, they must know what to do- he says while dialing a number.

A: No! D-don't! P-please, d-don't call them. I'm not r-ready to face them y-yet, p-please- I beg.

M: Alexander, you're sick. I need help to figure out what's wrong with you, I can't do this alone- He kneels beside me.

A: P-please, there's g-gotta be someone e-else that you can call. But not the Institute, t-they can't s-see me like this- I grab his hand.

M: Alright, I'll call someone else. Just hold on okay? You'll be better soon- he sighs and gets up.

I close my eyes again because of the light being to bright, but I can hear Magnus talking to someone on the phone. I'm not sure who it is, but I believe it's one of his Warlock friends. I don't really care who it is, as long as it's not somebody from the institute. I do want to talk to them and fix things between us, but I'm just not ready yet. And I don't want them to see me like this, especially Izzy. They'd just make a huge deal about it, when it's probably just a cold.

I whine in pain, I feel nauseous, dizzy and cold. And my throat started feeling very dry as well, I need water. I haven't felt like this in bout 15 years, I almost never get sick. I don't know why I'm feeling like this all of a suden. I hope that Magnus's friend can help me, whoever it is.

M: Okay biscuit, my friend Katarina is on her way. She'll be here soon- he takes a sit next to me on the bed.

A: M-Magnus, w-water. I n-need w-water- I say looking at him.

M: Okay, here you go- he makes a glass of water appear and helps me drink it slowly.

I finish the water an lay back down, smiling at him as a thank you. He puts the glass on the bedside table and leans in, kissing my forehead sweetly.

K: Well, isn't that just sweet? You two are adorable!- Katarina, I'm assuming, steps into the room.

M: Katarina! Thank God you're here!- he gets up to hug her.

Maybe if I weren't dying I would have been a bit jealous, just because I don't know her. But right now all I could think about was the pain I was feeling, I couldn't focus on anything else.

K: So, what's wrong with our little patient?- she says approaching me.

M: I'm actually not quite sure, I tried to heal him with my magic but for some reason it didn't work. It's almost like his body was rejecting my magic or something, I don't know- he sighs heavily.

K: Hmm, let me see. I need to check you, I need to see what's wrong with you. Can I touch you?- She looks at me.

I just nod, giving her permission to touch me. She puts a hand on my forehead and then on my chest, frowning when she figures it out.

M: What? Why are you frowning? What's wrong with him? Is it that bad?- Magnus starts freaking out.

K: Calm down, it's not that bad actually. Your magic didn't work because this has nothing to do with the Shadow world, this is something very mundane. He just has the flu- she says getting up from the bed.

A: Wait, why do I have the flu? The last time that I got sick was about 15 years ago, that makes no sense- I say coughing slightly.

K: Well, it could be a lot of reasons. Stress, tiredness, depression, lack of sleep, lack of food,  dehydration. But it's also normal to get sick after not being sick for so long, your defenses are weak- she says starting to look for something in her bag.

M: And how do we heal it? What do we do to make him feel better?- he asks concerned.

K: Simple! He'll have to take some medicine for the posible head aches and the temperature, but he'll also have to drink a lot of tea. I recommend a garlic and ginger tea, or a basil and ginger tea. Now, they might not taste that good but those teas are the best ones to help the flu go away easier- she takes a pill bottle out of her bag.

A: Do I have to? Because as much as I love tea, I hate garlic- I make a face of disgust.

M: Unfortunately yes baby, it'll make you feel better. Don't you want to feel better?- he sits next to me on the bed.

A: Yeah, I do- I sigh in surrender.

K: Okay, these are the pills that you're gonna have to take. You'll take two a day, one at breakfast and the other one at dinner- she hands Magnus the bottle.

A: Okay, I will. And thank you, for helping me- I smile a weak smile.

K: Oh, no problem. I'm not just a Warlock, I'm a nurse as well so I love to help people feel better- she smiles sweetly.

M: Yeah but seriously, thank you so much Katarina. I don't know how to repay you, you always help me when I need it- he grabs her shoulder gratefully.

K: You don't need to repay me, you know I'd do anything for you. Specially if it means helping you take care of your new lovely and adorable boyfriend- that comment makes me blush.

M: I know, but still. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call me- he gives her a hug.

K: Okay, I won't. Alright, I have to go back to the hospital. There's still some patients that need to be taken care of, but I'll see you soon hopefully- she smiles at me.

A: Yeah, I like you a lot already. Perhaps we could become friends, if you'd like- I smile back.

K: Of course, we will- she waves goodbye and goes through a portal.

Magnus then turns to look at me, and takes a step forward.

M: Okay, I'm gonna go make you some breakfast so you can take your pill- he leans in and kisses my forehead.

A: Okay, I'll be waiting- I say as he leaves the room.

I really have the best boyfriend ever, and I think that I might be falling for him already.


Hi there! Chapter 14 is done, I hope you enjoy it. I'll try my best to update the next chapter as soon as possible.

Love, Neve❤️

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