I love you bunny |lesbian lo...

By crazy_jealous

13.8K 358 359

Anita, a college student madly in love with Natasha, a fitness trainer and model but what happens when a sugg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

1.3K 50 61
By crazy_jealous

**pic above is Natasha a.k.a bunny**

Anita's POV

The shock on everybody's face was obvious, something I already expected. I never even indulged in any relationship related talk with my friends so this coming out was literally out of the blue.

I tried to read everybody's expression; everybody just seemed Normal, calm, nothing different. However now I know for sure that they all will accept me for who I am because even after Ryan admitted his feelings for another dude, they all are still here.

Noone said  anything so Sameer, the legit clown of our group decided to take it on himself to lighten the mood by saying stupid stuff as always.

"Oh my god what is happening, are all of my friends secretly gay, Aarti please don't tell me that your long distance boyfriend is actually a girl not a boy"Sameer said with fake horror on his face "And what about you Zaheer, is this why you hate relationships because you are secretly gay....... oh my god and David what about you.... ....oh my god... holy hell ... am I even straight...shit."

I started crying, not because of what Sameer was saying but because the realization of what I had done and what it could do to my relationship with Bunny, I don't want to lose her over my insecurities.

I need to fix this but before this I need to help Ryan, I can see it in his eyes how much kanan means to him, his feelings are way deeper than he thinks, I don't want him to become like me, I don't want him to hide his emotions at least not from the one who he love, Yes love....I mean Ryan came out not only to his friends but to his family too, that is some hardcore feelings going on inside him.

And he just needed a little push, the way he leaped out of the room to go see kanan when I urged him to do so, basically proves my point, there is love.

After Ryan left, Aarti, Zaheer, Sameer, David and I were sitting in his room.

I am not sure what everybody else was doing because my mind was solely focused on finding ways to apologize to bunny.

A poke to my side bought me out of my reverie.

Aarti was looking at me expectantly, I just raised my brow at her, she just gave me the puppy eyes, I don't even know what for.

"What"I asked her.

"Well tell us about bunny" she said excitedly making Zaheer groan and me laugh.

"Oh her name is Natasha, she is a fitness trainer uhmm she occasionally models"I answered not exactly sure what she wanted to know.

"SHOW US HER PHOTO" and no it was not Aarti who screamed but Sameer making even Aarti startle.

"Jeez dude calm down" Zaheer said to him, making Sameer pout which immediately dissolved when David rubbed his back.

Such a baby.

The gasps that I heard when I showed them Bunny's picture made me laugh.

"She is so beautiful" Aarti said.

"Damn what gym she works with" David asked.

I just looked at him for a minute and then said "You would have to ask her yourself"

"Why, you don't know ?" he asked again looking slightly confused.

I shook my head and said "Obviously I know, but I want to introduce her to you all, No more hiding atleast not from you all, My parents....... well they are a different case, I mean if I tell them now I am pretty sure they will just disown me but I don't want the consequences of this to fall on my siblings, just three more years my brother will leave for college this year and sister after two, when both of them will be out of the house , in college away from their manipulative behavior I will tell them."

"It's okay, Do it when you feel comfortable, we are with you and bunny..." Aarti said to me, then she straightened up and asked "Why do you call her bunny?"

"Oh well...She is just super obsessed with carrots, eats them with every meal....that's why..." I replied with a smile.

"Cute" Aarti commented "and even though I want to know every single detail of how you guys met, right now you need to fix the situation."

"Yeah I know" I said with a sigh, without even waiting a second after my reply Aarti started pushing me off the bed.

"What the heck Aarti..." She didn't reply just kept pushing me "Aartiiiii, guys help me" But none of them helped me.

She finally succeeded to land me on my ass, I just glared at her, not even trying to get up and that brat had the audacity to smile at me.

"What was that?"I asked her once I got myself off of the floor.

"Well you gave Ryan the final push to confess to kanan, right"Aarti said.


"So I did the same" she replied cheekily.

I don't know if I should laugh at her or strangle her "So you decided to literally push me, some wise words would have been better."

"Wellll"she just shrugged.


"Okay thank you for the push, literally, I will be going now"I said to all of them.

David stood up from the bed and said "I guess we should also leave, god knows how long Ryan will take."

Everybody agreed except Sameer who said "Nope I think one of us should be here when he returns, I mean what if the kid says something hurtful to him, somebody needs to be here to console him."

"As if he would wanna see your ugly face after kanan hurts him, which I am sure is not even possible" Zaheer said to him which obviously made Sameer pout, he pretended to fake cry and said "You hurt me, right here" sameer said while pointing towards his heart with his middle finger.


I understand that sameer is only trying to look out for Ryan, but let's be honest here Kanan is like a sweet little puppy that cannot hurt anyone, let alone Ryan... I mean I don't talk much, all I do is observe people and if my observation serves me right then the kid already has a crush on Ryan.

"I better be going then, its already 6:30, I need to clear everything with bunny today and I need to go back to hostel by 10"I told everyone while making my way towards the door.

"Why you can stay the night with her right"Aarti asked with a tilt of her head.

"Yeah I mean I can but I only stay with her on weekends and tomorrow is a weekday..."I replied sheepishly.

Aarti just gave me a nod, without probing further.

"Come on I will drop you off"David said while picking up his helmet.

"Nah--" as I was about to deny he held up his hand and said "It's okay Anita, it's not a bother, the sooner you guys talk it out the better."

He do have a point, I just gave him a nod, waving bye to Zaheer, Anita and Sameer who were still lounging in Ryan's bedroom.

Half an hour later I was standing outside Bunny's apartment door.

I knocked; No answer. I knocked again, still No answer.

I even forgot my keys in my book bag which I am sure is lying somewhere in her bedroom.

I sat there, outside the door by the weird plant that the building owner has put near every goddamn door, thank god the flat opposite to bunny was still not sold and very much empty else I would've made a fool out of myself the way I was sprawled.

I wanted to call her but the fear of unknown was not letting me.


I have been waiting for half an hour, I should call her.


She is not picking up my call.


She is still not picking my call.


I have left like 50 messages and 50 calls, still no reply. Guess I am not going hostel today.


Is she okay, or is she just ignoring me, Good god bunny please answer I am afraid.


Bunny please, this is all my fault, I don't even know who to call, if I have ever listened to her and got to know her friends atleast they could have helped me out.


I picked up my phone that was lying by my side, I tried to dial her number once again but the tears were making it hard to see anything, still I dialed her number once again.

No answer.

Bunny, I am sorry.

I started crying hard.

My arms around my knees and my head resting on them.

I didn't even notice the footsteps coming my way not until they stopped right in front of me

"Anita...babe" I jerked my head up hearing her voice.

"Bunny.."I could barely whisper.


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