Big Brother High

By Justmejack88

953 78 46

The First Series Of Big Brother High Is Here! What has Big Brother got in store for the fresh bunch of housem... More

Big Brother High Day 1
Big Brother High Day 2
Big Brother High Day 3
Big Brother High Day 4
Big Brother High Day 5
Big Brother High Day 7
Big Brother High Day 8
Big Brother High Day 10
Big Brother High Day 11

Big Brother High Day 9

40 3 7
By Justmejack88

Tuesday week 2- big brother high

Josie- nominations today...

Kelsie- i know! I don't know whether to be excited or not. Haha

Josie- i know exactly what you mean!

jaimee- whatcha guys talking about?

Kelsie- nominations... Well not actually! Argh its hard to explain!

Jaimee- okay... Hahaha

Jack.p- mmm its so good to have some decent breakfast!

Jake- i know!

Jordan- it taste like a crunchy heaven...

Jack.p- you said it!

*in the diary room*

Bb- hello Jordan, can i help you?

Jordan- yes big brother. I have a problem. I think I'm falling for someone in the house already. He's just so cute with his little hat...

Bb- could this be jack.p by any chance Jordan?

Jordan- yes... But i dont think he likes me in that way at all...

Bb- you never know Jordan, he might.

Jordan- maybe....

*later in the diary room*

Bb- hello jack.p, can i help you?

Jack.p- yes big brother. I have a big problem. Im falling for someone in the house.. Shes just so adorable!!

Bb- could this be Jordan by any chance?

Jack.p- yes.. But she'd never like someone like me.

Bb- you never know jack.p, she might.

Jack.p- possibly...

Bb- housemates, to the lounge.

*everyone sits*

Bb- housemates, the time has come for nominations. Johanna, trent, Olivia and emily, you are all safe from nominations and will not be nominating.

Jaimee, as the holder of the super power you will nominate first. Jaimee, to the diary room.

*in the diary room*

Bb- jaimee, you are the holder of the nominations super power. This super power is known as 'the stalker'.

Jaimee- oohhhh i like the sound of this hahaha

Bb- the stalker gives you access to 2 people of your choice's nomination to be heard.

Jaimee- are you serious?!

Bb- yes, very serious. Make your decision now. Jaimee, this super power is very serious and should be thought about thoroughly.

Jaimee- wow this is tough... Okay... Im going to see my two closest friends in the house, kelsie and josie.

Bb- is there any particular reason?

Jaimee- just to make sure they are real friends. And if they are then i may be able to help them!

Bb- please go back to the lounge and wait until i call you. Oh and jaimee, do not talk to anyone about your super power.

Jaimee- yes big brother.

Bb- jack.p, to the diary room

Jack.p- hi big brother

Bb- jack.p, who do you nominate and why?

Jack.p- I've thought about this and i still have no idea aha, but im going to nominate jack for 3 points because he is becoming quite close to jordan... And hes annoying. And for 2 points i nominate lydia because shes REALLY loud!

Bb- how is jack annoying?

Jack.p- just the way he speaks. Hes really bitchy and manipulates people.

Bb- accepted. Please Return to the lounge.

Bb- Josie, to the diary room.

Josie- hey big brother

Bb- Josie, who do you nominate and why?

Josie- i nominate lydia for 4 points because OH MY GOD she is so irritating! She never shuts up! And for 1 point amy because apparently she was bitching about me to lydia.

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- jess, to the diary room.

Jess- hi big brother

Bb- jess, who do you nominate and why?

Jess- i will nominate zeb for 4 points because he has not gotten to know me in anyway. And for 1 point i will nominate jake because he doesnt really fit in with the house and doesnt seem to be enjoying himself.

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- tayla, to the diary room.

Tayla- hello

Bb- tayla, who do you nominate and why?

Tayla- i nominate rebecca for 3 points because she has been very mean to me this week and for 2 points i nominate dylan because he isnt very interesting and doesnt bring anything to the house.

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- kelsie, to the diary room.

Kelsie- hey big brother!!!

Bb- kelsie, who do you nominate and why?

Kelsie- i nominate dylan for 4 points because everything he does annoys me! And he snores. Its so annoying.

And i nominate jake for 1 point because he snores too.

Bb- Kelsie, this is your final warning. Next week give a more acceptable reason then voting for them because of their sleeping habits.

Kelsie- but it's annoying!

Bb- kelsie, do not speak back to Big Brother or else I will put YOU up for eviction.

Kelsie- sorry Big Brother...

*after all nominations are complete*

Bb- jaimee, to the diary room

Jack- again?

Jaimee- see ya!

*in the diary room*

Bb- jaimee, it is now time to 'stalk' your fellow housemates. Put your headphones on and watch the screen.

*she watches josies*

Jaimee- wow... She doesnt like amy? Amy bitched about her? Hmm...

