According To The Muses {UTAPR...

By My_Pharaohs_Keeper

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(ONGOING) Melody KaSakura journeys to recover her passion for music after a major accident & a life-threateni... More

1: The Dawn Of A New Beginning
2: A Seven Colored Compass?
3: His Brand New Melody
5: Believe His Heart
6: Let's Go! His Fight!
7: His Shout Out To Orion: WHITE (Part 1)
8: His Shout Out To Orion: BLACK (Part 2)
9: Believe His Voice
10: Her Fantastic Dream (Part 1)
11: Her Fantastic Dream (Part 2)
12: From Trinity to Tristar and Back (Part 1)
13: From Trinity to Tristar and Back (Part 2)
14: From Trinity to Tristar and Back (Part 3)
15: Trust His Dream
16: Mister Psycho Madness
17: Who's Orpheus?
18: Sorrowful Feeling Heart
19: His Eternity Love
20: Her Lost Child's Heart
21: Our Weaving Dreams
22: Our Map of the Future

4: Knocking On His Mind

437 10 1
By My_Pharaohs_Keeper

MPK: FINALLY STOPPED NEGLECTING THIS STORY! THIS TOOK SO LONG. I was going to do a Valentine's Day OVA, but when I missed then deadline of Valentine's day and then White day (Japanese holiday), I just destroyed what I wrote. Then I waited til after the 3 season was done, and I was really into Maji Love Revolutions. And then I was sucker punched by the last episode. (Can you can tell how long ago I started to write this? THIS WAS ALL THE WAY LAST YEAR I KNOW)

Plus...serious family & PC issues to this day. Then there's school T-T I finally have some time to write. So yeah, here's your new chap of this SLIGHTLY revised story. (I've redone the chaps just a bit, you should go back and at least browse through them. Some things have changed. (A couple) Still gonna check my grammer some more. But my OC stayed the same don't worry.)

DISCLAIMER: Don't own Utapri but my OC is mine! Please don't steal!


"Dammit! Class is about to start and I'm nowhere near where I'm suppose to be!" I ran down the never ending halls at full speed, "Where am I anyway?! This place is so huge, I'm lost! I'm so confused...OUCH!" Because of my carelessness I bumped into someone and almost fell to the ground. But luckily, I didn't. "Gomen'nasai! It's my fault! I wasn't looking where I was...going..."

"What are you doing on the S class side of the school? I thought you demoted yourself?"

"Kurusu-kun." I quickly realized, "No wonder. I would've instantly fell over if it was someone taller than me."

"WHAT!?" The barely there blonde shouted, "I am taller than you!"

"Your fedora doesn't count."

"I'm taller without my hat! See~" He then swiped it off then compared our height difference with his hand. "..."

"Ha! I'm even about an inch taller!" Syo turned a number of shades until he was dark red. I laughed.

"Look, shouldn't you be in class or something?" Syo asked me completely embarrassed. That's when I checked the time.

"Yeah, too bad I can't stay and tease you longer. Although I enjoyed seeing all those colors appear on your face."

"What are you even doing over here, Melody?"

I smiled, "I'm Lost!" Syo frowned as he sweatdropped.

"That's not exactly something to be proud of..." He grimaced then pointed down the hall on his right, "A Class is that way, down and left~" With that I flew in that direction.

"Thanks, Kurusu-kun!" I shouted when he was like 20 yards away from me.

"Wait, Melody!?"


Along the way as I bolt, I think I saw Ichinose. But who cares? Even if I had stopped to talk to him he'd just walk away anyway. Then I saw Haruka, guessing that she was late too. "RUN HARUKA!" When I bolted past her, I grabbed her hand and kept running down the hall, only stopping upon reaching the classroom door.

Once there we gasped for air, Haruka a little more heavier than me. She must have frail health, I shouldn't have pushed so hard. "Gomen, Haruka. Daijoubu desu ka?"

"I'm fine. Just a little woozy." Haruka says. She already looks pale, but grows paler after walking inside. Either her health is really bad and she needs a doctor, or something was really wrong. Stepping into the classroom behind her, I see she had been looking at. Written on the class black board were a bunch of hateful messages in huge fonts displayed for everyone to see. Upon reading them, one could only assume they were all about me and Haruka.

When I scowled just before I heard someone snickering in the back, "Do you see their faces?!"

"Would you be quiet? They maybe amateur trash but they still have ears. They'll hear you!" I immediately recognized that voice, belonging to that girl who called me out the other day. She was telling her little group of "friends" to pipe down so we wouldn't suspect them. They must have done this. I only silently glared at them, because our friends came in the room before I could do or say anything else.

"Thanks for the help buddy!" Otoya says casually to an unknown black and silver haired boy who had come in the room with the rest of them.

"We really appreciate it~" Tomo tells him.

"Oh no problem~!" The boy says just before everyone spots the board.

"What the~!" Otoya shouts before basically throwing the books he was carrying at Masato, who was coming in from behind him. "Hold these!" Tomo did the same to Natsuki, only gentler. Both ran to the board and erased the comments off the board just before Ringo-sensei came in.

"Alright everyone settle down and take your seats please! You two stop writing on my board~" After quickly finishing Otoya and Tomo joined the class and sat down but not before telling the two of us to ignore the situation. "Okay! Today something special is about to occur! It seems that the A Class and the S class are going to temporarily join up!" That made warning bells start to chime in my head.

'Why do I already have a bad feeling about this?' I thought. It didn't help me feel anymore calm when Ringo started to stare the class down.

"We are to be combining classes in order to put on a successful winter concert and play! That's right, it's a musical! One of William Shakespeare's most famous plays, Romeo and Juliet! So, for those of you who don't know Shakespeare, I suggest you study up quickly!" Ringo-sensei starts to speak seriously, "But do well to remember although Romeo and Juliet is a story of romance, it does not change the fact that our school still emphasizes the "No dating the opposite sex" rule. That will not change, so you need to control yourself if you fall in love with someone here. I'm serious boys and girls, if anyone of you is caught showing love and/or affection to another student of the opposite sex, you'll be expelled on the spot! Understood!?"

