Judgement (John Seed X Deputy...

By XButton

12.6K 458 32

A sequel to Stockholm Syndrome. John and Harlow survived the collapse but the past still haunts the deputy. W... More

A Note From The Author
1 - The Past
3 - Prosperity
4 - New Eden
5 - Search and Rescue
6 - Under Siege
7 - Family Reunion
8 - Sibling Rivalry
9 - Shadow
10 - Control
11 - Lost Friends
12 - Desire
13 - Cutting A Deal
14 - Tell Me A Story
15 - Negotiator
16 - I've Got Your Back
17 - Locusts
18 - Release Me
19 - Safe and Sound
20 - Yes or No
21 - Speak Up
22 - Some Sunny Day
A Note From The Author

2 - Unexpected Allies

652 26 2
By XButton

Stretching my arm across the bed, it fell limply against empty sheets. Blinking my eyes open wearily, it took me a moment to realise she was gone.

'Harlow?' I mumbled, heaving myself upright and rubbing my eyes with a fist. The gentle patter of rain drummed on the windows. It wasn't unusual for her to get up and sit downstairs if she couldn't sleep or her terrors began to play up. My own sleeping schedule had been severely fucked up for years because of her but I didn't mind so much. Whenever she writhed or screamed next to me, I'd be taken back to the one night at the ranch where she'd soothed my own nightmares. I saw it as repaying the favour. Except I was doing it twelve times over. Stretching my back out, I got up and stood at the top of the staircase. Weird, it was very dark downstairs.

'Harlow?' I called her name this time as I padded down each step slowly. There was no response, no agitated grunt or sarcastic comment. Nothing. Stepping out into the kitchen and living room, her figure was no where to be seen. My eyes fell onto the hook that she'd insisted I put up by the door and my heart fell. 'Not again.' Rushing back upstairs, I yanked on my jeans and jumper as quickly as I could. She'd freeze if she was left outside on her own for too long. Not only was she so damn wrathful but her pride was potentially even worse. Taking the stairs two by two, I grabbed my heavy black combat boots and laced them up rapidly. My fingers fumbled with the fabric and I huffed in annoyance. 'Come on.' I hissed, knotting them tight. The hammering of the rain on the windows reminded me to pick up my black bomber jacket, pulling it around my broad shoulders.

Venturing out into the wilderness, I trudged through the now soaked woodland. Cupping my tattooed hands around my mouth, I called for Harlow over and over but it came to no avail. It was only when a metallic glint from the nearby meadow caught my eye that panic began to manifest inside me. Crouching down, I picked up her damp bow that had been carelessly discarded in the grass. 'No... no...' Shaking my head in disbelief, I looked around frantically but couldn't see a thing in the darkness. 'Harlow! Harlow!' At this point I was nearly screaming, desperate for her to return. Clutching the weapon to my chest, my body began to tremble from both the cold and fear. Without her I couldn't function. I needed her. At a loss with what to do, I slowly rose up and began to walk. I needed help.


'There's someone at the gate!' A young girl pointed from atop wooden rafters, waving frantically at me. 'A man! He looks sad!'

'Carmina I told you to get back to bed-' The unmistakeable voice of Nick Rye filled the night air as he appeared behind who I could only assume was his now grown daughter. His gaze fell onto me and I saw his chest puff up in anger. 'You've gotta be kidding me.'

'What is it?' Kim joined him, her expression shifting from curiosity to pure disgust at the sight of me. 'Carmina, bed.' She tried to usher her daughter away.

'But mom-'

'Now.' Kim's firm tone sent Carmina sloping off, disappointed that she was missing out.

'I'll give you two minutes to get outta here pal or I'll gun you down myself.' Nick threatened, glaring down at me with malice in his eyes.

'Look plane boy, I just need your help.' Dropping Harlow's bow to the damp ground, I raised my hands in submission.

'Pfft you think you can come here for help? Leave our family alone you pig.' Kim snorted, the pair of them turning away to leave. Fumbling in my pocket, I pulled out a picture of Harlow and lifted it into the air.

'I may not deserve your help but she does.' They both paused at my words and I saw Nick's shoulders tense up. Rage, confusion and sorrow coursed through his blood.

'She betrayed us by sleeping with you.' Though he was saying the words, I could tell he didn't fully mean them. Harlow was his best friend and she always would be.

'She saved both of your lives more than once. And she protected your daughter.' They didn't answer me even though my point was valid. Rude as always. Pushing the old me out of my head, I let out an anguished sigh. 'Please Nick, you don't have to do it for me but please do it for her. I don't know what else to do.' Gaze resting on the grass below my feet, I was surprised when the gates to Prosperity clanked open and I was permitted entry. Picking up Harlow's bow, I stepped inside the wooden fort that was once my own ranch.

'Get inside.' Nick shoved me by the shoulder hard towards the entry of the house. Simmering my internal irritation, my boots clunked on the wooden surfaces. Taking in the decor, I couldn't say I cared for what Kim Rye had done to the place. It was definitely missing that expensive touch but given the apocalypse and all that was expected.

'There's a spare room upstairs. Take it for the night and we'll talk in the morning.' Kim eyed me warily, still expecting me to turn any second.

'Thanks.' I stated blandly, starting towards the stairs. Nick stood in my way and pressed a hand to my chest, stopping me from continuing.

'Any funny business and I'll fucking kill you.' He hissed in my ear. Sniffing I took his wrist and yanked his hand away from me, staring him down ominously.

'Whatever you say Rye.' His nostrils flared as I pushed past, shoving my hands in my pockets and trudging upstairs. As I walked out onto the veranda, I bumped into a small figure. Carmina stared up at me in awe and I cocked an eyebrow.

'What you staring at kid?' Despite my grumpy tone she didn't budge, still studying my face with her light blue eyes.

'My daddy says you're a really evil man.'

'Your dad's right.' I replied plainly, folding my arms across my broad chest.

'You don't seem evil.' The cogs in her head seemed to whir as she looked at me. 'You seem lost.' Settling on her answer, I had to smirk at her confidence.

'You're smart.' I stated, warming to her a little bit.

'Did you lose someone in the collapse?' She asked, brunette hair blowing in the cold wind. The rain had stopped an hour or so ago but it's cool presence still lingered in the air.

'Yes, you could say that I suppose.' Staring off into the wilderness, Carmina slipped her small hand into my own.

'I'm sure they'll be okay mister!' Looking back down at her, she beamed up at me before inspecting the tattoos that painted my arms.

'I hope so.' The words caught in my throat a little as I thought of Harlow lost and alone. I so desperately wanted her to be safe.

'Carmina?' Kim's voice echoed from the yard out back and I quickly let go of the child's hand hold.

'Better get going kid.' I patted her on the shoulder gently before moving past and opening the door to my room.

'See you in the morning mister!' Her small voice called after me pleasantly. The sweet tone made a smile tease at the edges of my mouth.

'Goodnight Carmina.'

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