*she watches kelsie*

Jaimee- hahahah!! She nominated them for snoring!! Okay.. I know who im going to nominate. For 3 points i nominate amy because she has been bitching about people and that is uncalled for and i nominate dylan for 1 point for kelsies sake. And he snores. Haha

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- housemates. Nominations are finished. As all of you know Jaimee had the nominations super power. Her power was the stalker. She had the ability to watch 2 housemates nominations of her choice.

Izzy- wow thats big...

Bb- housemates, do not even think about asking about who she chose as she is forbidden to tell. The housemates that are up for nomination this week are-

Jack- 12

Lydia- 12

Dylan- 12

Zeb- 9

Rebecca- 9

Jack- a three way tie!!

Lydia- yew we are the most hated housemates!

Jack- wooo!!

Dylan- haha....

Rebecca- wasnt expecting that...

Zeb- wow.

Kelsie- oh well lets not mope! Lets make one of your last week the best week ever!

Jack- im down with that!

Lydia- i just realised this is my second time up. In a row. You all suck.

*in the diary room*

Lydia- ...hey big brother...

Bb- is something wrong lydia?

Lydia- i was just thinking and i realise that no-one likes me here. Im too annoying apparently. And i snore. And im the new Estelle basically.

Bb- let me remind you that Estelle made it to the finale.

Lydia- hey your right! And im not going to change who i am for people who hate me! Thanks big brother

Bb- housemates, to the lounge.

*everyone sits on the sofa*

Bb- i hope you are enjoying your food this week housemates.

Jack- oh god yes!!

Bb- well, if you would like to keep this luxury budget for another week then perhaps you would like to listen. This weeks task is a simple obstacle task.

Kelsie- ugh!!

Johanna- haven't i already got enough obstacles? *looks at everyone*

Bb- make your way outside and you will find the obstacle course.

*they run outside*

Zeb- this is so cool!!!

Josie- NO it is not! Look how hard this looks!

Lydia- stop being a cry baby.

Josie- wow, thats pretty rich coming from you little miss nominations.

Lydia- excuse me?

Tayla- girls!! Stop!!

Bb- As you can see this course has everything. Hurdles, poles, a tennis ball machine

Rebecca- what!? They're not going to be shooting at us are they?

Bb- yes Rebecca. they will be.

Izzy- isnt there like a rule against that?

Bb- as i was saying, tennis ball machine, hoops, tunnels and more. You may have noticed that they're are 2 obstacle courses. In pairs, you will run the obstacle course when your allocated buzzer sounds. Complete it within 30 seconds to pass the challenge. If a housemate cheats, does not run, runs on the wrong buzzer or does not finish you all will fail this challenge and be on a week of staples. But first, pairs and buzzers need to be made. Everyone, pair up.

*Josie goes with Kelsie, Amy goes with Jaimee, Izzy goes with Lydia, Falyn goes with Rachel, Dylan goes with Trent, Jake goes with Zeb, Johanna goes with Bettina, Jordan goes with Jack.p, Bec goes with Olivia, Jess goes with Tayla, Emily goes with Suzannah, Sol goes with Braden, Jack goes with Sarah and Rebecca goes with Ashleigh.*

Rebecca- ugh!

Ashleigh- what?

Rebecca- oh, uh, i, uh... feel sick...

Ashleigh- awww poor thing. *she hugs Rebecca but Rebecca pushes her away.*

Rebecca- it uh.. Might be contagious.

Ashleigh- oh i see

Bb- now for the buzzers. Lydia and Izzy your buzzer is *a snoring noise*

*everyone laughs*

Lydia- not cool big brother..

Bb- amy and Jaimee yours is a *oww!!*

Jaimee- sweet! Michael jackson!!

Bb- Josie and Kelsie yours is *roar*

Bb- Falyn and Rachel yours is a *tweet*

Bb- Dylan and trent yours is a *boom*

Bb- jake and Zeb yours is a *neigh*

Zeb- really?.

Bb- Johanna and Bettina yours is a *moo*

Johanna- what are you saying? Haha

Bb- Jordan and jack.p yours is a *dolphin eek*

Bb- Bec and Olivia yours is a *whale sound*

Bb- jess and Tayla yours is a *squeak*

Bb- emily and Suzannah yours is a *meow*

Bb- sol and Braden yours is a *woof*

Bb- jack and Sarah yours is a *beep*

Bb- and ashleigh and Rebecca yours is a *scream*

Ashleigh- well thats creepy.


Jess- whos that?

Sol- us!

*sol and Braden run through the obstacle course*

Braden- phew! Done!

*at midnight*


Housemates- AAAAAAHHHH!!!!

Ashleigh- What the hell is that!?

Jack- Is someone dead?!

Josie- oh my god.!

Ashleigh- holy crap its our buzzer! Run rebecca!

*they run and come back*

Ashleigh- did we, *puff* do it?

Jake- yep i timed it. 27 seconds

Rebecca- good. Im going back to sleep. Ugh, i almost had a heart attack.

Bb- good night housemates. ;)

*housemates groan*

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