"Hai!" The entire class shouts.

"Okay then, now that my points been made, you'll be able to see what role in the play you'll be getting by the end of the day. It'll be posted around dinnertime on the school bulletin board in the main hall. Class dismissed!"


"Haruka, you do fortune telling?" Tomo asks as she and I stand by and watch her read a student's fortune.

"Only a little. It's tarot reading. I find fortunes similar to making a song." She says smiling.

"Heh, what a thing to compare it to." I deadpan quietly.

"Just like there are many readings to a card that I am barely able to read, I chose the best one that suits the feelings of the one I'm conveying to."

"It's what people do to make it happen is the real answer of there readings. right?" Haruka nods, "Not bad, it's very interesting."

"That's why I need to do my best to make an answer. Perhaps my way's a little bit selfish...but..."

"A singer's feelings don't come from thinking of the sound, it comes from the heart. Am I right?" A boy came over to us standing near Tomo.

"Ah yes! I want to make a song like that! That's why the power for this is able to help me." Haruka tells us.

"You have a good heart."

"You're the guy that was helping Ittoki and Tomo this morning." I say.

"Ah yeah. Sorry I forgot to introduce you..." Tomo says quietly.

"I'm Fujisaki Tsubasa. And I'm taking the idol course by storm, well, as much as the A class will allow me." The boy jokes after bowing slightly, "Pleased to meet you, Nanami Haruka... and KaSakura Melody."

"Domo." Haruka tells him shyly. I just nodded not bothering to ask how he knew who we were. I was about to ask him a question, but then Ittoki suddenly sprinted in the room.

"Emergency!" He shouted alarming everyone in the whole room.

"Matte! Otoya-kun!" Natsuki shouted running in right after him.

"Natsuki, Ittoki! What's wrong?!"

"Tsubasa! It's bad! It's really really bad!"

"No it isn't." Natsuki assures, "But you should stop shouting. You've got everyone staring at you."

Otoya looked at everyone and went pale, "Ah, Gomen! It's not an emergency that you guys need to worry about..."

"Yes, please do not be alarmed! The situation is being privately taken care of! It is nothing serious everyone!" Natsuki shouts and most of the class groans.

When everyone seems to go back to what they were doing, Ittoki then complained, "Guysss!~I think Masato is mad at me!" We all sweatdrop.

"That's your emergency?" Tsubasa asks, "That's nothing~"

"Yes it is! He's been ignoring me all day! I think I made him angry somehow!"

"Then why not just apologize?" Tomo suggests.

"I've already tried that but he won't hear it! He's ignoring me guys I know he is!" Otoya cried, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO! ╥﹏╥"

"Ah! Don't cry Otoya-kun!" Haruka started to panic.

"Normally I'd say we should just let the issue resolve itself, but the 4 of you have a group project due soon right?" Natsuki and I nod for Otoya, "If there was only a way to help Otoya and Masa reconcile~"

I then sigh, "I guess it can't be helped then. Follow me." I grabbed Otoya's hand and leave the classroom while the others follow behind us. "I have a plan."

I knew it was around 4:30pm, not that far away from dinner time. Knowing Masa like I used to, he's probably been studying since school ended. That's why we didn't have much time. Dinner was served at 6:00 and he'd probably want a snack to pass the time. I knew he was going to leave the spot he was studying in and go buy the snack soon. So I split everyone up.

Tsubasa went to check Masa's room for him. Tomo and Haruka were already stationed at the library. Natsuki was at the dining hall. Meanwhile Otoya and I were outside the front door of Saotomate, a grocery store on campus near the dorms. We all stayed in touch by cell phone.

"Tsubasa, do you see him?" Tomo asked through her cell.

"I haven't read any movement that would belong to him. Only Ren is in there on his cell, laughing at whoever he's talking to. I don't think Masa's in there. If he was, Ren would have quieted down by now." Either way, can I get out of here? If Ren spots me here, I'm gonna have trouble~"

"NO. STAY. HE MIGHT COME." I shout hurting his ears, "Haruka, are you two having any luck?"

"Luckily no. What about Shinomiya-san?"

"Speak of the devil, he's calling now. I'm putting you on hold." Tomo puts the phone back on 3 way with me on hold. The next thing I knew she was yelling at me again, "MEL! Natsuki spotted him in the dining hall! But he's leaving, towards the store! He's tailing to make sure he doesn't stray~"

"Alright Nacchan!" Otoya says.

"Okay then, I'm on my way." Tsubasa says, "I think Ren almost heard me out here anyway~"

"Tsubasa, what are you doing with a glass outside my..."

"OH WHOOPS." Muffled footsteps were heard on Tsubasa's end. They could only guess that he was running. "MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PAST AND I'M HOMEBOUND~" Tomo hangs up on him.

"Whatever...Anyway Mel, Otoya. Be ready, he's heading your way! We'll all meet you guys down there."

"Okay. Thanks." I hung up and faced Otoya. "It's almost time. If you do what I said, you should be fine."

"What's a loaf of melon bread gonna do to help me apologize to him?" Otoya cried, "Besides he might not listen to me..."

"He will. You have to believe me." Otoya gained a red tint on his cheeks.

"O-Okay. I believe you~" ;)

"Now here he comes! Just run over there and stick to the plan!" I push him from behind but he doesn't budge for a minute.

"M-Matte! You'll at least back me up right!?"

"Only if you go over there f-first!" Finally Otoya moves when I push him, but then he trips and almost falls over. Once he regains his composure, he runs over to Masa as he comes down the path. I stayed right where I was. Otoya can do it if he puts his mind to it.

