DISREGARDED | riverdale

By IslandchildTea

442 22 2

(BOOK 3 in the DAMSELS DOING DAMAGE series) More



11 1 0
By IslandchildTea

F O U R ( 4 ) - B A T H R O O M  S T A L L 

It's been about two weeks since the call. He's not in town. He hasn't called back. I don't know what to make of it. Even though there is no looming threat Bowie and Syd have stuck by my side ever since. And with them came the serpent boys as well.

Even with all of them in my life, I still miss Izzy. No one can fill that space she's left. 

Isaiah is home. Said that he thinks he's making headway with her. But she's still with the farm so I don't know what his idea of headway is. And I don't want to just jump the gun and try with her myself. What if it just pushes her further away?

I shut my locker.

That's not the only thing I have to worry about. The SATS are coming up. Me and the girls have been studying every two days and I've been doing things on my own. But I don't think anything can really prepare me for that satanic test.

My sophomore grade wasn't that bad. I got a 1190. If I tank it this time around I still have time during the summer to make it up. Hopefully I can solve this Izzy thing by then. 

I look to my right and see my locker buddy. He hasn't been around for a while. Of course I heard about him escaping jail and going on the run. So he's got his reasons. But the way he was looking into his locker, like he was staring into the valley of death.

"Archie?" I whispered to try and not scare him.

He slowly looked over to me. "Kimmy. Hey."

"So- I don't usually know what to ask in these situations. I'm not really good with the whole comforting others." I confessed to him, leaning against my locker with my books in my arms.

"Uh- don't worry. I'm good." He nodded and smiled. Just like anyone who wasn't okay would do to get someone off their back. "I promise."

I shook my head. "You don't have to promise. You don't have to be good after everything you know. And you don't have to lie to me- we aren't close friends."

"Yeah but we did kiss in the sixth grade." 

My eyes widened and I looked away from him. I would have thought with all he just went through he would let that go. 

It was spin the bottle. A middle school game taking place in someone's basement. I'm not one of those girls who was crushing over him at the time. I mean he's cute, but he's Archie Andrews. The golden boy. And besides we were just kids back then.

"You think about that kiss a lot Andrews?" I joked with him lightly, turning back and he had a glimmer of a smirk on his face.

Before he could answer the bell rung out signaling the start of the next period. He grabbed a notebook out of his locker and quickly shut it. And without words nodded to me. I did the same to him and turned around to begin my walk to my History class.

I like the brown hair better.


I could feel someone staring at me. I don't know who it is but it was making me annoyed. Did i mange to piss someone off this bad that my ears are burning? 

I turn around in my seat to look around and find the culprit. Right behind me and there she was.

Evelyn. It looked like her eyes were popping out of her head. 

Leaning forward I put my hands on her desk. "If you're trying to give me a seizure it's not working."

She shook her head at me. "I don't have anything to do with that."

"Yeah sure. And the sky isn't blue. Cut the shit." I barked a bit loudly before turning back in my seat.

This class was packed full with people I knew. Somehow Harrison, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Bowie, Syd, Betty, Veronica, Reggie, Cheryl, Jughead, Josie were all here. Maybe I'm only noticing it now because I've been gone for a little bit. 

"You know you'd be a perfect fit for the farm. You can use all this hostile energy you put towards me and turn it into finding happiness for yourself." Evelyn's voice cuts through my thoughts.

I clench my jaw. I know she's not talking to me about joining her cult. I know she's not testing me right now. I told her the she doesn't get three warnings. She doesn't even get two. She's got my best friend in her scrawny hands and now she has the balls- the gaul?

"I know what you did last summer." She whispers and I fly out of my seat.

Our history teacher calls out my name but I ignore him. I stare at her in confusion. Why the hell would she know what I did? Is she bluffing? She has to be bluffing. Her weird farm cult doesn't go father than here.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I state calmly. Better to show her she's not having an affect on me. Even if my words betrayed me.

She sat back in her chair with her arms crossed. "Wasn't hard to find out that you spent the night in holding for attempted theft."

I walk closer to her desk. Towering over her I look into her eyes. She looks like she could be scared. She looks like I could walk all over her and yet she's the one with the power here.

"You find that out on the internet?" I ask.

She shakes her head and her hair swishes side to side. A small smile creeps up on her face. "I didn't need the internet. I got it from a reliable source."

She has to be bluffing. There are several people who know what took place that summer. And none of whom I told would rat me out to Evelyn. Why would they? However there is one person who could have told her. 

One person that knows what happened that summer. One who I don't trust anymore. One who would most definitely rat me out.

"Want me to say hi to your dad for you?" She spits.

My footing on the ground is a bit wobbly. She catches that and almost laughs at me. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that she's spoken to my dad. My dad is here in Riverdale. He's here.

I grab my bag and my books in my hands and walk out the classroom. I ignore my teacher calling out to me as I stomp through the door and through the hallways of the school. Before I can comprehend I'm in the girls bathroom.

In a bathroom stall with the door locked. Sitting on the toilet, gripping onto my books like some sort of lifesaver.


I can't go home- he could be there. 

He could be anywhere.

He's been here.

He's been here long enough to know Evelyn and the farm. To join them probably. To watch me through them. He's been waiting for me. God why is he doing this to me? Why is he back here? Why can't he just leave me alone?

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