The football jocks kidnapped...

By Soulsurfer600

195K 4.5K 857

So I might possibly...maybe... have been kidnapped by five really hot football jocks...? Because I caught the... More

1 They Had NO Idea
2 Ugh. My Life
3 Crap! They saw me!!!
4 They are chasing me!
5 Things you (the reader) need to know:)
6 Waking up
7 Wait! He is a she?
8 DON'T try to escape
9 The Boys
10 Don't call me KITTY-CAT!!!!
11 What did you poke me with?!!!
12 Mc Donalds... Um ewwww...
13 Pick a guy-slash room!?
14 Stay on your side
15 I'm not hungry...
16 I'de like to see you try
18 Because bathtubs are comfy
19 Sensitive Ears

17 I didn't pass out

8.5K 226 27
By Soulsurfer600

*Darkness *

I heard shuffling and talking. I was awake. I just couldn't open my eyes yet. It was a strange feeling. I could hear and feel everything going on around me, yet I couldn't open my eyes.

Am I dead?

"Is she ok?! What's wrong with her? Is she dead?!"

"She's not dead! She probably passed out you moron."

"GUYS! JUST STAY CALM." Ordered a obviously panicking Jason.

"Ugh Jason. I think your freaking out a little to much."

"Who's freaked out?! I-I I'm not fr-freaked o-out!? He said loudly making my ears want to bleed.

All of the voices blended together loudly making me want to scream, but i couldn't.

"You idiots, give me her wrist." A voice said.

A warm hand took my wrist and held it.

"Kitty, don't leave us! Stay with me baby!" Nick grabbed my face.

"Shut up and stop whining Nick! She has a pulse." The person said throwing my wrist down.

Ow. That hurt.

"She's pretty hot." Began Tanner. "I would so.."

My eyes shot open. "Don't continue unless you want to die." I stated glaring daggers at him.

He held up his hands. "Ok! Calm down."

"YAAAAAAS! She's alive!!!" yelled Nick .

"Do me a favor and shut up! You' re making my ears bleed!" I groaned loudly.

"I was going to miss calling you Kitty." He said pulling my weak body onto his lap and hugging me tightly completely disregarding that I had just insulted him.

"Let me go." I demanded, awkwardly still struggling to get out of his arms. "I hate being man handled!" I broke free stumbling to a standing position only for a pair of huge arms to encircle me pulling me into a rock hard chest both of which belonged to Conner.
"You're gonna have to get used to it Babe."  I bucked because his lips and breath were tickling my ear and I couldn't stand it. He held me even tighter. "Because I'm going to be doing a lot of that from now on..." I shivered. "Stop it  y-y-you overgrown ompalompa!"  I said weakly trying to get out of his hold. He laughed at my insult and weak attempts to escape. "No.." His lips tickled my ear again making my entire body shiver. "I don't think I will. In fact, I think you like it." He nibbled my ear making me whimper loudly. "Do you have sensitive ears? You do don't you?" He teased all the time his breath tickling my ear. "Stop!" I whined still struggling with no success.

"Ha-hem." Jason cleared his throat. Tanner let me go. I nervously scrambled away a few steps to stay out of his reach and turned my attention towards Jason."You were blacked out for about five hours and its now..." *he checked his watch* "12:43 So... I'm going to bed. You guys can figure out who she is staying with." He yawned exiting the game room. No! Not again!

I felt at Tanner come up behind me. "Since you passed out Babe, I think you should stay with me." He said suggestively.

"I did not pass out! And don't call me Babe."  I said angrily trying to change the subject of sleeping arrangements. "So you took a short dirt nap instead?" He mocked.

I frowned silently ."That's cute!" He chuckled. "What is?" I asked.  "You thought you could change the subject." I glared at him over my shoulder.

"If there aren't any objections I'll just keep her again tonight." He offered the rest of the guys.

"No! She got to stay with you last night. Its somebody else's turn." Nick whined. "Yep." "I think so to." "Sure." The rest of them agreed with Nick.

"Fine. Winner of a round of pocker?" Tanner suggested and they all nodded in agreement.

Here we go again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********

Hello everyone: D  I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. (Or if you are like me, a wonderful 12:19 p.m. squinting at your phone screen from under your covers:)

On a more serious note. I should have said this in my author's notes in my earlier chapters. Anorexia Bulimia and Cutting are very serious and should not ever be taken lightly. In no way should any one (That means you looking at this screen at this very moment in time) should ever even think of such things as these. I do not encourage or promote this things. My character only has these disorders to add more emotion to the story line. As I was saying. All of my readers are beautiful inside and out. Stay strong and I love y'all. †Peaches†

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