Otoya calls out to Masato before he gets over there and stands in front of him. Masa glared at him as if he was annoying him as they talk. I could see Otoya getting a little scared and holds out the melon bread as sacrifice. At first, Masato stares at the bread then takes it from Otoya slowly and sits on the bench. Otoya sits next to him and they talk it out. The next thing I know Otoya is hugging Masa so tight that I think Masa started choking on the bread.

"So I guess they are besties again. That was quick."

"Tsubasa-kun?" He had appeared right next to me. Following right behind him were Natsuki, Tomo and Haruka. "Right?"

"Hooray! Masa and Otoya are talking again!" Natsuki exclaimed, Haruka smiling at him.

Tomo laughed as we walked over, "Well that was quick. I thought we were going to have an intervention with you two!"

"Intervention?" Masato questioned. "About what?"

"About you two not speaking to each other! Aren't you guys friends?!"

"Not speaking to each other? When was this!?" Masato seemed clueless on the matter. "If I wasn't speaking, it was only because I was trying to study. Otoya kept bothering me so I ended up avoiding him, just a little."

Otoya's head was drowned in a raincloud, "I...was bothering you..."

Masato places a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm done now. So you're not anymore." His words didn't seem to make Otoya feel any better.

"See Otoya? It was just a case of mixed signals. Masa's not mad at you." Tsubasa says, "Heh. All that for nothing..."

"I'm sorry for causing you guys trouble." Otoya quietly apologizes to us.

"Don't worry about it Otoya-kun!" Haruka answers him for us.

"Hey guys, it's almost 6:00. They've probably put up the cast list for the play already!" Tomo says.

"Then there's no time to waste! We must make haste!" Natsuki says and the two run ahead.

"Oh shoot, you right!" Tsubasa says in a slang-ish tone starting to drag a depressed Otoya along with him, "Let's go!"

"Matte! What about Masa and Me-chan?" Otoya asks.

"We'll meet you up there." Masato only says. They nod and catch up with Natsuki and Tomo. When Masato let's go of the wrist that prevented me from following them, I look at him questioningly.

"What's wrong, Masa?"

"It's nothing really. But it was you're idea wasn't it?"

"My idea? For what?"

He holds up the paper bag the melon bread was in, "Melon Bread? Otoya just happened to know what kind of bread I liked?"

I blush a bit and look to the side, "He could have." Masato smiled a bit, something he didn't often do. It made my blush grow.

"Would you walk with me? I don't want our conversation to make you late." I nod and we started to walk up the path along the riverside towards the school. "It is good to see you, KaSakura. It's been awhile."

"Same to you, Hijirikawa."

Masato's eyebrows went up, "Hijirikawa? You vowed not to call me that anymore."

"Same goes for the KaSakura, doesn't it?" I ask him. Masato frowned.

"You're right. But I can not say it as easily as you. I've always been so use to being formal with everyone, being informal is quite hard. Besides, if I'm caught talking like that, especially with a "noble", I'll have plenty to hear from my father. I'm always being watched."

"Still? Even at school!?" I exclaimed. He nodded sadly, "Aw man Masa. When will he let up on you? You've never done anything wrong!" I tell him as we circle a bend in the path.

"I'm the eldest heir of the Hijirikawa conglomerate. I must be protected at all cost until I take over. From there it'll be pure hell..." He said the last part quietly thinking I wouldn't hear him, which I did. "But that's not a good topic of discussion." He cleared his throat, "I've been worried about you KaSakura, have you been well? The last time I heard from you~"

"I'm better, Masa." I say quickly, "It's not really a topic I'd like to get into either, but just know I had surgery and I'm well back on my feet. I just...need to get back on the original road I took. That's why I'm here." We start to near the front entrance.

"Original road? Ah, you mean by wanting to start singing again, as an idol." I just nod, "Good for you. I support you 100%."

"Thank you Masa." Passing by the stone hallway that lead to the little hangout spot in the middle of the school, I noticed saxophone music. "That sound, it's pretty."

"And I can only guess who's producing it." Masato says folding his arms looking in that direction.

"Who?" I ask, no clue what he meant. He looked down at me boredly. Then it clicked, "Eh!? No...Masa no!" I ran over to the archway leading outside and looked. It was indeed Jinguji Ren. Reluctantly Masato followed me and we both ended up peeping. "No way! Jinguji-san?!" Masato flinched at my shouting and hid behind a wall. "Why are you hiding?"

"Gomen, lady-tachi. But I must leave you with that." Ren says. I hadn't noticed he stopped playing.

"Heh!? But that girl in the archway interrupted you! Don't stop on her account!" Heh?

"See what I mean?" Masa whispers to me.

"Tch." I fold my arms. "Since when did he get his own entourage?"

Ren brushed back, "No really ladies, I must go. I have places to go, and people to see. Ciao!"

"Shimatta!" Masato exclaimed grabbing my wrist pulling me, "We need to go!"

"Huh? Why~"

"Lady! Eh? Hijirikawa too?" We heard Ren shout. Masato ran, I was dragged with him.

"Matte! Masa aren't you~!"

"Boo!" Masato and I jumped as Ren scared us from behind. Masato pulled me behind him. "Haha! You both jumped!" Masa slowly breathed in and back out murmuring the words "kami-sama".

"Jinguji-san! Don't do that! You scared us!" I shouted.

"Aw. My little lady was scared. Forgive me dear." He pulled a rose out from behind his back. How the heck does he do that?! "Please take this as an apology." Masa smacked the flower out of his hand and it fell on the floor. "That was a poor innocent flower Hijirikawa..."

He frowned, "Don't bribe KaSakura with flowers. She doesn't need anything from you."

Then Ren frowned, "I'll give my fiance what I want. I don't need you to tell me what I can and can not give her."

"She's NOT your fiance, Jinguji!" Masato said viciously.

"She's not YOUR fiance, Hijirikawa!" Ren said viciously back. There they go again...

After noticing Ren's entourage had followed him down here, I thought it was best that they just DON'T cause a scene. "First of all I'm not ANYONE'S fiance and second, you two should stop fighting. You're causing a scene. Now apologize!" Both of them apologized, but only to me. They crossed their arms refusing to even look at each other. I sighed, "Jinguji-san, the two of us were just going to see the cast list for the S class, A class play. Are you coming?"

"Of course. That's where I was heading anyway."

Masato sighed, "Let's get to the main hall then."

After Dinner...

"Impending doom will shake your soul!" Haruka says reading my fortune as we wait a little longer. After saying it Haruka sweatdropped at her words.

"Are you serious Haru-Haru?" Tsubasa asks.

"Sorry Me-chan, it's what the cards told me..." Haruka whimpers.

"Don't worry, Idc. I don't care. I don't believe in things like fortune telling and fate anyway. It's just not true~" For some reason I felt a violent chill go down my spine. I felt a little woozy and tripped.

Masa caught me on one side and Ren did on the other unintentionally, "Daijoubu~?" They glared at each other. I leaned a hand on their shoulders to lean myself back up. "I'm okay. Don't start arguing."

At that moment though, "MEL! GUESS WHAT!?" Tomo comes running towards us out of breath after pushing the crowd of people to find us.

"What is it Tomo? Are you okay?" Tomo asks.

"I'm fine. But Mel..."

"Guys the cast list is up!" Otoya ran over and pushed the 5 of us towards the bulletin board. "And you won't believe~"

"No let me tell them!" Tomo was able to get out. She still continued to breathe, "Okay Melody you're~"

Natsuki bounced over, "Masato-san! Ren-san! Melody-chan! You all are~"

"No stop I wanna say it!" She shouted again but still couldn't get the words out. "You guys are~"

By the time Tomo could get the words out Tsubasa had looked up and already said them, "Oh wow, you guys are the 3 main characters! Romeo, Juliet, and Paris!" Then he got smacked, "Ow! Come on what was that fo~"


"IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU WERE TOO SLOW!" He got smacked again.

"What?" I then processed his words. My eyes widened, "Bish whet?"

"You're playing Juliet, Me-chan! Ren is Paris and Masato is Romeo! Just look at the cast list!" Otoya said tilting my head to make me look at it. It read...

Saotome Academy

A-Class and S-Class

Joint Musical

[Romeo and Juliet]




Count Paris...Jinguji




And the list continued. But I couldn't read another word. Not after reading my last name, after the word Juliet.


"There has to be...some mistake..." I said unsure. Then in 5 seconds, I became even more determined to find out why was this happening. "There must be a mistake!" I yelled at Ringo-sensei who was sitting down at behind the desk. Masato sighed as he and Otoya sat in the extra chairs in front of the teacher's desk. I stood in between the two, leaning on the edge of it with one hand, the other on my hip.

Ringo sighed, "There's no mistake Melody-chan."

"Of course there is! I can't be Juilet! I'm not good at~" I cut myself off before I said something he could easily refute. "I just can't okay! I don't want the role, just give it to someone else. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other girls at this school wanting to be in my position right now." I folded my arms.

"If you know that much, why are you being selfish about it?"

"How am I doing that?"

"You've been given the opportunity to represent the school in such an important way, as you said a position that others would love to be in. Instead of complaining, why not take the chance that you've been given with gratitude?"

"Gratitude?! Have you not been listening to me? I don't want to be put on the spot like that! I'm trying to tell you that I don't want the role and that someone else can have it if they want it. I'm trying to give it up nicely!" Ringo frowns.

"You sound like a very spoiled and ungrateful child right now, Miss KaSakura."

Masato and Otoya slide down in there seats, "Oh no..."

"Excuse me, Spoiled? Ungrateful? How?!" I look behind me to see Hyuga-Sensei walking in. Uh oh...

"If you didn't know, the cast list for this play had a lot of time and thought going into it. You were not chosen to be Juliet because of some lottery." He begins, "Ringo and I handpicked some of our best students for these roles with the intention that they would able to represent our classes proudly. If you were chosen as Juliet, I, Ringo, and the Principle himself had to agree on it. I ultimately did not care who Juliet was to be and was ready to put up any of my S class girls for the role. It was Ringo that convinced both the Principle and I to give you this chance. A chance to prove that you actually have worth and aren't just here on a free ride for a free ride!"

I continued hurt by his words, "But the Principle knows I'm trying to lay low, start over from the beginning, and not be out front like this! I'm not trying to become the most hated person here with this sudden "special privilege" like this!"

"But then...That's not really...wanting to be an idol is it?" Otoya ask slowly. When I look at him he hides in his jacket.

"No he's right." Masato says sitting up, "Idols are always being put in the spotlight. Sitting on the sidelines is for being a fan. From the way you sound, it almost seems like you have no intention of putting yourself out there, and that's not what being an idol is about." I look at him with a glare and he almost completely shakes it off. "But we know that's not true KaSakura. Look, as you can see, Otoya nor I have a problem with you being Juliet and I'm pretty sure Jinguji or anyone else in the play do either. It's just you being insecure."

"Thank god for your friends speaking their mind. And it's the truth too! See, they sugarcoated their words for you, cause I wouldn't have said it so nicely!" Hyuga says as I grimace, "Look! Ringo fought very hard to get this position for you. Now stop acting childish! Show some respect, play the role that's been given to you with dignity and stop complaining like it's the end of the world!" Hyuga grabbed us and pushed us out the door, "Now the 3 of you leave! You're giving both Ringo and I headaches!"

As the 3 of us exit I hear Hyuga say, "Jeez isn't this suppose to be a relaxing area? This is the Teacher's Lounge!"

Hyuga-sensei's words still sting even as the door closes behind me. We start walking towards the area where the first rehearsal for the play was being held. "To think, someone I've silently admired for years works at this school, and the way we meet is me yelling at him and giving me the pep talk of my life...Cool, yet embarrassing." I said quietly.

"Maybe if you had turned down your ego a bit and stop trying to attack him at his every statement, that meeting would have went a little differently. Ne?" Heh? Is he packing?

"Masa are you packing?" I ask and he sweatdrops. "I mean if you wanna go there right now~"

"Ah Me-chan! You shouldn't let what either of them said get you down!" Otoya quickly interrupts me putting his hands on my shoulders from behind, "Just take everything under consideration and continue in stride."

My eyelids drop down when I look back at him, "So you're an expert now?" Otoya froze over.

"Well he certainly seems to know a lot more than you about the subject."

"So you really are packing!?"

"No one is trying to do any of 'the packing' KaSakura! We are trying to knock some common sense back into you!" Masato stops in front of me. Before I can argue, Masato puts a hand out in front of me, "Please allow me to speak, and actually hear me out for once. You know everything that was said in the past few minutes was completely true don't you? Because if you don't then you're turning a blind eye to the truth. Before you start yelling at me or anyone else for that matter, please take the time and listen to what they have to say before you start reacting on the defensive side." Masato continues with hurt eyes, "No one trying to explain something like this is trying to purposely hurt you! If anything we are trying to encourage you and tell you for your own good! Please stop treating us like enemies and try to understand! It's very hurtful for you to accuse us of trying to break you down when all we want to do is lift you up!"

"Masato-kun..." He continues to walk ahead alone.

"MEL THERE YOU ARE! IT'S TIME TO REHEARSE FOR THE FIRST DANCE SEQUENCE!" I hear Tomo call out to me, but I ignored her.

'Turning a blind eye to the truth, eh?'

"Aw no...HEY BLUE HAIRED GUY! WATCH OUT FOR KASAKURA-SENPAI!" I suddenly here Tsubasa shout.

"Blue haired guy? Eh~" I'm smacked in the forehead with something, lose my balance and fall. "Oh...Whoops." I hear the person that hit me say casually. My vision starts to blur but I'm able to make out who and what hit me. The object was a long rolled up rug that needed two people to carry it. Holding it up from the back was a worried Tsubasa, who had already dropped to his knees beside me, questioning me about my health. Holding on to the rug from the front however, the side that hit me mind you, was none other than Ichinose Tokiya looking nonchalant asf, as if he could care less.

'Did he hit me on purpose?'

Before I can black out, I was able to meet his gaze which was fixed right on me and nothing else. "Gomen-a-sai~" I can read from the shape of his lips. For the first time, I wasn't able to read his facial expression, so I had no idea whether he was sincere or not.


For the next few minutes, my mind had transported there again.

I was alongside the river again standing up. Multiple tall trees stood behind me. I was on the other side of the river this time, closer to the forest area. It was darker than the area I stood in. I know that each time I've been here it has been night time, which is weird in itself but, the forest compared to everywhere else was pitch black. Even so, I suddenly saw a small light shining in one area of one of the trees close to me. Every bone in my body, was telling me going in this place was a bad idea, especially when that green-eyed kid, Cecil, wasn't with me. But against my bodies wishes, the curiosity in my mind guided me toward the light.

The light was blue, and grew brighter and brighter as I drew closer. When I reached the tree it was stuck in, I looked up and it almost blinded me. The blinding sensation was coming from inside an opal jeweled music box. The lid was swinging open and closed from the wind. That's when I noticed it had gotten cold. I rubbed my arms a bit before trying to climb the tree.

'I have to grab that jewelry box. If I don't get it in time, it might fall and shatter in pieces. More importantly, that orb of light inside. That looks like someone's essence doesn't it? I have to catch it before it goes away!'

I slowly made my way across the branch of the tree the box was stuck in. The coldness of the wind touching the bare skin of my arms made me shiver, making it hard for me to keep my balance. Not to mention, the brightness of the blue light was making me squint. I could barely see where I was climbing.

'Almost gotcha~'

"Heh? Ahh!" As I was about to grab the music box, I moved my hand in front of me in order to keep me balance while I reached out. However there was no part of the branch to lean on to support me, so I fell, but was still able to hang on to the limb with a hand. "Oh god, what do I do now?!" The box started to teeter and then started to fall. "Oh no~AHHHH!" Startled by the box falling, I lost my grip and fell too. It was only then when I realized how high I had climb up for this box. The music box and I dropped at an amazing rate.

"SOMEBODY SAVE ME! PLEASE!" I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the ground. And it did come, but it was, not as painful as I had thought. The reason being that the impact did not come from the ground but someone's arms. "What..."

"KaSakura-Hime, Daijoubu desu ka?" I looked up after hearing the voice of the boy that held me. I couldn't see his face, because just like the times before, his face was blurry. I was able to see that he had caught not only me, but the box the orb was in as well. The orb had left the box though, it had drifted just behind the boy's neck as if it was staring down at me as well. It's blue light shined on the tips of his hair, making me see it was blue. At that point, I had a good guess on who it was, given that he had called me by my family name as well.

"" His face was revealed to me before my vision faded out.


I woke up minutes later as if I didn't just have that long sequence of a dream. I looked up to see Otoya's face leaning over me upside down. "Me-chan? Can you hear me?"


"Ah! You're awake now. And you don't have amnesia. Thank goodness." Otoya puts a hand over his heart and sighs in relief. His other hand was holding the side of my head, that's how I noticed my head was resting on his knees. I tilted my head a bit in each direction to see what was going on.

Everyone seemed to be working as if nothing had happened. Ittoki and I were right of the stage, a little ways from the people painting sets for the play. Anyone who wasn't working backstage, was one of the actors for the play. All of them were doing a run through of their lines, guided by Natsuki, excluding Tokiya, Tsubasa, Tomo, Ittoki and I. Tomo was too busy yelling at Tokiya and Tsubasa and hitting them with a paper fan, probably because of the rug hitting me. I couldn't hear what anyone was saying but, by reading their lips, I could tell that the conversation was going somewhat like Tomo yelling at them to be more careful, Tokiya yelling at Tomo saying he doesn't even know her, and Tsubasa crying that he didn't do anything wrong.

My gaze darted at the middle of the stage again, I saw Masato standing in front of everyone. He must have been reading a monologue from one of his parts and everyone was listening to him speak. Masato gazed at me from his position on the stage as he spoke, almost as if he was conveying his lines directly to me. He looked so passionate up there speaking, it was amazing. Seeing his eyes though, I could tell he was very worried about me. Once he finished speaking, everyone applauded him and I started hearing better again. When Ren and the actor assigned to be Lord Capulet started to practice their lines, Masato walked over to Ittoki and I.

"Masa-kun, that was amazing! You're lines were spoken so passionately." Otoya praised him, when he knelt down beside us. He muttered an 'Arigatou' to him, his attention not really focused on him, but me.

"Masa, sugoi~" Masato places his hand on my forehead, before I could say more.

"You don't seem to have a fever. Can you sit up?" I stare at him and nod silently. Masato places a hand on my back and helps me sit up. "That rug was a heavy object, the impact could end up messing with your brain. Are you dizzy at all? Feeling woozy?" I shook my head slightly, "Don't do that, that'll only make things worse. Just rest here for the rest of practice. Otoya you'll watch her right?"

"Ah, hai!"

"Good. You let me know if anything starts to bother you. I'll take you to the nurse right away, okay?"

"Okay." I say giving up trying to get a word in. Masato gets up and walks back over over to the group of actors and starts participating again.

"Wow, Masato really is amazing..." Otoya murmurs, "...He's kind of like a mommy."

I sighed, "Yeah...caring and overprotective."

"Yo Ichinose! Put them on a higher shelf over by Ittoki and KaSakura!" Tsubasa shouted.

"Oh you remember my name now huh?" Tokiya shouts across the room back at Tsubasa.

"Hey look! I'm sorry okay, it was a spur of the moment reaction!"

"Tch. Okay." Tokiya continues to murmur to himself. He climbs a ladder and tries to place the whole set on the shelf at once, but a few books in the middle start to fall. Before he notices, one falls and like the domino effect, they all did right after. In our direction of course. "AH SHIMATTA! LOOK OUT!"

"HEH? TOKIYA!?" Otoya shouts, his reaction time too slow to shield me.

I just watch as at least 5 of those books fall towards my head, "Wow~"



"KaSakura, can you here me?"

I slowly open my eyes. I stared up at Masato. "Masa? Are we outside?"

"Yes. You were out here when I found you."

"Huh? But that doesn~oh!" I look above his head and see the moon. It's nighttime, and I automatically assume I'm back in that dream. I look at Masato's clothes and confirm my assumption.

"Thank goodness you awakened. You cause me grave panic, milady." Masato says looking down at me in his arms. I blush at bit, but notice his eyes held no light. His gaze was empty, just like Otoya's that time. It could only mean he had lost his essence.

This time however Masato was responding to me, unlike Otoya, who's mind seemed to have faded from this reality when his essence left him. "Masa, you can still hear me?"

"Of course I can, why wouldn't I?" Masato asks. This makes me confused. If I tell him about how Otoya was though, he may not believe me. He thinks everything is normal right now. Then again it's Masato, he's believes everything I say...

A bright light in my peripheral vision grabs my attention. In the river next to us, something was shining under the water, and that orb of blue light was peering down from the surface looking at it. "Masato, your essence!"

"My essence? Wait! Where are you~" I sat up and moved away from Masato running over to the riverbed. When I kneel beside the little blue orb, it drifts over what is shining under the water.

I looked down, "The opal jeweled music box. Masa, I thought you caught it when you caught me, what is it doing down there?" I go to reach for it, but Masato grabs my wrist with a hand.

"KaSakura, no!" He shouts, "I mean, KaSakura-hime, forgive my rudeness. But, let it stay where it is."

"Huh, but why?" Masato pulls me closer to him, away from the edge of the river.

"It's where it belongs."

" belongs?" The orb suddenly dives into the water into the music box. It starts to disappear. "Oh no! It's dissolving in the water! I have to grab it before it starts to float away upstream!"

"It's fine." Masato's grip is still firm around my wrist. "If it goes away, the burden will lift from upon my shoulders and I shall be free."

"Free? Free from what?" I turn to face him.

"Free from having to choose."

"Masa, stop with that metaphoric nonsense you're always spouting and just freaking tell me why you don't want me to grab that music box and get your essence back!" I shouted at him, "It's burdening you? Why? How?!"

He sighs at my persistence, "I don't need it. I don't w-want it. I can't sing anymo~"

"You don't want to sing anymore? Why? Why not?"

"My dreams...of being a prince of song, they're putting a burden on my family. They disapprove with everything I've been wanting to do with music. So when I was appointed, my family wanted to disown me..."

"Your whole family? Or your father?" I knew exactly where this was going. Even though, the story is a little altered, it's still mostly the same. He wasn't hiding anything from me.

"KaSakura-hime~" Masato looked me in the eyes and saw the seriousness in them. He looked away and continued, "Yes, my father. He hates that I wanted to sing. He never supported my decision to sing at all. He believes that I am only good for being the successor of the family, if not that, I'm completely useless." Masato's eyes seem more dull. "At first I wanted to believe that his philosophy was a lie, and I told myself that I could prove him wrong. However, I've come to realize he was right. I'm nothing but a pawn in his own games. I am to be used only for promotion of the Hijirikawa family. That's it."

"Masa, that's not true..." I start to murmur.

"My music is only a hobby. I can't do anything of importance or be successful by making music. That's what my father says and his words are absolute. I refuse to burden my family more than I already have." I could only look at Masato as he stopped explaining. You would think, that by the words he had just said, Masato would feel pain, or look like he was in pain. But he wasn't. Masato stood there, silently, stone faced with an empty gaze. Like he was brainwashed.

Cecil had appeared next to me some time in the middle of his explanation. He stated his analysis, "Loss of courage."


"Hai. He's afraid, afraid that if he continues on like this, he'll really be doing his family a disservice. He's really family oriented I see." Cecil puts his hands behind his head, "It's a shame really. In order to be even selected as a candidate for being a prince of song, you have to have the favor of the muses, as well as rare musical talent. I bet he's really good."

"I can't vouch for his singing, but his piano playing has always been amazing. You can't help but get immersed in it." Saying this, I turn to face Masato again, "Masato, You have to show him."

"Show...him?" Masato murmured.

"Masato, music is one of your talents. One of the things you love! It's part of what makes up who you are! You can't just throw it away and wish it never existed!" I stated strongly. "I've never gotten to hear you sing, but something tells me you're probably great at it because you're amazing at just about everything! You can't let one person stand in the way of something that brings you joy like that! Even if he is your father! You have to show him! Show your father that you can be who you want to be and make your family proud in your own way!"

Masato grew a little wide-eyed at my words, "Princess..." Suddenly the music box that was in the river moved from its spot and started to flow down the river. We watched the current pull it away.

"Oh no! The music box!" I shouted trying to go after it, but Masato gripped my wrist again. "Let me go! Even if you don't care about your talent so much that you're willing to give up on it, I do! I won't let you throw away your long time dream!" Masato suddenly pulled me into his chest, hugging me. "Masato..."

"Arigatou, KaSakura-hime." Masato suddenly says, "Thank you so much. For not giving up on me, I can only thank you." I face turns completely red.

"But Masa, your essence..." I whimper, "You have to get it back~"

Masato lets go of me, "Daijoubu, Princess. Just watch." Masato goes over and stands by the water. He take a deep breath and starts singing out in La's. "Lul La La Lul lul la laa~, la la la, lul lala lul lul lul laa~" As he continues singing, it seemed like the area around us started to slow down a bit. The river especially. The music box that had already made its way close to the waterfall on the other end, gently lifted from the water. The blue orb of light that had went back inside it, came out, flying towards Masato. "La La Lul La La, La Lul La~" By the time he gets to what seems like the chorus of his melody, Masato's essence starts circling him, then properly returns to his body. At that moment, Masato moved his fingers like he was playing the piano, and lo and behold, a floating piano formed from his magic right under his finger tips. That's when the wave of sound started to consume me, and I was truly immersed in the sound of his music.

When Masato stopped singing, all the magic disappeared from around him, including the floating piano. I started swaying, my body unbalanced. "Ah! KaSakura!" He kneels with me in his arms.

"I'll be alright," I insist, "I'm just, happily surprised."

"Is that so?" I nod. Masato looks up at the sky, "Ah, music. How I've forgotten this feeling. I haven't been able to sing this freely since before I was appointed. And I kept my music a secret." Masato looks down at me, his eye color back to the proper tone of blue they once were. "I couldn't have been able to ever sing that passionate again, without your precious guidance. Princess, you are always there when my spirits need lifting. I will forever appreciate your kindness." Masato tells me leaving a light kiss on the top of my forehead. I blushed yet again. He helps me stand up, "I must now bid you adieu." Masato starts to walk off.

"Heh!? What? Why!?"

Masato turns to the side but keeps walking, "I have to tell my father I'm keeping my place at one of the Western Kingdom's thrones. I'm going to stand up to him and fight for my dreams this time!" He smiles at me before speeding up and disappearing.

I sigh, "Western Kingdom?" I turn my question to Cecil, who had purposefully ignored me when Masato was holding me. "Care to explain?"

Cecil patted me on the head smiling, "All will be revealed when the time is right. You're doing well now my Princess. 2 princes saved, 4 more to go."


It's been about a week since I had the continuation of my dream about Masato. When I woke up I was in the nurses office, it was nighttime. Masato who was in a chair next to my bed had fallen asleep next to me while still holding my hand. I assumed that he had spent the rest of the day here, watching over me. If I hadn't blushed too much today, I blushed AGAIN. Since that day, Masato stayed closed to me, and made sure I kept close to him while rehearsals winded down til the day of the play. He stayed by my side, even when people started talking about him. He ignored them and kept protecting me.

When it was the final dress rehearsal day for the play, I had ran into one of the music rooms hoping to escape for a few minutes. I really needed getting my self esteem together. Over the past week, I had grown tired of students spreading a rumor around that Masato and I were pretending to date in order to try and understand the relationship Romeo and Juliet had. Everyone, excluding our friends, were giving us looks every time we were seen together. It didn't help that Masato wouldn't let me out of his sight. When the rumors reached the teachers, trust and believe me when I say they began watching us CAREFULLY.

I sighed laying my head on the top of the piano, "I can't do this. Not while things are like this. Every one is just going to continue to laugh at me."

"Then give them a reason to take you seriously." Masato says from the doorway before I could realized he had let himself in. "Give them so good of a performance, they'll jaws will drop, and they won't be able to speak."

"Easy for you to say. You're a naturally born performer." Masato moves toward the piano, gesturing for me to sit beside him. I sit but my head still lays on the piano.

"Do you remember? Back when we were kids and you used to come over my house, do you know what song you first played for me when you first started learning?" I stayed silent my head in my arms. Masato sighed and started playing. I easily recognized the song to be Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I cringe. However, he doesn't play the last note. When I don't look up, he restarts the song stopping on the last note again. I knew he was expecting me to play it. He restarts once more, and before he could stop, I hit the key he wanted, but only in the lowest octave. "KaSakura." He puts a hand over my hand that was still on the piano.



"...Masa." I say quickly. He pinches my cheeks making me sit up, "Ouch! Masa-kun!"

"I have something I want you to hear. Will you listen?" Masato whispers in my ear. While blushing yet AAAAGAIN because of this male's natural charm, I nod lightly. Masato places his fingers on the piano, "This song came into being during the week I got to spend being close to you. I wanted to convey the feelings to you, that I couldn't while we were apart. I've wanted to see you again, KaSakura."

"Namida wo nuguite"

itsuka ugokidasu kara

yukidoke no you ni

KIRARI mirai hikaru

yume wa itsudatte Knocking on the mind kanjite

ASUFARUTO no sumi de

tsumetai yami ni furuetatte

osorenai de Pure heart

itsudatte hana wa ue o muiteru

donna toki mo wasurezu ni ite hoshii

sono egao wa taiyou da

ai no kouzui ga tomaranai hodo ni

omoi ga michiteku

soba ni isasete hoshii

"Shinjiru" koto wo wakeaou...

Hearing the lyrics to Masato's song that he had sung in my dream, I smiled crying a bit. It had made me feel peaceful, and enjoy every note. "I've been working on this piece with Nanami-chan for the group project. I was told to use it for one of Romeo's inserts songs. So, what do you think?"

"I love it, Masa. You really can sing."

"Thank you." He says looking into my eyes. "KaSakura, I want you to ignore all the naysayers here. Your talent is one of a kind, and people are going to be jealous of it. All you have to do is remember how it was when you first started wanting to be an idol."

"I will, Masato." I smile at him warmly when both stand up from the piano. His eyes widened. "Nani?"

"Y-You..." Masato stammers, "...That was the first time, you've said my full first name since I've seen you."

"Is it now? Oops. I guess I should say it more often right, Masato?" This is the first time I see Masato blush. "Aw Masato! So kawaii!" He immediately gets even more embarrassed and moves further away for me, exiting the music room first. I follow him back down to rehearsals. "Oi! I'm gonna get you back for pinching my cheeks Romeo!"


The day of the play ended up being super successful, as well as extremely entertaining for everyone, including no, especially the actors. So many things went wrong back stage and during scenes, we all had to improvise. And it was really fun, I'm glad I had a part. If I had, I would've missed such an exciting experience.

"Haha! Otoya died first!" Syo laughed, "And your death was hilarious!"

"A plague on both your houses! Nuh bleh!" Tsubasa mocked as the rest of laughed at Otoya after the play.

"Guys it wasn't that funny! I died!" Otoya puffed his cheeks in embarrassment.

"But your performance was highly amusing." Ren tells him. Tomo hits him lightly on the arm.

"Daijoubu, they don't mean it like that. We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you." Natsuki says.

"Yeah, we're not laughing at that specifically Otoya." Tomo explains, "Just the fact you died so hilariously!"

I pat Otoya on the shoulder, "And you said you were nervous! You played the role and owned it! You did so well, Otoya!"

"Thanks Me-chan." Otoya says with a slight blush on his face, I smile.

"However I want to give props to the man of the hour." Tsubasa says, "Where'd Masato go?"

"He disappeared after the curtains went down." Ren says, "I'm going to go look for him."

"I'll come too Jinguji." I say walking following behind him.

"What's this? Alone time with the lady? I'm honored." He said slowly down so that he could continue walking beside me. "You look astounding today, dear lady."

"Thank you Jinguji."

"Oh laa? What's the very busy head of the Hijirikawa family doing here?" I look over in the direction Ren was looking in. It didn't take me long to realize I was looking at Masato's father probably talking down to Masato again. "I bet he's yelling at him for being in the play. Why won't he just leave him alone? His performance was good."

"Did you just complement Masa?"

"Don't tell him Lady." He says quickly. I smile hiding a laugh, but frown when I look back at the scene. Masato looks just dull as he did in my dream. I try to go over there, but Ren holds me back nodding his head. "It's not your place Lady. Honestly though, you would think he'd stand up to him by now." Just when Ren says that, Masato lifts his head and looks at his father straight in the eyes when he talks. He starts yelling at him and I become worried. But he looks determined and takes the last word of their conversation. After a moment of silence, his father seems to mutter something and walk off.

Masato immediately spots us and walks over, "Jinguji? KaSakura? Eavesdropping?"

"KaSakura came because she was worried about you." Ren says quickly, "But you seem to have everything under control."

"Then why are you here Jinguji?" Masato and I ask at the same time.

"To be the Lady's escort of course." We sweatdrop.

"It sounded like a heated argument. You okay?" I ask Masato.

"Hai, daijoubu-desu." He sighs, "Today I just, had to tell him how I really felt. That man believes I am to be his carbon copy. Without hesitation people always do what my father says. If something is black and he says it's white, it's white. But today I told him straight. I will become strong enough to gain control of the Hijirikawa conglomerate, but at will. In my own way and on my own time."

"Well well well. The little Hijirikawa boy is finally growing up." Masato glares at him.

"Shut up Jinguji." I let out a laugh. Masato smiles at me. "From now on, I won't be afraid to step up to my father. I'll prove I'm better than that. I'll control my own life. And this is all thanks to KaSakura. Your precious guidance led me to find courage." I go wide-eyed hearing the familiar words. Masato puts an arm around my shoulders, hugging me close. He whispers so Ren can't hear him, "I would still be at a loss if it wasn't for you. Thank you for saving my dream, Princess."

"So, Juliet saved Romeo from throwing his life away, and now the two are closer than ever before." Ren turns away from us frowning. "So that's how it is, Hijirikawa..."


MASATO: Just wait. There's more to come. UTAPRI.


MPK: In case you didn't know yet, the new (4th) season of UtaPri is called Uta No Prince Sama: Maji LOVE Legend Star, and has been said to come out in October 2016. I believe the 1st is what someone told me.

So fingers crossed! Google the poster if you don't believe me, their new outfits are so cute!

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